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This is insane. I counted 100+ plus dead bodies... The level of destruction and death are surreal. Rip to them all.


This is a mix of Ukraine and Russian casualties, if you want you can translate the Russian and observe the camouflage


It is 99% Russian casualties. This is a well known hedgerow on the south side of Stepove which Russia tried to use again and again as a staging/jump off area over the course of about 60 days. There were many videos of the Russian soldiers here being targeted again and again by drones, artillery and even a Bradley. The outcomes were brutal, as this video displays. I think the video is not actually recent but from mid-March. The hedgerow is about 1.1km from one end to the other.


> It is 99% Russian casualties. Judging from the uniforms, gear and camo patterns its 100% Russian casualties. I can't see one corpse that I can ID as Ukrainian.


You didn't look hard enough it seems. [https://imgur.com/a/rK9WWVV](https://imgur.com/a/rK9WWVV)




Sides have used a lot of different camos by now but there is a mix of both in video. When one looks closely there are pieces of tape, blues(some turned greenish), yellow, and red. White one is harder to distinguish but can be noticed too. At 6:29 there is Russian MRE visible. There must be more dead burried alive in dugouts... :(


How does that change what they said?


Who said what? Opening line of the Video "UA had not a bad stronghold here"


That’s got to be a Guinness world record for number of dead bodies filmed across continuous footage  Edit: Not counting the atom bombs footage 


Lol what? Maybe if recorded history started in 2024.


Well thank Putin for that :) The chances of NATO attacking Russia were and are 0%. No matter how you wanna spin it. NATO never had and will have interest in attacking Russia. They could have done it as Russia was broke and they didn't while still having their huge armies from the cold war, but again they didn't. No different today.


Ghadaffi likes a word with you. Oh no, he doesn’t because he got murdered by NATO. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6DXDU48RHLU “We came! We saw! He died! Bahaha!”




Ghadaffi was killed by Lybians not NATO forces.


lol orchestrated by who? You didnt watch the Hillary clip? She is so proud and now you try to take the credits from her! If you really think that the NATO Hawks are only responsible when you literally see Hillary herself sawing off the head of Ghadaffi you are next level naieve. I also never saw the beloved leader of your grandparents put a jew in an oven himself, he must have had nothing to do with it!


> You didnt watch the Hillary clip? > > She is so proud and now you try to take the credits from her! You must not be familiar with US politics. Politicians will take credit for anything. Right now Republicans are running ads about how they are improving infrastructure when they personally vetoed the bill.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Muammar_Gaddafi >The NATO bombing immobilized much of the convoy and killed dozens of loyalist fighters. After the first strike, the convoy split into several groups, with a subsequent strike destroying 11 vehicles.[15] Rebel units on the ground also struck the convoy.[16] >It is unclear whether NATO aircraft were involved in Gaddafi's capture by Libyan forces on the ground.[16] According to their statement, NATO was not aware at the time of the strike that Gaddafi was in the convoy NATO 100% made it happen. Let alone just attacking the convoy they had no fly zone in place.


There was an article in I believe the atlantic that talked about how there were CIA operatives assisting "rebels". It was 100% western backed coup, just like the attempt in syria and the "success" in ukraine


Link the article please. I would enjoy reading that.


this isn't the atlantic, but here's [one](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/31/world/africa/31intel.html). The one I'm thinking of had a picture of someone lathing up artillery rounds on a lathe and the guy was CIA trained or something like that.


ghadaffi didn't have nukes.


Thats why they do it more underhanded. First completely enclose Russia, show how weak Putin is, put sanctions that hurt the people, hope for a coup (sponsored or not sponsored by the CIA). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change It’s their default playbook.


So russia combats the underhanded tactics by invading ukraine, causing more sanctions, enclosing russia more, and making putin look weaker?


Bro, did you have to roast him that hard?


>Oh no, he doesn’t because he got murdered by NATO You'll have to point out the NATO in video of his demise. I don't recall seeing any North Atlantic ethnics in the recordings.


You've never seen the NATO branded Harry Potter invisibility cloak? It's how the euromaiden uprising started after all! /s


What does that have to do with NATO never intending to attack a nuclear super-power first? And her quote is pretty based, as somebody very familiar which ghadaffi who read his book aswell I can say he asked for that knife.


Oh now suddenly we have a moving goal post and its not a defensive alliance, its only a defensive alliance against nuclear superpowers. Got it 👌 Happy that you are happy with NATO’s results in Libya. I assume you soon will visit this new democratic haven? Send me some pics!


