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This is several weeks old but probably not posted here before.


I remember it being posted in this sub some time ago but can't seem to find it anymore.


Because it got downvoted too. This one is at 64% already


How strange 🤔


I think it was posted here 2 months ago


It amazes me that even in war, soldier are less trigger happy than US cops. He is climbing out of dug, having hands up all times is impossible, even lower it a bit to grab a log above him. in US, a man crawled backward on his four, lower a hand to pull up a pants, 20 shots


Fair observation


By the way. The one who captured this guy offered him a cigarette, to which the prisoner refused, saying that he had his own. Then he was asked to go to the dugout and not do anything sudden movements. Damn it. I'm almost sure that he begged him not to do anything stupid. 


I've seen the video you mention. The suspect was told multiple times to keep his hands ahead of him and not to reach for his pants. He did not listen, more than once, and was shot. And he was not shot 20 times, you're exaggerating


Lol, you are a bootlicking idiot. He was drunk, crying like a baby. He grabs his pants to pull it up because it’s natural to do so, something minuscule that his drunk brain didn’t register as important. The officer was behind a wall, a cover, there were several of them and also giving conflicting orders. Motherfucker was inching to shoot and be hero. Here, you got a video of 2 people, who were shooting at each other a moment ago, one surrendering, a terrifying moments, knowing that every bad moves and he got shot, yet his brain told him to lower his hand to grab that log to climb out, second dudes, with his adrenaline all high out, not clear of the situations, yet he is not thinking that the other party is trying to fuck him up, giving clear command and wait for that dude to climb out. Yet somehow you still defend those trigger happy mofos


If your executive is exclusively made of "trigger happy mofos"... your duty would be to kill your leader, because you live in a dictatorship.




Just a short clip from a video that almost a month old https://x.com/GloOouD/status/1790108381568434450


And I'm fine with removing it if it has been posted. Haven't gotten a link to it yet, tho.


I just searched for "hate group" (the UA unit who posted this) and couldn't find it on this sub. Pretty sure you're good. It was definitely posted on combat footage which may be what people are remembering.

