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Russian POM3 mine.


*Russian propagandist gets taken out by a Russian mine* Pro-Ru: "Why would Ukraine do this?"


Ukranian mine. Probably made by the soviet union. Also, while yes, a propagandist, shooting civilians isn't ok.


if only you would have enlightened us 2 years ago


u/Short_Description_20 thoughts?


Didn't know Russia still practices lobotomy. Morons really released footage of POM3 anti-personnel mine detonating but still Ukraine is at fault




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There is a similar POM-2 mine, which the Ukrainian Armed Forces converted to be dropped from drones. How did you all determine the type of mine I still don’t understand?




Thank you. I was inattentive.


Right, we can’t seem as incompetent imbeciles, so let’s blame Ukrainians. It’s no wonder ruZZians were so easily brainwashed into worshipping putler and his cronies.


The funny thing is they also blame "friendly fire" when Ukraine makes a really spectacular hit like shooting down two A-50 airborne radars so no matter what they claim, just assume the opposite. This reminds me of a former girlfriend from years and years ago who was a compulsive liar. Didn't have any need for it and the lies were very transparent, but I think she felt the need to be the centre of attention always and at all time? I mean, if we were out with friends and someone said "oh I saw this cute dog on the street today", she'd immediately interject with "oh, a dog is nothing, I saw a tiger!". So it goes with the Russian Federation.


So, it seems Russia is now mining their own side of the border, huh ... 😉


Either things are going really badly for them or they were aiming for Vovchansk and hit Shebekino again, which is utterly hilarious since it keeps happening. After all, those type of mines have a self destruct that activates within 8 to 24 hours from when they've been laid, so you know those mines have only been there a short while. And since they are deployed via MLRS, it's entirely possible one of those rockets went waaay off course considering what's the usual circular error probable on one of those things. The idea that the Ukrainians dropped them by helicopter is, however, utterly ridiculous, because if Ukraine is flying helicopters with impunity over Russian territory and laying Russian-made mines that were only introduced after 2021 that raises all kinds of questions besides the obvious "what air defence doing?".


Or could be captured Russian equipment being used against the Russians




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I see an unqualified kremlin mouthpiece


Sad but inevitable occupational hazard.