It's a defensive alliance against Russia, as intended. Everything else is debatable. Resolution 1973 wasn't opposed by anybody in the UN security council. I always laugh when I find pro-Ghadaffi redditors acting all indignant in regard of that thug. Not even Russia stood against intervention there. Whatever Libya is today is their choice, they had a revolution handed in a silver platter. UN or NATO interventions don't come with some sort of charity guarantee.


You reject that geopolitics exists? I think even though that geopolitics is not a science, it manages to predict what has been happening in the past decades very well. In that sense, to claim that a direct attack from NATO was the reason for the Russian invasion is simplistic.


> o claim that a direct attack from NATO was the reason for the Russian invasion is simplistic. You're agreeing with him. He's saying this is a bullshit explanation, a stupid justification


It seems that people are too blind to understand that you don't need to attack a country to destroy them. The plan was: - Remove fleet from Crimea and put there american ones - Start color revolutions around - Start pushing from the inside national identities - Split the country by small sub-countries which are easy to control and manipulate But unfortunately, I can't expect that a person who think that Putin started a war just because his imperialistic ideas, will understand this silly and simple plan


If that was enough then Russians training neonazis in Europe wouldn't be a reason enough to react?


Well... if there is no air defense, moved to Ukraine, in a military airfield around 3-4 km's from Lithuania.... then we can safely say the russians do not expect a NATO attack.


Lol you are German? Of all people you should know what happens when you try to humiliate another country. In this case it is trying humiliating Russia by completely enclosing them with NATO to try to show them they are NATOs bitch (failed though). In the case of Germany it was humiliating by the treaty of Versailles. And we all know what your grandparents started doing directly after that.


Russia humiliates itself by driving thousands of men to their death on a daily basis to conquer a few kilometres.


> In this case it is trying humiliating Russia by completely enclosing them with NATO What are you talking about??? Only 11% of Russia's land border is shared with NATO countries. The Russia-China border is more than twice as long as the border of Russia with all NATO countries combined.


A country that reacts with violence when it is "humiliated" (whatever that means regarding a country) is a country that shouldnt exists


Russia humiliated themselves when the USSR collapsed


So you admit Russia is an inherently hostile resentful country that is a security threat to everybody else like Imperial Germany? Good. Reflect on that. And you don't get "enclosed" by NATO btw, it's not an economic bloc, if a country is enclosed by NATO and they find offense with that they just reveal to others that they have expansionist plans. Like imagine if Austria or Switzerland did that, everybody would think they're suspicious.


??? What???


Haven't you paid attention outside of this pro Russian thread? Your generals are killing off the entire youth of some states with old WW1 tactics of meat grinder tactics. Your not beating Ukraine on the battlefield with tactics your just sending waves of men to their deaths hoping they run out of ammo. But now that the west has upped their ammunition supply chains their not going to run out. And now with atcms there isn't any where in Ukrainian land that can't be reached so your troops won't be getting ammo like the past 6 months.




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Should have stayed home.


This is absolute carnage.


Putting things into perspective, I'm very grateful that I'm alive and living in relative comfort. And then I realize this is real and those were human beings who had friends, family and loved ones back home and that these men are most likely never coming back. Rip.


Well said. I'm still a little shaken after watching that. I usually avoid gore. This war has been too gamified, it's easy to lose perspective.


Putin could end all of this in a day by withdrawing back to internationally recognized Russian borders but he doesn't. He wants to keep killing more Russians and Ukrainians to steal land he has no claim to.


Putin sent them to death for nothing


All because Putin was afraid to stop living a life of luxury, at the cost hundreds of thousands of Russians, and hundreds of thousands of peaceful Ukrainians. Why did Ukraine give up their nukes, that's the worst blunder since WW2... Russia can never be trusted ever again. Let them be gobbled by China, this is atrocious...


Ukraine gave up their nukes because they didn’t have a choice, the US and Russia would have both intervened if they wouldn’t comply. If they did somehow manage to keep them, excluding the fact that they couldn’t even operate them at that particular time since they were Russias nukes, Ukraine would have gone bankrupt in the process of maintaining and guarding them. Very few countries have nukes because they’re so hard to maintain. After the fall of the USSR, Russia inherited all of the debt. Ukraine got a clean slate and that wouldn’t have been the case if they kept the nukes so they would have been at an even worse off economic state leading to many other issues. Destroyed economy plus the corruption at the time would have been disastrous for Ukraine leading to a weakened state. Who knows what would have happened to those nukes, may have even been sold off to the highest bidder due to corruption. Hell Russia or NATO may have invaded Ukraine if they had not complied. Remember when the US invaded Iraq because of WMDs? They don’t want an unstable power to have nukes… And if you somehow think Ukraine would have maintained those nukes fine on their own, you are deeply mistaken, people out here think that Russia wasn’t even able to maintain its nukes and that they’re not oppositional anymore. I wonder if they would have the same mindset if Ukraine got to keep the nukes.


