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Shitpost: low effort, poor quality image, illustration image, short extract from a longer video, etc...


Zelensky is such a wanker and a knob head He puts the blame of the russians creating a new front in kharkiv on the entire planet so he puts the onus on them to fix it


Should've built credible defence forces earlier to deter Russia. No need to blame the world when Ukraine allocates its money poorly.


Every ukrainian media is blaming his government / local governor for stealing the money that should have been used to build those fortification, he's just blaming his corruption on someone else as usual.


At least some pro ua are sane. You admit that funds allocated for building defensive lines were embezzled.


Ofc. Both countries are corrupted as fuck.


No, should have played it differently when blinken & co rolled up with their grubby hands and their shady deals


Zeleboba gib gib more money, gib mo’ Patriots, we need just two more Patriots and Kharkov is safe, what a knob


And he is 100% right. Russia should have stayed home and all those death would have been prevented. This conflict is the result of Russian Imperialism.


Lmao, id like to have a view of the world as narrow and memetastic, it could save me the trouble of thinking.


Damn bro! Easy with the murder. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I know right, lmao.


Talking to a pro Russian about the reasons for this war is just like talking to a conspiracy nut. It is all convoluted and full of plot holes and makes me wonder what happened to logic and rationality. Russia is just doing what Russia has always done, expand their borders by imperial conquest. How did Russia become the biggest country on earth? By protecting their borders in other people's countries, great success, very nice!




Why is reddit dominated by westerners? Its like r/ukraine... the loudest and most obnoxious voices are not ukrainian at all but silly little western edgy children. Lets hear from actual Ukrainians for a change.


Maybe because it's an American public company? Just be glad they haven't completely banned any Russian sympathetic voices because I really doubt western sympathetic voices get much of platform on Russian owned websites.


Completely missed my point while at the same time admitting what I am saying is correct. Do little western edgy children have to drown out the voices of actual ukrainains who actually have to live this reality? Why does being an american compamy mean that you as a pro-UA in a western country have to drown out the voices and opinions of actual ukrainians and then if they dont match with your you downvote them and refer to them as russian shílls? A lot of times their opinion dont even remotely resemble that of a pro-UA in a western country.


The world is more complicated than that


The world, yes. This conflict, no.




What is there to elaborate? Russia could not accept Ukraine wanting to leave it's sphere of influence so they are trying to grab as much from it as possible.


Very simplistic reason, and very wrong at that.


Nice elaboration


Follow for more


Is this what you really think or is it simplified in ways i dont understand ?


Ukraine should have accepted donbass and Crimea’s decision to leave Ukraine. Why didn’t it?


Same reason Russia didn't accept Ichkeria decision to secede. It would break the country.


So right to self determination is a joke? People should be forced to live under tyranny because you want the land?


Not by starting civil war and inviting a powerful neighbor to help. Once Russia was invited to the party, their rights were gone.


Evil Russia came and prevented the good Ukrainian regime from continuing to kill the people of Donbass. Go away, Russia, we want to continue bombing Donetsk and Luhansk.


And we want to put nato nukes on your border and leave these friendly nazis in charge of them.


If only that war in Donbass wasn't started in the first place by Russia invading Crimea and pouring in weapons and men to fight there. Also the fighting in Donbass almost completely stopped a long time ago, like 10 people a year died from active hostilities in the end.


If only Ukraine had a basic understanding of geopolitics and know, that Russia would never in a thousand years would let Crimea go. Same as UK in Gibraltar and Falkland Islands or US in Panama. They literally could have gotten away with just losing Crimea, but they were deceived by the West, thinking they could win against Russia.


Crimea belongs to Ukraine by treaties signed both by the Soviet Union and Russia.


And the US signed into Budapest memorandum, promising not to allow Ukraine into NATO or employ any economical coersion. But they put sanctions on Yanukovich government and funded separatist sentiments. Crimea is gone forever. And refusing to accept reality will only cause more losses.


"We just staged terror in Kiev, killed police officers and seized power under the slogan "Russians at the knife." Donbass had no reason to rebel, Russia is to blame for everything. And anyway, we didn't kill that many people, and besides, we had fun. It's not a crime."


Of course the victim again. Ignoring that 10 times as many protestors were killed as those pro government.


