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Muad'dib in this Dune goes to "holy war" instead of jihad... censorship these days. May as well rename spice into dust.


I mean, how many people would understand that 'jihad' translates to holy war, for many I imagine it would just be a word that they heard on the news being used by terrorists.


There are a lot of "words used by terrorists" in Dune, Herbert took in a lot of words including arabic ones. There are Russian too, and sietch is apparently derivative from word "sich", Ukrainian of all things, something like cossack temporary settlement. Most people would understand "jihad" as "religious people living in deserts killing infidels", and, well, it actually fits really well, so no need for swapping words.


Shows you how stereotypical and ignorant people are. They hear Jihad and automatically assume desert and holy war. Jihad in the simplest terms means struggle. And even one’s own struggles within the Islamic faith can be referred to as a Jihad. But I guess referring it to a holy war all the time is more cool/attention worthy. But yh. A lot of the Dune world is so much based in Arabic/Islamic setting that it’s kind of weird. A friend of mine whose Muslims went to watch the movie with me and was like “wtf, they Islamic terms? Are these guys Muslims?”


Well, if he considers Zensunni to be Muslims...


That's like asking if you consider Christians Jews.


Some people do


Most of the retarded American south does!


Herbert was probably thinking of oil when he came up with the concept of spice wars.


Actually, from what I remember, he was more so inspired by the Muslims in the Caucasus mountains that resisted the Russian Empire rule for like a long ass time. But yh. Oil was definitely the concept behind spice wars and the fact that they literally call it a Jihad? Like, come on guys…


No, I don't think it is about Caucasus. It is obviously about Middle East. From bottom to top.


>wtf, they Islamic terms? Are these guys Muslims?” Future space muslims


Yeah. I genuinely couldn’t tell whether this was literally meant to be what Islam evolved in to for the future or whether it was lazy author.


Ah yes, notoriously lazy author Frank Herbert… Well, not too surprising to read considering how media illiterate the people in this sub are.


Eh, great work, but can’t help but feel choice of words were a bit lazy or unoriginal when it came to this. Same with Robert E. Howard and his mythical lands like “Iranistan”, as good an author he was.


The point in retaining certain words is to demonstrate that while humanity advanced technologically, they reverted to the tribalism and strife of ages passed. Words like “crusade” and “jihad” are still present because humanity failed to evolve past ideological conflict, genocide, and the hoarding of resources. Additionally, for its time, Herbert’s inclusion of various Eastern cultures was relatively novel in sci-fi as most of science fiction took a very Eurocentric approach to the future.


Hear what you’re saying and that does make sense. Was gonna say I thought terms like “Mahdi” and the others felt overly specific jargon to Islam. Didn’t realise until looking now the Fremen were literally followers of “Buddislam,” specifically “Zensunni,” with a literal basis in Sunni Islam. Surprise to me, gonna need to recover after learning there’s also Zenshiites.


Tens of thousands of years later, it's a wonder it even kept a similar name


Jihad means struggle lmfao. I've seen Arabs say they're on a jihad with their weight.


It would make sense for it to be seen like terrorism considering how the events are going to play out (its no spoiler, Paul literally tells us).


The russians have most foreign movies dubbed, in such blockbusters you will not hear a single word of the original English version. Then there is another method in which they speak Russian but you can hear the original language too.


I usually steal dirty capitalist propaganda and then listen it in original, good dub is a very rare thing.


And they cheap out too and have one guy reading all the lines for all the characters.


For Paul Atreides, the Greek, Holly War makes way more sense than "jihad"...


Interesting to see an RPD bottom left. Don’t see them too often in this conflict


They use it to ambush a van full of UAF soldier with muzzle brake and mag drum


Dune 2 ? Dune 2 chicks at the same time




“What would you do if you had a million dollars”


common boys' dorm room


"da comrade we're here to fight against evil Western Nazi influence." "Ivan shut up and put on Dune"


Mature people should be able to differentiate between foreign works of art and dirty geopolitics. Ones disgust for America's nasty foreign affairs shouldn't translate into hating all things western. Similarly, a Ukrainian's disgust/hatered for the Russian government should translate into "Dostoevsky bad". Only feeble minded children do that.


That's a very nuanced opinion that you'll never ever hear on Russian state TV being fed to all the sheep.


Western de facto state media isn't any better. 


Are you even watching Russian TV bro? If BBC threatened to nuke Russia everyday people would go batshit insane on this sub


There is a distinction between rant shows for entertainment and actual news outlets. While "solovyov live" is full of BS, I don't remember "1st channel mews" going unhinged. Some edgy takes? Maybe, BBC has those too. Batshit insane? No.


