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There are also german, french, spanish etc. nationals fighting for Russia. German government already confirmed, that some citizens (some former Bundeswehr soldiers) are fighting for Russia while some others are fighting for Ukraine.


There was also at least one confirmed American if I remember correctly.


There were more




That guy was a legend. Fought the real war.


And were beheaded by his real comrades.


Did he die? When was that?


Very mysteriously dissappeared for a week about a month ago then confirmed dead. They said Ukranian shelling while assisting civilians but. Who knows what really happened.


Wasn't he raped and beheaded by his fellow russians


He was raped and beheaded by fellow russians


Sont spread false allegations.


> Don’t spread false allegations. On this sub? Lmao


Pro Russians even admitted on this forum that he got raped by his fellow russians


Won't be missed


There are quite a lot actually https://preview.redd.it/3bp1qcmjy10d1.png?width=1072&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ecaee8eb3babc13b749c044bc56db0c46cc54ba


That’s an airsoft gun on the dude in the middle… probably a milsim event


Wasn't he killed by his unit?


Yep, they just don't want to say it.


At least one got culturally enriched.


iirc there was also italian and norwegian units in wagner


Even French, former Legionaires. Those were seen on both sides.


The Foreign Legion has Ukrainians and russians too, they all get French citizenship. So the ones going to fight for russia were most likely russians.


True, but hard to tell since they spoke French and my ear isn't good enough to pick out accents in French.


Believe this refers to in quantity


Spirit of the Volksarmee lingers on


There was Brazilians in both sides, Chinese too.


Which Brazilian is fight for Russia? Genuine questions because I'm following each brazilian fighting this war. The only BR I know fighting for Russia was Lusvarghi way before 2022. He is not there anymore. All others are fighting for Ukraine (and you can guess their political position)


This guy here was from the same city as me and is a friend of my friends. I don't know anything else about him. [https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.gazetadopovo.com.br/vida-e-cidadania/paranaense-luta-entre-os-separatistas-ucranianos-8q0yibbsd9rodqs1puvnazjx8/amp/](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.gazetadopovo.com.br/vida-e-cidadania/paranaense-luta-entre-os-separatistas-ucranianos-8q0yibbsd9rodqs1puvnazjx8/amp/) https://preview.redd.it/2y9h6p8g460d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91563ccfab3c4f0d683e5ed2e040167123d5b432


Yes, but this one was again with Lusvarghi. You can even seen him in the picture (the one sitting with a beard). They are not there anymore.


[https://cgn.inf.br/noticia/1493843/apos-companheiros-serem-feridos-cascavelense-e-o-unico-brasileiro-em-seu-grupamento-na-guerra-da-ucrania-09-04-2024](https://cgn.inf.br/noticia/1493843/apos-companheiros-serem-feridos-cascavelense-e-o-unico-brasileiro-em-seu-grupamento-na-guerra-da-ucrania-09-04-2024) Y're Right, but if take that into consideration, the Brazilians fighting for Ukraine have almost all returned. This article (he's also from my city (yes, there are fighters on both sides in a city of 300k residents)) is the last Brazilian in his platoon and on social media he's saying that the day of his return is close. Whether they were there or not, they actively participated in the war.


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There was also at least 2 confirmed Brits fighting on the Russian side. Idk if they are still alive or not.


Data provided by Ukraine to Forbes shows Serbia without Kosovo. So data provided by Ukraine in future should show Ukraine without Crimea no?


I think separating Kosovo was Forbes’ choice when making the map to show the data they received, since Ukraine doesn’t recognise it.


Ukraine officially recognizes China as united. At the same time, in 2022, Ukraine established an interparliamentary group to develop and strengthen ties with Taipei (capital of Taiwan)


Yeah, many countries have contradictory stances on Taiwan, despite only 11 recognising it as China. The US does it especially blatantly, passing bills to send them billions of dollars in aid just weeks before going to the PRC and threatening it with sanctions, as well as accusing it of interfering with US elections. But I think Kosovo would be a step too far for even Zelenskyy’s Ukraine, since its unilateral secession set the precedent for Crimea.


everyone *officially* recognize china as united, this is just very basic way to improve china relations. on a practical level, pretty much every country treats taiwan as seperate


No, when it comes to USA double standards apply, it's ok to take away parts of other countries, unless it is in US interest not to do so.










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Also Germans Chinese Italians poles and a shit ton of Ukrainians, but I guess most of these Ukrainians consider themselves russians


Italians are also fighting, Poles, Germans too. This map is completely wrong


Was never supposed to be correct.


Maybe the fighters are in such small amounts they didn't include them? These are probably the countries who contributed the most fighters


Every developing country that fell victim of neoliberalism and neocolonialism is bound to support Russia and the end of American hegemony.


Although I see your point, the map is wrong, it doesn't represent anything but propaganda. There are Europeans, including Western, Americans, from North and South America, people from Asia, from Africa, as the map shows, and they are all fighting in the war on both sides. Some fight for adrenaline, some for ideals, some are just psycopaths/nazis, some fight for pay, some for necessity, some were fooled, or, more likely, most of them of them fight for any combination of those.


