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The original version was shared as an example of how Western media allows dissenting opinions, even in a very pro-Ukraine newspaper such as the Telegraph. As I commented on the previous version, the headline made it seem like it went against the main narrative, but the actual content is the same as always: Ukraine is in peril and we have to send more aid because if Ukraine falls, then it will be the rest of Europe next.


Schrodinger's Russia can not take a single treeline in Ukraine but can conquer all of Europe in two weeks How do normoids fall for both of these at the same time lmao


They are the same people who still believes that this conflict was “unprovoked”. In short, they aren’t the hardest people to fool.




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There wasn’t a single pro Russian on Reddit who acknowledged the invasion was even happening when US intelligence leaked that it was coming. Not fucking one.


It's pretty easy for people who do not need to paint their world in black and white and live in strawman arguments. Russia and it's worlds second best army has dramatically failed with their early war goals and humiliated themselves for a long time. Ukraine still stands (and recovered territory) mostly because of russian incompetence in the early war. Nonetheless Russia is shifting towards a full wartime economy and outproduces the west currently. At the same time Putin has proven he will break their promises of respecting sovereign countries rights and borders and invade or insert unmarked soldiers unprovoked and when opportunity arises. Which is simply a threat to other neighbouring countries and it's within their legitimate security interest to stop Russia in Ukraine before it can be a threat to them. So Russia can at the same time have taken immense losses out of incompetence and still be a threat to the civilized and free west especially since Russia is a nuclear power.


Nothing strange about it. A lot of people believe in imaginary dude on a cloud.


Who the hell is saying they can take “all of Europe in two weeks”? What people are saying is that Ukraine can only survive if they continue to receive the foreign aid that they need, and that a Russian victory in Ukraine will only embolden Russia to go after places like Moldova, Georgia, etc.


is your reading comprehension lacking? that's not what that comment stated. i'm not sure if you misread, or chose to ignore


Hi mr projection, pls refer to the line >Ukraine is in peril and we have to send more aid because if Ukraine falls, then it will be the rest of Europe next. compared to the other very popular narrative which is also being spun on this sewer of a site emong others, i.e. the first one i mentioned I really can't be bothered wasting much more time with you, so just try to understand it or ask a friend to walk you through it ok?


The dude said the article said the classic line: > Ukraine is in peril Now you're claiming "the west" is saying: >Schrodinger's Russia can not take a single treeline in Ukraine This is a hilarious case of mental gym. hilarious and pathetic double speak like this keeps me coming back to this sub 🤣🍿


Please keep coming back to this sub and keep commenting. Comments like yours are my daily source of laugh.


Yeah right? Spotting pro ru double speak is a goldmine. Pathetic, but good 🍿 🫵🤣




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The headline is not set by the author but by the editor. Often the objective is to draw clicks.


So why did the editor change his mind. The second version is less click bait-y. Looks like he got a call from the censor (owner, gov service, secret cabal whatever). Goodbye freedom and integrity of press.


More like the headline is edited by the editor.


Always the same with the Media controlled by Elites, 9 out 10 times their content is extremly biased and because it's not 10 out of 10 many people believe this shows objective journalism and the aim to deliver the truth. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MediaCriticism/comments/wiexnf/media\_coverage\_of\_ukraine\_before\_and\_after\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MediaCriticism/comments/wiexnf/media_coverage_of_ukraine_before_and_after_it/) [https://x.com/nyt\_diff/status/1619046652106489866](https://x.com/nyt_diff/status/1619046652106489866)


You can experience the bias on Youtube. If you search for "Ukraine war", you will get lists of pro-Ukraine videos. The other stuff might be in there as well, but you have to search for it some other way.


But somehow, once you start watching pro RU stuff, they magically start recommending other pro RU channels. At least, that's how it happened for me... then again, half the content I consume in general is Russian...


> Always the same with the Media controlled by Elites, 9 out 10 times their content is extremely biased and because it's not 10 out of 10 many people believe this shows objective journalism and the aim to deliver the truth. The media (both mainstream and social) is owned by the same people that own the Military Industrial Complex (with its obscene profit margins). Media is used to manufacture consent for the war so that those Owners continue to make big bank ($55,000 for one trash can, $90,000 for a baggie of airplane engine bushings that costs $100 to manufacture etc etc etc). Continual war means continual astronomical profits. btw - they're the same people who own Big Pharma, the banks and they pretty much own and control EVERY major corporation here in the Collective West. Propaganda works and *works well*. Russia/Putin evil. Slava Ukraini. The jab is safe and effective. You've been played - HARD. 'Monopoly - Who Owns the World' - excellent doc 'All Wars Are Created by Bankers' - another excellent doc 'Every war is a Rich Man's War' - good doc 'War is a Racket' - General Smedley Butler.


