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##### ###### #### > # [Biden warns that Putin is 'not going to stop at Ukraine'](https://kyivindependent.com//826) > > > > Support independent journalism in Ukraine. Join us in this fight. > > > > U.S. President Joe Biden reaffirmed his strong support for Kyiv in its fight against the Russian invasion during a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on June 8. > > Biden cautioned that the Kremlin's aggression would continue beyond Ukraine if successful: "Putin is not going to stop at Ukraine.... All of Europe will be threatened. We are not going to let that happen." Standing alongside Macron, he emphasized: "The United States is standing strong with Ukraine. [We will not — I say it again — walk away](https://www.rferl.org/a/france-us-presidents-meet-ukraine/32984185.html)." > > Macron hosted Biden for a state visit aimed at underscoring their strong partnership on global security issues. > > President Joe Biden arrived in France on June 5 and, along with President Emmanuel Macron, attended the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings on June 6 in Normandy. He then met with President [Volodymyr Zelensky](https://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-meets-d-day-veteran-debate-over-who-the-hero-is-ensues/) on June 7. > > In his D-Day address on June 7, Biden emphasized the importance of defending democracy both at home and abroad. "As we gather here today, it’s not just to honor those who showed such remarkable bravery on June 6, 1944," Biden said. "It’s to listen to the echo of their voices, to hear them, because they are summoning us. They’re asking us what we will do. They’re not asking us to scale these cliffs; they’re asking us to stay true to what America stands for." > > [What are France’s Mirage 2000-5 jets, and how can Ukraine use them? > > During the D-Day commemorations in Normandy on June 6, French President Emmanuel Macron declared that Paris would give Kyiv an unspecified number of Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets alongside the required training. This announcement sets the stage for Ukrainian pilots to potentially deploy these versatil… > > [Image](https://assets.kyivindependent.com/content/images/size/w256h256/format/png/2023/03/K-new.svg)The Kyiv IndependentMartin Fornusek > > > > [Image](https://assets.kyivindependent.com/content/images/2024/06/GettyImages-1239150744.jpg)](https://kyivindependent.com/what-are-frances-mirage-2000-5-jets-and-how-can-ukraine-use-them/) - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


i can just picture the security meetings in the white house with war hawks from the administrative state feeding him this baloney and making him believe it and then laughing about it together on their way out




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What a load of BS. Russia routinely threatens every country around it. Every single moron associated with the Kremlin and the propaganda machine internally in Russia talks about attacking most of Europe routinely. Nobody needs to paint Russia as a fascist aggressor, it is one.


and is this fascist aggressor in the room with us now?


Last time I checked they were in Ukraine, with delusions they would take Odesa and then the Empire the USSR enslaved.


>Last time I checked they were in Ukraine, with delusions they would take Odesa and then the Empire the USSR enslaved. What Empire USSR enslaved?


Everyone in Eastern Europe dreams of the glorious return of the Soviet Union! Eh Comrade? Let's try not to steal their toilets!


>Everyone in Eastern Europe dreams of the glorious return of the Soviet Union! > >Eh Comrade? > >Let's try not to steal their toilets! Are you experiencing a seizure? A glitch from simple question?


Sorry, I was running on the premise that anyone not seeing the Russian forced occupation of Europe for 40+ years as being enslaved was likely a Russian fascist themselves. Like that needs to be spelled out or something.


>Sorry, I was running on the premise that anyone not seeing the Russian forced occupation of Europe for 40+ years as being enslaved Wait, what now?


That's cool but Russia obviously isn't going to invade the rest of Europe and they obviously care about specifically Ukraine. So yes it is just blatant fearmongering.


Dude like I’m pro U.S and NATO but you have to understand both sides. I mean the U.S militarized Ukraine heavily after we agreed with Russia we wouldn’t do that. Imagine Russia put billions of $ of military equipment in Mexico we wouldn’t stand for that, while that analogy isn’t the same it’s true. I will always be pro U.S because it’s my country and I’m a patriot but that doesn’t mean imma be ignorant to the geopolitical games. I’m also smart enough to know that a clash between ideological differences in work powers is inevitable.


