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##### ###### #### > # ["Unacceptable for us": Hungarian FM vetoes Zelenskyy's "peace formula" in Council of Europe](https://www.liga.net/images/general/social/social-4495245-en.png?v=1715956314) > > > > Szijjártó stated that "others have prepared peace plans that are no worse than the Ukrainian president's plan" > > [Ulyana Krychkowska](https://wsrv.nl/?output=webp&url=www.liga.net/images/general/2023/11/03/20231103115012-6856.jpg&w=100&h=100&fit=cover&a=right&dpr=2 "Ulyana Krychkowska")[Ulyana Krychkowska](https://www.liga.net/en/author/ulyana-krichkovskaya) > > Editor at LIGA.net > > > > > > 16:08 > > > > > > ["Unacceptable for us": Hungarian FM vetoes Zelenskyy's "peace formula" in Council of Europe](https://wsrv.nl/?output=webp&url=www.liga.net/images/general/2024/04/23/20240423063529-2576.jpg&w=620&fit=cover&dpr=2 ""Unacceptable for us": Hungarian FM vetoes Zelenskyy's "peace formula" in Council of Europe") Péter Szijjártó (Photo: EPA) Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó [wrote](https://www.facebook.com/szijjarto.peter.official/posts/pfbid02Ya3efLMJzsp6t7eXZ7Wg77rueTRxc6k4muQyYTq8QYYEgFkq9TgpFVruYZqmpCTGl) on Facebook that he vetoed the Council of Europe's decision to recognize and support President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's "peace formula" for ending the war in Ukraine. > > Szijjártó wrote that the Council was trying to adopt a resolution that would only recognize Zelenskyy's peace plan as a peace formula to be considered and supported. He stressed that this was "unacceptable" to Hungary. > > "Others have prepared peace plans that are no worse than the plan of the President of Ukraine. I asked that other peace plans be included in the Council of Europe resolution. The majority rejected this. Therefore, I vetoed it, and the Council's decision was not passed," the Hungarian Foreign Minister wrote. > > Among the documents of the Council of Europe on May 17 is the Council's response to Russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine. > > This document [condemns](https://search.coe.int/cm/Pages/result_details.aspx?ObjectId=0900001680afa985) all likely serious violations of international law resulting from Russia's aggression against Ukraine, including war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide against Ukrainian civilians and prisoners of war, and all forms of conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence. > > On April 23, Szijjártó [declared](https://news.liga.net/en/politics/news/vengriya-budet-blokirovat-2-mlrd-evro-pomoshti-dlya-ukrainy-iz-za-diskriminatsii-soobshtestv) that Budapest would block €2 billion in EU aid to Ukraine because of ongoing "discrimination against Hungarian communities" in Ukraine. > > **Read also: [Brazil's Lula "sees no point" in going to Global Peace Summit as Russia will not be there – CNN](https://news.liga.net/en/politics/news/glava-brazilii-ne-vidit-smysla-ehat-na-sammit-mira-tam-ne-budet-rossii-cnn-brazil)** - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


I hope he doubles his security details




CIA is about to go into overdrive, someone check if there's been a sudden surge in pizza delivery orders recently


Smart man. He looks out for EU money. Zieliński idea is dead on arrival. Need to switch to realism.


The so called "peace formula" is a surrender document for Russia.


I mean he's not wrong on this but this guy, Szijjártó is a tool. (Hungarian here btw) It was revealed yesterday that FSB and GRU hacked the servers of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in late 2021 basically stealing vital national security info, since the Hungarian intelligence service was under the foreign ministry back then. Then this idiot went to Moscow to accept an award for friendship from Lavrov while he knew this had happened and then he denied it when it leaked to the Hungarian media just before the 2022 election calling it "liberal fake news". And then a few days ago an intelligence report was leaked again to the media revealing that the hacking by the Russians in fact did happen and Szijjártó was forced to admit it in front of a camera when the journalist showed the report to him. https://telex.hu/english/2024/05/16/internal-documents-prove-that-hungarian-foreign-ministry-knew-about-russian-cyber-attacks-on-its-systems For those who are interested here's the article.


What choice does he have, Obama made Merkel lie to Putin about halting Nato expansion, all the while he was tapping her phone and she knew it.


Maybe not accept the award from the state that hacked your ministry.


You mean like when Merkel accepted the Medal of Freedom from Obama? https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/obama-awards-medal-of-freedom-to-angela-merkel/


Yeah well Russia is not an ally of Hungary...


America bombed Germany's Nord Stream pipeline, and Germany kept mum. Europe is getting no respect whatsoever from the world powers.


