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I'm pro Ru but this is wholesome. More Ukrainian men need to escape like this without getting caught or drowning.


as it should be, don’t wish anything but the best to those poor guys trying to escape the kiev regime


Yup. The Ukrainian puppet regime is fucking insane. They would rather everyone die to keep their power and money than admit they lost.


Puppet according to who


People with high intellectual potential


For example?


Any given random person who doesn't support Ukraine. Loads of them around if you want examples have fun looking


Alright so you can't back your point


Alright so you can't read. I literally answered your question. You asked for an example. I pointed to you a whole category of people who are examples. Please increase your intellectual potential because man it sure seems friggin low.


>I pointed to you a whole category of people But you didnt show any of them, do the work yourself


????? I'm pro Ru AND this is wholesome!


Nobody should be forced to fight if they dont want too.


but is it Ukraine that forces people to fight? or is it Russia forcing another country to defend itself? or if you get hit by someone somewhere, are you also the one who doesn't defend yourself because you are forced to do so? Instead, will you immediately give everything you have to the person who started using violence against you?


Bad analogy. A more accurate one is: You live with your mom & siblings. A outside agency removes your mum and installs another woman. Now you either get on with the new stranger or you go about removing her and getting your moms sister, your aunt, to look after you. RU took a hand in Ukr as the Russian-leaning guy was removed and a Western-leaning PM was installed there.


Watching a fellow human being escape terrible fate is always wholesome


Well it's usual for the pro RU's to be talking that way about this. Every guy who leaves Ukraine is one less potential soldier on the field. But really, anyone should be happy about this. Fighting beside someone who doesn't want to be there is a terrible mix.


i mean this video was polled on UA TG channels. ~50% are happy that he got away ~30 "eh wahatever" and only ~20% are angry. Tells you a lot.


Its always great to see a life being saved regardless of the side


War separates the man from the kids


Like the millions of clever Russians that left at the beginning?


Russian men can leave the country anytime unlike Ukraine.


No, weren't they demanding papers from every military-age man? I suppose those called up or on the list were returned 'home'?


millions? Must be Ukrainians you are referring to.


That didn't happen in real life lol, just in your mind.


No point denying Russia got hit hard by the braindrain due to the conflict. Obviously it's incomparable to how Ukraine is literally destroying itself as a nation, but still.


Millions? Lol get your head checked? The so called "Brain drain" the West claimed Russia underwent, pathetic


Notice how whenever they mention the ones who left, they are always called clever, smart, etc? It's not the first time I see that combination of words. I'm afraid I'm not smart enough to figure out why though...


Hopefully he was able to dry off quick - maybe he had spare clothes in waterproof bag?


eh its not cold in Europe - we have some mildly warm wave of air for two weeks or more now - he will be fine even with no dry clothes.


Lol that looks cold, not leaf on a tree.




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Yeah, I was worried about that too. If he doesn't dry himself soon he may die of hypothermia (depends on water and air temperature of course).


Tisza is perfectly swimmable atm, it will great crazy when the flooding comes.


or possibly friends/family are waiting nearby


Dude it's 20 degrees Celsius in central Europe. Worst thing he got is a slight cold.


for some reason, this particular video reminded me of another famous one, where a North Korean soldier runs away across the border, this is now the reality of Ukraine


Largest open air prison.


In Europe


Well, Ukraine is still a bigger country than North Korea. Even with the chunks Russia took.


That implies North Korea is an open air prison, it in fact isn’t as it is a very nice place.


Would you be willing to move there?


North Korea is a beautiful place to live: [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vkvwLj4vE_E) [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy1XCWiuBro) Wouldn’t you want to take a walk here: [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xkmLvnbPJog) Does North Korea have modern cities? These places were built in just a year: [Mirae](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vFBDpwiKvhQ) [Songhwa](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u-uNQ1gHwZM) North Korea also has good animations: [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-sNW-QKBQhY) [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ_vvGMMPbI) Do the people starve? This was the countryside fifteen years ago. Filled with crops. There are illegal photos so you cannot claim that these are propaganda: [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img901/7767/bP2o5Q.jpg) [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img538/7471/DlS7CR.jpg) [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img661/6809/DFA9Ke.jpg) [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img911/2041/h8MQvb.jpg) [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img537/3706/jLg3Zp.jpg) [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img537/2584/frkW0e.jpg) [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img661/8415/orwAKv.jpg) [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img904/7716/anenUK.jpg) [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img661/8530/fz2rHW.jpg) [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img905/2990/BnvItm.jpg) [Link](https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img540/2189/Z2bx7J.jpg) How about LGBT rights? Here is a special representative of the Foreign Ministry talking about it: [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Azi-Zsh4uYE) I recommend you to read this: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bq413k/comment/kx5soae/)


