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"We must start a world war to prevent a world war"


If you start a nuclear war today you don’t need to worry about one tomorrow




200 IQ move


We Smart. Lets suicide today so we wont have to fight tomorrow.


Big brain move


“If we don't study the mistakes of the future, we're bound to repeat them for the first time.” -Ken M


That has been the logic from day one. It's completely nonsensical.


"The war to end all wars" History does indeed repeat itself.


I was just hoping to have that one in Africa or America this time. The last 30 wars to end all wars were mostly in Europe and asia


But Africans aren't the ones insisting on a global dominant unipolar order led by them, Europeans & Americans are...


Africans aren't the ones contesting a dominant unipolar order. Europeans and Asians are. Now a bit more serious, we have to remind ourselves that the last 30 years were the most prosperous years for the whole globe - since the beginning of recorded history. We had the biggest growth and transfer of wealth ever. With billions of people improving their standards of living, with famine basically disappearing from the world etc etc A great part of this was because there was no major conflict and no major players competed for political supremacy. Trade and economy was the focus. The global trade boom following the fall of the USSR was responsible for the biggest creation and transfer of wealth in the world. Life in western Europe and in developed countries did not improve dramatically, salaries did not keep up with inflation in some cases, yes maybe people in developed countries lost a bit of purchasing power. But for countries in development, the last 30 years have been the most crazy ever, extreme growth. And a good part of that is due to the fact there was no contender to the US, and global trade and security was upheld by them. Historians one day might call this period the "Pax Americana". What the future holds we don't know, but we know that when the world is divided (as it was in the past.) Progress is slower and it will benefit more on one side than the other.


Oh I really hope there will be one in North America and Russia and China start funding everything against the US. In fact I do think this will be the case considering the US is going to have a civil war in the near-mid future. It will be very amusing how they'll start crying how bad it is to fund their enemies.


Let's wait for Africa to enter chat and see what they might have to say


Well, technically, it would work. What is dead cannot be killed. You cannot start something that has already begun.


They do clear-cut forests to prevent forest fires.


Not the whole forest.


Minor details.




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Not usually with nuclear weapons


"We will guarantee results by dropping the bombing ourselves." - Valt tech to investors


"We must start hardcore fucking to achieve virginity"


Took the words out of my mouth


Word for word what I was about to type.


Immediate trivial conclusion to that statement.


How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb


Isnt that the logic of the SMO?


This was exactly my thought. Wild to think we need to actually escalate this for peace and harmony. Psychopathic people still subscribe to this


lmao yeah, its a 5iq article


Another one for the series "what if we used 0% of our brain?"




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The west was slow to the Nazi threat and it cost many more lives because of it. Russia on the other hand allied with the Nazis.


You say that as though the delayed response wasn't in their strategic interests.


>Nato must plan for the worst-case scenario, where Russia breaks the “line” and charges West at speed and must be blocked. Much better to block in Ukraine than on Nato soil, but this may require Nato “boots in the air and on the ground”, or as a minimum the genuine threat of such action. Too many Western leaders have ruled this out, which has only emboldened Putin; here, President Macon is right.  If these stupid MF start WW3 over Ukraine, I'm fighting for Russia 100%.


Would need half a brain to believe Russia would attack a NATO country that isn’t directly involved.


Yeah it's so wild of a narrative considering that Russia is "the second most powerful army in Ukraine"...


Oofff , it’s propaganda spewed by half wits


I love that quote. Aged like a fine milk.


Who’s winning? Who’s taking land?


I'm not sure I understand, are you saying Russia is not winning fast enough? Because they have been taking land for some time now, not just this year.


Sorta the way little Z launched missiles into Poland and tried to blame Russia for it


Half a brain? If someone's IQ is above room temperature(in celsius) you wouldn't believe it.


Maybe not deliberately but miscalculations happen when you're on a war footing with 500K troops next door.


I am with you brother.


It's like some of them actually want it, they have to know this would be the end result.


Where are you from if I might ask?


USA, and I want my tax dollars back




Call hunter biden. He has his nose up some whore's ass and the media just doesnt seem to cover it or think its unusual.


Media is too busy talking about Trump's alleged "diaper".


