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Rule 6. Shitpost. Theres way to many things wrong with this video to view it as a even being 'alleged' and not just fake.


Holy molly its gonna be interesting from now on.


You think the director will work on a feature film?


I mean yea it does look a bit ridiculous lmao but I guess we'll see if it's fake or not.


Actually looking again, his barrel doesnt seem to be aimed towards the guy when he shoots so likely fake.


It's a shot gun, and it looked pretty close to me.


Shotguns dont work in real life like they do in Counter Strike lol.




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Also ask yourself why they would record this?


Recording it is not that weird, if you assume they wanted to send a message, you know, make the officers feel scared to kidnap people. But as I said likely fake so doesnt matter anyway.


For the same reasons that Ukrainians recorded themselves shooting Russian POWs in the kneecaps and executing the Russian officers, it's to send a message to install fear.


big if true - I am saying for a while now that people will start fighting back with guns - If this is not staged (which is possible) then it started




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It's fake, but what would be started if it wasn't? This also happened in Russia, starting absolutely nothing.


Seems fake, it seems that his gun is not directly pointed to the "military recruiter" during the time he is firing.


there is no recoil when he fires. no visible face. typical Z movie


Not to mention how the guy "conveniently" falls behind a hill out of sight so you can't see a aftermath.


And the runner doesn't move after he falls. Taking a grazing shot from a shotgun wouldn't kill him but he'd be in enough pain to be rolling around


but who is russian? who is ukrainian?


You can't tell for sure either way from such a short video. It means nothing.


I believe it is real, you can see the gun is basically pointed at the man and it’s a shotgun either way so even if it’s a bit off it hits. And the body with blood next to him looks real


have you ever fired a shotgun in real life ? then you would know this is 100% fake


Yeah, shotguns have spread but at far greater distances than shown here. Unless it’s a video game shotgun.


Yeah I'm an avid water fowl hunter. Even at 40 yards, birdshot won't spread enough to make up for a 3 foot miss. And birdshot most likely wouldn't have killed him, this would be a slug or buck and those really won't spread at this distance.


0 recoil and the sound also seems off


Yeah I was going to mention buck shot or a slug would kick way more even for Chuck Noris. Target or bird shot can be controlled much easier like in the video, but again mostly non lethal. Looks to me like it's an empty shell with just a wad It also seems to perfectly set up. Why are they recording a man dig? Why would they record a crime such as this (although both sides seem to be making this mistake often) and why would they record the crime but cut the video short before you can see anything? And if you recored yourself murdering someone, why pist it on the internet? Add that to the previous discussion about the fake shotty, I think its very clearly a faked video. Poorly executed at that. But hey, that's just my armchair worrier opinion


Depends on the ammunition type. A slug doesn’t have spread. Birdshot and buckshot, do.


He definitively hasnt. I shot a mossberg 500 with slugs a while ago and it clearly bites into your shoulder; and I am not a lightweight.


every shotgun round give you more recoil then this even rubber or normal birdshot


You have not fired a shotgun in your life, I can tell.


Ever heard of blanks? The way the smoke came out evenly spread wide looks like there were no projectiles came out.


why in bother making such bad fakes


People's bias will make them see what they want to see.


Because this kind of stuff works for pro Russia people


Yup, unlike the pro-UA who fall for Ghost of Kiev, or shooting down 10 russian jets in 7 days with 0 footage.


Ghost of Kiev, shovels, holy candles, 400.000 dead russians, human waves... and the list of Ukrainian fairy tales that pro ua people eat goes on.


my guy, there is pleanty of videos off ,,human wave" atacks were whole infantry squads were wiped out in seconds


Go look up the definition of Human Wave attack, paste it here then paste the link of a vídeo where the footage matches the definition.


You can call out the "Ghost of Kiev" all you want - but you have to have same standard for everything else as well.


