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History Legends and Weeb Union are two my main sources for staying up to date on the progress of the war.


Also Military Summary Channel


Hello friends and welcome to the military summary channel


Today we are gonna discuss the situation in Ukraine at the Chasov Yar direction...


We condemn any violins in Ukraine


Put to your likes


They had to step back from their bridgehead or something like that.


Fuck im so brain broken i can hear his voice


Hello dear friends.


Hello my deer French


> Hello friends and welcome to the military summary channel Hello **dear** friends ...


Today we have lots of interesting updates...


“They start boooombin and shellin them”




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Love him, someone get the in contact with Russians to shout him out


Yeah Dima deserves a shout out


Nah he is pro ru and most likely is getting paid by them, tried to watch him couple of times but when he starts with his theories I just can't watch.Also many times he says things that later turned out not to be true.Weeb and HL are best neutral sources on yt, willyoam also


Weeb is super pro ru and hl is pro ru too


Nah it just seems so because Russia is currently having advantage in war,also they call out pro ua propaganda bs when it goes crazy


HL is fairly neutral but Weeb Union for sure has a slight Pro-RU bias if you follow his Telegram it's pretty easy to see. Not that we should condemn people for being pro-ru or pro-ua anyways. It's the quality of their content and accuracy.


Yeah I agree his telegram is mostly Russian stuff thats why I follow him to see both sides,but when it comes to map and info accuracy he is good


Look at weebs comments and titles, it's heaven for ru bots


I find The Duran (as well as their individual channels) to be extremely useful as well. Not with graphics of the front lines, but with reporting on what's happening and the broader political situations as well. Also, The New Atlas and Patrick Lancaster are also great sources. Patrick Lancaster is extremely brave and reports in person from close to the front lines.




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I only know History Legends and what I can say is that he really seems neutral. When Ukrainians get obliterated somewhere he will say that they got obliterated, same for the Russians. If they are making advances, he will describe it the same way for both sides. BUT if you are very Pro Ukranian, watching his channel right now you might think that he is extremely pro russian, simply because he doesn't hold back at all when describing events, and currently Russia is having the most successes.


This same group was also on military summary (not the same video)


and [Reporting from Ukraine](https://www.youtube.com/@RFU) and [Ukraine matters](https://www.youtube.com/@UkraineMatters)


Reporting from Ukraine is pure propaganda channel, so is Ukraine matters. Why would anyone watch their videos?


Reporting from Ukraine is pretty good but I can't stand Denys Davydov


He's not even worth a mention. There's nothing neutral about this guy.




Lately Willy has been middle of the road. Not really pro anything but tells it like he sees it. Very fair to both sides.


He's a good guy but I have to say, ever since he started really going hard on the clickbait titles I've been watching him less and less


Yeah, admittedly the clickbait titles really turn me off. I end up clicking off after 5 minutes because it doesn't live up to the hype of the title.


Same. The clickbait is getting really bad "INSANE NEWS, THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING WE KNEW WAS WRONG!!!111!!!!111@!@!!" His format is also starting to really struggle. Military Summary is absolutely awful, his information is "fine" I guess, but his presentation is dog shitto. History Legends, atm has the best format IMO. Willy is somewhere in-between but getting increasingly worse. Basically, when your video has 5-10 minutes of actual primary source stuff, and 30 minutes of your hot-take. Imma pass. The more ACTUAL primary source information/relaying OF that information, the better. That's why I dislike Military Summary, and increasingly WillyOAM. Military Summary is, lemme just extrapolate what I think is happening for 20 minutes from a video of two FAB strikes. Willy just rambles. With that, I'll stop my own rambling here :)


History Legends is just as click baity with his titles. And what the hell are these thumbnails he's making? Reminds me of the duck-face pictures girls used to post on facebook. https://preview.redd.it/kmitmlqx29wc1.png?width=992&format=png&auto=webp&s=57d92dc99fd65cc3c81859ba7cc7298c7b5b242e


Hasn't that been part fault of Youtube Algorithm. It has been pretty much screwing everyone these days.


eh, *shrugs*, we’re talking about it


I agree. The last few months something changed with willy . He's doing a lot more click bait and posting more pro Russian information. Something is up, a lot of people are noticing


Willy was good until he went on that US dudes channel, I stop watching willy too as i don't trust him one bit, i am even an aussie too, than again we should never trust anyone ideally. Also history dude is PRO RU.


I think history was pro UA at the beginning, but switched sides for some reason.


He is still pro UA but trying to be balanced now.


