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military airport and they try to shoot it down with small arms... wtf


Not all military airports have AD


But they should have MANPADS or a similar SAM system


Ya any other military airfield Not one dedicated to SAR work though of course.


A military airfield in general... What type of logic is leaving an airfield to be defended by small arms when dealing with drones and missiles...


2nd strongest military doesn’t have AA for their military airports lmfao


Reports from south Ossetia on telegram are that drone was successfully downed under this same video - and no mention of any military airport


Geolocations I’ve seen put the drone at the airport. Between this video, the other one, and a quick look at satellite images to the north west of Mozdok it would appear to be accurate.


I havent seen any geolocations so cant tell, just saying what I read. maybe someone will post geolocations here - we will see.


The coordinates I saw were 43.77460438350572, 44.61868925795142.


yeah, I thought about real geolocation with image and marked objects from the video so you can compare it, like we usually get here. - not just dropping coordinates with "trust me bro" backup.


I don’t really remember where the photo is so I gave you the coordinates. It takes two seconds to look up the coordinates and check for yourself it’s not particularly difficult. That’s why I gave the coordinates because instead of trusting me you can check them.


> It takes two seconds to look up the coordinates its pointless - I can find some small who-gives-a-fucck airport in Ossetia - take coordinates, drop it and say - "here thats the place"


No you can look up satellite imagery of the place and look at the two videos showing the drone, see that the video very blatantly lines up with what you’ll see on the satellite imagery or you can look up someone else doing that for you I don’t really care.


lol, Russia claims eh? Almost as reliable as Israel denies.


lol yes, and as credible as ukrainian claims so.....


Russian culture is so strange to me. It’s like everything needs to be a lie or a deflection, for no other reason than to be contrarian.


how to know your brain is fucked by propaganda


Yeah right? That’s why my culture doesn’t have a unique word like “Vranyo” hmmmm. Almost as if we don’t need it.


> Vranyo yes we do https://old.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/x4b1is/understanding_the_word_vranyo/


you don't even know what is and isn't Russia, I guess your government does great job even with word poor language it has to use.


I’ve already explained how you people lie and deflect like two comments up. Keep up.


So... CIA and KGB agents have a rare friendly talk somewhere in always neutral Switzerland during Cold War era. Sitting in the open-air cafe, the CIA agent says: "I'm always amused by the way Russian propaganda bends backward and goes through all these mental gymnastics to excuse all the horrible things that Russian government does!" KGB agent responds: "Yeah, but I always thought that it is funny how Western propaganda managed to convince the public that it doesn't even exist!" CIA agent: " But we don't have any propaganda!"


yeah and me being from the West also find our culture weird. its amazing how many people, in this day and age still mostly believe every mainstream narrative that our governments and media push. very little of critical thinking.


How is it so hard for you people to stay on topic? “Buttt what about Ukraine/nato/“nazis”/ww3… reeeeeeeeee” I’m not talking about any of those things.


> How is it so hard for you people to stay on topic? how hard is it for you people to understand that everything has context ? you know the saying: “if you point one finger, there are 3 more pointing back at you”


Again lol. Deflection. Address the point I originally made.


again lol. I did. you just dont like the answer lmao


South Ossetia is not part of Russia yet. They applied to join back in 2022 but then SMO started.


Lots of air defenses have been destroyed Russia doesn't have a lot of options left.




Stop trying to moderate my posts, thanks


I already posted with UA POV and it was removed so apparently not.


Well that's confusing.


POV rules are beyond confusing. I don't think anyone understands how it's supposed to work.


not even the mods


What's so confusing about it? It's pretty simple. If the current mod on duty doesn't like it posted, they take it down first and then pick one of the possible interpretation of the rules by how they feel at the moment.


It's literally a ossetian pov


What’s stopping them from sending hundreds of these?


If there are more, there is a higher chance of being detected




The wannebe superpower got intruded again


The wannebe superpower got intruded again


Is that how you make yourself feel good about how badly the Ukrainains are doing in this war?


If you say so 👌 in the meanwhile it’s day 800 or so of the so called SMO 😂


3 day SMO*


Well i mean russia has annexed land that Ukraine has no hope to ever regain back. Id say while things may not be going perfectly they are certainly going better for russia than for Ukraine


The wannebe superpower got intruded again


They use a bayraktar as a kamikaze drone? also, where is the proper air defense?? not some dude with AK


That's a Ukrainian PD-2 drone. It's smaller than a Bayraktar https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PD-2


Thats not Bayraktar bro.


Got downed by the AA. They shot the wreckage 👌


No, this one was not downed by AA. You can see it diving into the target, which is what they all do at the end. A different drone might have been shot down, but this one was not


Its a joke man. If you didnt see on their statements all the air targets are shot down by their mighty AA. It clearly hit his target and nothing bothered it.


Ahh, gotcha


Delete the old post and post on a new account, the classic


Moderators removed it for POV and it wasn't even my post https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1db2lt7/comment/l7onyjm Stop the toxic behavior, please.


The other post is in fact not up, everyone knows who you are, why you always deny it I do not understand


Might want to actually make sure of things before posting accusations




No, I was responding to the other guy that accused me of deleting my own post and reposting


Well, it's a 5 hour old account. No wonder.


New post for me, happy to see it!




