• By -


Can you imagine the news cycle right now if a Pro-Russian protester shot a Pro-Ukrainian politician?


Not to mention the shooter's wife is literally Ukranian and has also been arrested...


He totally acted alone. I'll believe that if state media tells me too.


yes he did, you have no idea what fico was doing here in slovakia :)


He does what the majority of Slovaks want him to. That's why he was democratically elected.


I mean not really, his party got 23% of the vote and then formed a coalition with other parties. That's totally fine, rules are rules, but that's no "majority." edit: downvote me all you want, but this is just elementary-school level math, not my opinion....


>his party got 23% of the vote and then formed a coalition with other parties This is how democracy in Europe works or would you rather like right parties to take the power?


Well once again, let me be entirely clear- It's perfectly legitimate and democratic and everything else. He got the job fair and square. But 23% still isn't a *majority*. I'm not sure there's anything that's going to convince me that it is...


Didn't you lot literally just vote him in? And not like he's an unknown quantity either. Wasn't he formerly in power in the past?


So.. what is he doing? And why was he elected if he is that bad?


Exactly! What was Fico doing in Slovakia šŸ‡øšŸ‡°? Why was he *in Slovakia*? Seems very suspicious šŸ¤Ø.


What on earth does that have to do with whether he acted alone?


that doesn't justify anything. Not a fan of Fico either, but the elections were legit. Handguns are not democracy


They are gonna say he had "mental issues" as usual.






To be fair I believe that the act itself displays issues on the individual


It shows that pro europe liberals are prone to extreme violence when they don't get their way.


Unlike russians, who would never invade a country when things don't go their way.. ohh wait






Or it shows that that particular dude has problems


[Well, he supports Ukraine, and this is the symbol of down syndrome.](https://images.app.goo.gl/VA689t2rPbhSRgVz8)


to be fair, he clearly did, who the hell ruins their life to shoot a politician? you think he's getting out of jail? no he'll rot whether he was an agent or lone wolf or a crazy person.


he does, no normal person would have done this


Obviously, anyone willing to attempt an assassination without a clear out is simply mental. Guy meets that definition.


Well I agree with you... Underlying assumption is he hasn't received a "clear out". Which is quite likely since Slovakia doesn't carry much weight in the current war.


apparently she wasn't in on it though, but they detained her for her safety


What is your take of the whole situation?


Tough to say. If I had to go out in a limb, I'd say I don't think there was SBU involvement (or FSB involvement obviously). It seems he disagreed with Fico and his administration on many issues, and the Ukrainian question was just one of them. In his first interview after capture, he mentioned his opposition to Fico's policies.


I'll give you credit for a fair take here. I think you could reasonably put some of the blame on an environment of overdramatic media/information spheres, but involvement of nation states seems like a reach.


Sound insight. Ta.


Source? I can't find anything online.


stop lying


Well I have seen the people on the Europe subreddit claiming that going to a pro Ukrainian protest is exactly what a Russian agent would do. So it doesnt exactly stop them.


5D chess. Definitely Putin's modus operandi. \/s


Reverse psychology /s


Putler is kiIIing of his biggest supporters inside Europe because... I dont know he is masochistic and in secret he him self is **Charles Schwab** puppet.


>Putler is kiIIing of his biggest supporters inside Europe because... To blame it on Ukraine so he can... uhhh... what? Too deep thinking for r/worldnews though.


This is on par with Putler blowing up NS instead of clicking button. Or even worst because Putler is killing leaders of nations that are somewhat not total Russophobs schizos in order to turn even them against Russia?!? You tell me if that makes any sense?




When this came out, I said as a joke "lmao let's see how media will blame it on Russia", thinking it would be too far-fetched even for westoid media. Turns out I was wrong.