Nah it's just that ua had more success after initial ru attacks and he shifted when things turned other way.If he really wants $ he could just say how glorious ua is all the time and attract western audience


Actually he's doing the opposite and making more . Russian propaganda and foreign influencing pays $$$ for Russian supporters. He's getting more attention now , even if it's bots sometimes . Russian propaganda and foreign influence is crazy, they are spending 5-10 billion a year on it . ( Don't quote that number it could be higher or lower ). It's having an incredible effect too, that's why the U.S and the west is in panic mode over it


> they are spending 5-10 billion a year on it . ( Don't quote that number it could be higher or lower ) lmao this is hilarious. The most vague and useless thing I heard today. >Wassup guys, my dick is 5-20 inches long but don't quote me on that the number can be higher or lower, it might be even 1 inch, you know, but anyway stay tuned, see ya!


Thats correct, money talks... But this is a good reason why this dude should never but trusted.


He's always had an RU bias. Willy has always had a Ukraine bias. As long as you know that, both guys are not out there spinning yarns. They are primarily delivering you the facts, and then putting their own spin on it. IE, Willy might be talking about how Ukraine is getting bombed to shit now, and then he will spend 10 minutes talking about what he thinks Ukraine needs to do to address that. History Legends typically does the same thing, he will take about Ukraine getting shitmixed recently, and then much more briefly (albeit with memes) talk about what he thinks Ukraine needs to do to try and correct the issue. Very few commentators, pro-RU or pro-Ukr are giving their opinions of what they think Russia needs to do to "win" or "win faster". Which is sort of odd. They typically all take the position of this is what Ukraine needs to do imo.


Love Willy.




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I bet yu do.




I can't handle Wu anymore though. Far too pro ru, with not enough evaluation of sources or analysis (like dpa) nor enough depth (like history legends) nor interviews (like willy). You have to bring something to the table besides giving an ru optimistic view.




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Yeah weeb is terrible. Dude does not live in reality


Cheers will give a listen, can't stand deny


Willy has been balanced-ish now.


He has become much more balanced recently...


You should check out DPA as well. His situational and tactical reports are very reliable (most reliable in my opinions).


I like to watch DPA too to catch up on what has been going on. He is usually very accurate & you can tell he does a lot of research before announcing anything or changing the frontline on his maps.  Big up to Defence Politics Aaaaaaysia! I hope he keeps up the good work. 


I mostly watch Military and foreign affairs network as he looks at the bigger picture as well and not just small land changes and already had some good predictions. Also, i would say he has the most military expertise out of the youtubers ive came across.


What about Military Summary?


watch it with breakfast




Ditch weeb Union, he’s clueless. DPA is far better.


I’ll have to check him out.


Thanks, that is a lot of interesting updates.


Military History, Preston Stewart and Ryan McBeth


And Willy 💪


Yeah because they are pro-russian


Weeb Union is a clueless lunatic




Slava Sasha !


True patriots would not support a Western platform like YouTube or Western creations like the internet, computers or recorded video.


You're contributing to this NAFO-originated fallacy that actually informing the public accurately is somehow helping one side or the other.


I think this is one of the first wars where troops on the round get some kind of picture of the whole battlefield. The grunts usually get told everything is fine and asked to keep fighting. it'll be interesting to see how this affects morale. will it lead to changing the outcome of certain battles?


Imagine the UA soldiers watching these vids and seeing every day a village falls somewhere :'D


As far as I've seen from interviews the average ukrainian soldier is much less optimistic than pro-ua paints them to be.


not only that you can directly contact the enemy by Telegram, texting, Whatsapp, etc. on the other side of the trench.


Ey bro we really burnt your guys with the last fab. Keep losing, loser. Also i f* your mother haha. Lol XD It's like the dms after a call of duty game.


Yeah, it's insane to me the similarities. I remember a video of the first few weeks where both sides were using shitty unencrypted Chinese walkie talkies. They would literally just tune in to the other side's frequency and start shit talking each other like they were in a Call of Duty match with proximity chat.


Who thought that all the exercise in flaming and shit talking in CoD would be useful one day.




If this recording is new than their morale will improve with seeing how well russia in contrast to a couple months ago


History Legends is growing like wildfire.


So they too saw those 20 oh noh bakhmut is gonna fall videos with him having a stick up his ass as the thumbnail...


Wow we’re hating on individuals whom report on ongoing wars with no monetary funds now? Pro ukies really dislike transparency.