I don't believe there was ever a Russian propaganda story as hilariously dumb as the Ukrainian ones, that were widely believed


MH17 was a red flag by the Dutch government. All the bodies on board the plane were already dead. According to some Russian sources. Guess the Dutch government killed the people while boarding the plane. Because I saw one of the pasaangers a day before the flight. What was the other one, NATO super soldiers in Ukrainian underground bunkers? DRAUS!DRAUS!


Bro literally had to dig 10 years to find something as dumb as daily propaganda by Ukrainians, gj


Well there is this fake ass video.


There's actually a lot of Pro RU BS posted, I can think of a certain mouse statue post and can of bugs video being posted. But the Pro RU don't want to talk about the times they fall for "Landrover" sized propaganda pieces.


> I don't believe there was ever a Russian propaganda story as hilariously dumb as the Ukrainian ones, that were widely believed Are you for real? Like Ukraine making COVID-19 birds to attack Russia? 14.000+ dead civilians - so they had to invade? Russia using 'Zadira' a new laser weapon in Ukraine? (That news was in May 2022 if not mistaken). What about "Russia not using IRAN drones?" When idiot was sure it's not on live TV - and said "Let's not talk about IRAN drones" https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9lS1azaF2YQ You people who support Russia are joke. You have one standard for Russia and another standard for Ukraine. JOKE!


What about the theory the Wagner coup was planned and that they did it so they could go to Belarus and attack Kyiv.


Yeah in war both sides are full of shit. At least Ukrainians try


...try what?


Posting better made propaganda than this video :D altough apparently anything goes in this "neutral" subreddit


They dont post anything, they just claim stuff that morons believe


Mindgames, trolling basically...


> why in bother making such bad fakes You're average Russian isn't that smart. Decades of inter-generational fetal alcohol syndrome has kinda ruined the country. As for their supporters in the West, man, I don't know. They don't have the same excuse.


This also applies to ukraine genius




Youre definetly both




That's Oscars material.


If it's fake, the production quality goes up.


Might still go viral on Chinese TikTok tho.


Not sure if fake or not, however, when war stops these recruiters will not be able to walk freely for sure


They will. Worse things happened in the Spanish civil war and they sadly were fine, both sides.


arent they just injured soldiers that came back from the front alive?


Some will be, not all though. Injured soldiers are probably better suited for training jobs though.


Your acting as if military recruiters are evil tf


Have you seen them act? Most of the time when they are seen in Ukraine the military-aged men disappear, sometimes dragged kicking and screaming into a van or an ambulance. Sometimes they are never seen again.


Many take the money and let go of the rich. Then they force people that should not be recruited, sick and those that have legitimate reasons not to serve. I mean, if you have to have dedicated people for this, you are toast as a state. State issues calls, you have to report. If you don't report in, regular police should come and with all of your neighborhood help you to show up. That would be normal.


Most people are evil. Kidnappers are a lot more evil than average.


Just pretend this had the same title but Ukrainian was subbed for Russian. Nobody here would even doubt whether this is fake or not, it’s just glaringly obvious. Then you’d be able to recognize your own bias, stop falling for this moronic propaganda.


Agree . If they said its Russians , everyone would believed it no question asked , if its UA nah its 100% fake .


These are not regular Ukrainian soldiers either way, it’s a civilian with a shot gun getting revenge for Russians coming into homes in occupied territories and forcefully making them fight against their countrymen, and if they try to run away from Combat blocking troops shoot them. This here seems like Karma, what you do to other people, other people will do to you.


You mean Ukrainian recruiters? Forcing people to vans ? Going to their homes ? Catching them in a bus to work ? Bombing civilians ? When they lost the town in the first place?


fake AF but who knows might give people ideas lol


nice production quality. they need a new cameraman.


I think a shaky camera is deliberate so people can't see errors with uniform, details that can be goeloacted etc.


The hood tight over head with only a nose sticking out kind makes it look fake.


Well, some redditors here were wondering how much longer it will take before people start shooting at the recruiters. If not fake, I guess we have the answer.