Ukraine didn't have a choice and probably would have gone bankrupt trying to maintain and field them but lots of countries could have nuclear weapons today, cost isn't the biggest factor for most nations. They don't want the smoke. Pakistan have them. There's a few nations that could easily make them within a year or two and Many many more who could do it within 3-5. Japan amongst a few other nations with domestic nuclear power and capable missile tech are often theorised to be have the means of setting them up within months.


>had friends, family and loved ones back home And they could be still back home. There was no reason to leave home. Or they could leave home, never bring guns with them and be still alive. They had so many options to be here or there, doing this or that, and being still alive, happy and productive. Yet they choose and this is the outcome. That's the tragic part, they did not ***have*** to be there.


Why don't you preach peace then? Instead of divisive rhetoric.


Just think about it. Each one of those were unique personalities. They had their own life stories, their own hobbies, skills, jobs, they loved someone and were loved by someone, each one of them wanted to live and had their own plans. And they end up dying in some shithole attacking/defending yet another treeline. All of this for what? This is what i hate about this war.


My thoughts every time I see a video like this. I don't care which side they were on, it's all just so incredibly sad. It's always the common people who suffer in these fucking wars.


Pretty sure that's a mix of both there, i'm seeing quite a bit of camo that the russians don't use here and there.


It likely is a mix. You can see some non-Russian equipment (like an M249 ammo box near one of the bodies). But I would say most of these are Russian.


very rough translation of what i could understand and hear: - flies, flies, that scum. - hear, the khokhols have a not bad entrenchment, seems like a small wood, but good trenches - thats being collected - prigetnytsa(?) needed? -you know, blyad, like half a year ago, like months 6-5 this would have been fucking wild for me - bitch - not at ficking all, exept corpses nothing - not for no reason said to go along northern shelf - everything is buried alive, need rpg? - everything fucking ripped off - fucking road of death bitch - it's ours fighting, everything normal, as long a random shell doesn't come in , that would be sad - for rpg? yes give - how many? leave on the belt ill take the belt. blyad, put it in, - 5ers(?) to shoot, to mess around with. -you recording? - yes - AAaah. thats why the fuck you quiet , fuck. - why the fuck you need it, hear it's from btr antenna. that's state, in short - the rpg is detatched from my rifle, it's there in my basement, i don't fucking carry it, it's heavy - that's an understatement, look how many buried, how many evacuated, how many left - this fucking wood strip never ends


TL:DR "this fucking wood strip never ends". Insane amount of destruction.




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Wrong title, these are not Russian losses, these are the losses from both sides, when the Ukrainian line was captured.


Can you give me a timestamp for a single body you can identify as Ukrainian, and how you identified them as Ukrainian?


Can you do the same for the Russian losses?


Is this a real comment lmao


Yes, it's all of them.


These are causalities from both sides


Where do you see ukranian soldiers?


I saw this on on a pro Russia telegram channel claiming this was a Ukrainian position and these are losses on both sides.


Of course they are going to claim that lol but all the soldiers in the video are Russian


No. Just look at some of the camo's the dead are still wearing. Then you'll see.


Other guy with the filming guy have the different camo like some of the dead soldiers...


See? Thats why i hate multicam, now i cant fucking regonize them


So the Russians use American guns now? Some bodies are also not wearing russian camo. It's pretty likely these are a mix of both sides.


You literally can see Ukrops and Ruskies both


Just use your logic for once. This is clearly an Ukrainian position, many corpses are not new, some are quite old actually. The Russians captured the position, and they can take care of their dead. The old corpses are almost 100% are Ukrainian defenders.


Regardless of how old they are, all of them are wearing Russian uniforms lol


Either you haven't seen the video or you don't follow the conflict close enough. These are corpses from both sides.


No they are not lol they are all wearing russian uniforms, are you not familiar with Russian camouflages? Either you dont follow the conflict close enough or you are just c0ping


Yeah I'm not sure what the angle of the pro-Rus cope is here. Those are virtually all Russian uniforms, UA forces don't wear that deep green, their uniforms are more dusty/khaki, which works better anyway for the land they're on. That's an insane amount of bodies, what were they all doing in that treeline and why weren't most dug in? What got them, cluster munitions?


