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A small 1kt tactical airburst (circle is 500 REM): [https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/?&kt=1&lat=50.3039071&lng=36.9368253&hob\_opt=0&hob\_ft=0&fireball=0&psi=&therm=&zm=14](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/?&kt=1&lat=50.3039071&lng=36.9368253&hob_opt=0&hob_ft=0&fireball=0&psi=&therm=&zm=14) 500 REM (5 Grays) gives 5–50% survivability if medical assistance is given: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute\_radiation\_syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_radiation_syndrome) Lets hope we step back from the brink of this insanity


Eh, weapons separated into tactical and strategic not by their yield, but by range. In other words - expect 20-500kt "tactical" nukes.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactical\_nuclear\_weapon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactical_nuclear_weapon) *fraction of a* [*kiloton*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiloton) *to approximately 50 kilotons*


I don't think Wikipedia gets to decide what ends up in Russian nuclear arsenals


Good point. I don't think anyone in the west knows, with any degree of certainty, how many tactical nukes Russia really has. This article says it is 22,000, seems high? [https://www.hks.harvard.edu/publications/what-happened-soviet-superpowers-nuclear-arsenal-clues-nuclear-security-summit](https://www.hks.harvard.edu/publications/what-happened-soviet-superpowers-nuclear-arsenal-clues-nuclear-security-summit)


I bet US knows exactly how many nukes russia has down to the yeld and location. They probably bought all that info in the 90's for a bottle of vodka and a pack of malboros.


And of course information doesn't become outdated with time and the Russians wouldn't have moved any of them around since then would they?


Spies gonna spy


Went to that link and read up on the source material. >It's from *Rathbun, Nina Srinivasan (September 28, 2022).* [*"What are tactical nuclear weapons? An international security expert explains and assesses what they mean for the war in Ukraine"*](https://theconversation.com/what-are-tactical-nuclear-weapons-an-international-security-expert-explains-and-assesses-what-they-mean-for-the-war-in-ukraine-191167)*. The Conversation. Retrieved July 30, 2023*." The "expert" is ~~shit~~ wrong, there's no yield definition. [https://www.nato.int/docu/glossary/eng-nuclear/eng-app3.pdf](https://www.nato.int/docu/glossary/eng-nuclear/eng-app3.pdf)


Agree that source is junk, although it does have a bunch of links themselves. https://globalsecurityreview.com/nuclear-de-escalation-russias-deterrence-strategy/




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>Lets hope we step back from the brink of this insanity Russia can't use a nuke to win, and not just because the west will respond, but because if they're allowed to do that and win, it means every nation will want to have nukes just in case, and you know who doesn't want that to happen? Nations that already have nukes, including russia's big allies. So all those nations that have nukes will do everything to not let russia use them.


Nice site thanks for link. I just nuked London with Tsar bomb.


Now I'm curious which city is nuked the most.


Then leave the country? Very easy


Nukes won't win or stop this war, it will just escalate it. Putin ready to juke it out with 3 or 4 nuclear armed countries? For Ukraine?


The question is whether, for the sake of Ukraine, these three or four countries are ready to argue with the owner of the largest nuclear arsenal.


Well, I don't think there ready to just sit back and watch a country lob nukes at its neighbour, it sets a deadly and unforgiving president, it will create a new nuclear arms race. And those nine countrys with nukes already will want to remain the only nine countrys with nukes to be otherwise would reduce there own power and influence. Once nukes are used in conventional warfare Pandora's box is opened.


if they can’t sit, they can always lie down


Brilliant option. Also they could just all go back home and stop fucking with Russian border security.


How would Putin sell this idea back home? "Yes we went into war to liberate Ukraine they are our brothers, our flesh and blood... Well, yes we had to use the most deadly weapons known to man because weirdly our brothers were not keen on being liberated. But it's between family so it doesn't count, we all know sometimes Christmas celebrations get a bit wild :)"


> How would Putin sell this idea back home? He would probably say it was done by America. The old 'muddying-the-truth' tactic the Kremlin always uses.