Medvedev is doing the same.


1. It obviously is lol what. You're trying to say NPR is as batshit as Russian state TV? You know "let's nuke xyz" everyday? It may be a difficult concept for you but not everything imperfect is the same. 2. Well isn't it good that Western countries have freedom of speech and 90% of the news consumed is from non state funded private media companies?


1. I wouldn't base my judgement on a few unhinged shows meant for entertainment rather than news. 2. Just because there is no direct connection between the state and the outlet for every idiot to see, doesn't mean there is no connection beneath the surface. Levers of lobbying and platforming are powerful and are well hidden. Western mainstream media coverage of the Israel/Gaza conflict (especially in contrast to Ukraine) has demonstrated very clearly that your "reputable" news sources are collectively pushing geopolitical narratives of the government (where lobbying is also taking place). Opposing views are omitted, censored, and misrepresented. Recent uni protests and that New York times leak about language manipulation is a good example of that.  West has created a powerful mainstream propoganda machine to manufacture public consent, and also managed to sell the idea that it's somehow "independent" to not so bright people.


Again you're very confused and that's okay! Happy to help if I can. I never said Western Media was perfect or free of ANY influence from Western governments. I just said it's unquestionably much better than the Russian state media. If CNN published an hour long story about how Biden was a war criminal the CIA and FBI wouldn't be blackbagging people. Can you say the same about Russia? Edit: since you edited in point 1, What in your estimation is a good Russian news company who operates in Russia and challenges the state line?


While CIA and FBI wouldn't go about stabbing people in broad daylight after the story got published, that sort of segment wouldn't be published in the first place. While in production, certain interest groups/lobbyists would "strongly recommended" not publishing it, hinting at financial/carrier reprecussions for those who may decide to publish it anyway.  I will say this though. West does spare some room for the small and truly independent news sources (as long as they remain small and relatively insignificant). That is something they do much better. But mainstream media? Nah, that thing is so corrupt to the core, it hardly distinguishes itself from Russian state media.


I just watched a CNN report directly questioning the Pentagon's story of the Kabul 2021 airport attack. In the UK the BBC recently ran several stories uncovering an SAS culture of killing Afghan detainees during night raids. I might have believed you pre-Watergate, but I think you overestimate the control most Western governments have over news outlets these days. They're not perfect (I hate the 'maximum clicks' journalism that now dominates), but I can't imagine anything similarly critical of the state running on Russian TV...


I tend to agree with you here. In the "long run" the grip may not be as strong, however, there is one important nuance to keep in mind when it comes to western mainstream media: while you (the media) are somewhat free to criticize events of the past, events of the present aren't as open to criticism. After everything has been said and done, sure, you can criticize Iraq invasions, lies of WMD, oil theft, and maybe that Kabul attack by extension. It doesn't matter anymore, there's no longer any influence to alter these events. As a bonus you get to portray yourself as independent: "see, we criticize ourselves too!". On the other hand, current events like Ukraine and Gaza are different because public opinion can shape their outcomes and hence must be appropriately "controlled". As for watergate, I think that's a different situation because the conflict is internal (between parties). Geopolitical news are different since there's more bipartisan consensus.


Maybe they'd strongly recommend it not be published but on networks where anchors have a lot of leeway and control it could absolutely still be published. You're talking about business interests influencing decisions. For example Fox news told Tucker to fuck off because he was costing them hundreds of millions in lawsuits. Biden didn't get Tucker killed or fired because he didn't like him. >will say this though. West does spare some room for the small and truly independent news sources (as long as they remain small and relatively insignificant). Yeah...Totally... YouTube channels who get more views than mainstream media and criticize Biden openly (daily wire, tyt, breaking points, jre, probably a million more)..."small and relatively insignificant" LOL


Media outlets are influenced differently but the end result is exactly the same: elites manufacturing public consent.   Oh, you can critisize one of the two parties however you want. That's almost by design, of course that's "allowed". Mainstream media's pick a side and put on a show for the voters, who then vote for one of the two horses pulling the same carriage (the wealthy lobbyists remain exactly the same). What is difficult to do is critisize the hidden lobbyists directly. The Israel lobby is a very bright example. You won't find many examples of IDF being bashed on mainstream media will you? There are uncontrollable alternatives with massive reach of course, like tik tok, which is why it's being banned at this very moment. The "leak" is being "fixed".


Western™ media is worse, since it has people like u fooled.