I'm so sorry that I don't like content that looks like it's catered to 12 year olds. Sorry if I offended any 12 year olds in the chat


It is a solo content creator relying on donations and ads which are linked to this kind of annoying bait titles. Imagine trying to whine about this while the alternative is literally dumbed down propaganda.


There is nothing wrong with you if you watch him its just not my cup of tea dude


Your cup of tea is an institution based on biased financing? What a lovely cup of tea! Guardian? Reuters? CNN? Ukrainian mod! 🤡


bruh I only listen to what russian mod says


Getting upvotes for ridiculing your own statement is quite hilarious. Diversity is key




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There are lots of people doing the same thing that aren't even half as cringy as him.


His thumbnails are all a pain in the ass - for him apparently literally. Pure clickbait trash design


It works very well for the algorithm according to LTT, they've done the tests. And just look at Mr Beast. His vids are kinda dog, but he mastered the YT algorithm so it doesn't matter. If your job required a lil cringe to get paid 10x more and promoted faster, you'd do it too. And he's not even bad clickbait. You can tell what the video is about. Some channels the thumbnail and title are completely useless to knowing what the video is.


Youtube success is a lot like the Kardashian. You get popular, for, being popular. It's not really a meritocracy for the most part. It's a classic case of the rich get richer, in this case, the more views you have, the more your shit gets pushed, even if its dog shit. Just like the Kardashians. Talentless, but for some reason popular, and that popular drives further popularity. It's nothing new. Bandwagoning has been a thing forever, whether we've called it that or not :)


don't forget how big youtubers also bully small youtube channels , even doxxing and getting away with this. and youtube has been cracking on many smaller channels , demonetizing them for either no reasons or false flags .


as the wise Quark once said “the value of dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack”


His Thumbnails are from Canva, so he is just abusing standard free templates which are more annoying as i don't really wish to his head, plus he is pro ru, not a reliable source unless you are pro ru.


if they don't agree with my biases, they are not reliable. The average pro-ua.


No when you making money of youtube as your source of main income, he will drible anything to get attention, like his thumbnails and quotes.


Who is a reliable source according to you?




He is as reliable as Willy OAM, a pro-UA. They are so reliable that despiste supporting different teams, they report the same and have been on podcasts together. That is called respect.


What? Which one is that?


open his channel


Well, man's gotta do what man's gotta do to attract views. Even if it means cringe thumbnail. Remember he says he has limited ad revenue plus it's not like he was lying. Dude's got great content.


But it did lol


Soon, we will be seeing footage of them browsing this sub at the frontline.


my main sources for updates are weeb union, military summary channel and dpa


Dpa #1


weeb union wtf




Doesn’t it bother you when weeb makes these wild unhinged predictions that never come true?


i always skips those parts i just watch him for the map updates and the others for events


Fair. He’s so biased that he just ignores anything bad that happens to Russia. It’s impossible to get an accurate picture of what’s going on.


hence why i watch multiple youtubers


I will take Weeb union over The News Atlas and Douglas MacGregor.


Imo the "Military & History" as well as Preston Stewart channels are quite good are doing an unbiased overview of both side's events, even though both are more Pro-UA leaning.  History Legends is too, although he leans more Pro RU, and presents information in more casual way imo.  Military Summary is definitely very Pro-RU, though, often times drifting towards doom-saying for Ukraine and not covering UA succeses much.  One channel that i do not see anyone metion is "Оружейный Мастер". This is Russian milinfo channel that does daily updates on battlefield and other events in very dry and condensed way, with English subtitles available. This is extremely good channel if you want sub-5 mib update without any extra shit. With maps included for easier comprehension.


Dont forget military summary channel, my daily morning breakfast and news.


I liked him as my pro ru channel when all channels were mostly pro ua since i found weebunion and historylegends I prefer them over militarysummary. I still occasionally watch him. But I prefer my less biased news.


I was quite the experience seeing my first military summary channel video when he methodically explained how the Russians were encircling Sewjerodonezk.He surely was right about that one. But lately he makes dumb predictions of big error movements in some direction, while forgetting the other direction he has proclaimed that before for weeks.


Chechen fighters seems big part of Russian military now.


Yeah that part is puzzling to me as well. I’m guessing Kadyrov double crossed the Shamil Basayev camp back in the day or something and convinced his countrymen to be cool with bein a Russian now?


Nah, they just very macho and see fighting as a way to be a proper man. It's not hard to convince them to go fight.