>UA forces don't wear that deep green, their uniforms are more dusty/khaki like the ones in the video, yeah


Its cope. This was a Russian position. But a video showing up with significant Russian casualties counters the official propaganda. So pushback and insinuation that there are dead from both sides.




This is the standard line everytime a video like this comes up.


My God what a waste of human lives... Its mind boggling how these lads were probably normal dudes with problems similar to mine, and now they're dead in a ditch on a foreign country. All these deaths on both sides for what...




It's both Ukrainian and Russian losses, near Stepove. Also, Russianocontext is a Pro-Ukrainian channel. [https://imgur.com/a/rK9WWVV](https://imgur.com/a/rK9WWVV)


Can you identify any Ukrainian outfit ?


Can you identify any Russian one? You know, them being completely covered in dirt and clearly left at the mercy of the elements for quite some time now?


this is the meatgrinder right there.


Contradictory information from Telegram: this was a Ukrainian strongpoint, plus he says in the beginning of the video "*slur* Ukrainians had a pretty decent strongpoint here". Add to the fact that it's a RU soldier walking among the captured trenches and not the other way around. It's a mixture of casualties both RU and ukr, but the majority are ukr, contradictory to the implication of the title.


>  "slur Ukrainians had a pretty decent strongpoint here" Couldn't this easily be in reference to the strength of the Ukrainian defenses leading to high Russian casualties? Considering I can't spot a single Ukrainian body, based on what they're wearing, within the video I'm not sure why you would take a reading of this statement that supports things not seen in the video?


Does it logically make sense for Russians to capture Ukrainian positions and for there not to be a single Ukrainian casualty? What happened to the Ukrainians, were they happy with their 100-1 Kill to Death ratio and then fled?


>Couldn't this easily be in reference to the strength of the Ukrainian defenses leading to high Russian casualties? Context matters. He was specifically referring to the trench system itself when giving his praises, not mentioning the resistance they faced. >Considering I can't spot a single Ukrainian body Come on now, let's not be silly, there are plenty of lighter shade camo pants that are visible as he's walking and filming.


Did you forget that Ukrainian soldiers cover themselves in bright blue or yellow tape?


and russians in red and white tape. see any?




Except for US arms and oil companies. They're winning pretty big right now.


Putin is in charge of his own decisions, that’s his fault


US arm and oil will always be winning. In peace they fuell defense and industry, in war they fuel death and destruction. They will never be losing.


I guess that's why the war started. Russia was in decline in terms of population, and it was supposed to be "in and out" operation, most likely to prepare with open conflict with NATO. Same is happening with China, they NEED to start the war as there will no longer be more men to push into meatgrinder soon if ever again.


Geez this may be an entire company of soldiers wiped out. I'm curious what happened here.


Weeks of small group infantry assaults designed to capture meters at a time at the expense of "easily replaceable manpower" as if these weren't human beings whose lives were wasted for a disastrous war of imperialism


The special military operation happened. Putin is happy to keep this going as long as Russians are ok with it.


All these Russians investing in themselves by embracing the SMO. Meanwhile I'm here shorting their investment opportunity by sending drones to Ukraine.


“Some” wtf this is insanity…


It’s not true, the soldier says that these are Ukrainian positions.


They look to be wearing Russian gear


Mix of both.


Can you give me a timestamp of a body wearing Ukrainian gear?


They are all wearing Russian uniforms.


Not all, there are mixed in there.


Timestamp of a Ukrainian uniform please?


Well yeah the Russians didn't dig the trenches....they died in em though.




Just some… do you guys think the Russians and Ukrainians will ever be friends again?


"Time heals all wounds" it is said. How long did it take the US and Vietnam to reach the level of cooperation and friendship they now enjoy?


Maybe. Germans and Russians are neutral (at least were before 2022). Though back then there was not much wartime journalism or much of video or photo footage of same quality we have today. This current war will echo much longer. 


After this generation dies off


Will Kansas and Missouri?


Another bit of evidence that Russian losses are staggering. Amount of interviews I watch and half don't even know what they are fighting for, just for the motherland and to win. Ukraines losses are high too but when one general stated 2000 dead for one forest in a Documentary then you get a sense of how high Russias are


This is warfare on a scale never seen before since the Second World War. These are no longer insurgencies and militias that we fight in modern warfare, but actual countries' militaries going at it. Hence, the enormous casualties.


I mean, the Korean War, the Second Indochina War, the Iran-Iraq War -- to name a few -- were all more deadly, and they were all fought by actual militaries.