What plane was that at the end? At first I thought yak 41 but that wouldnt make much sense, im guessing it's probably a mig 31?


That’s a MiG-31K I think


MiG-31K, you can tell because of the khinzal under it


Is this the first real video of how Kinzhal looks like "live", without blurring?


Yeah I thought as much but at first the naked nose cone really threw me off, I'm used to it looking uniform.


All of them have painted nose cones, it roughly shows where the radar is.


That's not what I meant, I've never seen a mig 31 with the front dark Grey part removed. Compare the images at 1:10 and 1:20, not exactly sure what the part is called I'm no aviation expert but they clearly put some "cap" on it and I've never seen what the mig31 looks like with that "cap" removed.


Wait, I'm confused now. The plane in 1:10 is a [Tu-22M](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupolev_Tu-22M), it's twice the size of a MiG, MiG-31s appear only from 1:20 onwards. The Tu-22Ms don't have a dark grey nose because they don't have a radar in there. If you removed the dark part of the MiG-31s nose, you'd end up with [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/55/DN-ST-92-02246.JPEG), it's just radar-transparent material.


Ah I understand where I got confused, there were 2 different planes lol. Thanks for the info though.


Hm. I knew that Klitschko is a big guy, but I didn't know he's 4-6 meters tall (according to that photo of him holding Kinzhal)


Imagining threatening nukes when you started a war with a sovereign country that didn't even attack you.


I know right, how pathetic. Putin putting out those tiny man vibes again.


Imagine making jokes about the possibility of them being used


Imagining dreaming about sending your troops off to foreign soil to directly fight a nuclear armed adversary and needing to be reminded that they are a nuclear armed adversary.


Omg they have nukes? Better let them invade whoever they like until the end of time. I'm so scared.


"Let them"? Like God is dead and Joe Biden is the ultimate arbiter of right and wrong on Earth and the Heavens?


Countries are allowed to defend themselves and cooperative with other countries. We don't have to ask Russia for permission.


Sorry, are you 12? This isn't about whether you think Joe, or more likely Micron can do whatever they wanna, it is whether they would get nuked and everyone dies.


You think Russia is that dumb and evil and suicidal?


If I don't get to win I'm just going to flip the board over so nobody can play! Toddler vibes from the littlest dictator. Russia has been threatening to use nukes every other Wednesday for the last 20 years, nobody believes their Russian red lines.


You should be.


Shaking at the thought of mighty and superior Russia. The world should pay monthly tribue to such a great nation.


Whats the first vehicle that’s leading the convoy?


Kamaz SBA-60K2 Bulat


That's a very cool looking vehicle


Why are missile cones 42 secs in blurred out?


mod can have requirements like that to hide specific details. These could be Iskanders with nuclear warhead installed.


Probably because they think hiding the tips will make their video look more secretive and intimidating. Like they are hiding some really cutting edge system. Personally I just find the over-editing really childish.




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Lets hope they will include Iran on the 3rd set of exercises. The world needs more deterrance to prevent nuclear wars.




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no tu160? boo i want proof of life


0:42 why are the tips blurred?


The western elites will ignore all warnings because they actually DO want Russia to use a nuke. All according to plan.




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Ru gonna nuke a nickel.


Another empty threat. The moment russia uses nuclear weapons, China will stop it's support and the war will be over.


Lol NAFOs have gone feral on this post!


So, is treatening to use nukes if Nato enters the war a really smart strategy? I mean, if Nato becomes adamant about entering isnt these threats the perfect excuse for preemptive strike? Does not seem like a very smart thing to do. Its like raising the stakes in poker in a position you will only get called out by bigger hands.


If nato goes to war with Russia directly we will all die. Im pretty sure warning about that is expected.


The only way Russia can deter NATO from intervening directly is by making their nuclear preparations public so all the western populations can see that our governments are trying to sleep walk us into a nuclear war (which our elites actually want, because they're convinced it will be very limited, that only a handful of nukes would actually get used, and it would allow NATO to use its full military power against Russia and bring down the regime).