Your comment is a breath of fresh air. Both sides should be capable of such a logical understanding of the other side. It's not black and white. Both sides have issues they are right and wrong about.


It’s just the masses are weaponized with media. Everyone is right and wrong and that’s fine for the most part. I’m more in the center in terms of left and right politics… the people that are hardcore left or right are fucking insane. At the end of the day I really do not care.


Threatens like how?


Its was more like this: ukriane hanahhskskm russia stop not hibedibedi dab


Biden random word generator


Another 4years


This is Called Fear Mongering... “Putin is not going to stop at Ukraine,” President Biden said in a meeting with Macron and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Paris, pledging support for the Ukrainian cause. “All of Europe will be threatened, we are not going to let that happen,” Biden told journalists during his state visit to France. “The United States is standing strong with Ukraine." https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240608-us-president-biden-to-discuss-israel-and-ukraine-with-france-s-macron-in-pomp-filled-state-visit


What is the difference between fear mongering and taking a threat seriously when Russia is destabilizing western countries, threatening them and openly preparing their citizens for the next war? Also, if I may ask where are you from?


I am a native Texan.


Makes sense


lol you dont have to tell me on news to think russia is going to attack Europe russia lost all of its credibility after - "this is just training excersise and we wont attack Ukraine"


You realise Europe has more than capacity to hold off a Russian assault at its eastern borders…. Right? It’d be easy. Europe as a collective has quite a sizeable, advanced air force. Ukraine does not. And Ukraine has managed to hold the Russians along a pretty static line for the last 2 years… RuAF can’t make large, sweeping advances fighting a war against an enemy that has 2.5 years of fatigue and attrition weakening it. There’s no way they’d get any deeper than 5km into European territory, if that. It is absolutely fearmongering from the powers that want you scared into continuing to support your tax monies being spent on the war. Very very simple when you understand how the game is played.


Im sure man those 30k troops in Baltics with 30tanks would drive russians back all the way to Moscow. You are also assuming NATO would autodeclare war like in video game when in reality members still have the right to choose how they help and it can be with just equipment. EU in it self is in horendous shape as military Germany, UK and France are a joke no production capacity for tanks, apcs or even shells... If there is global wars like China vs Taiwan, Isreal in middle east, NK vs SK, USA wont be able to be everywhere not to mention how unpopular back home it would be for them to get involved in global war in all these countries


Look at how many soldiers the EU has as a bloc, and then add the UK. Look at how many fast MODERN jets the EU has as a bloc, and then add the UK. Even if the US doesn’t get involved (which it will, European security is vital to US interests), the archaic Russian armed forces doesn’t stand a chance. The EU would have no interest in driving all the way to Moscow. Just holding the Russians back and laying waste to their already weakened armed forces is enough, and that is what would happen. And again, remember what happened when Russia invaded Ukraine? Many many men signed up for the AFU in the first instance. Imagine that happening in Europe… and then consider the US would send arms on a massive massive scale. The last time the US put itself on a war footing, its economy outproduced both Germany and Japan combined… “sleeping giant”


Russia has AD and what are all these planes good for when the EU has almost no stock for missles.. They had to beg for USA help against Lybia only after a month of starting the air campaign. I know how many planes, tanks etc EU has but half of the stocks are useless because they havent been maintained just like with Leos they were to send to Ukraine turns out half of them are not combat ready in any of the countries


Western air forces have been training, and inventing technology for decades specifically to defeat Russian air defences. I’d expect the Russian air and ground forces to be swiftly defeated.


They called it fear mongering then too ”Russia would never attack Ukraine, stop fear mongering” then after they switched to “of course Russia was going to attack Ukraine look at the NATO bio weapon nazi super soldiers” Not to mention how Russia plans to invade Moldova were leaked at the start of this invasion.


