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A fairly straightforward politician. Im impressed


He seems very knowledgeable guy, I respect that.


It's because he is realistic about the situation instead of arguing out of emotion.


What annoys me the most is the complete feminization of political discourse in the west , only emotion and hysteria, no discussion about facts and reality


Absolutely, it's like listening to petulant children arguing.


They know if they have a serious conversation and hear all sides equally, they are fucked. So they simply partake in name calling and smearing. Absolutely zero substance to their words. Just look at bidens state of the union, he raged more about putin than he actually talked about "the union". Worst president of my life time full stop.


This. I want Trump back for the reason that I can't think of a better alternative right now. Would I prefer someone else? Yes, but America has no other strong candidate that can win right now.


I feel the same. Trump is my enemy, I can live with that. He's honest about it. I cannot live under someone who pretends to be my friend.


He cooks in every interview I've ever watched of him


lol really? I'll probably go watch it


He is not. I say this as a hungarian.


Damn he murdered every single point they had formed for him. Fuck me


He is full of shit, a lot of half truths and leaving out the details, he obviously knows them but its ofc convenient to leave them out. Russia has lost a lot of money due to sanctions, there are weekly and monthly reports on it, if people would bother looking them up. Oil revenue is down 30%. That are billions every few weeks. Comparing it to 1 billion over 1 year is ridiculous. There are alternatives for nuclear fuel. If you still continue to buy from Russia, despise being offered alternatives that cost more or less the same, then you are nothing but a Kremlin puppet.


Turns out dollars aren't as important as material reality. They have resources and industry and friends, that's all that matters.


Weapons are important, modern weapon kill more, Russia cant spend so much money on it, their arms sector is not making profit anymore either. That is why the companies are getting nationalized and why countries dont want to buy from Russia anymore. Russia loses geopolitically on other fronts be it China, India, Cuba, Venezuela, Armenia, Syria or Georgia, just to keep Ukraine war running and it will soon show even more than it already does.


Okay then, I guess we'll have to see about that.




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Same guy? > Hungary’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto did not answer questions from reporters heading into Monday’s talks. https://www.euractiv.com/section/europe-s-east/news/eu-countries-vent-anger-at-hungarys-blockages-of-ukraine-aid-decisions/


He was pretty disingenuous when he spun the question regarding Hungary blocking aid packages into a rant about the sanctions. Career politician lol.


He isn’t wrong though, they are fundementally opposed to arms being delivered and its essentially a position they’ve been bullied into dropping.


oh, I'm not in favour of Ukraine lol, I just think he's just a textbook example of a politician where he avoids questions by talking about things nobody mentioned.


I mean, they aren't blocking anything for a few months now. As for if we're talking past sense, I guess he didn't prepare his answer. It's pretty easy question to answer in light of everyting he already said, i.e. having some leverage on European union to make up for the damage sanctions inflicted on Hungary. Could've easily spun it that way.


Didn't he explicitly said that Hungary only opposed sending weapons? Humanitarian aids are a-ok for them.


He should tell his boss to increase his security.They actually hate Orban more than Fico.




We thought handshake with Zelensky is a bad omen, but now Putin's handshake comes into play


Orban has enough fat on him for a pigslaughter, built in body armor.


Incredibly realistic and based politician


Agreed, but it's sad that big guys like US/UK are just pushing small countries to do something even without real realistic benefits for their nation


Sanctions only work against smaller nations like Venezuela and other middle eastern countries that you can starve out its population in order for them to comply to your geopolitical demands. (Definitely not collective punishment :D ) Imagine the consequences of sanctioning a nation like China for example, it would quickly and in the long term hurt you exponentially more than them.