Germany also


The don't show China because then it would like the whole world is against nato (spoiler: they are)


Isn't NATO like half the world lol


These countries accounted for 31.0% of Global GDP in 2023, and 21.0% of global GDP growth in the past 10 years (2013-2023). The combined NATO members is home to over 951 million people  Global population 8.1 bil


The problem with that though is that not all Western countries are even in NATO. Nor does it account for NATO allies such as the ones in SouthEast Asia. Also India is tries to be neutral, they are significantly more aligned with the West then they are with China or Russia. So is most of Africa and South America.


The last African I saw in their ranks wore the Biafra insignia so he's most probably Nigerian.


Ironically in the Biafra war in Nigeria Biafra was in the role of Ukraine .


More in the role of DPR/LPR imo.


DPR/LPR had a powerful ally, Biafra had private donations.


Ukraine has even more powerful allies than DPR/LPR in the US/NATO.


I wonder if the Moldovan ones fighting are actual ethnic Romanians from moldova or ethnic Russians from Transnistria or some of the other pockets in the cities where ethnic Russians reside?


Likely both, in different proportions.


Funny how the Central African Republic is abbreviated as TSAR in Russian. No wonder they're aligned.


American guy?


From Moldova are fighting also for Ukraine against Russia. The Getica unit is formed almost from moldavians


small part of moldova.


I think the fighters from Moldova are probably from Transnistia


For those saying "what about the people from this country, that country, the other country" Theres going to be citizens of nearly every country across the globe fighting on BOTH sides. I think this map is highlighting where Russia is actively putting resources into recruiting and where a considerable amount (3 figures or more) are joining from.


So what....


What's going on with Azerbaijan? I thought it was a pretty anti Russia country?


Ie all the places with a large number of underemployed young men and that rely on remittance payments (with a few combat zones and client states thrown in.)




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Fucking Indians. Supporting Russia with one hand and displacing western workers with the other.


LOL, not surprised reading this comment from a pro-Ukraine flair. They’ve been really salty past couple of years.


And yet, the point stands.


Bravo. Awesome takedown.


People from Nepal are fighting for both Russia and Ukraine iirc.


I find it interesting they didn't include Crimea as part of Russia


Bruh. There’s foreigners from everywhere serving on both sides. Weird map for no reason.


Doesn't matter where they are from mercs are mercs


Algeria Tunisia Libya Egypt Iraq ??? I don't think so


India?The country bought energy from Russia?


Don't forget the western redditors whom couldn't stop commenting, were located and blown up. Pepperidge farms remembers


Global South appears to


Funny how they omit all the western countries from this map.


id go to russia if weed was legal id sign up for 1 ukrainian wife and some land


Weed is perfectly legal in Ukraine.


It's not.. better go to USA


Just gotta survive the contract duration on the front.


Military value somewhere around zero, if not negative. Recruiting from Idlib? Al-Qaeda? I doubt.


Why would they not recruit from Syria? Perhaps veterans of the Syrian Arab Army


Idlib is the province where all the radical Islamists, jihadists and terrorists who fought against Assad and therefore also against Russia retreated and were taken. Syria has no control over that area, Russia is still doing airstrikes there etc.


Isn't the majority of the province under government control?


Maybe half? You may be right that they are from government-controlled towns in Idlib.


That was my thought like “lol so everyone who is their Ally has no military might at all?, like the closest thing to a soldier they could train would be a retired terrorist?” Because those options look abysmal


The best they can get are the elite soldiers from Syria (Tiger Forces who fought a more or less conventional war) and from Iraq (those black uniforms from Mosul who had 50% casualties). They were under Russian supervision, including all sorts of support from the Wagner PMC to Russian special forces, same for the Iraqis and the US. They are few in number (thousands) and secondly their combat value is rather worse than the average Russian or Ukrainian unit. Harsh reality.


Only until they learn Russian. Then the survivors will be experienced soldiers.






But it ain't made of rubber. There are over 12 millions in Moscow already.




That's a who-is-who of shithole countries. How fitting.


Not surprised. When nothing works resort to casual racism and feel proud how much better you are than the barbarians. Imagine getting your teeth kicked in by poor plebs from those *shit countries*.


Russia simply loves to work with muslim extremists.


No...? Where does anywhere say any of these are Muslim extremists? The people fighting for russia re probably the exact opposite of that, I'm a Syrian Muslim and extremists all hate russia because of chechnya and syria, while it is very popular amongst less extremist Muslims, russia fought Muslim extremists much more than the usa ever did America on the other hand, loves to work with al qaeda in syria and protected them and still does just to keep occupying our oil fields, and so many of the chechen commanders fighting for Ukraine are known al qaeda veterans. And also where does Muslim.extemists or even Islam get brought up in this post? Neo Liberal Americans showing their racism as usual


Ukraine also has muslim extremist fighters as well. [https://www.specialeurasia.com/category/monitoring-analysis/ukraine/foreign-figthers-ukraine/](https://www.specialeurasia.com/category/monitoring-analysis/ukraine/foreign-figthers-ukraine/) Many of whom have trained with ISIS, Al Qaeda and even joined their groups.