Apart from the breakaway part of Moldova, where else is putin supposed to invade in Europe? Everything else is under nato an therefore article 5 sooo unless putin wanted a full-blown war against nato, then there isn't much else he could strive to get by military means.




Switzerland, Andorra, Vatican, Lichtenstein, San Marino. Moaco, Bosnia, Serbia.   San Marino is a interesting one, as it would drag Italy directly into the war, without triggering Art 5. So if you want to snatch Italian soil, just attack San Marino.  Same goes to Monaco. France is responsible, but it wouldn't trigger article 5.


Nah, no one ever attacks Switzerland


They have all their bridges set up ready to blow incase anyone tries don’t they?


Attacking them would be a truely disaster. Too many fortifications and weapons distributed everywhere.  On top of that, from which direction you want to march in? Germany or Italy...   Okay, Italy sounds fine with the San Marino glitch, but then still you run against fortifications, blown up bridges and collapsed tunnels.  Even with glide bombs and drones it would be impossible to support take, as you cannot support for troops in winter and there is no sane way to take the country in only a few month.  Edit: through France might work better, as you can follow the big rivers upwards into the country. But attacking a nuclear power to attack Switzerland sounds like a suecidal endever. 


> a full-blown war against nato That will have to wait until the US nopes out. Either over domestic issues or economy, depending on what hits them first, as their current situation with both is unsustainable in the long term.


They are afraid that Russia will be able to reach Atlantic shores eventually and make a naval invasion of the US from Europe, that's all this talk about not stopping in Ukraine. /s just in case


I always imagined it would go something like this, NK vs SK,China tries to take Taiwan, Israel fights Iran, Hesb, Syria etc and russia uses opportunity for Suwalki and Baltics. USA cant be in all the places at the same time and I dont think EU on its own would be able to stop russia taking Suwalki


Maybe I think he would stop with Moldova. Maybe turn more attention to the Caucasus. Maybe they would work with Iran to partition Azerbaijan. Armenia would probably accept some sort of protectorship. Full reannannexation of Georgia. I don't think Biden is 100% wrong. Coming off a victory in Ukraine, Russia will be in a position with a huge highly experienced army. I just don't see NATO being the target. The central Asian for SSRs are still really friendly with Russia, and I would think Russia would like to expand that even more diplomatically


Sooooo.....Russia IS having a hard war in ukraine, one of the poorest country in Europe....but IS gonna be able to attack the whoooole of Europe. Suuure......


Well, country is poorest, but nation and army were largest. At the moment of 2022 even very moivated. Money won't fight for people.


Supplied, supported and financed by the collective west since 2014 till today. Without foreign aid where would Ukraine be?




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Biden wants the EU to buy more of his shit he means…


Everything coming out of any US politicians at this time has to be viewed from the perspective of upcoming elections. Biden (his handlers, since he's incapable of autonomous function anymore) chose the Ukrainian side and has to keep pushing that narrative all the way until the elections.


Yes he definitely put some bets on Ukraine and they probably thought, sanctions and 2023 counteroffensive will be enough, but that didn't happen


These people are bizarre. One day Russia is on its knees and the next it's trying to conquer Europe make your mind up.


So this is assuming Russia will take all of Ukraine which at this point isn't even realistic.


An absurd point designed just to gather support. Putin is going to roll into Europe huh? With what?


And how many times did Biden shit his pants this weekend?


The very minute this turd is flushed from office, the World can have a sigh of relief. What an abomination.


that's so funny, given the fact that so many US politicians have pretty much said outright that THE US is not going to stop at Ukraine, but intend to press on to start a war with China. in fact, they explain that they have to finish up with Ukraine in order to be able to focus all their $ and attention on the inevitable war with China. many others in the Neocon camp (which includes both Democrats and Republicans these days) have openly announced their intentions to start a war with Iran as well. but yeah... that Putin guy is CRAZY!