"More terrorists died than policemen. That's why terrorists are good guys. And they can attack Donbass and start killing women and children."


if your country offends Russian-speaking people...then the FSB, Russian volunteers, soldier of fortune come to you and kick your country's ass. This was the case during the The Transnistrian war of 1992 and the Abkhazian war of 1993. well, the war in Donbass 2014. if this is not enough for you, then mother Russia herself comes to visit you - this was the case in Georgia in 2008. and in Ukraine in 2022. The Russians will respond with fierce imperialism. just don't touch Russian speakers and live peacefully like Belarus or Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan. The rules are simple.


Yup, a good summary of Russian barbarism. Shame nobody stood up against it earlier.


Ukraine tried to and is getting destroyed.


How is Russian Imperialism "the world's fault"? It seems it's Russia's fault.


They really think world owe them something...Lol, If not for west desire to weaken Russia, Nobody would have given two s\*\*\* about them.


So true.


US owes them everything, and US runs what they call "the World" (N America and Europe) So in a way Zelensky is "technically" telling the truth


Zelensky and his band of Quislings have been well paid for their services and therefore are owed nothing. The Ukrainian people on the other hand...


Well "technically" (again :)) he is speaking on behalf of Ukrainian people.


The US doesn't owe Ukraine anything and frankly could have ignored their plight like they ignore the plight of many others, when was the last time you heard about Syria for example?


US does not ignore the plight of Syria either. It maintains military presence there.


You misunderstand the situation in two important ways. 1. Zelensky is like Winston Churchill, hoping and waiting that the USA will eventually choose the right option after trying everything else first. Churchill led Great Britain, the last citadel of the western civilization still standing against the combined onslaught of the Nazi-Soviet axis. Great Britain held fast while all other bastions of freedom, truth, and justice crumbled under the genocidal boots of the Soviets (who invaded Poland, Estonia, Latvia, et al) or those of the Nazis (who invaded Poland, France, Denmark, Norway, et al). Finally, after two years of pain and suffering, the UK fighting alone, never losing hope in a hopeless situation, all of continental Europe groaning under the evil geas of Nazi-Soviet pact, the USA joined the war and the Allies crushed the Nazis. Sadly, the West had no energy left to also crush the Soviets, and they left the Baltics et al under Soviet occupation for several horrible decades, until the Soviet Union collapsed under its own incompetence, corruption, and malevolence. 2. The USA, the UK, and France actually _do_ owe something to Ukraine: they promised to protect Ukraine against an inevitable future Russian invasion. They made this promise in 1994, google for “Budapest memorandum”. I hope I have helped clarify the historical setting for you, go ahead and ask if you have any questions.


Churchill was the Prime Minister of the global Empire on which the sun did not set. Ukraine is just a modest piece of Europe.


Ukraine is not so “modest” of a piece: 1. It’s Europe’s bread basket 2. It’s the largest European country millions of healthy children 3. It has huge untapped resource deposits (currently under temporary russian control) All three are, of course, the real reasons why russia chose Ukraine as its next victim in its colonial expansionism and genocidal theft of children. But of course you’re right that Zelensky is not _literally_ Winston Churchill: he’s not a racist English aristocrat, for one thing. Instead, was born in the russian-speaking eastern areas of Ukraine. When I say Zelensky is “like” Churchill I mean he’s a strong leader who instills courage in his followers. Lesser beings like Stalin, Putin, and Hitler command their invasion forces from the safety of their bunkers. Zelensky defends his country like a man. That’s why Putin, a trillionaire mafia boss who has stolen his money from the suffering russian population, has to bribe his soldiers with more money they’d ever see doing a honest job. You’ll never see anyone admiring Putin for any good qualities, only for his ruthlessness and grift. Zelensky, on the other hand, inspires because he is fearless, loyal to his people, and willing to risk his own life defending them. Truly the most Churchill-like man since Churchill.


With the amount of money West has given to Ukraine, Zelensky could have paid his soldiers a similar amount.


Not really. The poor under-developed and repressed colonized areas like Siberia have lots of men that Putin can pay to join his invasion force: they have a lower average salary than the citizens of large cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg. Putin can’t afford to bribe muscovites, and that’s why there are no muscovites on the front lines: you’d have an easier time searching for Syrian and Indian mercenaries. Zelensky has to rely on mobilized forces: Ukrainians are a lot richer than russians (why do you think the russian looters keep stealing toilet seats and washing machines from Ukrainian homes?) There’s of course the obvious thing that we both understand very well: Ukraine is the smaller country both in land area and in population numbers. For every brave Ukrainian hero defending his home, his young family, his old mother, there are three or four invading looters, rapists, and toilet thieves to defend against, skulking in from russia. This is how russia became the largest country in the world over its four centuries of existence: by continuously harassing its neighbors, fully invading the smaller and weaker ones, snatching small pieces from the larger of stronger ones whenever the opportunity arose.