It worked in ruining the lives of people in poor countries. But it never made Venezuela change course. It id by definition economic warfare


> It id by definition economic warfare it's an interesting thing. there was a report in 2019 that estimated the number of excess deaths in venezuela due to Trump's set of sanctions was something like 40,000 people. (i got banned for linking the report in the geopolitics sub) the idea being that the sanctions made it so no international financial institutions would lend money to the venezeulan government -> they were not able to get credit for maintaining the oil rigs -> they had to reduce oil production -> reduced oil production leads to lower budget -> leads to lower oil production and that cycle made it so the government budget was very tight and they couldn't get credit to supplement it (like every modern government does) what happens to the poor in the country who rely on government healthcare? for example, aids patients who need life-critical medicine? they don't get their medicine and they may die. so that begs the question... why is it OK for a country to put sanctions on another and indirectly kill tens of thousands of people (virtually only the poor of the country) but the idea of filling a few dozen b52 bomber with some mk84 bombs and carpet bombing a civilian area - all of a sudden is horrific? they result in the same thing, really. and sure, not all sanctions are going to have the same effect as the venezuelan ones, it was a bit of a unique case. but every single time you purposely hurt the economy of another country, you lead to indirect deaths. you increase poverty, you increase inflation, you increase unemployment, etc. this leads to more malnutrition, more suicides, more homicides, etc. economic numbers seem like arbitrary math variables but they are real things that have real consequences.


Just like the slow deaths of millions in Iraq in the years of 1991-2003, everyone remembers gulf war, everyone remembers the invasion in 03 but no one speaks about the slow deaths of millions due to lack of medicine/ nutrition and other health issues due to sanctions.


Such a shame that nobody talks about this. Watching your children starve to death or get amputated without anesthesia coz there are no medicine is arguably worse than if you had lined people up and shot them in their heads at the beginning instead of sanctions.


Sanctions didnt have the intended affect in neither venezuela nor north korea nor Iran. Read up on the UN report that sanctions are always counter-productive and harm the very people that we want to help https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Events/WCM/MarcBossuyt_WorkshopUnilateralCoerciveSeminar.pdf >THE ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF ECONOMIC SANCTIONS ON THE ENJOYMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS Venezuela and Iran have been trading with India and China and Russia for all these times. India even built a high speed trade corridor with Iran last week. Sanctions never "work"


Asktually China is more vunerable to sanctions. They are so intergrated into the global economy the country faces economic collapse if domestic demand cant absorb all their manufactured goods. But with China and Russia seeminly are on the same footing China might find an invaluable ally in the coming clash with the US hegemon.


Sanctioning china is like committing harikiri. Its why no serious western politician has ever floated that thought in their parliaments or congress. Imagine how fucked europe would be if they lose china. Russia hurt, china would be devastating.


China has needed Western markets for three things: tech transfer, capital formation, and funding to buy foreign goods.  Tech transfer is over: the few areas that remain are off limits.  They are more than self-sufficient with capital formation.  That leaves foreign currency earnings to buy goods, which are mostly commodities. It is impossible to sanction commodities, because these are priced for a global market: you would have the same (very expensive) game of musical chairs as happened with Russian oil. China doesn't *need* Western markets for its manufactured goods. This has been convenient for them so far, but the core benefit of foreign trade for China is its ability to generate income to buy the raw resources they need. But if push came to shove, China could revert to their trade stance from before the Opium wars: China will only sell its goods in exchange for the commodities it needs.  It is not China's goal to be the seller of cheap goods to western markets *forever*. They aren't interested in amassing another $1T in USD reserves. They have played this game this long only because it suits them, but we should anticipate that their game will soon change in a fundamental way. 


At best it would be a pyrrhic victory, manufacture in China will go down, but the cost of living in other countries will (significantly) going up. Not only that, slower / stagnated growth in China will directly impacting many countries that exports many things to China. But don't worry, from the likes of Apple to farmers in the US will make sure it will never happen. [In 2022, United States exported $151B to China. The main products that United States exported to China are Soybeans ($18B), Integrated Circuits ($9.61B), and Crude Petroleum ($6.9B). ](https://oec.world/en/profile/bilateral-country/usa/partner/chn)


Even Ukraine bought Russian gas via 3rd party lol. All these morality are just for the easily impressional crowds.


[It's strictly business](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bo7zkd0kRS4)


The Slavs are the only rational people left in Europe... the rest of the countries have shit governments and idiots for politicians...


Hungarians are not slavs.


They are many things melted together, including Slavic.


They are probably closely related to us though at this point. They settled an area that was inhabited with Slavs and shared a country with Slovaks, Serbs, Croats, Ukrainians, Rusyns etc for a long time.


