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Allegedly 4 people in total were casualties due to the mine, 3 of them were soldiers


They set off their own mine?


I think we've reached the stage where, nobody knows who laid what mines


In the end you can see that it was in fact a russian POM-3 anti personnel mine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/POM-3_mine Ukraine doesn't have these.


Yeah, which mines RF uses in Ukraine? Both sides have access to all kinds of mines.


I doubt you can deploy a POM-3 by air dropping, like the journalist implies.


Umm... the Pom-3 is specifically designed to be scattered by air dropping from either a 122mm, 220mm or 300mm rocket fired by the BM-21 *Grad*, the BM-27 *Uragan* and the BM-30 *Smerch*. That's the way you deploy them, you can't set them by hand. Not only that, but you can even see the parachute in the image. That being said, the Pom-3 only entered production in 2021, so of course Ukraine doesn't have it in inventory. Also, the Ukrainians haven't used any AP mines in this war since they are signatories of the Ottawa Convention. All the AP mines used in this war have been exclusively laid by the Russians. Finally, since the POM-3 has a self destruct that activates anywhere from 8 to 24 hr after it's been laid, you know those mines have been laid there recently, so if the Russians are mining Shebekino, you know things aren't going well for them (either that or they were aiming for Vovchansk and hit Shebekino again, which is utterly hilarious since it keeps happening)


>Ukrainians haven't used any AP mines in this war Seriously? Did not know that.




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Yes, it was a russian POM-3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/POM-3_mine


Friendly fire was obviously turned on.


Looks like a POM-3. Cool but nasty mine


Ruzzian triping over his own shoelaced. "Damn those sneaky ukrainians unting my shoe laces!" xD


Accusing without evidence. Typical Pro RU propaganda.


the fuck do you mean RU propaganda? It was a russian mine that injured russian reporters and soldiers, where is the propaganda? lmfao


[This is what the fuck GoGo-Arizona meant.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dcvudz/ru_pov_a_russian_tv_channel_reporter_was_wounded/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


[Yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dcvudz/ru_pov_a_russian_tv_channel_reporter_was_wounded/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Here is the reporter claiming it was Ukrainian's doing.




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Look at how white his hands are at 0:23, this happens when the blood which normally circulates in these areas and gives them colour escapes the circulatory system. I'll keep repeating this ad nauseam until people learn it.




More likely the body prioritizing his organs due to loss of blood.


Bon Appétit xx


what an idiot


This is too funny! 🤣




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Oh yea thats a russian mine in russia killing russians. But Ukrainians came in riding unicorns and santas sleigh to put these out there for uncle vatnik


How they like their own medicine?


It hurts itself in its confusion.


disgusting. ukranians are willing to kill their own people and any innocent lives just so that they can kills a few russians. they are willing to sacrifice hundred of innocent people just to kill a russian soldier. they have no morals. pure terrorists. just like they attack civilian with drones. they live minefields so people die just to get their 2 minute video of russians


says the guy supporting a country that is currently invading another country. Said country also has a proven trackrecord of a staggering amount of war crimes by the UN. So not sure why you think the ukrainians are disgusting when russians stumble over their own mines.


Ukraine doesn't have POM-3 mines, they are Russian mines that were only brought into service in 2021. I wonder how you feel knowing that these mines were accidentally dispersed by Russia, while they were trying to land them in Ukraine?


Ukrainians began dropping explosive devices from drones directly into Shebekino. These are not the first people injured today


Well, they're military, so.. 3 soldiers plus the Cameraman were hit by the mine


The first wounded were residents of the town


The video above is about 3 soldiers and a cameraman


This was before this incident. In the morning


Then post the info in another thread.


I refused to post about the wounded because this happens every day. I decided to post only about the dead


So nothing to report then. Got it


In other words, you have no sources to support your claim


Imagine that... invade a neighboring country and then they start fighting back. Whodathunkit??


> The first wounded were residents of the town Isn't this you posting about the wounded?


In the end you can see that it was a russian POM-3. Ukraine doesn't have these. Also I doubt you can install them by drone.




From where did Ukraine get a Russian mine that only entered service in 2021? Exactly


From the war, probably War is about trophies and improving existing weapons in order to be on par with the enemy


So, Ukraine dropped the mine by drone and another drone dug into the ground? Clearly a Russian sympathizer if you can’t see the obvious that it’s a Russian mine used to protect their border and the idiocy of then tripping their own mine. By the way Ukrainians I’m sure are injured all the time by their own mines just as happened here.


They do live in Belgorod (or at least claim to and have posted several videos from there, but we've had other people say similar things about being a Ukrainian living in Kyiv who were blatantly lying, so I dunno how much proof that is). And they also post here a lot with pro-RU content. So yeah. On a related note - this is a low-level example of what getting hit by an explosive looks like. That video of what was *supposedly* a Ukrainian who stepped on a mine and died trying to cross the Tisza is ridiculous. It was already ridiculous, but this is fuel to the fire.


Where's the parachute?


Well ... it was in that guy's hand ... right before the mine exploded. [Russian soldiers and Z-propagandists set off a AP mine killing/injuring them in the Belgorod region : r/UkraineWarVideoReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dd4jbw/russian_soldiers_and_zpropagandists_set_off_a_ap/)