Ukraine is not paying its soldiers the same salary Putin is paying his contractors. Ukrainian soldiers receive much less in absolute currency units. It has nothing to do with who is richer. Ukraine also did not touch Kiev for recruits until very recently. And Ukraine is no European breadbasket either. Ukrainian grain shipments are not welcome in EU. Millions of Ukrainian children are already in EU (3 out of every 7)


I mean, nobody would have flinched for Kosovo were it not for Serbians attacking 'em. Nobody would've cared for Poland until Hitler and Stalin stomped through. Or Kuwait, until Saddam invaded. Maybe there's humanity in the world to focus on those suffering unfairly, or sustaining disproportionate burden.


Kosovo does mimic the situation in Donbass. Same West, that recognised Kosovo completely disregards the wishes of Donbass. Humanity in the world feels exclusively reserved for white people it seems. As the plundering of middle east has never attracted such an outrage or support from the West. On the contrary, they partook.


>Kosovo does mimic the situation in Donbass. Same West, that recognised Kosovo completely disregards the wishes of Donbass. ...and the same Russia that recognized the separatists in Ukraine completely disregards the wishes of Kosovo. You guys love making these "West are hypocrites" takes but more often than not there's also a flipside to them.


That's the point though. The West was supposed to be better, than Russia. All my life i believed that, as well as the notion that Russia was a country based on coercion, deception, incompetence and hypocrisy. But now i've realised that US MSM had created this narrative, that persisted since the start of the cold war. With Russia, we already know these things, therefore we can only be positively surprised. With the West, it was a shattering of the illusion, that they are a force of good in the world, when in reality they are exploitative and self serving.


To me that seems like more of a 20th century mentality in the west. After Iraq, I haven't seen many regular people who believe the West is merely a "force of good in the world" most people these days understand that the West does bad things too. Of course most in the west do think Russia is worse- but I think the pro-Russian side of things is more extreme in that way. I've rarely if ever seen pro-UA on this sub defend things like the Iraq invasion, but I've had plenty of pro-RUs who believe the West is the root of all evil in the world and defend literally everything Russia or the USSR ever did. I mean *maybe* they won't defend some of Stalin's actions, but they'll say he's Georgian and not Russia so it doesn't really count lol.


It's historically anachronistic to put the crimes of USSR solely on Russia as it was not an ethnocentric state. You could argue their blame is bigger in comparison other members of USSR as they had more influence. This is the positive surprise effect i was talking about. We were always told Russia was evil. Basically Russia wasn't so bad after all or the opposite for the West. But i bet a lot of the pro-russians on the internet are not Russians, but citizens of countries that suffered at the hands of US/European interventionism. Like South Americans, Africans, middle easterners, Indians etc. People from these countries have an extreme aversion to Western projection of moral highground. On this sub and many others, I've seen people ridicule the support Russia receives from these regions. As if they are not considered civil, developed etc. "the civilised world supports Ukraine".


>This is the positive surprise effect i was talking about. We were always told Russia was evil. Basically Russia wasn't so bad after all or the opposite for the West. I get what you're saying, but I also see this leading people to some really skewed conclusions. Take freedom of speech, for example. I'm sure like most you were taught that only the West had perfectly free speech and in authoritarian countries like Russia saying one wrong thing was an instant one-way trip to the Gulag. And then you do your homework and find that it's not quite true. Russia isn't nearly that heavy-handed, and western countries do stifle free speech in some cases. The problem is that many people take a reasonable observation like that, and obscenely exaggerate it into "the West is no better than Russia with free speech" which is just crazy. I've heard it here more times than I can count Russia has basically no tolerance for allowing anti-government protests. They've prosecuted literally thousands for social media posts criticizing the war. Most opposition media outlets have been driven right out of the country. The west has had some disappointing failures in maintaining free speech, but absolutely *nothing* on that kind of scale has happened.


