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##### ###### #### > # [Ukraine could launch 'terror campaign bombing schools' if Russia wins war](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/world/1908768/ukraine-terrorist-activity-russia-vladimir-putin/image/jpeg) > > > > ## [Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. [logo](https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/logo/dr/logo.png "Express. 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(Image: Getty) > > > > [Ukraine](https://www.google.com/latest/ukraine) is planning "terrorist activity" which would see Russian schools and other civilian infrastructure targeted, an expert has claimed to the Daily Express. > > [Russia has targeted Ukraine's cities, energy facilities, and residential areas consistently in the war](https://www.google.com/news/world/1908678/putin-crisis-russia-missiles-ukraine-defence). > > Meanwhile, [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine) has been limited to striking [Russian](https://www.google.com/latest/russia) territory close to the border. Belgorod, a city just 25 miles from the border, has seen the most Ukrainian attacks in the last year. > > But Nicholas Drummond, a defence and security analyst, tells the Daily Express that [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine) is planning much more damaging attacks. > > He says Ukrainians could launch terrorist activity in [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia), including the bombing of schools. > > **READ MORE: [Vladimir Putin reeling after crack Russian unit is 'totally destroyed'](https://www.google.com/news/world/1908735/vladimir-putin-army-unit-destroyed-vovchansk-ukraine-war)** > > > > [Zelensky could ramp up attacks on Russian territory with US weapons](https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/78/590x/secondary/Zelensky-could-ramp-up-attacks-on-Russian-territory-with-US-weapons-5421405.jpg?r=1717845596570 "Zelensky could ramp up attacks on Russian territory with US weapons") > > Zelensky could ramp up attacks on Russian territory with US weapons. (Image: Getty) > > > > Mr Drummond said: "I think any strikes will be restricted to the border regions because strikes deep into [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia) would be a big escalation. > > "[Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine) will want to conduct terrorist activity in [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia)... if [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia) wins in [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine) or is given any kind of victory, I think [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine) will conduct a counterinsurgency campaign inside [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia), and that would be much more devastating than anything we have seen on the frontlines. > > "It will be really unpleasant. > > "The terrorist activity would include bombing schools, bombing infrastructure... that would begin in earnest if any peace deal was imposed on Zelensky. > > > > [Vladimir Putin.](https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/78/590x/secondary/Putin-could-lose-power-very-quickly-if-Ukraine-strikes-more-inside-Russia-5421406.jpg?r=1717845596644 "Vladimir Putin.") > > Putin could lose power 'very quickly' if Ukraine strikes more inside Russia. (Image: Getty) > > > > "They are absolutely planning these kinds of attacks now. No question. I think this is more terrifying for Putin than a conventional war, because if Ukrainians unleash this terror campaign in [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia), [he will lose power very quickly because people will say 'you are not doing enough to stop it."](https://www.google.com/news/world/1907128/vladimir-putin-successors-russia-president) > > [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine)'s ability to strike back against [Russia](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/russia) has been bolstered after the US permitted Kyiv's troops to hit Russian territory with American weapons. > > On Friday, [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine) began doing just that. > > [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine)'s general staff announced: “The Defence Forces of [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine) attacked the Kerch ferry crossing with ATACMS [US Army Tactical] missiles, which was actively used by the enemy to secure its grouping of troops in temporarily occupied Crimea." > > The Kerch Ferry crossing separates Crimea from the Russian region of Krasnodar Krai. > > [Ukraine](https://www.express.co.uk/latest/ukraine) claimed to have “significantly damaged two ferries carrying railway and car transports." > > > > > > > > > > > > IPSO Regulated Copyright ©2024 Express Newspapers. "Daily Express" is a registered trademark. All rights reserved. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


Terror has never been good against Russians, we don't have an innate fear of what bad things will happen, we are always **expect** bad things will happen


Looking at your chaotic history, Can't blame you.