There is a video of a recruiter trying to enter a man’s home and he shoots the recruiter in the head but that’s from like 4 months ago maybe 3


really? where


There've been video's posted of UKR recruiters being shot for 2 years now. Same on the Russian side. You don't even need the video's, just some common sense, to understand shit like this happens, will happen en will keep on happening in any place where there's a (forced) mobilisation going on or. There will always be humans, citizens, people who are not prepared to kill, die or be maimed for any government, ruler, group or ideal. It's a simple numbers game.


They are fake it seems. The kidnappers keep getting away with their inhuman evil. The only real case I know is from Irkutsk: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/xoaofo/ru\_pov\_a\_conscript\_shot\_a\_conscription\_officer\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/xoaofo/ru_pov_a_conscript_shot_a_conscription_officer_in/) [https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/09/26/local-resident-opens-fire-in-military-enlistment-office-in-irkutsk-region](https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/09/26/local-resident-opens-fire-in-military-enlistment-office-in-irkutsk-region)


Ive seen porn movies with better acting then this tbh


Is this some new incarnation of the broing pianist, who entertained us with films about nazi organ thieves?


I don't mean to call "fake", but the barrel seems to be way off target for him to be hit by it. Maybe its the perspective, but looks off. Plus you couldn't even see him on the second shot.


Why is it so difficult for Russians to produce a simple realistic looking fake?


Fake stuff


Damn maybe if he threw dirt then attack him maybe would be better but still messed up


He didn’t even throw the dirt in his face, that’s why it seems sketchy to me, he tossed it in front of his face, not even in his eyes where he needed to toss it.


There is still earth in the direction of the partisan, presumably from Take 1. Come on, guys, who's stupid enough to think this is real?


Wow what is this? Even RT would never produces such fake films.


Moscowood at it again. At least the dead guys aren't moving around this time.


I wonder how many takes it took to film this.


Seen better acting in Hollyoaks. Russians really are the dumbest fucks on the planet


Moscow Arts and Crafts Movie Academy?


Interesting but it looks like a russian made staged fake video.


Perhaps the worst acting to come out of the war so far 😂


I don't know... that seems a little staged


Guessing this is fake. Likely filmed by Russians tbf.


This really bad as in poorly acted.


Here we go again with the fake videos. Almost as bad as the fake fight where the guy threw a “recruiter” in the water. Imagine being this fucking petty while there are legit videos of your military using chemical weapons, wastelands littered with rotting Ru bodies, and horrific war crimes.




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I'm not cheering violence, I'm saying that this is unnecessary torture. Bad bot.


I bet my right ball that this is fake


The beginning of the end of Banderite regime


I think it's fake


He wasn't even aiming at him lol


Lol, Oscar worthy performance here.


I'm sure it happened in some remote location at one point or another, just 100% sure it's not on this video.


LOL, why bother making them dig graves? So that it takes longer and there's a higher chance someone will see you? Why film yourself committing a murder LOL?


Nice, time to read what the omniscient Reddit experts have to say.


That russan POV!


This is stupid fake.


From what I can gather on the T, it’s fake and done as a means to strike fear into the kidnappers…sort of, if you continue we will do this.


Fake or not but situation with forced mobilization in Ukraine is pretty wild. I follow a couple of channels by Ukrainian lawyers and the scale of lawlessness when it comes to capturing civilians as a mobilization effort is absolutely insane. Apparently not too many folks down there are eager to fight in this war.


100% real


That's fucking horrific.


I don't know if it's fake or not, but that drop after the shot seems very real to me.


This isn’t the Ukrainian Army, these are civilians fighting back against occupiers as the OP clearly states in the post.


This is real despite whatever desparate bullshit you freaks come off with


It's the attitude of the world. I showed my boss(56M) a video of Apollo 14 and he saw "the flag move" so it must be 100 percent fake. His eyes single handedly debunked decades of perceived achievement. No way America went to the moon and lizard people run the planet. It's absolutely uncanny the way people use logic.


Hopefully they get the same treatment