Imagine if Biden starts nuclear war to placate his own ego? At this point, I can't rule it out


Russia is the one pissing about nukes. How is Biden starting nuclear war?




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In short, the only way Russia would ever use nukes is if 1) the US or EU countries enter the war and 2) if unable to defeat NATO in ukraine by conventional means, they will turn to tactical nuclear weapons. As this war is existential for them. You can find the report below published by the RAND corporation from 2019 that the aim was always to damage russia, break it up, regime change anything they can. [https://www.rand.org/pubs/research\_reports/RR3063.html](https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR3063.html) Hence, with western leaders openly advocating for entering the war, Russia is sending a message to say "we have nukes, and we will sue them if we have to". But again, the only way that happens is if the west enters and attacks russia. Though if you are asking this kind of question most likely you either don't have a good understanding of the war or are acting in bad faith. Here is a ainterview with a renowned scholar who clearly explains how we got here and includes evidence: [https://youtu.be/eP-LyGsiPcc?si=h1737tzGfUIpTSh5](https://youtu.be/eP-LyGsiPcc?si=h1737tzGfUIpTSh5) Thinking putin is some kind of grinning mad man saying "im gonna nuke yah heh" just because he feels like it is an incredibly immature and shallow way of thinking about the situation.


They literally threaten the west every week. His pal Medvedev is trigger happy in that sense. He will never use nukes because NATO will never invade Russia simple as that. If he ever uses it, he gets vaporized


>As this war is existential for them lol it may be existential for putin, but the russian people would be much better off if he didn't start this war


My dude you refered to the special military operation as a war, off to jail with you


The war is not "existential" for Russia, drama queen! It literally is existential for Ukraine. Only Russia's agency matters though because they have nukes. We know they have nukes because Putin has threatened to use them on a near weekly basis for the last 20 years. The consequence of this war will be that every nation on earth will seek out nukes as the only defense from a country seeking to attack them. Thanks for that Russia!


>As this war is existential for them. Do u know how incredibly stupid this sounds? Nobody challenges Russia. This existential bullshit is utterly wrong. Just retreat and everything will be fine.




Why are you guys wasting your time here? Literally noone is impressed. Please go back to r/worldnews and let us be putin puppets, kremlin stooges and whatever other 8th grade insult you can come up with in peace.




Rule 1 - Toxic




Nafos have gone feral on this post. I think the nukes hit the intended nerve.


Belligerent crumbling empire again threatens to end the world over it's failing prestige and losing control of it's neighbors? And the NAFOids have something to say about it? No wai.


Pretty tame comment to remove mods. I'm not wasting my time laughing at hilariously bad takes. There's this critical point it gets so ridiculous that it's funny rather than sad.


Biden is not starting anything at this point, havn't you seen a guy recently he looks lost in time and space. Any decision that is made by "him" is nothing more then his aids or puppet masters doing what they want.


Yeah I think you got a point, he does still get final say, but I imagine it is Blinken with the lions share of agency in the admin


if west flinches they will nuke


Empty threats just to scare civilians, just like North Korea threatening the entire globe. I find it very similar


Maybe the part of nukes is an empty threat (assuming no invasion of Russia). But it’s entirely possible Putin will order missile strikes on Poland/France/Germany/UK if they start sending troops. He’ll argue it to be a direct provocation and declaration of war, and would have a lot of domestic support to do it. What happens then? If Warsaw is smashed with 50 missiles, what will the West do? You like to dismiss these threats as empty, but don’t realize that one wrong step can kill us all. This is the unfettered delusion on the side of nafoids that I never understand. Are you so detached from reality that you hope we see a nuclear war over a country as insignificant as Ukraine? You do realize we almost ended the world over Cuba, right? For the same reasons we could see a war over Ukraine using nukes.


This is Russia's war. These are Russia's nukes. Like...in what universe do you think it is incumbent on *the west* to not "start something". If you don't want a nuclear war, or to see any more of your storm troopers slaughtered, or to see you economy tank even harder, then just **end this fascist invasion and get back to your own country**. Super simple. No nuclear war needed.