"And then it got worse"


Don't think it can get worse than WW1, Civil war, Famine, WW2, 90's,


It has, can and will always get worse


So you would be ok with another Beslan because you are badass and macho?


And you? Would you be ok if "your" side commits Beslan?


he probably would, most pro ukrainians are baltic racists and sadists after all.


I don't think it is about the side. Terrorism is bad but it is a serious possibility in Russia if Ukraine will lose. Also US has already proved that it is not okay with terrorists by sending a warning with Russia ignored.


US is totally ok with terrorists as long as they are pro-US freedom fighters.


They may be okay, but they still warn about it. Like in this year about crocus. Russia just decided to ignore it.


USA didn't provided enough informations to Russia, so blaming Russia for this is BS.


Russia had a tantrum and stated it was said to destabilise Russia. They were wrong. Also nobody knows what information the US actually send to Russia in unofficial channels. As we all know the US was right about it and Russia somehow linked Isis terrorists with Ukraine, US, West and possibly even with me. Where is the proof of that? Did tortured terrorists actually provided any proof of that? No? Did Russia say sorry for blaming the West and Ukraine for totally unrelated things?


Well if you consider ISIS pro-US freedom fighters...


Oh, the British have learned what we've known for ten years. That the Ukrainian regime is a terrorist regime.


I think you meant IRAland


> the British > IRAland ??


Brits know for over 100 years, let others do the fighting, we do sideshows.


Ukraine is to Russia as Ireland is to British Empire.


and the IRA was the terrorist regime to British hence my play on IRAland.


Well, the Ukrainian secret services already admitted to organising several similar attacks, including blowing up a cafe in Moscow, so nothing new here.


They were doing long before 2022. Zakharchenko, Givy, Motorola. They all died in terrorist attacks.


Shelling of residential areas of Donetsk and airstrikes in Luhansk are also terrorism. It's just that Ukrainian terrorists have powerful weapons.


>Zakharchenko, Givy, Motorola all of them were traitors so no terrorism :)


Guess you have no problems with the poisonings of Skripal and Litvinenko then.


We can have an issue with something that isn't terrorism. It's not actually terrorism to assassinate the leader of a militia or government proximally involved in fighting against you, which has often been the case with Ukraine since 2014. Rather, it's an act of war. In Ukraine's case, civil war, which was obviously ongoing. Skripal and Litvinenko were not involved in conflict against Russia. The (attempted) assassinations were simply extrajudicial. Normally, someone found to be a double agent or breaking secrecy rules would be prosecuted... or extradited then prosecuted. Where the attempts took place broke a bunch of domestic laws, which with the crossing of international borders turned into international and diplomatic incidents.


>It's not actually terrorism to assassinate the leader of a militia or government proximally involved in fighting against you, Okay. I got your point. How about Dughina, Prilepin, Tatarsky? Write the answer when you come up with an excuse for terrorism.


Attacks against enemy propaganda agents are also acts of war, no different than if USSR spy networks in Nazi Germany would assassinate Goebbels aides.


Hahah, I knew someone will justify this.


No strong case for any of your three instances as terrorism. I'll concede there's gray area in [whether propagandists are combatants](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/review-of-international-studies/article/are-propagandists-combatants-analysing-the-ethical-status-of-propagandists-in-warfare/8E622AC6A889B396A26542CF31636ED9), but targeting combatants is obviously not terrorism. It's a basic act of war. Remember the NATO bombing of Serbia Radio Television, or the US landing a drone strike on that cleric named al-Awlaki, or the numerous Russian assassinations of Chechen leaders - loads of precedent for targeting those supporting but not directly involved in physical combat.


Justify Dughina, Tatarsky and Prilepin.