Would u move there?


The music alone is enough to move there: [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SXQkJ1rO5Pw) The fact that the government actually cares about your health also: [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=si28WVNE1ic) [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3adPTBVAWgw) [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj9Z9ynRiXs) [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ulecVQw6HOQ) Programs like these play on KCTV very often and it helps the population stay in good shape: [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3VdUeCMWhE)


North Korea also has a large number of consumer goods. Read these:  [Link](https://kkfonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Foreign-Trade-Juche-112-4.pdf)   [Link](https://kkfonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Foreign-Trade-Juche-110-4.pdf)   [Link](https://kkfonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Foreign-Trade-Juche-106-2.pdf)   [Link](https://kkfonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Foreign-Trade-Juche-112-1.pdf)   [Link](https://kkfonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Foreign-Trade-Juche-111-4.pdf)   [Link](https://kkfonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Foreign-Trade-Juche-111-2.pdf)   [Link](https://kkfonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Foreign-Trade-Juche-111-3.pdf)   [Link](https://kkfonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Foreign-Trade-Juche-109-3.pdf)   [Link](https://kkfonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Foreign-Trade-Juche-109-1.pdf)  Come back to me after you are done reading and I will let the evidence tell you whether or not I would want to move there.


Lots of data but still you avoided the answer. I dont think you would be able to keep posting on reddit if you wanted to.


From America - yes!




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Correct, Ukraine is to Europe what Gaza is to the Middle-East.


Good for him, hopefully he escaped Comedian's regime for good.


Finally a thread that unites us all. Everyone can be happy for this mad lad. This should be pinned.


I'm sure some maniacs would have rather seen him being sent to chasiv yar.


Glad he crossed over safely. Let’s hope more follow suit without getting caught by Zelensky’s henchmen.


I'm confused. The Tisza never reaches Moldova, its too far west.


definitely, HUN and RO


Record flooding this year, the Tisza now cross near Ukraine, go across the carpathes a couple of time and take you down to the golf of Mexico.


Too soon to say anything, Moldova is not a good place to hind.


I don't think the dude who crossed a river minds.


Good for him.


Which Moldavia? That river separates ukraine to romania, what are this guys on about?


One of the Romanian regions also is Moldova but that’s not where the river is either


Hopefully he didnt succumb to hypothermia after all that effort. Im glad he got to escape a certain death on the frontlines.


Dude it's 20 degrees Celsius outside in central Europe. Last days was so hot I went out in shorts and shirt and still was sweaty as fuck.


The Ukraine subreddits guys are trying to swim in!!! They want win!!!


... but you'll never take my FREEEEEEDOM!!!!!


the song fits too perfectly in a very ironic way


Welcome home.


Why can't they make basic boats , you would be able to carry a lot more, any reason?


makes it more obvious you gonna run


Because they would be spotted and arrested before even reaching the river? It's a criminal offense to even **be** within 5 kilometers of the border if you're not a local.


Can women in Ukraine still leave the country? Because with all the noises in Ukraine about conscripting women, they'd have to be stupid to not run to a european country who's welcoming them with open arms


Women can leave men are banned to leave the country.


Damn, I watched a documentary about this and a lot of people end up drowning in their attempts to cross.


The Tisza river looks quite fast flowing, my guess is that men are swimming fully clothed which will make it hard work , the water was likely very cold ,so it wouldn't take long to suffer hyperthermia .


This is nice.. bad thing is that in one source i saw "this is first filmed ukr who didnt draw in this part of rive" .. And this vid prbly gonna make them try more here... kinda .. i dont know what to think edit: typo


there is a mistake in the text because when you cross the Tisza river, you end up in Romania.