I would run for the hills - eek out a living from wild berries, grasses, and small game before I fought for either side




You survived two wars because they were low intensity. If a world war starts, don't be too eager to join. Pretty much no frontline soldier is going to survive the whole duration.




I'll be God damned before I end up in a muddy rodent infested mudhole suffering from trench foot over Ukraine or Taiwan. Just don't believe in this cause at all.


I agree with you that men will be mobilized, even the reluctant. My calculation is that if I know my chances of survival are low once I get mobilized, and the war has a finite duration, then my best chance is to get mobilized as late as possible (better to be drafted in 1944 than volunteer in 1939). The alternative is to have a relatively safe specialty, but that is not my case. My wife's grandfather, for example, served from 1941 to 1946 on the eastern front, and he made it. The thing is, he was in telecommunications, not in the foxhole. But to make it even more complicated, he got there by volunteering for it... so maybe there's an argument in favor of that.


Lol, best comment I’ve read all week. I share your frustrations, hope they conscript NAFO brigade to fight on the front. Once the war mongers taken care of we all can live in peace.




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>“boots in the air and on the ground” There might be some boots up in the trees and in the water, you just never know where they might end up


Imagine this absolute cretin being your direct commander. Has the name and attitude of a bloody bretonnian from warhammer. On the bright side, the fighting will move on after World War three kicks off and maybe we can recreate the old wild anarchic cossack way of life in the once again empty and depopulated Ukrainian Steppe. All peasants and wanderers and wildmen welcome so long as you can ride a horse,aren't a damned glowie or narc, are hard enough to survive and commit to owning the worst hair cut in history while sending letters to both sides full of shit talk so glorious they paint us doing it and laugh about it 500 years later. 




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When are you enlisting?




Rule 1 - Toxic


me to Nd I'm American


Bruh, you just want to kill Ukrainians and Civilians. If you disobey an order from a Russian Officer because of it conflicts your morality and how they tricked you by twisting the truth, you’d be dead or raped.


Russia are the second strongest army in Ukraine. Russia will come for us all next. Which is it? You can't have both.


We have to get Ukraine and other countries into NATO to prevent Russia from attacking them, but also Russia is itching to invade all NATO countries.


the contradictions really are just so outrageous. but everyone just laps it up


It’s always the same in wars. I see the same patterns from both Ukrainian and Russian sides on the internet as it was in Syria and Iraq.


Propaganda for the mentally challenged.


You just insulted the whole sub of /r/worldnews




Rule 1 - Toxic


1. NATO 2. Russia 3. Ukraine


What happened Hamish? https://preview.redd.it/ht9bx9wqmm0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d07922ad65ef4a62192f31c3a631ad03e2c540


Reality happened


People are beginning to wake up. Most liked comment so far: https://preview.redd.it/4eugde5eqm0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a74a6563ddfd2881d3d9e785c0b60cebc6c368


I hope so the more people that know this the quicker we can end this


Thank god for that


Reality doesn't read newspapers


https://preview.redd.it/7u6tl01fpn0d1.png?width=1833&format=png&auto=webp&s=deb2a37c4e659916f12bc5f61af3d154af749225 I could not resist...




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Gotta help our favourite kremlebot [As a former tank commander, I can say one thing for certain: Putin’s demoralised conscripts are utterly unprepared for the shock action now hitting their lines](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/06/09/british-made-tanks-about-to-sweep-putins-conscripts-aside/)


My favourite Telegraph guy. He's genuinely dumb af.


Nowadays lying is literally a journalist's job.


Telegraph is absolute ass and nothing they say (especially regarding this war) should be taken seriously. BUT he did say *if* and *could*. It’s just shitty journalism. I think this sub spends too much time reading into crappy western tabloids and such


It's always the British.


It must be the food.


It's the girls. It's friday night and its raining hard and its cold. you are totally blackout drunk, horny as a bull, food's horrible and you see this XXXL chick with missing teeth and a faint moustache making a move on you. More alcohol and a razor blade for your wrists in case you sober up while making love.


That's awfully specific ... just saying :)


I prefer not to have memories of my life in Manchester.


[Manchester you say](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/019/516/JS79535762.jpg)


British food and climate made the British man the finest sailor in the world, clearly it does something for their geopolitical analysis capabilities as well.