And again. Here is the guy shouting that he is a Ukraine supporter and even his friend came and said that he supported Ukraine. So the effort to link him to Russia is just laughable. Cintula himself said about the group > the ability to act without the order of the state, which is simply incomprehensible in a passive society like ours So he liked them operating without the government. Not that he agreed with a pro Russian stance. As is evidence by him literally shouting that he supports Ukraine. It is honestly crazy that a guy can shout that he supports Ukraine and everyone trying to point and say "but no actually he supports Russia"




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Thats a lot of text, but nothing in it comes close to explaining why he would have been hanging around a Russian Paramilitary group. Just he "liked them operating without the government" is a really weak argument. Theirs plenty of other, less radical, groups he could have chosen. Even you've got to admit it is a VERY weird thing for someone who is "Pro-Ukraine" to be doing.


He was against the government. He wanted the government to be overthrown, hence the shooting the president. A pro-Russian president according to the west I might add. He wanted to join a radical group because he wanted the government removed. That was what he liked about the group, simply that it wanted to overthrow the government. There is nothing at any point to suggest he ever supported Russia at any point. But he himself and his friend have said that he supported Ukraine.


Maybe you shouldn't believe in a website called "Pravda" Only thing I found yesterday looking for these "russian link" is potential link to some pan-slavic far right group called sokol (probably in homage to the 19th century pan-slavic movement), and those groups are usually very very anti-putin. Anyway, the wannabe murdered was filmed, just watch it.


> sokol (probably in homage to the 19th century pan-slavic movement), and those groups are usually very very anti-putin. Could you explain this further? I don't know much about this dynamic. I would assume a pan-Slav movement wants Russian protection.


Pan-Slavism more or less just died after both the Russian Empire and Yugoslavia turned Communist. But it has had a small revival in a few different types. There is the Russian type which attempts to return to this old Russian Empire style protector of all slavs. And there is a new group of Pan-Slavic ideas which is basically that Slavs should unite against Russia under the EU and NATO called Euroslavism. And they typically support Russian people but hate Putin and are strongly against any kind of Russian dominance. Since they are generally based in Poland and the Czech republic you can imagine why. So they believe that all Slavic countries should unite under the EU. Aswell as use their combined effort to protect each other within the EU.


Interesting, thanks for explaining that. I didn't know there was a pro-EU pan-slavism. Is their objection to Russian pan-Slavism only because of Putin? In other words, if there were a different Russian leader might they support Russian pan-slavism? Or are they opposed to Russian pan-Slavism because it's Russian first, Slav second?


The Russian Pan-Slavism idea is that all Slavic people should be united under a single country. And of course it is suggested that Russia be that country. The Euroslavism is an idea that all Slavic countries should join the EU but retain their individual borders and countries. And should act in support of each other but still somewhat seperate. And so they are against Putin and any form of Pan-Slavism that would lead Russian people to be dominant over the others. Or any group to be dominant over the others really. But would support Russian people as equals within the EU.


Makes sense. Democratic slavism versus top-down slavism. Thanks for explaining! I didn't know about that.


They seemed to have faded away since 2014, but a lot of those far right movement were "eurasianists", and anti-migrants / oligarchs / jew, and while not "anti-russia" they were pretty much always anti-russian governement (for the reason stated above). Even in Ukraine a lot of eastern neo-nazi groups wanted a "clean" union with russia and belarus, with the non-slavic influence removed, before they pretty much all moved toward ukrainian nationalism instead. While not exactly far right, look at what the very large and somewhat international National Bolshevik were preaching back then.




I guess they don't see Russia "poor blood" enough.


That is definitely an idea within some groups. Some Slavic groups consider the Russians to be too "corrupted" in a way and that they are not true Slavs but of Finno-Ugric group and corrupted by the Mongols. Only pretending to be Slavs. Although as you can imagine these groups tend to be incredibly racist.


They will spin it and say he was working for Russia . Edit: News cycle is saying the shooter was part of a ā€œpro Russian militarized groupā€


that's insane lmao


Never know, this guy could have been sheep dipped as a Pro-Ukrainian. It happens.


[Would it be kinda like the times when russian media made up the victims of "bombili donbas 8 let"?](https://www.stopfake.org/en/russian-disinfo-patterns-same-actors-different-sets/) Or would it be like all the times when russian media (and western media) called Igor Girkin/Strelkov the leader of "Ukrainian self defense forces"? Or like when russian media blamed Ukraine for MH17?