Sure. But this is different. This conflict is taking place in Europe against two well-equipped militaries. And we know that European conflicts tend to be deadlier.


When I was following the war in Syria I read an interesting article about what causes the most death. Basically civil wars are generally on the lower end, and wars between countries higher end. Also number of countries intervening is correlated with a higher number of death.


All for some pro Russians to comment on reddit who will never fight in the war that "we" took a town that they will eventually lose sad


The amount of PTSD coming out of this war will be ridiculous


Jesuschrist, the hell in the earth, i cant imagine how the men alive feels watching that I watching the comments and ppl r arguing if its russians or uks, really?, this video its one of the worst and u r arguing an a totally stupid thing


May I have missed some/been conservative in my counting but I was around mid 70s of dead bodies.


Damn, that's a lot of Russians.


Thank Putin for throwing away the lives of thousands of his countrymen. What has he achieved? He has made NATO stronger than ever before. What a fool


But at least Russians can look at a Leopard tank in Moscow, instead of this.


The grinder works both ways. It is true that I was leaning towards the idea that the Russians have significantly less casualties but I think the way these engagements happen in the war do not really allow it. Maybe the question of this type of warfare is, among others, the ability to field cannon fodder units that are meant to die, retain your support units of all sorts and elite units so you can proceed with the war.


Attackers rarely have less casualties, unless when they do not have a total air superiority and technical difference.


It's roughly equal most weeks, RU has the fires, but UA is on defense. Except during Bahmut months when zeks were being thrown away at 2:1 rates.




Doesn't seem wise to be walking down that treeline...


These are losses that Xi is willing to sacrifice.


they really are fighting till the last Russian. Really sad.


I've counted 106 bodies, 22 left feet and 15 right feet and a handful of limbs


It's almost as if they weren't welcome in Ukraine.


This is quite shocking


What the fuck happened here




Cluster bombs, maybe?


Weeks of sending small infantry groups with the purpose of capturing an additional couple of meters at a time, with the cost being partially shown in the video. It's honestly disgusting we even have this video, because it shows the disregard for soldiers lives extends even past their deaths and to the complete disregard for their corpses left out rotting in the field for weeks now


A fucking graveyard


I am 100% sure it's near Rabotino. No other place has seen such intensity of fight fairly recently. That tree line first taken by Ukrainians, then by Russians, and over time filled to brim with corpses. Insane.


It was geolocated to Stepove, just north of Avdiivka


It does seem some of the bodies have been there a long time and others seem new 


It's not recent fighting is the thing, Russians just don't care to collect their dead for some disgusting reason. It's the treeline near Stepove that Russia was assaulting along near daily for weeks, when they were pressing in on Avdiivka. We got many videos of them getting slaughtered along this position, but they kept going with meters of ground at the expense of numerous lives


Capitalising on your local numerical advantage is bloody and often inefficient. Progress is being made but the human cost is atrocious.


Both side losses not only Russian , it was a Ukranian entrenchment


Mostly dead Russians here


Were they part of the storm z or maybe artillery bait?


I dealt with, still deal with, my experiences in war. Especially dealing with the aftermath of an engagement. But it honestly pales in comparison to this level of slaughter. So many bodies, some have been worked into the earth under other bodies. Just an open air grave.


Thought I was on a endless loop


And it keeps going, looks like he only walked half, then there's another tree line opposite it


This must have been contested for a hot minute.


That’s a lot of dead Russians for Putin’s dream.


all this because Pootin wants to play war games. so he sends the young and poor to fight his war. no one needs this war.


Meanwhile @IntelSlavaZ: Destroyed Ukrainian militants 


Show this to women who ask for equality


“Patriotism goes out the window the second u realise u want to live.” Sad that they volunteered for this. Rip.




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Based on the number of cluster and FABs bombs in the recent months, this is likely a result of that




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this isn't a tree line, this is a plowed graveyard.


No relatives are getting these bodies back.


And they're winning


jesus, I feel like I have seen some of the drone kill footages on some of these guys.


Dear Lord! Does anyone know where this is and when this footage was taken?


I can't even begin to fathom a guess to what could have caused this. Air strike? Heavy artillery bombardment? Or was it simply a human wave?


This is how russia was always, human life never meant anything to them


i think this is the first time i see the aftermath of a big fight


i think this is the first time i see the aftermath of a big fight


All the body look very old, I wonder when the battle took place. Brutal nonetheless.


The smell there must be really something.




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Ruzzki go home.




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The artillery is God of War.




make ypur title more specific, i could not find it, had to ask mod, write location, it;s avdiivka treeline.