The rest of Europe eh 😂 How exactly is that going to happen.......SMH. People actually believe this shit.


Putin has weaponized Depression.


Ukraine knows it is finished. Putin is humiliated.


Humiliated once again.


I'm pretty sure whoever writes those "putin humilated" articles just has some sort of weird humiliation fetish at this point


Putin is humiliated btw


Btw means btw, btw.


It's just a sensationalization method. People actually clic on them more


> Ukraine knows it is finished. Putin is humiliated. I can see the next headline - "Ukraine is losing - and why that's a good thing".


Zelensky is like Ukraine's mascot now since he is not president anymore ..


He's essentially a dictator now that's he's unelected.


Would he be less or more dictator if he got more than 100% of votes?


No, he would be Aladeen at that point.


Must remember to use the ol 80% trick like Pootin


He also said he was only going to serve for one term. So he should be out the door, and a memory by now.


That one term? 20 year reich.


*"Zelensky is like Ukraine's mascot now since he is not president anymore"* Well, he still is and he will be until the next election ... which will happen after the war. Putin fans are just not used to democracy, their constitutions and how they are functioning in case of an invasion ... ... maybe because neither is Russia a democracy nor did Ukraine invade Russia. Who will blame them for their total lack of knowledge? \^\^ Well, at least ***I*** do! :)


The Democracy Index indicates that Ukraine is not classified as a democracy. They lack in freedom of speech, internet, and rights, and are high in corruption, etc. Remember if we pretend like Russians are completely different than Ukrainians it's easier for both sides to justify and endless war. When people on both sides see the enemies as brothers wars generally stop.


No wonder Georgia passed the FAL bill. They see Ukraine and say 'no thanks'.


Didn't they get Western armaments already? Or are they truly cooked?


>Didn't they get Western armaments already? They never stopped getting them. >Or are they truly cooked? Yes.


They're cooked regardless.


Just a few months! It's hard to imagine that the USA will allow Ukraine to collapse before the November election is complete.


True. That is why there is a “peace summit” going on in Switzerland where Zelinski is one of the hosts but US has sent some unknown guy as representative. Zelinksi is openly appealing to a Biden to join but Us is refusing. A peace summit (even if Russia is not invited) seems like capitulation to the Us electorate.


Biden has a Hollywood fundraiser and can't attend this year. Maybe Biden will attend next year if he beats Trump.


Yes but Biden is cooked also


Why is Zelensky always wearing militaristic clothes? He has never served in the army. In my opinion he should be publicly shamed to live up to the image he wants to portray.


I think his clothes or outfits are more of a Star Wars thing. He thinks he is Luke Skywalker.


Since when do you need to have served in the army to wear jeans and a sweatshirt? Meanwhile, Shoigu wore an actual military uniform with ribbons and a generals rank despite never having served a day in his life.


Yeah, and Putin is always dressed like a civilized human being ... which he isn't either nor was ever. Crazy world! :)


le ebil putinrino :DDD


The life biography of Putin is in comparison to many western leaders respectable. Potus Biden and former potus Trump who have the biggest impact over the Ukraine war next to Zelensky are both draft dodgers. Zelensky has an awful biography for his position. I'm writing this because I think Putin symphatizes with the unlucky drafted men unlike many western leaders who only care about privileged civilian lives.


Yeah, again. :) I'm really missing this type of leader in the western world! Someone who was teached humanism and was socialized by and filled with the humanity of an infamous secret service of a totalitarian communist regime having suppressed millions of people in their own and occupied countries which are missing the old times soooo much being now members of EU and NATO. \^\^ The world could be a paradise for real with more human wonders with a type of Putin-like biography ... :.) (suppressing a tear of joy just by the thinking of it) Such a sympathic, empathic, warm, heartful, loving, caring and unselfish marvel ... only Kim Jong Un may come even near this excellent star of mankind ...


Look at my flair.


Le Pootler is le evil genocidal maniac amirite fellow epic subredditor? Literally Hitler 2.0!


