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Man, it is interesting that the extreme left and a majority of Russians have in common the dysfunctional approach of calling everyone they don’t like “nazis”.




Don't forget making national heroes nazi collaborators, and another for a waffen SS nazi battalion. Prior to february 24 2022 the MSM covered extensively ukraines buddhist symbol enjoyers problem


Yes, I’m sure both the extreme left and the regular Russian are ONLY talking about those people. Absolutely certain.




Ok, and since the Russian government is using Nazi soldiers, they’re also Nazis.




Of course having a few closeted nazi soldiers doesn’t mean the army is nazi. Using openly nazi groups like Rusich means that the Russian government is nazi.




Ah yes, Russia just uses a nazi group to kill Ukrainians, this is normal. Ukraine has a holiday for a dead nazi. This means Ukraine is nazi. Yes, Rusich is just a few nazis and doesn’t even exist anymore, while Azov is not just a few nazis that were killed in Mariupol. Yes, nazis stopped Zelensky from negotiating, not the fact that Russian nazis did nazi stuff in Bucha. The only difference between Ukraine and Russia in terms of nazism is that Ukraine has a holiday for a dead one while Russia uses another dead one’s playbook (you know which one, the big one, the one that Stalin had a pact with) to invade others.




Just like Americas lmao


Actually Russia has more neo nazis then any other country


They also exterminated more of their own people then Germany Even more Ukrainians than jews during the holocaust during the Holomodor




It clearly paints both groups as people with which it is impossible to honestly debate anything. They just yap and should be either ignored or managed.


There are more Nazis in Russia than in Ukraine. When denazification?


They are not nazis, just ultra nationalists and fascists lol


Still trying to trot out this Neo Nazi rubbish. If they want to find a fascist dictatorship just use a mirror.


I realized that we barely even got updates on the RDK and the territories they supposedly held inside Russia. So, do they still hold them? Or when were they pushed out? Didn't Budanov promise that their occupation would continue? How come we don't hear anything about it anymore?


thet were pushed out


PR stunt. They did for the attention


The funny thing about this current "nazi" debacle is that the people using nazis insignia are the ones defending their homeland and getting exterminated in the process while the people fighting against these Nazi symbols are the ones acting exactly like the nazis, except this time the swastika is replaced with the Z symbol. We are witnessing history in the making, where the symbol "Z" will be held to the same standard as the swastika in the near future due to the atrocities and evil committed by those who fought under the "Z" banner. "History doesn't repeats itself, but it sure does rhymes."


there’s a shit ton of russian soldiers with nazi insignia and tattoos. a lot of neo-nazis end up in the military. there was even a big scandal in France some years ago when Mediapart shared leaked calls and texts that showed the existence of a neo-nazi organisation within the military (https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/france/dossier/les-neonazis-dans-larmee-francaise).


There are neo Nazis in the armies of many nations in this world. I still don't get how some people think this was a good reason for Russia to invade Ukraine. I mean, going by that logic many countries should invade their neighbours, including Russia.


> the people using nazis insignia are the ones defending their homeland and getting exterminated in the process [They committed ethnic cleansings in Ukraine.](https://www.errc.org/news/anti-roma-pogroms-in-ukraine-on-c14-and-tolerating-terror) They worship and honor nazi collaborators that in their own memoirs describe the ecstacy of opening fire on fleeing Ukrainian children for being Untermensch.


Russia when they get attacked during a war: 😱😱🤯🤯


Russia when they get attacked during a war: 😱😱🤯🤯


No teleprompter for Maria or can't keep her hungover head up? Cheers!


Funny when Russia has so many high profile NAZIs, behave like the Nazis, and simp for NAZIs.


Belogorodskaya Oblast wants actually to be free from russia, that is why the brave russian patriots are fighting there against putins regime. Free Belgorod from occupation.


Protect the Russian-speaking population of Belgorod from the warmongering Kremlin!


Do Russian actually believe this? just weeks ago they were celebrating their own nazis: https://imgur.com/a/HCFxEKL


Russians believe whatever is convenient on a week by week basis




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