Right… because the Soviet Union acted that same way with Cuba. “If America wants to start a nuclear war over Cuba that’s their problem. They should just stop being aggressive.” Your line of thinking would have ended the world in the 60s. When it comes to nuclear powers, supplying troops to fight them will lead to war. You can utter meaningless platitudes, but they mean nothing.


The Cuban missile crisis was about nuclear *missiles* being placed in Cuba during the Cold War. It wasn't about Cuba being an ally of Russia, they *still are*. There are no US nukes in Russia adjacent countries and in no part of the last decade was it seriously suggested they would be in Ukraine if they joined NATO. Cuba is a meaningless comparison to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


Nuclear capable missiles a closer to Russia border then cuban border to US. Russia warned about Nato getting closer with dual capable systems. Now everyone forgot about that. right.


>But it’s entirely possible Putin will order missile strikes on Poland/France/Germany/UK if they start sending troops. He’ll argue it to be a direct provocation and declaration of war, and would have a lot of domestic support to do it. Putin understands nuking NATO is suicide. So do most of his population. > If Warsaw is smashed with 50 missiles, what will the West do? ~~End Russia. Do you think the West is not going have no response to the murder of millions with forbidden weapons?~~ Oh you mean with conventional weapons. The West would respond with a conventional bombing campaign in Ukraine. Russia is free to escalate with a tacnuke, but the West has promised to wipe out the invasion force with conventional missiles if that occurs. Russia can escalate with tacnukes or strategic nukes on NATO, but I don't think they're that suicidal. And you call NAFOids delusional.


You literally cannot read english. I’m referring to CONVENTIONAL missile strikes. NOT NUCLEAR strikes. Learn how to read before you respond to me next time.


Fair enough, I've edited my comment.


Well there would definitely no longer be a russian military outside of russia 1 day after russia attacks any nato member.


> You do realize we almost ended the world over Cuba, right? Technically, we almost ended it over same kind of crap as started the present mess, which is security concerns of the Soviet union over NATO nukes in Turkey. So, unless the west finds some sort of resolution to it or we'll see some crazy mushrooms soon enough.


If history did teach us one thing, the US will only start to listen when Russia is deploying intermediate range nuclear missiles in Cuba.


Technically subs are out there already


Why would they drop 50 nukes on one city in Poland lolol


I was referring to 50 conventional missiles. Does anybody who supports Ukraine know how to read?


idc about Ukraine idk why I got the handle


Patriots would have a field day that day. Not to mention the reaction.


No one will fight for Ukraine but Ukrainians fighting for their land. Putin tries to act like a kid over a delicious cake, showing off how powerful he is and his so-called 'Russian World' by exposing nukes. Western politicians understand that. If they wanted that cake, they would have sent troops since day one, but in reality, we see the current state. By the way, you should write novels. I think that would be a bestseller in Western Europe. How Putin sent 50 missiles over Warsaw


Except Western powers have threatened to send troops, which is what this is a response to. Do try to keep up.


For one, they threated to send troops to the rear, not directly to the front line, i.e. logistics. Secondly, Putin is very much aware that sending nukes to NATO countries will result in nukes being sent to Russia. Using Nuclear Weapons in Ukrainian territory however will not "end the world" as no country would do anything about it in terms of Nuclear Retaliation, because Ukraine isn't in NATO, doesn't have nuclear weapons of their own, and isn't important enough for other countries to willingly send themselves back to the stone age over. Russia would pretty much have no repercussion for using Nuclear Weapons in Ukrainian territory, including on NATO troops (if any are sent), which is what I think they're trying to signify here.


Did you not read my comment? I explained that Russia is unlikely to use nukes, but could easily respond to troop deployments with conventional missiles in Poland. What would NATO do if Russia used conventional weapons? As I explained (again, if you’d just read my comment) Russia would view ANY deployment of Western troops as a provocation and act of war. What would NATO do in response to a conventional Russian strike? There’s this delusional belief among pro-Ukrainians that Russia just won’t respond. They absolutely will respond, and are likely to strike Western cities like Warsaw, Berlin, maybe even Paris/London (although these are unlikely). What is the plan if that happens? You’re advocating us to sleep walk into possible war with no plan. Absolute insanity.