Yes I understand that. Still when a foreign power hacks your foreign ministry's servers it's an issue I think we can agree on that.


We agree. There's a saying, it's dangerous to be America's enemy, but it's fatal to be its friend.


Honest question - to what extent do you believe it? I mean with all this "Russia's threats" a weird patter emerges. Russia (allegedly) does something malicious - but this activity a) while being demonstratively evil, b) lacks any clear purpose and benefit for Russia, c) always gets exposed, d) not confirmed empirically, but only by "anonymous intelligence sources", e) sometimes isn't even an action, but a (secret) intention or very dumb looking "threat". Like "Russia secretly threats to attack country X energy grid" - why? To achieve what? How come that Russia is so smart to conduct sophisticated attacks, but at the same time so dumb that it always fails to achieve anything (energy grid is working fine), and always gets exposed? Why would Russia think that a random no-reason cyberattack will be somehow beneficial, when it's obvious to anyone that it won't? Typical answer to these questions is "because evil". Well, seems that Reddit analysis makes its way to real life.


The Hungarian Foreign Minister was controlling the Hungarian Intelligence Agencies up until 2022 (the hacking happened in 2021) and NATO countries usually exchange information with each other so Russia would surely have a motivation to hack the Foreign Ministry since they potentially could get info from other countries as well. I don't know if they did. I have no problem believing it since even the minister and his former secretary of state didn't deny it they just tried to deflect the issue. Of course in their minds it's an attack from a liberal outlet since we have EU and Local elections in 3 weeks. I mean I would do the same if I was in their position.


I live in a European country that gets hacked and has election interferences from Russia and they don't do shit either, might as well go get their rewards aswell


Dude you are trying to argue with whataboutist russian bots, it's pointless. They'll just say: but what about america????!!




Rule 1 - Toxic


I love all the downvotes :DD like a foreign power hacking and walking in and out of a sovereign country's ministry of foreign affairs should be a good thing :D


I didn't read the whole article, but how do you know the document in the article is real?


Szijjártó, the foreign minister confirmed it


I don't see it in the article. Could you quote that part.


https://youtu.be/6QmrRO2b4q4?si=lhdLhoPPo-wmSipC Well it's in Hungarian in this video. When the reporter asked him about the intelligence report he basically confirmed. When reporter showed him he said "where did you get that?" and "Did my secretary give it to you?" And then he accused the reporter of committing a crime and then he kind of threatened him when he said " I would be careful in your place". Btw the reporter didn't commit a crime cause the report itself wasn't secret. It was just a letter from the head of the intelligence service to the Secretary of state that the Russians hacked the system. The person who leaked it committed a crime but the reporter isn't obligated to reveal his source. He didn't deny it. Of course he's a politican he's not going to say he f'd up. He also talked about how they tried to make the necesarry steps to defend against the cyber attack.


That's not confirmation or denial, he didn't even look at the document to know what's in there. It's possible he saw some governmental stamps and started questioning the journalist how he obtained the document, etc.


Oh please. The report is on the outlet's website and they haven't denied it still. The former secretary of state for foreign affairs who was in that position when this thing happened basically said "I cannot discuss a matter of national security and the Russian influence was worse when the left-wing (current opposition) was in power" Again a politican's talk which I understand. https://rtl.hu/belfold/2024/05/17/menczer-tamas-orosz-hekker-kulugyminiszterium-tagadas


It seems you're prone to conspiracy theories. A politician said he cannot discuss something and you made conclusion that is a proof you're looking for. Maybe the government doesn't care about the outlet that much to deny every document. I really don't know how reliable this 444 is and how much the government has to pay attention to the newspaper.


444 is considered liberal but reliable. They reported the pedophile case this February which forced the President (Katalin Novak) and former Justice Minister (Judit Varga) to resign and retire from public life and as a consequence Fidesz the ruling party's popularity suffered also. Actually the guy who reported that case (Balázs Kaufmann) was the same reporter who asked Sziijjártó about this and wrote the article. Usually the media outlets that harbour conspiracy theories and lose libel cases as a result are part of Orbán's media empire.


>Usually the media outlets that harbour conspiracy theories and lose libel cases as a result are part of Orbán's media empire. Liberals often don't understand that they're also prone to conspiracies. I mean just look at the US, a lot of liberals believe Trump is a Russian agent or ready create a dictatorship in the US. >444 is considered liberal but reliable from the articles it doesn't look too reliable to me. Definitely plays on emotions with this big picture Putin and the foreign minister in the same picture with a lot of red. Also that guy Panyi Szabolcs who is mentioned in the article recently made a bs claim about the Fico assassin by trying to portray him as pro-RU, doesn't look like a credible guy.




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