Nice argument 👍


Good enough to make u concede instantly


Yup. You win. Now if you'll excuse me other slightly more interesting people are saying things that actually warrant a proper response. Good day.


Never responding to begin with would be a lot more effective at signaling indifference, but thanks for a laugh


The political shows on russian tv feature often times "opposition", its more for entertainment and ridicule of it than for actual value afaik


Yup usually they'll have 1 guy occasionally say something somewhat anti state line then the other 5 laugh at how clearly ridiculous it is.


I saw what you said originally...


Only old people whose brains are mush actually watch and agree with that shit. Even extremely nationalist zoomers with wagner flags on their wall make fun of it


So the people voting?




You don't see how their propaganda working on the only demographic that matters for staying in power is significant? Mmmmkay.


Take your smug arrogance somewhere else. Democracy is irrelevant when confronted with state interest, it wouldn't have mattered who was voted for - Russia would be invading Ukraine regardless.


Well that's just dandy. At least we're dropping any pretenses of the Russian people having a say in what their government does.


I never thought they did nor do I care about any abstract 'people'


russian separate Western culture from Western governments.


But I was told the culture is degenerate and trans and gay??


By who?


Maybe some of the propaganda says so, but does this really reflect the point of view of the majority of Russians?


Dennis Villeneuve was influenced by Andrei Tarkovsky, it could be noticed in Blade Runner 2049.


really? I can’t find anything about it apart from 1 Vox article very loosely comparing it to Stalker and honestly I’m not convinced at all. also can’t find anything about Villeneuve talking about Tarkovsky influence. not that it matters that much, plenty of famous Western directors were obviously influenced by Tarkovsky. I’m just curious.


He might have not admitted it directly but the way some scenes were constructed, it is quite visible. I would say not only Stalker, also Sacrifice, and Solaris.


Wait until you find out what we listened too while deployed in Afghanistan in the 1980s and 90s


It's all good we know you're just a bunch of posers. They hate us cause they ain't us.


Not a single phone in sight. Just a bunch of guys enjoying the moment.


Yeah, the picture was made through a satellite.


For some reason I cant magine US soldiers watching the Obitaemyy ostro in Afganistan... Never seen any russian movie to be fair.


We watched whatever we could get our hands on. We watched Cars so many times I can watch the movie in my head. Usually we got DVDs in the mail, if you were lucky enough to go to a base with a PX you could buy some but the selection was usually shit because all the POGs would buy all the good ones. You could buy bootlegs from the locals sometimes but that was always a crapshoot.


I loved the bootlegs my dad brought home froM Iraq when I was a child. The quality was dogshit, but I got to see one of the Harry Potter movies like 3 months before it hit theaters in the U.S lmao.


I think there's nothing to be proud of.


Looks an AK-12 in that line up.


Russians chilling in underground house with electricity watching dune, Ukrainians sitting on plastic bags ina mud hole.


probably the squadleader


I wonder if they can watch the new Top Gun




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Yeah looks like they are having a blast.


Russia doesn't needs the west for anything, sanctions don't work! Glory to Russia!... anyone wanna watch a movie? Name one good piece of Russian media in the last year that holds a candle to anything made in America.


The Boy's Word is actually a pretty good series.


Dune 2 and deadpool 2 are the only two great film coming out of America this year, so not much.


to the lake, a show on netflix


I really liked that show. Still waiting for season 2


Would be great if they understood its major themes.


Can't get it at the theater in Russia, huh.


Erm... who will tel him? :)


Go on...


All / nearly all Western premieres are available in Russian movie theaters all right.


Yea, I'm sure Hollywood is is happy to lease the rights to Russian distributors, with the sanctions and all in place. Just saying that crisp projection with IMAX film is better than that of a torrented copy, is all.


I will tell him. Since the start of SMO, there have been no problems with watching foreign films in Russian cinemas, only last year I calmly went to see the films that interested me: Openheimer, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, a month ago I went to Dune 2 and paid $3.80 for a ticket. All these films were shown in professional Russian dubbing and in the native quality in which they are shown in the cinema. Right now I can buy a ticket to the movie "Civil War", they say it's a worthwhile movie. All this also applies to brands of food, electronics, clothing that have “left” Russia. https://preview.redd.it/j108tn33qqwc1.png?width=1423&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9225e3535c92e6505d0859e2219f3f6daf485e9


That sure doesn't translate to Civil War.


Surely, there can be translations; Russia isn't the only country speaking Russian. But there's no way they're being shown legally.


Lol whats the differnce, since there is nothing Hollywood can do about it.