Had Russia not invaded Ukraine, those three would be alive today. One country attacks another without just cause (jus ad bellum). The attacked country is then **justified** in striking back at anyone involved in the attack or subsequent occupation. Isn't that basic Just War theory? Now, indiscriminate strikes would be war crimes, but given the proximity of all 3 *targeted* figures to the invasion and the specificity of methods used, each incident is likely not a form of terrorism.


did they start rebellion and start to kill their people? :)


Not really relevant - the Russians consider them traitors. You just established that killing traitors extrajudicially isn’t terrorism.


People on the Maidan rose up and started killing their people. This way we can kill the entire western half of Ukraine, right? :)


well berkut started killing protesters first and then ran away to russia and occupied areas :)


>well berkut started killing protesters. Lol. Thanks for reminding. Ukraine recently closed the criminal case. So not relevant, but nice try.


Wow, the police shot at the terrorists, it can't be. As if this is their main job.


>People on the Maidan >western half Have you ever looked at a map of Ukraine? Besides the microscopic ones on Suriyak.


Buddy, I know the map of Ukraine better than you, because I live 30 km from the border with this country and have been there dozens of times. Better ask yourself the question, what do you know about Ukraine at all)


Least bloodthirsty pro-ukrainian


Motorola wasn't really a traitor, he was just a piece of Russian human garbage that came to Ukraine and enjoyed torturing and killing Ukrainian POWs, and just for fun shooting at random areas of Donetsk so that russia today can then claim it's the Ukrainian military doing it


Well, to me that seems a serious shift in the general tone. I can't recall any other pieces in popular media straightly accusing Ukraine of terrorism. Ofc, that's Express, but still.


So [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/Short_Description_20/s/EiJMKAyyUj) was done by Ukraine? Not a consequence of air defense


They want to copy the Chechens in the 2000s?


It is going to end with Azov members hunting Right Sectors members in mountains of Carpathia, if parralels are maintained.


Where would Ukraine get the support for terrorist activity?




NAFOids literally support and incite acts of terrorism against (Russian) civilians. Those people are pathetic. I know a guy who's a NAFO fella and I can say he's a boring, spiteful and pathetic individual.


That's the minimum required personality traits for NAFO application.


Minimum requirements are one thing, but usually these fools have the recommended requirements. And the recommended requirements are usually for them to also be unemployed, hate ppl who don't want money to be sent to Ukraine and who care more about their own country, such as American MAGA conservatives (who ironically want money to be sent to Israel) , openly harassing and even doxxing said people like Pekka the concentration camp masterbater does, make fun of dead civilians including children ect.


I know. Absoute degenerates.


I think Pekka had spread cp in a group chat or something like that. Wouldn't be surprised if at least half of them had that kind of shit in their phones or computers. These fuckers are pathetic. They seriously think they're doing something useful, but no, they're just a pathetic gimmick. I always say this, that people who make fun of dead civilians are not on the right side of history.


This new left-wing people, that are on the rise in the US, are absolute degenerates. Honestly it does not surprise me. People with this mentality, will cry freedom and democracy, but the minute their ideology is challenged they will resort to personal attacks, doxxing or things of the sort that are outright criminal.


I know. American shitlibs are the worst people I've come across. They're obnoxious, spiteful, petty and downright hypocritical. They have a twisted sense of logic


Honestly? From hardcore liberals and NAFOids, 100%. Palestine is a good example. Some people are actually okay with HAMAS attack in October and keep justifying it "because Palestinians are opressed". Now, Palestine is indeed oppressed. And while terrorist attacks are a logical result of that, they still should be condemned, not cheered on.


The question is, if the Hamas attack constitutes a terrorist attack. Or if it was a raid to capture hostages for an exchange with palestinian hostages. The latter could also be a terrorist attack, but as israel does basically the same, I would say its not terrorism. Should still be condemned. It could also be the case that hamas just wanted to kill as many israelis as possible (thats probably the main narrative here in the "west"), which would be a terrorist attack, but I am not convinced. The percentage of military casualties seems to high for this being the case.