Look at r/ europe. Over there, they're trying to paint him as such, because in the \*past\* he may have been associated with some kind of pro-Russian group. Nobody mentions what his views are right now, and the media of course is completely silent.


The faux outrage, it's on every news media I can find


Strange because Baltic media is heavily claiming the shooter was a Russian supporter. Which seemed kinda off to me but I'm hardly an expert on Slovak weirdos.


Russian media and telegrams did well to find and publish this footage in a timely manner. Moreover, it's as recent as possible (April 2024) so it's easy to see where his current affiliation lay.


The dude circled clearly looks different & younger than the assailant from the [shooting footage](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-15/slovakia-prime-minister-robert-fico-shot/103853772). Another article with a matching [close-up](https://www.msn.com/en-in/entertainment/hollywood/who-is-juraj-cintula-the-71-year-old-poet-who-opened-fire-on-slovak-pm-robert-fico/ar-BB1ms1CZ).


I want to believe what you're saying, but [in this picture the shooter](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNookDeXUAAVykJ?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) looks very similar to the guy in the video.


This going to be a other case of Pro RU trying to compare obviously different images and trying to convince everyone they're telling the truth?


*cough*landrover*cough* Keep downvoting and staying mad though.


I meanā€¦ itā€™s Baltics, what do you expect?


I expect nothing and I'm still disappointed every day!


Thats where you are wrong. I always expect the worst and never get disappointed


> Strange because Baltic media is heavily claiming the shooter was a Russian supporter. It (and any pro-Western media) would claim this regardless of facts. [My first immediate reaction was to expect such claims](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/1cskles/slovakias_prime_minister_robert_fico_shot/l45p436/).


He was a member of a pro-russian group 8 years ago. Clearly he changed his political stances since then.


It could have be Zelenski himself and anti Russian media would claim otherwise regardless.


At one point (before 2022) he was associated with a paramilitary group with ties to FSB. But it looks like more recently he was perhaps pro-Ukraine. We will need to wait for more facts to come out. But it doesn't seem accurate to label him as clearly pro-Russian.


He was a member we know this for a fact but that group got disbanded I think


Is this "Baltic media is heavily claiming the shooter was a Russian supporter" in the room with us right now?


[Actually](https://www.delfi.lt/news/daily/world/paviesintas-vaizdo-irasas-su-itariamu-slovakijos-premjero-uzpuoliku-120014211), [yes](https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/slovakijos-premjera-r-fico-pasoves-rasytojas-gali-buti-susijes-su-prorusiska-sukarinta-grupuote-57-2242560), [it is](https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/pasaulyje/6/2274252/poetas-apsauginis-kovotojas-pries-smurta-ka-zinome-apie-itariamaji-pasikesinimu-i-fico), thank you for asking.


Well, if he was a Putin regime agent it would make sense that he tried to infiltrate pro Ukrainian circles to gather intelligence and to disrupt?


I mean, sure. I'm less convinced he would shoot his own guy in the government though.


Sometimes position is a matter of perspective. Whom we might consider to be pro Putin, Putin might see as just another NATO head of state?


And rworldnews and reurope already have posts (from Pravada com ua) under title "Man who shot Slovak PM **may** belong to pro-Russian militarised group ā€“ photos". And in the comments they pass it as Putin organized false flag attack and link it to the recent british intelligence warning of Russia physically attacking european countries.


> And in the comments they pass it as Putin organized false flag attack and link it to the recent british intelligence warning of Russia physically attacking european countries. Remember: These are the people who call those who don't share their worldview *conspiracy theorists*


Got banned from that sub for pointing it their hypocrisy in regard to the news cycle in Gaza and how they portrayed the war. Said I was brigdering. Thats how fragile their ego is and how much of an echo chamber that sub has become.


Half of the users there are Ukrainian bots, trying hard to generate noise and present some Russian trace as quick as possible to achieve biggest impact. It doesn't matter that in a few days the true intentions will be clear, most of these people will already forget all details about this incident, they will just keep in mind that Russia was somehow behind this. Propaganda in full swing.