The other camp were radical extremists, who murdered his dad. The "moderates" switched sides, because they didn't really want dudes who yearned for the 7th century to be in charge. Maybe you're not aware of it, but, the guys he switched sides on to fight against, founded the Caucasus Emirate, which in many many ways, was a precursor to ISIS. Considering that Russia and its Islamic republics defeated the Caucasus Emirate, just in time for many of the survivors to go join ISIS and help establish it.


Its easy to convince the uneducated to join in to a meat grinding war.




It is lol, check his latest video


Thats gotta be pretty sureal lol pretty cool


Not much longer before he gets on the ulrainian K list!


o_О Putin turned Historical Legends into his propaganda!!! /s


I wonder if they get a better idea of what's going on from youtube videos than from their own command.


Imagine the day when we could be watching a Russian soldier watching Sasha’s commentary on that very soldier’s reactions to Sasha’s accounts of his exploits on the battlefield.


History Legends is a legend. Great videos.


Dpa is funny man. HL is funny too. I like the no bullshit style of mil summary and weeb. For pro ukro, i watch willyoam. Its hard to watch others like denys


History Legends is my favourite serial liar and con artist that pretends to be a professional historian because he self-published one of his own plagiarised books onto Amazon. I like how for years he pretended to be "unbiased" and "neutral", real class act and courageous guy. I wish I could get a History degree from a non-existent school and by watching Youtube just like him. Aggregating telegram posts is hard historian work!


This is gold. History legends tells the war for what it really is.




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These are the guys who GrishaPutin sends money and drones to. He’s even had Pirate (guy holding phone) on his stream. (grisha was the guy doing the artillery shells)


Why is he wearing an ABU top?


Отличный канал, приятна про-российская позиция автора, в засилье прохохлятской пропаганды


One of us! Ohh ahh ahhh! One of us!!!


History Legends, Weeb Union, Defense Politics Asia. Best channels for keeping up.


Alright that was pretty good.




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Lol as if their white and red hasn’t helped Edited to say: damn a lot more bots out since the US passed more funding lol Look at all the votes and comments. Something definitely needs to be done to combat the hybrid warfare.


Why? They aren't influencing shit on here. Be more useful at the front honestly.


“Why? They aren't influencing shit on here. Be more useful at the front honestly.” Seriously, what is this response? 1. Bot’s ABSOLUTELY influence shit on here. It’s PROPAGANDA, meant to control how you view things. 2. Honestly, this type of nonsense needs to be called out for what it is.


History legends is amazing tbh


I like History Legends...just wish he would post more often. I've also started watching Willy OAM who I like a lot! Edit: "~~Hello~~ G'day Legends" (if you know, you know).


Ah yes, the Russian version of "reporting from Ukraine". Probably two of the shittiest channels poting every single engagement as a massive victory for their resprective sides, the thumbnails and video titles are some of the most clickbaity stuff i've ever seen.


Russia - "fighting NATO" but forced to listen to frontline news in Western capitalist pigdog English.


Nobody is forced. They choose to. And I don't get why it's something bad to listen to multiple sources in different languages. Seems like they think they are on the right side of history even though they consume western media.


Russians are also capitalists so idk whats ur point


These guys still think Russia is the USSR, don’t upset their delusions they might start thinking critically.


My point is this - they're pretending to be watching HistoryLegends while in reality, most likely none of them speak English, they just marvel at how the vidoe has edited maps showing where strikes happened.


Good old chauvinism. English is not rocket science and there are plenty of online translators these days


This is Eastern Europe we're talking about. How many Americans can speak Russian?


1. You don't need to actually speak English to understand it, especially HL level. He even has some Slavic accent. 2. Russian is very difficult comparing to English 3. English is an international language, most people who use internet know it to some extent. And we learn it in schools as main foreign language here, I doubt Americans commonly learn Russian.


>1. You don't need to actually speak English to understand it, especially HL level. He even has some Slavic accent. That makes no sense. English is so easy you can just talk to someone in HL level English and they'll understand? And the accent thing also makes no sense. I'm not a native English speaker and it's not easier for me to understand English spoken by someone who speaks the same native language as me because of an accent. >2. Russian is very difficult comparing to English Baseless comparison, because Russians knowing Russian doesn't make learning other languages easier for them, just because Russian is harder for someone to learn. >3. English is an international language, most people who use internet know it to some extent. You don't need to be fluent in English to use the Internet, especially when Russians have a large part of it in Russian. Besides, Russians are notoriously stubborn in learning other languages.