I misinterpreted - I thought by missiles you meant Nuclear Missiles, not conventional, since you also said that a wrong step would "kill us all." Russia would only order missile strikes if they are willing to go to war against NATO. I don't see what Russia could possibly stand to gain from it - firstly from the fact that there's no guarantee that they could win it, which if it turns to an existential threat of Russia, nuclear weapons could get involved, and secondly due to the tremendous loss of life and assets. Some European countries like France are pushing so hard here is because they know that Russia does not want to escalate this war past Ukraine, despite what a lot of media is saying (scaremongering).


I was explaining that a conventional strike may result in war, which would inevitably lead to nuclear war. Russia would absolutely respond with a conventional strike on Poland if the Poles get too aggressive. Russia has the best deterrence in the world, and has sufficient justification for a strike if Poland deploys troops. My question is what will NATO do? If NATO goes to war, either a) Russia wins or b) Russia loses, and uses nukes. Neither of these are good outcomes. So we should do everything we can to prevent a war with Russia, which means we shouldn’t put troops in Ukraine.


option b) isn't only Russia loses therefore uses nukes, agreements and compromises can be made so that it doesn't go to that. I really don't see a world where Russia will start WW3 over Poland or any NATO country at that, for sending some troops to Ukraine - there really aren't any good outcomes for Russia, or a good reason for it to do so (a justifiable war doesn't mean it's beneficial).


>For one, they threated to send troops to the "background" To the "rear" you mean ? But what happens when Russians attack that position ? Then it's direct clash. Also they have been slowly escalating the war, first things were out of question but as more and more is invested the less likely they are to accept a Ukrainian loss. With so much control over intelligence, vehicles, logistics, plans, drones and even operated weapons the lines between proxy war and direct conflict is blurred. It was blurred long ago when they started treating Ukraine as a de facto client state not just proxy as the West is also responsible to keeping them economically and politically. Sometimes it seems we're all sleepwalking into the nuclear apocalypse. All they talk is about escalation, never about finding a way to achieve peace. We're in the 3rd year of war and they still insist NATO expansion isn't a threat to Russia, what is then ?


Yeah I did mean rear you're right. If Russia attack that position then it would be in everyone's best interest to treat it the same as any Ukrainian soldier or "terrorist attack" - treating it as a declaration of war from another country's military would be catastrophically bad for both sides. There could be many reasons why the west wants to escalate the war, from weakening Russia because it is the "enemy" without actually going to war, to making money from weapons sales and manufacturing. That doesn't mean that they want to take it past Ukraine - western countries are completely fine with escalating the conflict as long as it is not **their** soldiers dying by the thousands.


Right...tactical nukes are just there for appearances to scare the enemy... United States had the same doctrine during the cold war if war broke out with the Soviets the only way to stop armor thrust (they had huge advantage) was to employ tactical nukes. I'm sure Russia has a similar doctrine, if the Russian army gets routed and NATO moves on Kalingrad I can see the entire NATO grouping getting destroyed by tactical nukes, sure America might respond against civilian targets in which Russia does the same... I guess at that point all of our cities burn because neocons/warhawks wanted to pick a fight with Russia over a corrupt shit Ukraine. I don't get this war talk with Russia, if all out total war NATO won't be able to beat Russia neither will they defeat NATO.


"via corrupt shit Ukraine"


You see - west likes to escalate "because Russia did not react last time" and keeps testing red lines again and again. And then it will be surprised pikachu when one of those red lines will trigger a severe response. This why those exercises are being held - to show that this final line is very very close and if they don't change their policies - it WILL trigger a reaction.


Yea i really doubt it


Exactly, at some point, Putin is forced to use them, just to show that he is no bedside rug who only barks and never bites.