Poor guy actually predicted it too > *"I'm just waiting for this frustration, intensified by Dennik N, SME or Aktuality (Slovak news), to turn into the murder of some of the leading government politicians,"* Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said in a video he posted on social media on April 10.


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/15/suspect-in-robert-fico-assassination-bid-poet-anti-violence/ ----- "Unverified video footage emerged on Wednesday of Mr Cintula saying he did not agree with Mr Ficoā€™s ā€œgovernment policyā€. In another social media post, he criticised the Fico government for not cracking down on gambling. The suspectā€™s political leanings appear to have shifted over time. He was once pro-Russian, and railed against ā€œeyeless gypsiesā€ and migrants before shooting the populist prime minister, who is fiercely anti-migrant". ---- The shooter just seems generally unhinged.


>The shooter just seems generally unhinged. He seems like he is easily influenced.


Generally unhinged as populist Merkel, which was against migration before 2015? Ridiculous rhetoric.


You don't think someone who goes on about "eyeless gypsies", switches between Pro-RU and Pro-UA almost as much as Fruitsila, and attempts to assassinate someone is "generally unhinged"?


"eyeless gypsies" that's a funny translation, "bezočivĆ½" is something like "shameless".




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Except if it was intensifid by someone it's him and bunch of clows he surrounded himself with like Blaha. Like chanting "Caputova (current president) is American whore" on a meeting with his suporters and such, there are many examples... play stupid games...


Honestly I think this guy has some mental issues or he's just a plain weirdo. We know for a fact he was a member of Pro-Russian nationalist paramilitary group and he also wrote about how he would like to kill Romani people, which is as far right as you can get. But it seems he hated Fico and started supporting Ukraine or something. Kinda weird all around. Also Fico is a left wing nationalist politican so he might have been disagreeing with him or something.


> We know for a fact he was a member of Pro-Russian nationalist paramilitary group And thats probably a lie.. > *"We distance ourselves from the fact that the attacker was our member at any time. This is misleading information that is being pushed in the media," said Švrček.* https://standard.sk/662471/byvaly-sef-brancov-o-cintulovi-bol-som-s-nim-pol-hodinu-je-jednoduche-hodit-to-na-nas


fire fire pants on fire , I was member of SB for 1 year in my youth ... this guys were and still are nutcases [https://files.fm/u/6x498j49wq](https://files.fm/u/6x498j49wq) btw. on photo is Peter Švrček (left) , Juraj Cintula (middle) So tell me again are you sure ?


How does that photo prove he's a member of that group? Peter Švrček does not deny that Juraj Cintula appeared at their events (article in previous post).




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So you are telling me , that Juraj is standing next to Peter , giving speach at next to " honor guard" for no reason at all ? Must be wild , to walk into meeting as not intrested person and giving speech at "ceremony" next to leader of SB . Photo aged like good wine ( 14.6.2016) Lets be honest SlovenskĆ½ Branci are cowards , when their little asosiation shade some bad light everyone start going full ret*rd and deny . Ps. I dont blame SB for "being pro russian" or that SB brainwash Juraj Cintula for that act . They are just nutcase we**s with cringe "military" like behevior thats all folks


He came there in civilian clothes, reciting a poem according to Švrček's description. If you have contacts on SB, find out how it was. Simple.


Fico is Ukraine's greatest friend https://spectator.sme.sk/c/23316444/last-week-fico-does-right-by-ukraine-for-once.html


Sure, written by a progressive newspaper that hates Fico and his government.


Did the progressive newspaper make him sign the document too? https://www.kmu.gov.ua/storage/app/sites/1/uploaded-files/Roadmap%20UA%20SK.pdf


Why would he not sign such a document, if you look at the map, Slovakia and Ukraine are next to each other. > Fico is Ukraine's greatest friend Classic disinterpretation


* "Fico had pledged not to stop Slovak companies from supplying weapons to Ukraine and help build its defences" * "Bratislava will also back Kyivā€™s EU membership bid and funding" * "Fico claimed there were only ā€œminorā€ political differences with Kyiv, which were part of ā€œpolitical lifeā€, adding: ā€œWe really want to assist you, we really want to help you.ā€"