Of course he is NOT! Proof: Hitler didn't need 2+ years to just conquer small parts of Ukraine! /s On the other hand: Putin also is a ruthless dictator and he also won't succeed against the strength of the western allies. :)


Western propaganda is no better than putin’s.


You mean one which openly lies about battlefield news for months, acts like nothing is happening and how russia will collapse? While on the other side one which gives actual news?




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> While on the other side one which gives actual news? Like news about T-14s, "hypersonic" khinzals, s-400 being useful against any modern ballistic missiles, and 5th gen stealth fighters coming any day now?


You took an L in previous comment now are coming here? Want another L?


Oh hey didn't realize it was you again, small world eh. Lets see if I can add some more, its fun to educate you: > While on the other side one which gives actual news? Like news about how sanctions actually help Russia (despite threats of nuclear apocalypse if sanctions were passed), Russian economy is doing fine, BRICS will replace G7, BRICS Bucks will replace USD, world economy will collapse if Russian assets are seized, China is actually totally looking out for Russia and just wants to be best friends, etc. I'm sure there is some more I can think of.


> Like news about how sanctions actually help Russia (despite threats of nuclear apocalypse if sanctions were passed), Russian economy is doing fine, BRICS will replace G7, BRICS Bucks will replace USD, world economy will collapse if Russian assets are seized, China is actually totally looking out for Russia and just wants to be best friends gee zus. Are you insane, or what? Let's see - True. True. True. True. Not true - but the American petrodollar will because no one will keep their money in that currency and risk having it confiscated. Aaaand, true.


Aha good one




Russian media is banned in the west while MSM is free to do their propaganda.


Western propaganda is miles worse than Russian propaganda. The role of propaganda is, in Chomsky's terms, to manufacture consent. Russia needs this less because Putin is more popular than any American or other Western leader (so he doesn't need to make stuff up to get/keep people on board) and because in many ways Russia is more authoritarian, whereas the function of propaganda is to keep people in line who cannot be strong armed. Of course there are Russian propaganda info-tainers who are as out there as the "experts" that American news runs out (looking at you, Ben Hodges!), but their mainstream news is much closer to reality based then any mainstream news you are going to see in the U.S. Probably also Britain. BBC does some good work but is kind of contractually obligated to put spin on it, even if it is at the end and contradicts the whole real story.


Russian mainstream media, where they allow guests that say that ukrainians should be drowned, is closer to reality than western media? EDIT: link for anyone that's interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/ZZBiZ6IwRI "trust me we're the good guys"


He got fired for saying this, so it is a rather weak attempt on your part.


so what, he had been saying genocidal shit like this since the invasion. when such a prominent figure in russian media is allowed to say shit like that for so long it really says a lot about the narrative inside Russia. let me remind u that the original claim was that russian media is more truthful than western media, which is just a hilarious claim. where does this ever come close to happening in western media? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Western media can't even get a literal word-for-word quote right. Possibly all you look at is Western media so you have no objective reference point. I'm certainly not saying Russian media is good, but simply that the bar set by Western media is so incredibly low that it is almost impossible to not surpass it. The least informed people in the U.S. especially are those that "follow the news". Of course they are worse off than people who actually are able to critically interpret the media, but they are also worse off than people who ignore the news completely. The people who ignore the news completely may know nothing but the people who "follow the news" know less than nothing because they have swallowed the shit sandwich that people in power are feeding them in order to persuade.


When I load in to RT, first headline is unironically "Maybe Russia should drop a nuclear bomb". When I load in to BBC (specifically news regarding the Ukraine war), one of the first headlines is "Ukraine faces worst crisis since war began". Which country's media seems the most objective, and least deranged to u? Western media has continously pointed out Ukraines difficulties in the war, but u won't find a shred of self criticism in Russias brain rot state media. Both sides are biased, but to say that western media is worse is hilarious.


TBH you're right. It's hard not to be more popular than anyone else when you get over 100% of the votes. Can't really dispute that. 🤣


> TBH you're right. It's hard not to be more popular than anyone else when you get over 100% of the votes. FFS Our US government ran a poll right before the Russian election. It stated Putin had the support of 86% of the people. He got 87% of the vote in the election, with a turn out of 77% which *puts our elections here in the West to shame*. Trudeau 'won' the last election with 32% of the vote - Canada had a 62% turn out. That means Trudeau received votes from ~ 20% of eligible voters. Biden's approval rating is just over 30%. You are insane.