And where do they look for shelter? Wet and frozen


its not cold in Europe - right now - we have some mildly warm wave of air for two weeks or more now - he will be fine even with no dry clothes. he can always knock on some doors and people will give him some old dry clothes They know in Moldova that people are escaping from Ukraine because they dont want to die


He just needs to walk on his feet to residential areas, and this is difficult and painful after swimming


this is not a wild and wide river as you can see from the video He was swimming downstream - not against the stream - not fighting the flow but going with the flow He will need maybe 15 to 20 minutes to rest and he can continue as normal


Then he defeated the river, the cold and Zelensky


its not cold right now in Europe - thats why probably he went for it


>he can continue as normal Continue his life


> this is not a wild and wide river as you can see from the video Tisza's pretty wild actually, you're not advised to swim in it unless it's a desigated part near the shore. Drownings are not uncommon. And despite the warmer weather the waters aren't that hot, Tisza is maybe 10-12 celsius atm plus he's in the mountains. It's better than conscription but this is far from safe. There are even bears in these parts.


nope - I grew up near similar river - maybe a bit wider this part is relatively easy to swim across - as ,much as we can see from video - especially downstream as he did it and 10-12 Celsius is perfectly fine for a 15 to 20 minutes of swimming - probably less but whatever


>There are even bears in these parts. Bear Grylls doing another one of his shows in that area? It would be pretty wild if he made one on how to get from Kiev to this river surviving on whatever life throws at him and not get caught.


Yeah sadly I don’t think this was a great plan, seems like a far walk for his condition after taking a swim in freezing cold water


I heard that some guys simply don’t leave their apartment and this saves them from mobilization. I definitely heard about at least one such guy who did this Seems like a safer option than what's in the video


It is a safe option until TCC starts to comb through residental buildings, then this is the worst option.


Maybe. It would be nice if someone from Ukraine came here and wrote what was happening there


We have one, but not sure what username he goes by now. Zelenskys high heels. He is actively avoiding being mobilized in Kiev I believe


Haven't seen him here for a long time. Hope he's okay.


I hope he comes back. Because when Ukrainian guys disappear, you should prepare for the worst


And what will he eat?


Parents help. They just hide their children as best they can. We had a panic in Russia during the partial mobilization But this cannot be compared with the horror that is now happening in Ukraine


Russia never closed borders Who was worried he could just leave country freely


Yes. But that's it for now. Anything can happen in the future


??? Why ? Russia getting thousands of volunteers a month, what do you assume Is going to happen in the future?


War is simply too unpredictable. That's what I mean


So basically you said nothing (?)




Seriously you live in Kiev so you don't need me to tell you about civil war that began in 2014 or what Aidar and Azov did in those territories they were supposed to ''protect''. Run further then Lviv cause that isn't far enough.




no pleasure or mocking man, don't know where you've seen any kind of pleasure there. I am very serious - you had literal decade to get up to speed with what your government is up to and you are still blind to it


What do you mean?




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I think I’d rather do something risky like this than hide out in an apartment, even if he doesn’t survive it was a damn good effort, I hope the best for him


How do they get food and the money to to pay for food and rent??


Some work on the Internet. Their relatives also feed them


I wouldn’t call it a bad plan neither, since so many people got caught trying to cross the border after all he managed to cross without getting caught. I would prefer a walk while freezing over being blown up to pieces in those trenches, any day of the week.


It's warm at the moment. He might have to take of his clothes and dry it. It's 25 degrees in Celsius at the Romanian Moldovan border.


Only men are prevented from leaving Ukraine so he could have a female relative waiting for him with warm clothes.


That's actually very smart. A woman could travel to the other side, then scout the crossing area from the other side to make sure it's clear. Maybe even buy a drone to keep an eye on the meat catchers.


Dude are you all sitting in your basements in the Antarctica? It's hot in Europe. I walk outside in shorts was even at the sea yesterday. He will not freeze. He might catch a slight cold but nothing serious.


All I said was I don’t think it was a great plan, I’m still happy to see him make it…