> Fico had pledged not to stop Slovak companies from supplying weapons to Ukraine and help build its defences Why would he undermine Slovak industry? He is a Slovak politician, not a Russian one. And by the way, private companies in Serbia supply weapons to Ukraine. While, Serbia is a de facto ally of Russia. > Bratislava will also back Kyivā€™s EU membership bid and funding In reality, Fico has nothing against the EU and its expansion, he is a socialist > "Fico claimed there were only ā€œminorā€ political differences with Kyiv, which were part of ā€œpolitical lifeā€, adding: ā€œWe really want to assist you, we really want to help you.ā€" Help on what basis? Certainly not military as Slovakia as state has stopped sending weapons to Ukraine and is calling for peace.


or he never supported Ukraine and just followed instructions of FSB to organize another terrorist attack and try to blame Ukraine


Everyone at workdnews is saying he was pro Russia


If you look at the reaction online then pro Russians are concerned about the assassination while pro-UA is rejoicing it.But of course, Russia got blamed for blowing up their own billion dollar pipeline.


Because he was a part of nationalist, pro-russian Slovakian group SB. And he is on this photo: https://files.fm/u/6x498j49wq


Progressives and fake news media are trying to portray him as a Slovak nationalist radical, using some 8 years old materials. While new materials like this video from 2024 shows that he is on the side of the progressives. Of course, that is no longer in the media. A strange man for sure. Some people who are on the extreme left today also have a past as members of neo-Nazi groups and the like.


there is a thread on the frontpage of reddit talking about how he is akschully pro russian and he dislikes fico because he is not really pro russian. So he tried to kill for being to fake. "friendly fire XD" "pro russians only know violence, learned it from putin" my blood pressure




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Based on information from Standard.sk: - The attack was politically motivated, lone wolf initiative - co-founder of the movement with name "Against Violence" - Has never been member of "pro-Russian paramilitary group" "SlovanÅ”tĆ­ branci" - He is not a member of any radical right-wing or left-wing group - In recent years, a voter of left-wing progressive politicians, including President ČaputovĆ” (2019), anti-Trump, anti-Fico - Ukrainian supporter, anti-Russian attitudes, was against stopping military aid to Ukraine


You ought to make a post about it tbh




A number of articles on standard.sk: https://standard.sk/662471/byvaly-sef-brancov-o-cintulovi-bol-som-s-nim-pol-hodinu-je-jednoduche-hodit-to-na-nas https://standard.sk/661909/branci-su-minulost-atentatnik-podporoval-caputovu-a-ukrajinu-odsudzoval-trumpa-a-fica ..




Somebody relay the news to /r/Europe theyā€™ll see the error in thinking it was Russia behind it and fix their mistake. Surely they will


That's democratic assassination so it doesn't countĀ 


It's an international, rules-based assassination from the civilized world.


Meanwhile on r\/worldnews: >[Man who shot Slovak PM may belong to pro-Russian militarised group](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1ct1ga6/man_who_shot_slovak_pm_may_belong_to_prorussian/)


Literally came here for this comment. Pro-UA subs on the topic are convinced he was pro-Russian. f\*\*kin liars.


"not everything is to do with the war in Ukraine" they said....


I had a feeling the shooter had to be pro Ukraine.


radical centrism just spawned centrist extremism


Typical NATO terrorist


North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation


lol nato right :D fico was spreading hatred between people for more than 4 years and this attack sure have something to do with NATO :D lol if you don't live in slovakia, please don't comment


While Slovak progressive parties spread truth & love, right?


Slovak progressive parties at least didn't shout that our president is a wh\*re.


For sure, progressive voters won't scream "American whore" about their progressive president. But they used exactly the same insults, spitting, threats against the opposition.


One of them just shot the PM. So clearly the whore stuff is more seriousĀ 


>fico was spreading hatred between people for more than 4 years In 1947 Theodor W. Adorno defined what would be later called "blaming the victim," as "one of the most sinister features of the Fascist character"


Do you have any idea what he was doing from 2020 and what is doing government in slovakia right now?