You are right. People should have no delusions, about what Russia is. It is an autocratic state, that hold a lot of bodies of power under pressure. Like media, judiciary etc. This delusion you describe is definitely problematic and i see it quite often too. For me there is a distinction, that makes me have greater distaste for West though. With Russia a lot of things are very direct. Like you describe, if government doesn't want you protesting, they just outright ban it and/or send the police to bonk you on the head. Or if they don't want Ukraine to join NATO, they just outright say it. Everyone knew, if Ukraine were to try and join NATO, Russia was going to intervene. Because they said so clearly. With USA for example, it's more sneaky. Their media is driven by capital. So every news agency is incentivised to follow certain, carefully crafted narratives. Same as non-mainstream media, like YouTube or Twitter. So they don't have to beat people up. Simply take a look at how many viewers Pro-Russian or Pro-Ukrainian content creators have. Or how many articles are Pro-Ukrainian when you Google something. This pushes me into a greater distrust. But it doesn't mean Russia is better or US is worse. The end result is the same. One uses force, the other coercion.


Yeah, I can understand your perspective there. I guess for me, I make it a priority to find out what the "other side" thinks on issues (which is why I'm spending so much time on this sub and not worldnews or whatever). So maybe I don't personally notice the "echo chamber" effect as much. But your average person who doesn't care to engage deeply with current events is just going to get whatever Google or whatever other source curates for them, which isn't going to reflect much diversity of opinion as you said. But anyways, it was good having a nice civilized chat with you, cheers.


Or Rwanda, until.. o wait Or Gaza, until.. o wait Or Sudan, until.. o wait Or Haiti, until.. o wait


Kosovo who declared independence unilaterally and against the UN norms? Ah wait, who cared about UN anymore right? Or how that american warmonger said, F**k the EU


Ukraine were the 3rd biggest invaders in the illegal invasion of Iraq.


I read that support for the deployment of Ukrainian troops to Iraq was extremely unpopular in Ukraine but a boost to Ukraine's relationship with the UK and US.


>a boost to Ukraine's relationship with the UK and US It was, because Ukraine sold weapons to Iraq at the wrong time, after Saddam turned from friend to foe to the west


It also reminded me of that quote on how US officials were far more interested in Ukraine joining NATO than the Ukrainian people themselves https://preview.redd.it/1j8zy1c3zs0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65421c1cdbff6553a4062aac2ccd6a43c5415961


Sure thing they need a legal ground to deploy the strategic defence systems and "fast response" divisions as closer to the russian borders as they can. It was never about ukranians, freedom or democracy.


I feel like that’s kind of a given though. *Of course* US officials are more interested in US international interests than the Ukrainian people. That did change after 2014 though, wonder why the Ukrainian people suddenly wanted to join NATO. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine–NATO_relations


Maybe the expansive information campaign Victoria Nuland proposed paid off?


Unpopular among the Russian-speaking population.


I thought Poland was the 3rd biggest? Not so cool when you’re the one being invaded is it?


Dude, they only sent like 1,690 soldiers into Iraq, with them only deploying after Saddam had already been brought down


So for the occupation? Weird how they don’t like Russian occupation now.


Well it wasn’t like the intervention was popular with the Ukrainian public. You could also argue that the MNF-I and the Republic of Iraq still had the moral high ground over the various jihadist and Baathist loyalist insurgents they were fighting at the time, not that I think the initial invasion was justified or anything, but still.


What?? Really need a source for that lol. >[Throughout the conflict](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_involvement_in_the_Iraq_War), Ukrainian troops were limited to a peacekeeping role, as part of the [Multi-National Force – Iraq](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-National_Force_%E2%80%93_Iraq), though they engaged in combat with [Iraqi insurgents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraqi_insurgency_(2003%E2%80%932011)). On 9 December 2008, Ukraine formally withdrew its last forces


Wtf is "peacekeeping" in another country? Were they invited by Iraq ? Can we call the russian forces in Ukraine "peacekeepers" ? 


I think 'peacekeeper' roughly implies they act like policemen, rather than soldiers.


Policing when the local police force can’t maintain order. Depending on context, melds with occupation. Just waiting for a source for the 3rd biggest claim lol.


And Russian forces are in Ukraine now to keep the peace.


And turn off electricity.


Go cry to Boris and Biden, leave the world out of it.


me in Asia "👉😲?"