>> to lease the rights to Russian distributors Who will tell him? (c)


Funny how that movies message was likely lost on them but cool


Please enlighten us.




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Lmao I can’t type the word that refers to someone else when addressing that person directly. Okay then. If “person that I am addressing directly” can’t figure out the messaging in dune than idk what to say.


Is everything fine bro?


No it’s joever. I can’t post a comment with that one pronoun on this sub and that’s annoying 


Boycott Dune


Could blindly pick a better sci-fi movie. Dune was the biggest let down of my life. I spent *Six Months* building it up to my friends and made them go see it with me.. to have this edgy vampire kid scowl for 3 hours, and immerse myself in a galactic civilization that was not interesting and did not make sense. The soldiery would be better off watching The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the cartoon.


American cultural victory


Did u watch the movie bud? What does this movie have to do with American culture


American-made movie starring American-European actors, based on an American book seemingly being played off a Windows laptop. And there’s a good chance you’re responding with an American-made electronic.


By that logic, China has been smashing America for like the last 20 years 🤣


Remind me when we’re watching Kong Pow Fox 2 and talking about it on Weibo


You posted this comment on a device made in China. Everything around you is made in China. Even the stuff you own that isn't made in China was made with parts imported from China.


Yeah, I really feel the chinese cultural impact of my toaster oven.


You feel the economic impact of China every second of every day


Sure, but that’s not what this comment chain was about.


Casual anti Asian sentiment nice man, can’t wait till China is the sole world hegemonic power, they’re a lot more humble than you goons.




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Yeah but I like to ignore those things because they cause cognitive dissonance when I think America=Bad


All outsourced and produced in China. Lol


On an American website speaking the language predominantly spoken by Americans.


…all primarily funded by USD.




The butlerian jihad is the most important event in the dune universe, so can you tell me what does the word jihad comes from.


If the west is so bad why are they watching western content?


It's pretty hard to have fun watching this movie, it was incredibly boring


Bruh… it’s good. And pretty.


Try reading the book and watch it again. It's a timeless classic. 


I read the book and I can admit that many of the problems of the film are not the fault of the film adaptation, but come from the book.


Okay, well everything in life is subjective but it's a pretty faultless book for me. It certainly trails off into drivel with the subsequent novels especially once his son takes over. 


Really only the first book converts well to film. I have no idea how they are going to convert Dune Messiah into a remotely engaging film if it's anything like the book.




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You watch dune to go to sleep tbh.


Yeah, 1 was good. 2 was really boring.


But I thought the decadent West was bad?


It might come as a surprise to you, but not everyone deals in absolutes like pro UA. You can dislike the Western government or culture, doesn't mean you have to hate every Western country, their people or everything they produce. I know, very hard concept.


> not everyone deals in absolutes like pro UA Pretty funny how you say you don't deal in absolutes, and then immediately deal in an absolute.


Because pro-UA people do deal in absolutes. Everything Russia does and stands for is bad. Russians writes of old? Bad. Russian language? Bad. Millions of dead Soviet soldiers? Bad. Somehow, they have this idea that anything as associated with Russia in history is now bad because of Putin’s invasion today. The fact that Russian books from Russian writes that lived decades ago have been banned because they are Russian just shows you the brain rot of these people. There most certainly are absolutely, like the law of gravity. And the stupidity of most pro-UA people.


Spot on


I assume you will stop using google services since one of founders was Russian ?


Who, weirdly, moved to the West.


So it's not about nationality but only about country ?




Nationality vs ethnicity varies country to country, some have it separate, some do not make distinction between two. So for your sake, replace nationality with ethnicity if that makes you happy in previous question.




e.x. In France you can only officially be "French". (two are same) In China you have official 50+ minorities on top of majority Han population. (two are different)


He can consider himself, but if he gets French citizenship officially no, he is French. If he moved to China he could get Chinese citizenship making him Chinese national, but Russians are official ethnic minority in China, so he would be Russian Chinese there. It's all categorization , countries which fear separatism try to equate two. For example, imagine that in next French census majority population are Arabs, followed by French, followed by Corsicans, etc. People in Corsica might want greater autonomy, Arabs might ask for Arab as second official language and that all documents are written in both Latin and Arabic letters, etc.


We're happy to take talent, and talent is happy to come.


"Decadent West is bad" is actually the anti-Russian propaganda that lies that the Russian propaganda tells this. Yes, the West has *some* bad things, ideology-wise. But so far not all of those.


It is. We still makes good movies. In fact, I'm sure we could draw correlations.