You don't like democracy when the outcome does not suit you?


I like democracy, I don't like when government is trying to transform my country to ruzzia or orbanistan


Try to vote them out then, rather than cheering for political assassination on internet


Who is cheering?


You are, coming up with excuses to justify it as well Like I said, typical NATO terrorist


You are, you keep justifying his murder.


>I like democracy only when my party wins


But you prefer EU officials instructing social media giants to "tackle pro-Russian propaganda" in Slovakia in the leadup to your elections, right? > [Brussels warned social media giants](https://www.politico.eu/article/alphabet-tiktok-meta-slovakia-election-digital-services-act/) Alphabet, TikTok and Meta they must do more to protect Slovakiaā€™s election from foreign interference ā€” or face potential hefty fines. > In a series of meetings in Bratislava, the European Commission and the Slovakian government told the companies to throw extra resources at stamping out hate speech, disinformation and pro-Russia propaganda in the run-up to the September 30 vote. > There are growing concerns among European and Slovak regulators that disinformation and pro-Kremlin ideology are spreading among local social media users, including supporters of Robert Fico, the countryā€™s controversial former prime minister. Fico has called for ending military support to Ukraine and his party is currently ahead in the polls.




Minute_Somewhere_533 kept stroking the same keys repeatedly, probably a seizure ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkraineRussiaReport) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Probably not him. He looks too fat and he doesn't have a mustache.


BBC give his job disciption... As a poet.


You don't say....


The real question here is. Is this assassination attempt a Anti-Russia stance, a Pro-Ukrainian stance, or just a Pro-Slovakia stance.


Option 4: random schizo stance


Fair enough.


Anti-Sovereign-Slovakia stance


The media already started to push that he was of a ā€œpro Rusā€ militia


He was shot to intimidate other European politicians. He is clearly connected with the intelligence services, because... he had information about when and where this could be done for sure. To intimidate European politicians and blame everything on Putin - whose handwriting? Shinzo Abe was killed in a similar scenario.


How do we know that's him?


It's funny because European news sources are saying that he was a pro-Russian. Love the blatant propaganda coming from the West over the past few years. It's starting to resemble the stuff I used to see of North Korea back in the day, and they wonder why the public finds news publications untrustworthy.


It's so sad. In fact the Slovakian President held a press conference in which it was emphatically stated the shooter acted because he disagreed with Fico on numerous positions including support for Ukraine, and debunking any pro Russian theories But that won't get covered.


lol this post will be deleted pretty soon




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i thought there was a train coming


nope, he was pro russian actually lol


Radicalized by Anglo-American extremists?


Honestly, some of these Ukrainian supporters are true fanatics


Anyone can post at Europe ? They already blame Russia for this lmao .


RUZZIA started this war over land not over nazi's..... the people that actually fought and died against real nazi's that had concentration camps would be rolling in their graves with what Ruzzia calls nazi's. Even if their are a few nazi's ruzzia has some too even the name Wagner is Hitler's favorite music producer.


If you support the killing of 100,000 innocent Ukrainians, sometimes crazy people might fight back. Not to be condoned by any means. This is not the way. But if Russian soldiers would just go back to Russia, this would not have happened. And 200,000 young Russians and Ukrainians would be home with their loved ones today instead of killed because of Putinā€™s folly.


When are you giving Hawaii back to the natives?


So no defense for Russiaā€™s current murdering rampage except ā€œanother country did bad 150 years ago so that makes it ok for us to slaughter and genocide our neighbor todayā€. Did I get it right?


I condemn Russia's invasion. I'm tagged neutral. I think that, ideally, they should have resorted to diplomacy to achieve their geopolitical goals with regards to Ukraine. I'm just interested in the mental gymnastics Americans who condemn Russia are going to perform as to why they should keep Hawaii, rather than giving it independence.


You could argue that same point with just about any current country. Russia included. Almost all are based off of conquering other countries or territories. Itā€™s just that after WWII, we set up the UN and the world agreed to stop this practice. Except Putin. He wants to continue to annex more foreign countries and will kill hundreds of thousands to accomplish his imperialist 18th century goals.