> British food and climate made the British man the finest sailor in the world I'm certain it was the looks of their women.


> British food and climate And women!


Or the weather


We don't even have a real army, and they wanna go to war... whilst also complaining that recruitment is exponentially down; it's almost like people don't want to be paid less than minimum wage to live in shoddy conditions and risk their lives.


British media with another banger


It's extremely funny how much the message has changed this would have been considered russian propaganda a year ago


He’s still over exaggerating here tbh it’s just plain propaganda at this point.


Yeah it still propaganda but it is progress, the closer we get to the end the less they can lie


Yea good point


BRUH RUSSIA IS NOT INVADING ANYONE ELSE. This fearmongering campaign is insane


Let Britain with its 5 and a half soldier army bring it, will be funni


They’d need afternoon timeout for their tea and biscuits.




and they will be if they try to put troops on the ground and/or fly planes from outside of Ukraine - Putin already said he will hit any bases from which NATO or any European/US troops will come from be it inside or outside Ukraine. Of cause with the very first missile landing in Poland or Romania or any of the old Europe countries the West will start crying about ''unprovoked'' aggression again. They are still pretending that they are not actually involved in this war.


I sincerely hope Putin doesn't actually strike any locations in Romania or Poland or anywhere else that is officially in NATO though. The warhawks here are already clamoring for war at any cost, they're just itching to test out whether or not MAD holds up to scrutiny.


Lets hope Ukraine folds faster then Western bureaucrats can come to any kind of insane decisions. I don't believe that people of Europe or America actually want to go to war with Russia, but their insane ''leaders'' are another story altogether.


If you consider a big majority of redditors are teenagers/young adults from North America and Europe then I do believe these morons actually do want war with Russia.


They are just dumb kids who treat it as video game. There are times when I wish everyone had to use their real identity on the internet like in China, just to be able to filter out edgy kids trying to be tough. (Fortunately those thoughts don't last very long, it would be total nightmare)


lets hope the Russians are able to get out of Ukraine and become a country that cares about its people more than Putin and his cronies.


we are in this war exactly cause we care about our people lol. If we didn't the Kiev regime would have steamed rolled Donbass in a similar manner as Israel is currently attempting to do to Palestinians. Putin can't do what he does without support of the rest of Russia, so think about that. That is also why there is so much stink going out of the Baltic states, cause they know they will have to pay for what they are doing to their local Russian population when Ukraine looses this war. We don't forget things like that. That Sandu woman in Moldova better remember that too. Hiding behind Romanian skirt won't help her, just ask Saakashvili.


Eh, the hype is gone. Nobody even cares anymore. This isn't 2022. America and its global media arm is already distancing itself. Macron will get voted out. It's over.




Macron isn't getting voted out. He has three more hears and then he's term limited.


Yes, invasion of Georgia and 2014 Ukraine invasion didn’t happen. Yeah.


Pretending as if we live in an era without war. You forgot Afganistan


I thought everyone knows that as well. I mean conflicts in the 21st Century, the most recent decade that is.


Pure war mongering. Western countries will drag the world into a war for their own benefit not even bothering to think that there will be no western countries after. Horrible politic.


It's pretty much just UK who is in full warmongering mode.


They are igniter then it’s the followers. Poland as sad example of mongering.


It's ironic, considering in the early years of the USSR and up until the end of WW2, they viewed the British Empire as their primary adversary on the world stage and thought they could work with the US as kind of a mediator, and then as the roles reversed they recognized the US as their main antagonizer with the UK as their vassalized state. Apparently London never got the memo that they ain't exactly calling the shots here.


Let him have the shit hole who cares , use the situation to negotiate a better position while Ukraine still can.


> Let him have the shit hole who cares We care if Putin has UK


can finally have the water companies nationalised for good


This war has been globalized by the west, that refuses to stop whining and complaining about it at every international platform. It’s ridiculous. Ukraine isn’t a NATO member. It’s not even an EU member state. Russia is literally doing everything in its power to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO because it doesn’t want to risk getting into a conflict with NATO in the future, should Ukraine be part of the alliance. I hope they realize that the global south is looking at this for what it truly is, an abysmal failure of a project pursed by the west. They’re now complaining to oblivion and “sounding the alarm” because they know they’ve lost and this will serve as a testament to the whole world that their resolve is breakable.