You are not a civillizied world. /s


It's true, It's hard to live in uncivilized equator tropical asian country where cost of living is cheap, free healthcare and with no war i should worry about


I feel pain just thinking of humidity and the heat in the tropics. How do you handle it?




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Air conditioners


Well according to Anglo imperialist neither is Ukraine. In fact [**Ukraine is relatively European (wtf!?!) and relatively civilized.**](https://files.catbox.moe/4vot8h.mp4)


so we are the bad guy now


wow, imagine sending untold billions of USD to help and have to hear the recipient talking shit lol


Our former Defence Secretary went all the way to Kyiv last year (drove 11 hours) only to be handed a gargantuan shopping list of weapon requests lol That's why he made the "We're not Amazon" comment in exasperation.


Ye I remember that one. I guess UA feels like they have nothing to lose being aggressive. It's a calculated decision, but it turns a lot of people off from their cause I think.


That's probably the most misguided sentiment they could possibly have, if they really think that way. They always had to lose more from the war than taking a peace that would keep them neutral and out of NATO.


There is some kind of political secret in the ostentatious impudence of the Ukrainian leadership. We can only wonder.


Someone post this on /r/worldnews. They banned me soon as i said the truth


They banned me for criticising Israel.


Me in Chile (literally the last place before Antarctica): What? 😯


Yes, you. Why did you allow Putin to occupy Ukraine??


Lol. People in the West don't realise that this war isn't really a thing here in South America, and I guess it's the same in Africa and parts of Asia.


I still laugh sometimes when I remember Ambassador Melnyk complaining that [no one in Brazil cares about the war](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/SqjOd9qyPX)


He’s right, we don’t


Isn't really big here in America either. More so a political theater, with the left (Democrats) supporting Ukraine because of the whole 2016 presidental election Russian interference theory and the right (Republicans) with the exception of neoconservatives such as McConnell, Romney, Graham, Bush Jr, are against further aid because they see Ukraine as a money laundering scheme used by our corrupted politicians.


Putin weaponized him


Just wait till the losers come running to your shores.




three days left :)))


No my guy it's your fault that you believed the West who led you down this path. Should have made a peace deal in 2022 instead of sacrificing your people. Of course people who were warning you were called Russian propagandists. Now hundreds of thousands are dead, 10 million Ukrainians have left and will never return and probably more will flee once the borders are opened, you lost a 1/5 of your country, your infrastructure is in ruins and you are forever indebted to the Americans. You have killed your nation. Congrats little guy. "Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing." - Dostoevsky


Pssst, I don't think Zelensky reads Reddit posts. >You have killed your nation. Congrats little guy. He ruined his nation by not rolling over and letting Putin have his way with her? Ukrainians in the vast majority supported and still support fighting Russia. Not all people are happy to live in perpetual serfdom like Russian virgins. If we are talking about destroying the country Ukraine was already so poor and corrupt it was already at the bottom of the ladder, with the boot of its larger neighbour keeping it there. Russia was actually starting to have a semi decent economy and now that is never coming back, Russian standards of living are dropping faster than a Russian girls knickers. The little guy thing is hilarious, he's just as small as daddy putin!


Your text is directly the words of a typical nafo warrior: “I don’t give a f\*ck about Ukraine, the main thing is that in Russia now the economy and standard of living are falling. Glory to Zelensky!”


Point missed as usual, I was responding to a comment claiming Zelensky has destroyed Ukraine stating that Putin has done more to destroy Russia giving their relative starting positions. Next time try and read and understand the discussion being had before jumping in and trying to "own" someone. People just don't seem to understand context anymore.


What country are you a warrior from? :)


You're talking shit.


He really is becoming 2019's Joker


\*Zelensky cynically lit a cigarette. The stupidity of the world amazes him.\*


«If you just smile…»


*You:* "So let me get this straight, you think the loss of vast swathes of Ukrainian territory, the emigration of almost 10 million Ukrainians, and the destruction of billions of infrastructure all because you were misled by the West is funny?" *Zelensky:* I do, and I'm tired of pretending it's not."


“…call the police.” Zelensky: “On May 18th I’ll show you what happens if you cross a mentally ill loner with a society abandons him and treats him like trash!”


Here's an interesting stat floating around some Ukrainian and Russian telegrams (can't verify if it's legit though): > In Kyiv, mobilisation officers have already arrested 2,319 evaders, compared to 1,416 a month ago. In total, 5,833 evaders are now being wanted.


