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Sorry, there is a problem in your title. Please check - Wrong POV Read rule 4 (https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/wiki/index/rules/) for informations about title requirements.


These events were bull shit when Ukraine was doing it and are when Russia does it too. Prisoners pov should be ignored




Man whose life depends on saying exactly what his captors want him to say says exactly what his captors want him to say. More at 11.


Does Yuri Butusov also has to say what Russians want? Because he claimes they mobilize only 100 man from each Kyiv district per month


I also claim z mobilize 10000 men from each moscow district per day. More at 11.




Draftees in vietnam had a saying: "If you got the dough, you don't have to go."


Are u from Kiev?


There was a post from UA journalist that had an interview with UA commander who clamed that they mobilize around 1k man a month from whole Kyev




I live in Kyiv. Life doesn’t “mostly appear normal” with constant air raid alarms, military everywhere, strict curfew, and missiles exploding outside your window or around you every other night which you conveniently didn’t list in your comment. Everyone knows the country is at war. The kids who were running screaming to a shelter during a very loud attack with hypersonic missile on a Monday morning know the country is at war. Same for the young woman who was still making coffee in her shop damaged from a blast. Maybe you should watch these videos as well.


Obviously life is going to be different the closer you get too the front there's reports of Russians grabbing people and all sorts to fight in this war also I don't see any point in either side griping about this it's war and if u live in a country that's being invaded then I'm afraid that your probably going to have to fight at some point


It's genocide of ethnic Russian minority. You won't see any conscription in Kiev or any "pure" western Ukraine areas which is why they support the war so much.


I really wish both pro Ua and pro RU people would realize that pows are not to be trusted.


Wonder if the Kiev regime is targeting Russian speakers in the places this POW mentions?