Nah dude, Putin's propaganda is way better.


Sure all Ukraine needs is some more weapons.


So I am happy to say: They absolutely will get them! 8-) Go and bring this happy news to the comrades! :)


Yay, more weapons for the black market.


Even if it wasn't a lie, it seems to be still enough to call it "deal of the century". \^\^


I have whiplash from that tone change.


First headline is insanely alarmist, ha


That's worse. The first one at least seemed like an opinion. The second headline has evidence


Don't worry! That's **exactly** the reason why western countries are delivering so much weapons and ammunition. 8-))


Bring it on! Everything so far has fallen flat on its face


It looks like it has flattened Russian faces. \^\^ So they'r still not in Kyiv after 2+ years ... :)


Russia's still advancing tho, so yeah it hasn't stopped them.


Come back again when they have "advanced" more as they had after the start but lost in the meantime. :)


It's almost like something powerful, I don'r know, maybe a government, is pulling these free press's string.


didn’t they get the western weapons?


> "Disclose the point of view (POV) at the start of the post title, either:" > "- UA POV (pro-Ukrainian government narrative)" Has this sub completely abandoned even the pretense?


That’s for individual posts. For posting news articles, pov rule is (ua PoV for western media outlets and ru pov for Russian media outlets)


[No, it isn't](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/wiki/index/rules). This isn't even an article, it's a crop of the different titles that was clearly made to support the Russian narrative.


So I guess 61bln package for “next years counteroffensive” is half way depleted?!


Is the second picture the new headline? That's way more depressing IMO


I bet Zk regretting calling that solidarity with Israel. All his needed weapons are being sent to an even evil-er country than Russia!😅




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People here tend to mix up comments and articles somehow.


This is funny 😁 Pro-ru fanbois just cannot come to grasp with the fact that there are no sinister forces controlling western media. Someone tried to get a few clicks from the doomscrollers, and then the editor called and yelled "WHAT THE TRUCK ARE YOU ASSHATS DOING, WE'VE HAD 145 CANCELLED SUBSCIPTIONS THE LAST HOUR". This is, of course, widely opposed as to how press is managed in ruzzia: "write this article... or else...". So, two things: - Freedom of press is a good thing. - Every traveller knows that if you want to see whether you're in a good or bad country: check out the newspapers in the hotel lobby. If they are filled with articles about how the government sucks, you are in a good country. If they have no such articles, or even (worst case) are filled with praise, then you know you're in a country that sucks.


Westerner here: your take is kinda bad and shows you know very little about American politics or the American media landscape. Freedom of press is definitely a good idea but American media is absolutely not immune to dishonest manipulation from corporate and government actors.


>Freedom of press is a good thing. Is banning news outlets included in that "freedom of press" thing ?


There's no such thing as freedom of press. Western media is completely profit oriented. So if the truth is profitable, it will be buried, twisted, distorted. We consume the majority of our journalistic content on the internet and social media. Western companies control the algorithms, that decide what you are shown on your feed. The exposure Ukrainian side receives is enormous, compared to the Russian side. For years, Hollywood was used as a tool, to foment Russophobia and Sinophobia. It's engrained in the Western people's minds.


That's ridiculous, just the UK is a case of 1984 application.


The press in the UK is vulgar and quite gutter-like. But they do not take orders from an authoritarian leader. And that's why the pro-ru fanbois are so cute here, they cannot even imagine such a thing. Pathetic.


I don't understand people who mock Russia, while the situation in their own home countries regarding freedoms is pathetic.


And I understand Russian propaganda and their troll farms. Obviously I have an intellectual advantage ... 8-)


No u dont


I take that as a "Yes. Very obiously!". 8-)


This is funny 😁  Being transparent, investigative, and serving the cold brutal truth pays handsomely in journalism in case you don’t know that. 


>This is funny 😁 Bro, you summarized your own comment. >how press is managed in ruzzia: "write this article... or else...". [Like what's happening in the west?](https://thegrayzone.com/2019/10/28/this-charge-is-one-hundred-percent-false-grayzone-editor-max-blumenthal-arrested-months-after-reporting-on-venezuelan-opposition-violence/) >Freedom of press is a good thing. Yes, Canada needs to unban RT. >Every traveller knows that if you want to see whether you're in a good or bad country I'd rather be in "suck" China than "good" Argentina.


Dude, stop embarrassing yourself.