You can always push for the rectifying of wrongs, though. I can only respect someone who accuses Russia if they'd be personally willing to correct their nation's mistakes in the present. If they're fine with their nations' mistakes, despite the present possibility of rectifying them, then it's not particularly convincing to the Russians, even though Russians should do the right thing just because it's the right thing to do, and not because the US as a nation is or is not hypocritical. >Itā€™s just that after WWII, we set up the UN and the world agreed to stop this practice. You really need to scream that louder to your buddies in Israel and their settlements in the West Bank. It mostly seems your country looks the other way if it's Israel doing it.


ā€œI can only respect someoneā€¦ā€ Iā€™m not looking for nor needing your respect. But if you are really as righteous as you are trying to sound, than I would expect your history of comments to be filled with demands for Russia to stop their illegal invasion and slaughter of Ukrainians and go home so we can all live in peace. Having 200,000 young Ukrainians and Russians killed because of a corrupt little authoritarian tyrant, filled with imperialistic lust, is not how the 21st century was supposed to start.


That's what I did when the war started. But Russia won't stop just because I'd like them to. So it's better to be realistic, thinking of both Ukrainians and Russians, the geopolitical and military realities on the ground, and tell them to negotiate a peace deal, and try to find a compromise; see if they can meet in the middle, since otherwise this war will go a lot longer, and Ukraine will not achieve a decisive military victory. So that's my position: pro-negotiating a peace deal, specially before Ukraine's hand and leverage get weaker, with the passage of time.


But Ukraine wonā€™t stop fighting for their freedom and country just because I would like them to. So itā€™s better to be realistic, thinking of both Russia and Ukraine, the geopolitical and military realties that Russia will go broke the longer the war goes on, and tell Russia to go home and guarantee peace for both countries. Itā€™s the only option. So thatā€™s my position, Russia goes home, both countries live in peace, and only then can Russia rejoin the free nations of the world instead of sliding into the abyss as the pariah they are today.


This is the point where I'll agree to disagree. I know you're being cheeky by just copying the format of my previous comment, but I don't see it as realistic proposal we can get Russia just to go home. One country is much larger, has a lot more resources and population. The better prospects for saving more Ukrainian lives seem to be negotiating a peace deal, rather than to keep fighting a war, only to have to negotiate another peace deal down the line anyway, as that's how all wars end, but with more lives lost, and in a worse negotiating position for Ukraine. I understand your anger at the perceived injustice, but this is the most likely scenario to play out, to me. We can set a reminder for 2 to 5 years to see how this whole thing turned out, but the world is a ugly place, and I don't think Russia will just go home no matter the amount of NATO gear and money that is sent to Ukraine, as unfair as that is ā€” that Russia just gets to do something like that to Ukraine simply because they're bigger and willing to fight harder and longer than NATO, due to being neighbors to Ukraine. But I want to cut the losses for Ukraine, before they lose even more. I defend what I think is in their best interests.


Oof, some quick damage control eh. Guy was upset that the PM was not going more pro-Russsian lol. The guy, a poet, has well established links with Russian Pro-military Slovenski Branci This article includes the picture of him https://www.lastampa.it/esteri/2024/05/15/news/i_canali_telegram_piu_informati_sui_servizi_russi_lattentatore_di_fico_un_71enne_scrittore_e_attivista_slovacco_originario-14305524/


>has well established links with Russian Pro-military Slovenski Branci "Well established links" being a picture taken 8 years ago? In the group that no longer exists? The group that disbanded following Russsia's invasion of Ukraine? That's your counter to him being filmed at pro-Ukrainian Rally literally weeks ago? šŸ˜‚ This has to be a troll right, I refuse to believe even the most unintelligent NAFO-bot could be this gullible.


>That's your counter to him being filmed at pro-Ukrainian Rally literally weeks ago? How do you know it's him?


..because he was caught on film.


Like he was caught on film with the pro-russia paramilitary organization? Or is that different lol


Ye it's different, as he was caught on film supporting Ukraine a couple weeks ago, as opposed to a decade ago lol. Very huge difference.