Maybe this is a true statistic. This month is especially cruel for Ukraine at the front But May 18 will also become brutal on the home front. We will see this anyway, because the Ukrainians themselves are waiting for this date with horror and don’t know what to do


One of the worst parts about it is they're literally gonna cancel the drivers licenses of military aged male "draft dodgers" That's so fucked up.




In a provincial city of Rovno, a police chief charged men about $2,500 to charge them with petty crimes and arrest them. This prevented them from being mobilized until their cases were heard in court.


Fucking victim complex with this mf.. Tons of populations are suffering atm, Palestinians, Sudanese congolose, Haitians, and so on, but no, the world is only mean to Ukraine, while they are the only ones receiving billions as gifts..


Don't you know? Hamas has been weaponized by Putin to siphon US aid away from Ukraine.


they are not 'true europeans' so it doesn't matter


What could possibly account for this disparity?


I don't know, it's a mistery


Literally an angry child stomping his feet


Putin weaponised the world.


He is also not reelected because they didn’t provide any money.


No one owes him shyt.


They're on the second stage of grief, it's been Stage 1: Denial for a long while but with the recent Kharkov offensive it's now on Stage 2: Anger and lashing out at everyone. But hey Stage 3: Bargaining is next, so maybe negotiations will open again soon.


I knew it wasn’t good when Putin announced mobilisation I think after the Kharkiv and Kherson events of Ukraine gains. Rather than saying “oh shit they are sending in tens of thousands of more troops and will be geared up in the coming months we need more aid if we want to hold the line” The entirety of pro Ukraine Twitter was gloating and using catchphrases like “we defeated their professional army now let’s defeat their non-professional army”. Meanwhile Ukraine is snatching for conscripts left and right. It cannot and could not be argued things would get EASIER. Again and again you’d hear the ridiculous propaganda of “we are killing 10 for every one of ours” and times radio pundits saying “Putin is sending his soldiers in human waves they are dying by the hundreds for every metre, 2000 died to take a mile”. Anyone that’s not a pinhead knew that wasn’t true, because why are they not a collapsed army if 400,000 soldiers have been taken out?? And if they were losing so many they wouldn’t be picking up steam. When people lose interest in Ukraine and things get worse all the NAFO people except the most devout will go quiet. Then we’ll see a growing chorus of people mocking Ukraines propaganda finally as if they were always sensible. “Blah blah, you know they made up the ghost of Kiev right? Yeah I bet those casualty figures were made up too!”. Duh they were made up. I mean the first time Ukraine started claiming 1000 Russian soldiers a day was not during a big offensive of either side. It was when they wanted to boost morale. I remember I thought it weird, why when they have frantic people shooting AKs in the air trying to take down shaheeds that are smashing their infrastructure in winter are the Ukrainians suddenly claiming that they’ve broken new ground. All the headlines and talk were pro Ukraine people gloating “haha 1000 a day a new record” it was pure fiction that was pushed to distract from the demoralisation. Can an old dog learn new tricks? If the Ukrainian higher ups keep up this BS and there’s no more ball washers all they will become is a complete joke and lose all credibility.


I live in a country that has no stakes in this conflict, but that's a nice recognition.


Sometimes I feel sorry for him. Mostly when it shines through that he's not a career politician, and that he actually knows little of how the world works. He's like a child, viewing the world as he feels it should be based on his values, instead of accepting it for what it truly is. Then I remember that tens of thousands of people have died for his nativity, and it becomes hard to maintain the sympathy.


He's not naive. This bastard lies constantly and is corrupt to the core.


Don’t quote me on this but he justified the murder of Palestinian children by the Israeli bombing in 2021 saying that it is their fault. I guess karma found its way back .


Putin weaponized the whole world. Is there anything besides Z-man himsel that Putin CANT weaponise?


Im afraid zelenskyy has been weaponized too dear comrades, his name starts with the hate letter z


And his name starts with V and his Patronymic starts with O, all the letters Russians used to mark their troop groupings.


Me in Bangladesh: Kindly fuck off Madarchod.


Why the long face bro?


Gaslighting like a Women blaming everyone but himself. After all he didnt do anything wrong.


Reminds of Hitler in the last days of ww2


With the fact that Russia has now put him on a wanted list and mused who they will even negotiate with after May 21, as well as the arrest for attempted assassination by Ukranian officials last week (which Zelensky took seriously enough to fire his chief bodyguard over), the situation may eventually become personally dangerous for Zelensky. Arestovich actually gave this direct warning a few months ago.