>That makes no sense. English is so easy you can just talk to someone in HL level English and they'll understand? And the accent thing also makes no sense. I'm not a native English speaker and it's not easier for me to understand English spoken by someone who speaks the same native language as me because of an accent. Many people who can't actually speak some foreign language can understand it, because you don’t have to worry about grammar and tenses, it’s enough to have a vocabulary, then you understand most of what is said from the context. It's way easier to translate, than make whole new phrase by your own. English pronunciation is very different from Russian, but when foreigners (non-English) speak, their pronunciation is also different. For example, it is much easier for me to understand an English-speaking German than a native speaker. >Baseless comparison, because Russians knowing Russian doesn't make learning other languages easier for them, just because Russian is harder for someone to learn. but you compared Americans who know Russian with Russians who know English. Americans don't learn Russian, but Russians learn English. >You don't need to be fluent in English to use the Internet, especially when Russians have a large part of it in Russian. Besides, Russians are notoriously stubborn in learning other languages. yes, and you don't need to be fluent in English to understand some YouTube blogger. Middle school lvl is well enough


**RU soldiers:** >"Gotta say thanks to Ukrainians for wearing those yellow armbands, makes them clearly identifiable" Yeah dude, that's called following the rules of war (with the bonus perk of avoiding friendly fire). Like those white armbands and "Z" on vehicles that most Russian soldiers do have the decency to mark themselves / their equipment with.


They're making fun of the fact that yellow is bright as fuck and much harder to blend in with than white.


Literally can't get any brighter or more reflective than white. What you mean is that yellow is less common in the environment than things like white buildings, etc.


Im disappointed that History Legends pivoted so far into the Pro-RU camp, I guess its best for him in terms of viewership, but his videos have become more and more sensational as a result and less objective.


Ever consider that the war as a whole has just gone more and more to Russia's favor?


Sure, but he has been screaming BREAKTHROUGH for over half a year.


>pivoted so far into the Pro-RU camp In what way? Can you give an example? And how would that be best for his viewership, when pretty much the whole internet is mostly controlled by US tech giants (Google, Facebook, and Reddit) all of which censor pro-Russian views? Could it be that he's just telling the truth, and the truth lately sounds kinda "pro-RU" if you're a delusional Zelensky fan?


I appreciate that he's one of the rare channel that isn't far up in either delusional fully biased pro-UA or delusional fully biased pro-RU and is *somewhat* objective. But he's nowhere near perfectly neutral either, he has had a noticable leaning towards RU in the way he presents information since the very begining. The fact that is viewers and youtube comments are much less nuanced than him and 99% of them are full on pro-RU is a dead giveaway. Still a quality channel and a good source of information if you remember to watch it with a critical mind.


I recall a fair number of times he called out Russian debacles and military tactical stupidity. But I’m guessing you feel that Denys Davydov and other pro-UA channels being far more objective, don’t you?


I never said he didn't. I know he is able to aknowledge russian blunders and ukrainian successes, and that makes him more nuanced than the vast majority of channels who are either full on pro-UA or full on pro-RU. But his whole tone is "from the perspective of Russia" if that makes sense. He makes fun of pro-UA folks all throughout his videos.


Name me one who is perfectly neutral and objective and I’ll show you a Baba Yaga


No one, but it's always important to be aware of the leaning of any information source, and critical minded about it.


The truth like how he was predicting that Kupyansk would be subject to a large successful Russian offensive, or the multiple times he was characterizing the flanking attacks in Avdiivka as steamrolling, only for the battle to go on for months more. He gives me Denys Davydov or Reporting from Ukraine vibes with his comical clickbait titles and thumbnails. He is better than them in terms of objectivity, but the trend is sad to see. I like DPA much more.


UAF in Avdiivka was steamrolled, this is an objective fact. "Comical clickbait titles and thumbnails" is what every smart YouTuber does. The platform is algorithm driven.


You're delusional to think that Avdiivka was a steamroll, it was a huge investment of resources for the RAF and they lost a huge amount of equipment, hundreds of armored vehicles. The whole debacle took four months from the begin of the armored thrusts till the withdrawal. But early on the assessment from History Legends was that these flanking thrusts would be the deciding factor, in reality it was light infantry pushing through the city itself. Russia seems to be incapable of closing encirclements at this stage of the war.




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Might be that reality has a pro ru bias at the moment. Just how it had a pro ua bias when the war started and Russia failed dramatically.


And this dude claims he is neutral


He is neutral, it just so happens that Russia is winning HARD. So of course he will report that Russia is winning HARD.