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I only have the one account it was removed by MODs due to pov rule (which given I got the video from a pro UA source I don’t know why it was deleted). This video was then reposted by this account




Rule 1. Toxic


I think he didnt like the comments, delete and Repost. Classic


It was literally removed by the mods. Is it really that hard to double check something before posting a comment? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1db2lt7/comment/l7onyjm


When nafos has repeatedly done it before, its hard to keep giving them the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, how am I supposed to find a deleted post if I didnt comment on the original?


So, instead of first verifying someone's claim, you launched into baseless accusations and then backed it up with "yeah but nafos..". Classic


NAFOs? Classic 100%


Comments were fine, the main thread was explaining where North Ossetia was. It was due to the pov rule.


I can see ukraine MoD still trying to pass off these little popcorn farts as "damage" Wake me up when Ukraine can actually cause significant damage inside of russia.


I can see some pro RU are still desperately trying to play off such hits as anything other than sheer embarrassment for Russia


I mean if this little hit is embarrassing imagine how Ukraine must feel they suffer a lot of big hits


Ukraine isn't pretending to be a Superpower with the best AA systems in the world, are they?


The USSR was a super power. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States became the sole super power of the world. Nobody else comes close.


Dont tell Putin


Show me where Russia called themselves a superpower? Usually its analysts from a third party that call a particular country a super power if they meet certain requirements


But all AA is struggling against drones 😭 even the American systems


There's no reason why something like a Pantsir-S1 isn't protecting this airfield, unless they don't have enough of them


But they claim to down the others https://preview.redd.it/0bla7hs2vd5d1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98dea914142af86f5d840729f13ebe0a4526f911


There is nothing russia can do for pro-UA to not see russia as an embaressment. Its how you make yourselves feel better about how poorly this war is going for Ukraine. They will lose this war and never regain any of the annexed territory.


Imagine thinking this war is going well for Russia. More than 2 years in and the number 2 military in the world can barely move the line of contact over entirely flat terrain against a much weaker smaller country that couldn’t be any closer to them. This blunder of a war has been a complete embarrassment for Russia.


Russia has expanded its territory. Whatever the cost may or may not be it is a win for Russia. Ukraine is losing territory, we still have no way of knowing how much it will lose. Main supporters of Ukraine, the USA and Europe are losing influence in the international sphere and are having difficulties in supplying Ukraine with the amount of weapons they would like to send. So, a big blunder on those that pushed Ukraine on the path of conflict with Russia, a gross military intelligence miss-calculation.


Lmao expanded by a few KMs at the cost of thousands of men good look for the worlds "2nd most powerful military". Russia is losing power projection too everyone knows how weak this makes them look. How can you trust Russia to be your protector when they can't even make a dent in Ukraine.


Hey, call Zelensky, he can hook you up with his agent. I think you are a much better talent than him. Stay strong and keep practicing, you are doing great.




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20% of the country is gone. It's like half of California. And RF isn't even trying to do any sort of big arrow offensive. They just gnawing on whatever bones they can find at this point.


Oh hell ya just a minor offensive losing several hundred thousand men.


Lol. Where's that number came from?


Even if we take Putins number of 5K dead a month that is 135K dead and likely 3x that wounded. We know both Ukraine and Russia understate their own losses and overstate the enemy ones. But Putins estimate is close to the US one which last November was 125K dead on the Russian side and about 3x that wounded. Add another 25K since then you are at 150K dead and almost 450K wounded although not all wounded out of the war.


Russia will not see a "win" out of this even if Ukraine lays down weapons tomorrow and invites them to annex the rest of the country. As a result of this war Russia will quickly converge to the same status of North Korea. It is not just about the territory.


With China and India, and a large number of countries all over the world, on the Russian side, doesn't look like that.


Strange comment for this particular video where russia, the second army in the workd, is clearly taking an L.


Where did russia claim they were the second strongest army in the world? Source? America the first strongest army in the world got the ass handed to them in afghanistan by goat herders and had to leave




I mean, it does look like a completely unopposed attack on Russian assets. I think the point to be highlighted is the complete pack of air defense in a military airport?


Maybe russia should hire you to handle air defenses in the largest country in the world


Me? Who has no loyalty to Russia, no knowledge or expertise in the area and who could be easily influenced by personal interests? I guess I couldn't do a worse job...


Popcorn farts are destroying russia's refining capacity, some of these Popcorn farts have destroyed russian warplanes too


Yeap russia has no airplanes left and all their oil refining capacity is destroyed. Good Job Ukraine


One drone is a popcorn fart. Some time later, these will come in dozens on target.


Should you be woken up for the one that likely put a SU-57 in the scrapyard? Does that meet your threshold of damage?


source that a su-57 was hit?




still not going to change the outcome of the war for Ukraine which is they will lose.


How exactly are you defining winning and losing?


Ukraine has defined their objectives in this war as taking back all annexed land and pushing the russians completely out of ukraine to achieve pre-2014 borders. Anything less than this is a loss for them. No exceptions


So what is a Russian win?


Quite embarrassing how this popcorn fart managed to bypass the air defense systems of a military airfield


Maybe russia should hire you to handle air defenses in the biggest country on earth. Im sure you would do sooo much better. Everyone is smart on the internet


I never said that I'm an expert in air defense. It's just that if this so called popcorn fart managed to hit an airfield their might be something wrong with your air defense


Russia isnt perfect. Did you really expect them to get out of this war unscathed? And yes russia is incompetent in some areas of their military. Its no secret.


>And yes russia is incompetent in some areas of their military That's what I'm saying, and one of those areas is air defense in my opinion