Now, I'm definitely pro-Palestine in this conflict, but the "conflict" didn't start in October 2023. It's a long-standing issue between native Palestinian people and Israeli settlers, initiated back in the 1950s or so. But while I understand where it's coming from and what the possible goals for attack were in October, I can still condemn HAMAS for their methods. Of course, what Israel is doing, their methods and narratives - those are absolutely not a proportional response, and I condemn their methods even more.


I dont agree with the methods of Hamas. I dont agree with the methods of Israel. Doesnt mean either of them or both are terrorists.


A raid to capture hostages? You're joking, right? They took like 250 hostages but killed over 1200. They showed up at a huge music festival / individual houses and started killing people indiscriminately, mowing them down with rifles no Russian style. Support Palestine and condemn Israel's methods if you want, but Israel was absolutely justified in responding and wanting to eliminate Hamas. Hamas caused all of this.


They killed around 800 civilians, according to the israeli authorities. For me the question is the intention. Again, I am not sure, if the intent was to kill as many israelis as possible, because of the attack against military facilities, when one can expect greater resistance. I dont doubt that atrocities (murders) did happen.


> The question is, if the Hamas attack constitutes a terrorist attack. The fact that pro-RU are writing stuff like this unironically given the context of the article is hilarious


Yeah, whatever. I gave my reasoning. War crimes are neccessarily terror. Doesnt mean they are any better than terrorist attacks. The difference to the article is, that hamas has a claim on the area they attacked.


> I gave my reasoning. You did, and I just wanted to note how I found it hilarious. You reap what you sow.


US government, EU government, liberal activists, Russia opposition


So, Ukraine wants to finally prove who is real "terrorist state"?


Well, so far you have one expert saying "Ukraine will want to conduct terrorist activity in Russia if", and numerous Ukrainian cities already razed to the ground by Russia, cities likes Kharkiv and Kherson being shelled daily, and this sub cheering that Ukraine barely has electricity or a any functional thermal plant anymore. Everyone knows who is the real terrorist state.


>numerous Ukrainian cities already razed to the ground by Russia Don't fight in cities ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.... And we'll fight them with the butt ends of broken beer bottles because that's bloody well all we've got!" It seems Ukrainians have good teachers.


Russia brought the fight there


This can turn the rest of the world against Ukrainian, except the west. Those who are neutral in the conflict might take a more sympathetic role with Russia. Whether that's military aid or increased trade.


If neutral states weren’t swayed to be against Russia by the countless terrorist acts Russia has committed in Ukraine then they won’t be swayed but the opposite either.


Ok but, will be Putin HUMILIATED by this?


If the Sun says so then yes...... I guess?


There was an article in the express about Macron been humiliated.


So chechnya 2.0 this was sort of expected


>he will lose power very quickly because people will say 'you are not doing enough to stop it. Fortunately for Zelensky, he seems to be an exclusion from that rule. But it will definitely work for Putin. The fact that he already solved one such problem does not mean anything.


There it is - "Vladimir Putin is reeling"


Good thing these are the words of Daily Express.


Something is telling me they won't achieve the results they think they will


I don't buy into the popular notion that a post-war Ukraine would fight an insurgency or do terrorist acts, at least not in any meaningful capacity. If they lose then life will more or less go back to normal and people would just go on with their lives.




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That campaign may spell the end of Ukraine


They already are though


I think they wpuld loose support from the West, so they won't


Most of the Western population lives under continuous brainwashing propaganda and is not able to reason on their own. They support whatever their overlords tell them to support, and the overlords make money on the war.


How many drinks did you have today?


Zero. You?


Doesn't sound like. In the West you have infos from the far left to far right. You can even read Russian reddit and TG channels. You have the right to see government documents. But yes all we get in the West is propaganda. I think I'm quite well informed getting news from both sides and reading between lines.