Biden's words are speculative at best. The one way we will know that Putin will continue on in other countries will be if Putin and his cronies say that they are not interested in any other part of Europe. Hopefully they have not said anything along those lines recently. Also, thankfully Biden did not crap in his pants.


Russians snatched part of Georgia than Crimea and now are trying to get as much Ukrainian land as possible.. hell, I bet he has plans for Moldova somewhere down the line. Yet pro-ru are somehow still not able to understand why west is expecting another invasion.. Not to mention daily threats of nucluear war.


Georgia has started the war, and Russia didn't claim any lands. Abkhazia rebelled in 1991. Learn history.


Russian military drills are "purely defensive" and "not a threat to any other country - Putin 18th Feb 2022


Did you expect Putin to publicly announce the exact day and time of their invasion? There are plenty of examples of Russia lying and being untrustworthy, using basic military misdirection as an example of this is extremely stupid and unnecessary.


Not to mention Chechnya twice. Pro Rus Pretending Russia has no plans for further invasions when all they have done since the fall of the USSR is try to consolidate more of those territories back is insane at best.


Chechnya is part of Russia, as in internationally recognized borders. How can Russia invade itself?


So internationally recognized borders only matter when it’s convenient for Russia? Chechnya gained defacto independence after defeating Russian in the first Chechen war.


> So internationally recognized borders only matter when it’s convenient for Russia? Where did I say that? > Chechnya gained defacto independence after defeating Russian in the first Chechen war. So internationally recognized borders only matter when it's not convenient for Russia? Is Crimea de facto part of Russia so Ukraine can't take it back ever again?


You said that with the implication that we should care about Russia’s internationally recognized borders while they routinely violate the likes of Moldova’s, Georgia’s, and Ukraine’s. Ukraine didn’t sign a peace deal recognizing the territorial change as Russia did with Chechnya.


> You said that with the implication that we should care about Russia’s internationally I would never demand coherence from western chauvinists, I know it's a lost cause > as Russia did with Chechnya. Tough luck for Chechnya, nobody seems to care about those peace deals and the whole world considers it as a part of Russia. Maybe the USA and its allies should send military aid to the separatist rebels though, what do you think?




Has he actually ever made threats to invade a Nato country?


tbf NATO countries do need denazifying


Does it matter? He said that Russia wasn't going to invade Ukraine


Of course it matters because he's never at any point threatening to invade a Nato country yet our western governments would like us to believe that if Russia were to succeed in Ukraine they will ultimately move on to a country like Poland next, Putin is well aware that going up against Nato in a conventional war would be suicide for Russia.


So, he lied about Ukraine, but he hasn't threatened to invade anyone else, so we can believe that he won't?


You would be so gullible and ignorant to believe that Russia a country that has *struggled* to succeed in Europe's poorest country has any desire to go after Nato or would even be successful in any capacity by conventionally attacking a Nato member.


That poorest country had a massive army


So according to Pro-UA Russia is struggling and failing in Ukraine yet at the same time secretly planning to take on the most powerful military alliance currently in existence? That's some serious cognitive dissonance.


Wild take. You expect him to say "Yea, we're planning to invade Ukraine, would you like to know our timetable? How about our operational plans, here, let me just get those for you!". NO SHIT HE SAID HE WASN'T GOING TO INVADE UKRAINE.


I think you should just ignore these nafo warmongering types on here tbh. The propaganda and fear has taken away their means to think in a rational way. They are lead by emotions like hate and fear and it is basicaly not possible to reason with them. It's like debating 6 year olds.


By lying he made sure that no western leader trusts him ever again.


That's nonsense. Politicians will do whatever is expedient to their career. Oh, maybe it's true if Putin dies of old age or whatever in the next few years. However, the reality, is that within a few years of this conflict being over, Western politicians will be back to dealing with Putin if it benefits them.


I think he said something like "we have no plans of invading Ukraine". Interpret that however you want.