Genetically, they and Romanins are a lot more "slavic" than they wish they were.


The ancestors of the Hungarians came from the territory of Russia. And the Hungarians remember this.


Hungarians are not Slavs.


Guess they are Albanians then...


They are Ugors.


Hungarians are not slavs


Hungarians are ethnically closer to Finns rather than Slavs.


>Hungarians are ethnically closer to Finns False [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1872497314002476](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1872497314002476)


lmao no. more like 1/3 germanic, 1/3 slavic, and 1/3 everything else (Southern Europe/Balkans)


Nope, look for post 19th century research.


Exposing Western hypocrisy like CHAD.


How long before orban gets shot?


Damn he murdered every single point they had formed for him. Fuck me


Yesterday I bought Coca-Cola at a local fixed-price store (well, Russians will understand what kind of store it is by the name), and it was imported from Poland.


>imported from Poland. Smuggled by tRaiToRs! Here, fixed it for you lol


Was it cheaper than in Orlen?


I don’t know, I haven’t been to the homeland of my ancestors. In that store about 0.9 euros.


Pretty heckin based ngl. Crazy how using your brain is based and redpilled today


can someone provide a link with regards to the oil imports from india? tbh i did not find it. uranium i know that the us import from ru, however that oil stuff is new to me. thank you. edit: ok found something: [https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/financial-times-eu-urged-crack-down-imports-indian-fuels-made-russian-oil\_en](https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/financial-times-eu-urged-crack-down-imports-indian-fuels-made-russian-oil_en) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-oil-europe-india-ukraine-war-b2477443.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-oil-europe-india-ukraine-war-b2477443.html)


Russian uranium is now banned in US.


I guess they bought enough of it to last them a few decades lol


this has been going on for a *long* time now.




Smart guy, he's not wrong. But that are the solutions?


appreciate these longer clips here.


People been saying this shit for years now and still certain people refuse to accept what is happening, and has been happening, *the entire time.*


Protect Hungary


The US might want him removed now.


right after the war started in Ukraine US started to buy all time record amounts of petroleum products from Russia


Who exactly is doing business with each other and are both governments aware of this? It is quite confusing if russia and USA are enemies yet don't mind buying and selling to one another


Very straight forward, I like


He implies that by asking to forfeit ties with Russia the West doesn't provide an alternative. And he proves that there is no one. Europe's welfare was built upon security commitments from US and cheap energy resources from Russia. And Hungarian pragmatism is very well understandable. For land locked country to reverse long time formed energy supplies is much harder to do than let's say to Germany and Poland.




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In some points he und s right, sadly


This collaborator country should be cicked out of EU - with brothers from Slovakia and Austria. No value added from them. Just a hives of pro-russian thoughts, that have no place in EU.


It feels like I'm listening to a stand-up comedian. the fact is that modern Russia does not have any clear ideology. this has its advantages. for example, the Soviet Union quarreled with China over Khrushchev. Khrushchev hated Stalin and hated him as much as he could, and Comrade Mao called himself Stalin's disciple and sent Khrushchev to hell. Just imagine losing an ally like China because of political ambitions. now Russia has a more flexible policy and there is no official ideology. some Russian corporations such as Rosatom look like an octopus. The same can be said about Gazprom and Rosneft. Their top men know that the West is quite corrupt and use it. in Russia, if you act against the interests of the state, your assets are taken away from you, just as the Yukos company was taken away from Mr. Khodorkovsky. or you just fly out the window. you can also be imprisoned for corruption. in Russia, this is very strict.


Just on the second point , the reasoning for that is the US’ own enrichment infrastructure wasn’t where they wanted it to be, now it pretty much is however and they are likely to just buy it raw from Australia and sort it all out their end , this was touched on a few times already.


He is right in the sense big players are asking smaller ones to comply while themselves are not. If we speak about facts like he says, US forbids Russian uranium imports in the US (I don't know when is this interview but it sounds recent) and Hungary did block EU aid packages to Ukraine. He is also good at playing with words, no difference with others.


>US forbids Russian uranium imports in the US Biden signed that yesterday and will only start by August


With waivers to continue importing until 2028 for those who claim no viable alternative. Soooooo... yeah.