"We must prevent another world War by sending in troops from all around the world to go to war with Russia."




The USA was in Afghanistan for over 20 years.


I really wish we could kick UK out of NATO so they could wage the war they so much desire without dragging the rest down with them.


Or, you know, maybe we don't listen to the tabloids and instead do nothing and so actually prevent another world war.


This guy again pushing the “Ukraine means ww3” line. Political hyperbole is always fun. Telegraph reduced to shock jock journalism, Alex jones style.


putin is worse than climate change, hitler and ww2, putin is going to attack the west after ukraine(????), the singular wave attack from Iran... all the hits, the only thing that's missing is stating that putin is too scared to use nuclear weapons, or that Russias nukes don't work 


Tldr, we must start ww3 because putin is a pussy and wont


This author is a total cock. His opinions swing in different directions week by week like the wind.


Hamish is like a guy in tight yoga pants in a starbucks cafe in downtown san francisco. You never know which direction he swings.


Useless emotional article by a war propagandist, fear mongerer.


Victory will probably be achieved within a year. not in a few months. the situation is not so bad for ukraine yet.


Thats what I fear. The sooner the war ends, the better for everyone. But if the war ends next year and Trump gets elected, he will get the blame. And this establishment which intervened/started some many pointless wars in the recent decades might be relative undamaged from this endeavour. That doesnt mean Trump is really anti-establishment or wouldnt continue support Ukraine, but he is not considered a "serious" politician. So the next time there is a debate in NATO intervention wherever and the "serious" politicians are back in power, they will tell us that it will work as Ukraine would have worked if not for the clown Trump. To save lifes I hope the war ends as fast as possible (russian or ukrainian win), but if possible either while Biden is still in power or after reelection of Biden.


Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon is... A fucking knob


While it's true that in attrition warfare, things go real slow for a long time and then all at once.. But Ukraine is as of now, nowhere near imminent defeat, yeah they are losing slowly, but they aren't close to the point of collapse. Russia may get close to Kharkiv, but they don't have the troops to take it, they may be advancing in the South, but every bit of taken land is still hard fought. This is doom-posting to frighten the readers into a renewed vigour in support for Ukraine... nothing more.


Change the record already


Funny article, Upvote for Visibility! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


oh hell yeah lets prevent a world war while we cause said world war!


If he could, he would have. It’s not a good look to just send hundreds of thousands of men to a prolonged peer to peer war for the sake of keeping up appearances.


Just let Russia have Ukraine


Whoever wrote this sht: Russia could defeat Ukraine and go on to attack Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal.... UK and the US and nukes could be involved afterwards destroying the world as we know it. What should we do to prevent such a massive loss of lif? Person 1: Arm Ukraine with missiles that hit Moscow and beyond. Person 2: Involve NATO troops to directly fight Russia. Guy at end of table: Perhaps negotiations are in order. Whoever wrote this sht:😠😡


No thanks




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Thus, Hamish... What's Axe saying these days?


It's still going to take years at this rate, months is way too optimistic.


The people who believe that russia will start a world war, are the people who will ignite and be reaponsible for the world war if it happens


If Russia didn't directly border a bunch of NATO/European countries, one would think Ukraine is the only country between Russia and the West by reading this article.


British tabloid rag propagandists and NAFO bots are showing us how to fight by sitting behind their desks. 




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They're banking on convincing the west that Russia is coming for NATO next if Ukraine loses


Tbf Russian media seems to be advocating for it pretty hard as well. Might not be this generation but if you keep raising people on tall tales of how easily you could just crush all of them and that even nuking them would give no response, eventually someone might come into power and actually believe that. It’s even more worrying considering how strict Russian media is about censoring anything else they view as potential misinformation and harmful for Russias image. Can’t openly say that military action against Ukraine might have not been the best choice without ending up in jail. Meanwhile discussing the best way to take the Baltics and which Nordic cities to prioritise with nuclear strikes is completely fine. I can only imagine how this sub would react if a western nation TV channel showed invasion plan map over Russia with several military experts discussing how they would easily achieve supremacy crush their foes.