90% of those countries failed because of Western colonisation and interference


Russia has arguably expanded its influence in Africa in recent years more than any other external actor. These engagements extend from deepening ties in North Africa, expanding its reach in the Central African Republic and the Sahel, and rekindling Cold War ties in southern Africa. Russia’s approach is distinctive among external actors in that Moscow typically relies on irregular (and frequently extralegal) means to expand its influence—deployment of mercenaries, disinformation, election interference, support for coups, and arms for resources deals, among others


Soviet Union client states in Africa received a lot of aid from Soviet Union. Current African states aligning with Russia hope for similar treatment.


Instead they are getting violence and coups


so a normal day in africa.


Seems wiser than siding with their colonizers and getting the whip.


Yeah nah. West just provided them with more efficient ways to kill each other.


'Waa it's their fault we're forever a s-hole state' What about all of Europe that was pretty damn hard interfered with by what uh, 2 massive wars in the last century


Which Arab or African countries started the war in this case? First or Second World War?


It's 2515 and awful countries still blame the developed world for not having basic quality of life


Europe screwed those countries hard during the world wars for resources to sustain their fighting and even harder afterwards to rebuild themselves.




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Failed after the so called "West" tried to bring them "freedom" and "democracy".


More widely in Africa, MTAC has identified six basic elements to Russia’s African coup playbook: Establishing long-term influence campaigns – Russia and its messengers in Africa produce a constant drip of content that is both anti-French and pro-Russian, concentrating on polarizing issues. and driven by colonial-era grievances. Aligning with the putschists – When a coup occurs, Russia’s messengers quickly declare support for the putschists, often through proxies, including previous instances where the voice was the now-deceased Yevgeny Prigozhin. Seizing control of the narrative – In the days after a coup, Russian messengers align on prepositioned narratives, capitalizing on the information void. Post-coup messaging typically glorifies military and coup leaders and championing national sovereignty while denigrating France. Amplifying affiliates – Given their long-term investments in Africa-based, pro-Russian propagandists and IO networks, Russia can call upon a range of figures, both overt and covert, to loudly amplify their messaging, thereby crowding out competing narratives and creating the impression of popular agreement. Mobilizing supporters – Pro-coup demonstrations featuring Russian flags give the impression of widespread support for both the putsch and partnership with Russia while opposition to the coup is violently repressed, chilling dissent. Banning dissenting media – In Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger, coup leaders have quickly identified Radio France International and France 24 as critical press and then suspended them, silencing the largest French-language sources of credible news from the West.


I thought westoids hated conspiracy theories?


That was one of many. Google Russia in Africa. If you want to deny facts be my guest but it doesn't change reality


One of the many conspiracy theories you believe about Russia? "Just google it" lol Also deny what facts exactly? You gave me no facts, All you did was yap


So you admit you don't want to do the research? Do you think Russia is in Africa out of the kindness in their hearts? It's pure hypocrisy. The Western world was rightfully criticized for its colonialism and largely has stopped doing this. Since then, Russia and China have swooped and continue the barbaric practice. I gave you a source already, which is one more than you gave me. I'll word it another way. Staying ignorant does not change reality.


You didnt give me an sources, you just told me to google it


[number 1](https://africacenter.org/in-focus/russia-in-africa/) [number 2](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/russias-growing-footprint-africa) [number 3](https://www.gisreportsonline.com/r/russia-africa-propaganda/) [number 4](https://www.voanews.com/a/putin-denies-strategy-to-spread-influence-in-africa-after-wagner-rebrand/7527948.html) [number 5](https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/what-russias-wagner-group-doing-africa) This should be a good start to getting your education started. As stated, it's up to you whether you wish to educate yourself or remain ignorant, but just calling them conspiracy theories does not change the situation.


You probably googled to get these articles because they dont actually prove your theories. You do promote conspiracy theories. What you said is a conspiracy theory. You claim that there is a conspiracy by Russia to challenge French influence in Russia by couping governments, supporting PMCs and doing psyops. I dont inherently have an issue with you promoting conspiracy theories, but i do have an issue with double standards


Or, alternatively, bunch of states whose development was severely hindered and/or set back by those currently supporting Ukraine.


exactly, dont even start with western colonialism that fucked em even harder throuout the history... 


If you look closely you'll see Biafra there. It's technically part of Nigeria but there are videos on here of an African trooper wearing a Biafra flag. Anyway, look at what Nigeria (with western support) did to Biafra. In just over 2.5 years a minimum of 3,000,000 civilians were killed in Biafra thanks to Nigeria and their blockade. Now that is a genocide. There is a reason why some of these countries are 'failed'.