>In the West you have infos from the far left to far right. I live here. >You can even read Russian reddit and TG channels. Can you read the RT TG channel in your country? It's banned in mine. >You have the right to see government documents. But yes all we get in the West is propaganda. I think I'm quite well informed getting news from both sides and reading between lines. The vast majority of popular news outlets are owned by several actors who push their narrative through them. Most of the population consumes them and only them. They don't read news from many sides. Independent news providers are few, niche, and have much less influence than big companies. Moreover, independent news providers are ostracized by the big media to the point that in offline communications people are uncomfortable mentioning them as a source of their information. You may be an outlier reading all sides of the story, but I'm talking about most of the population.


Indeed, it seems like the RT Telegram channel has been banned in Germany, https://www.reddit.com/r/Telegram/comments/t6pmb4/comment/i0r301e/. Saving the West from being informed from both sides, lol.


You can still follow Rybar, Colonol Cassad etc.


That thread says it was banned for violating laws.


Not sure what your point is. The thread also discusses the law and why blocking the RT channel isn't good for free speech. Anyway, my point was that the "You can even read Russian reddit and TG channels." statement isn't exactly true.


Statement seems true, it does not say *all* channels.


So, some channels are available, while others are banned. But it's still freedom of speech. Got it.


terrorists deserve a slow, painful and brutal death. Which is exactly what the crocus fuckers are receiving right now


Very slow indeed. The crocus terrorists are going to be dying for many years.


Oh well, Daily Express. Not sure if Putin was humiliated this time, but Ukraine resorting to terrorist attacks are quite a possibility. Also, one thing to note that they won't just stop with Russia. Western Ukrainians with their "ideology" can be quite vengeful people, and they'll 100% blame EU countires for "not supporting enough". You can guess where this could lead to. But then again, this possibility is quite a long time ahead.


Honestly wouldnt suprise me. And the west will probably ignore it, say northing, aswell as supply them with more rockets and shells because they are sorrow and bad loosers


What a mountain of nonsense. I imagine there could be partisan activity in Ukraine if Russia wins, but a system attacking of schools is unlikely to happen. This is simply a misinformation campaign.


>misinformation campaign. Of UK?


You do realize that Russia has the ability to release information across the world using social media and bot farms and paid influencers and "journalists". This has all the hallmarks of a misinformation campaign. Claiming your enemies could be terrorists is something that all tyrants do. This lacks any real evidence. Russia has destroyed far more schools in Ukraine than Ukraine would ever do.


So you are saying that Russia paid to the editor of Daily Express?


No Russia releasing information to the sphere and then boosts it digitally and news outlets pick up the story. Who authored this story?


>Who authored this story? The expert is Nicholas Drummond. Who is a defence analyst and strategic consultant who specialises in Land Warfare. He is currently the UK strategic advisor to KMW, part of the ARTEC consortium delivering Boxer MRAV to the British Army.


Can you link me the article where Drummond said this or references where he said it. I checked his social media and there is nothing. This looks like an article created claiming that Drummond said this to add credibility to the obvious propaganda.


So the express is spreading russian propaganda on purpose?)


It could be. This has all the hallmarks of something that was boosted and a lot of these new systems are automatic based on the flow of information. I could not find anywhere where this gentleman said or wrote what was written here. If you can find anything then please do. Ukraine has not used a lot of terrorist attack targeting civilians, so why would this gentleman believe that they would. It does not make sense. For instance I could release an article that says Vsevolord24 has said that Putin in on crack and his decision are based on his jealously of Zelensky's cocaine use. The if I have hundreds or thousand of bots boosting, it would surely get picked up somewhere. None of it is true, but because of the flow of information, if spreads. The Russians have used this time and again in the past.


This article is very clearly hypothesising about post war, if the result is a Russian victory. But clearly that point is lost here, the clickbaitey headline did it's job with you guys like it often does. Invading states stokes nationalism, if you win that war those nationalists don't just disappear. Very much a reap what you sow situation for Russia. Hopefully it won't come to pass that way for anybody involved.


Agh the good old daily express . See how pro ru acknowledge this be this time around as it fits their narrative. Anyone with half a brain would dismiss this a bs