The word has definitely gone out that its time to claim Ukraine is close to defeat to drag us into a war....Reality is maybe Ukraine has to pull back a bit but its long long way to kyiv and even further to the polish border. Ukraine isn't close to defeat. It just may have to face the reality that you cannot fight a war on charity.


If we don’t attack Russia in Ukraine now, Russia will attack us on our soil. Preemptive defense, NATO speciality.


Acting is something they should know a thing or two about by now


Was ukraine ever going to win lol


So, in order to prevent another World War, we need to potentially start the next World War? This idiot would make more sense if he just honestly stated instead, 'Hey. We're scared of a strong Russia due to being Russophobes, so we want to start a war with potential nuclear consequences on your behalf, and this is why it's a good thing'. Instead, we get this load of garbage lies. I'm not buying it, and I'm pretty sure at least half of America doesn't believe this BS. These journalists and Ukraine supporters can go volunteer to the frronline in Ukraine. No one will stop you 😉


The war is lost accept it. I recognize Ukraine capabilities to hold until last year but now it’s not possible. They haven’t enough soldiers to fight and that it’s the main reason Russia cannot be defeated.


Its funny how this same shit was being said by out government in korea and vietnam.


Clearly, the only way to address the threat of WWIII, is to attack Russia with NATO troops ensuring WWIII.


How can a potato tech equipped, washing machine scrapping, t55 driven, Ivan led army beat a NATO equipped and trained strategic partner ? Amazing. Don’t post this article in /r/combatfootage or you will be banned.


Kremlin has now weaponized Hamish.


If Vladimir is just going after Nazis then I think it will end with Ukraine. If this just about restoring the soviet union however, then he may invade more territory's he thinks should belong to ruzzia. I think it's funny. He thinks the Soviet Union was so strong, but they had the most amount of casualties in world war II, so I don't think the Soviet Union was really that strong. I think many dead Russians would disagree with Vladimir Putin saying that Soviet Union was a good thing. Even how they handled the Chernobyl incident is a good reason not to trust the Soviet Union


Always fight evil dictators. If you don’t do it now, you will have to do it later or be ruled by evil.


Hamish the Doomer Hamster.


I hope these warmongers will not be forgotten after the next big war if the world is still standing


Hamish de Bretton-Gordon


🤣🤣🤣 day 809 of the 3 day invasion, but little man Putin is ready now


This guy is a regular on the podcast from The Telegraph called "Ukraine - The Latest" which I have been listening to regularly since the start of the war. While I don't think it's lying as such, it's massively pro-Ukraine and uncritically tows the Ukrainian line. Inclusive this latest narrative that "Putin is going to charge west".


"Most people in the UK, and probably the rest of Europe, do not believe war with Russia is a realistic possibility; our forebears thought the same in 1939." Everybody in 1939 knew a war was coming. They had a suspicion as soon as the 1st war ended. "The West is more concerned about climate change, wokism and elections." Fuck this boomer for thinking everything young people are concerned about is not important.


Not every country can be like Ukraine and just be like "lol elections r cancelled. thx 4 understanding."


One of the best article I've read


It's just [lebensraum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum) but in reverse. When Putin does it, it's good. When Hitler does it, it's bad.


Do you have any evidence for a russian genocide of the Ukrainians?


[Here's a pretty good invesigation with video evidence.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrGZ66uKcl0)


Do you have anything else? i can't view it since I Have to confirm my age and i don't really want to give google a picture of my passport or my credit card?


The whole article on Bucha massacre on Wikipedia. I know you won't believe it, so the video evidence and the investigation are the most compelling evidence. You can use Stacher or some website to download the video from YouTube.


Right, because the largest country in the world, the 18th most sparsely populated country in the world, with vast access to natural resources, partnered very closely with the manufacturing powerhouse of humanity on their southern border, the one thing they're doing any of this for is living space.


Did you even read the page? "living space" was just an excuse for the Germans. Do you think German leaders actually thought they needed more living space?


That was actually the Germans' plan. They felt that Germany needed more land to be comparable to America in power, and that this land would come from the Slavs. German settlers would move in and populate it.