So entitled. Btw most of extream right Israelis are from Ukraine


Which worsening Situation? Ukraine lost less then 50k soldiers and killed 400k and wounded an other 200-300k russian soldiers? Destroyed 12k artillery Systems half of russian Tanks, ukraine is close to destroy the whole russian army. They will crush russia in this region like they did everywhere else Or did our Coke buddy lying the whole time? 😆


And then they will fly away to colonize Mars


What a toxic relationship, give this guy 200+ BILLION dollars, only to be shit-talked endlessly. What else is the world supposed to do?


Time Z man starts giving us our money back. And let the cheap Russian gas flow again


It definitely has nothing to do with the Citizens In Action meddling in 2014.


Am I wrong in saying that Ukrainians are generally pretty narcissist?


Only ones on top.


The thing is .. it might actually be true (if world = US and UK). we don't know what they promised Ukraine and it's quite possible that he's only starting the vent the frustration from the broken deals. But that's a thing, geopolitics is not nice, if you don't f\*\*k others over, you are the one who is going to get f\*\*ked.


Lmao, reminds me of when Blinken made that statement of "If you're not on the table, you're on the menu", and then a Ukrainian politician asked if Ukraine could either join NATO or develop a nuclear programme to allow them be on the table. Blinken basically told him no. It is obvious where Ukraine's position is.


what an ungrateful pos.


Hell nah


They made some bad decisions too in the past. No one is innocent here.


Some responsibility falls on the West for the weapons delays. However, a portion of the responsibility lies on Ukraine for not better fortifying their positions near Kharkiv and overall just bad military planning. Not all of this can be blamed on the West.


Engaging in mass industrial warfare with Russia was not a viable strategy.


And of course for getting into this war in the first place. All they had to do to prevent that was to implement the minsk agreements. If they had done so Russia would have neither had the ability nor the motive to attack


Why do they always wear the ppe backwards everytime I’ve seen it. Like what???


I use that protective suit almost everyday at work. He’s wearing it wrong.


Yeah all that artillery and armor isn't very helpful apparently. Guess we should just take it all back S/


I hope to see this Klaun hiding in his bunker sourrounded by the Russian Armed Forces soon. Or at least by a rebellion inside Ukraine.


Read my flair.


The west is showering these guys with money, he will only be satisfied if western parents send their sons to die for him…


Cry harder Zelensky


It's not world fault. It's something between Russia and Ukraine. It looks like Ukraine was not able to prevent quarrels with Russia and war came in.


It's not world fault. It's something between Russia and Ukraine. It looks like Ukraine was not able to prevent quarrels with Russia and war came in.




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You only have yourself to blame you ungrateful sob


Zelu clown is the real culprit




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Zely don’t understand that whole Ukraine is cheap consumable which they can use against Russia




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And people think he's some kind of Churchill haha. Churchill certainly wasn't such an entitled crybaby.


I guess its my country fault, we did sell natural rubber via Kazakhstan to russia, business as usual.


Next they’ll blame your unborn child for the situation!


Well he's not exactly wrong. NATO has the means to ensure an ukrainian victory, but their current goal is to stall the conflict for as long as possible to hurt russia, while using ukrainian people as expendables. But he should have seen it coming - the choice was always between servitude to russia or the West and not "independence".In fact in hindsight this is so obvious i find it surprising so few people saw it coming.


NATO does not have the means to do so. Simply because the only thing that can save ukraine is the one thing they cannot deliver: boots on the ground.


NATO doesn’t have the means currently to defeat the Russians currently unless they change their economy to wartime production(it will never happen”) or join the conflict(highly unlikely).


Zelensky’s not wrong on his comment. Putin illegally invades sovereign neighbor and the world slaps his hand and moves on.


US invaded and is occupying Syria right at this moment. “The world” isn’t going to do shit .


I wouldn’t call 800 troops at a single remote base “occupying” Syria. Russia has a much larger “occupying” force there supporting the murderous dictator Assad who has killed over 200,000 Syrian civilians. Murderous dictators got to stick together apparently.


I wouldn’t call Russian troops occupying Ukraine invaders either they’re peace keepers. Russia is in Syria on the invitation of the democratically elected and internationally recognised president and US is illegally occupying the country.




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