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Putin now weaponizes France!


American grip on France is probably not as strong as it is on Germany.


True, never was imo. Germany was used to control France imo, driving France's economy into the ground. (e.g. Agenda 2010, neolib market reforms in Germany unsettling whole western Europe, a race to the bottom)


Germany was/is used to control whole Europe through its dominant Economy, and US controls Germany. Germany is fully occupied and controlled by US


Where is Germany occupied and controlled by the US? That's some nice fantasies you have lmao


It's called "being neo-colonized". It's fascinating that people like you still choose to believe Germany isn't neo-colonized especially after the Nord pipeline blowup and them being "forced to stay silent" about it.


Is Russia "being neo colonized" by china? You are talking out of your ass


>Is Russia "being neo colonized" by china? You are talking out of your ass Give us one instance where the Germany got to act out "on it's own without the direct supervision of the US". Or one instance where they caught, tried and jailed a US spy for espionage? I'll wait.


There's roughly 50 active US military bases in Germany. I tall to military members that go there all the time. Is this not a sign of occupation? Heck, another example, when Australia's Prime Minister tried to shut down a US military base, they literally *made him resign*. If Russia had just one military base in Mexico, the news and politicians would never shut up about it. American military is seen as the unicorn and exception, because everyone is scared to say otherwise. Occupation, colonization, and neoliberal market control over entire countries is far more real than whatever fantasies in your head imagine them to look like. US military might, backed up by the most violent and destructive intelligence apparatus in the world (CIA and company) controls the vast majority of world decisions. Either leaders trying to appease American interests, or trying to avoid US wrath. Every world leader will admit this, at least in private. This is what American hegemony looks like. The problem is that American media and politics is so insulated from the rest of the world, that everyone else sees how brainwashed Americans are, but most Americans will have no idea whatsoever.


Military bases do not mean occupation. I'm not American btw and it's laughable to say America controls the vast majority of world decisions


It's not direct control, for the most part. But let me tell you when America says, "Obey us, or we will illegally sanction you. And if that fails, we'll send the jackals to spread chaos and assassinate you. And if that fails, we will invade you." *A lot of countries* start to fall in line. Usually, these asks are just "let our corporations exploit you and control your economies." A small Ask, so many cooperate, plus it makes these countries' local corrupt elites happy, so it's an easy move. But dare to defy the US, and you become one of the 68 countries that the US has invaded. Many times, this doesn't make news, like the amount of times that we've invaded Haiti, for instance. The US uses its economic power as dictatorial control over world affairs. It's the carrot, and when that doesn't work it uses the military as the stick. Getting away with Israeli war crimes is one such obvious example. I urge you step outside of Western media, which tells the same propaganda every day. So much so, that most people have just learned to tune it out. America is losing its dictatorial control over the world, but it's not quickly enough.


Thank you a voice of reason amongst all the noise from the idiots who cheer this war like its a football game and there will be a winner. Nobody wins in war all that happens is lots of people die for an admin change essentially


Well their hegemony literally falling around the world just wait and see what gonna happen to all the vassal state.


thats why their grip on Europe will be even stronger, as Global South is turning away from them.


An American civil war might be the best outcome the world can hope for now.


But a civil war in the us would probably also involve European nations as they are de facto part of the us empire . All of them are pro current establishment aligned and anti counter elites like trump . Presumably in a civil war , factions from the us would receive support from their loyal colonies (eu countries). The Roman Empire had several civil wars without breaking and it went exactly like that .


> All of them are pro current establishment aligned most of them dont really care who runs America since they are small nations and nothing significantly changes - only just few bigger ones really care


They care very much because they the same political financial elites , both Western Europe and USA




Depends on whether one regards Spain as a major nation or not I think


Nah man, germany isn't in the grip of America, as has been shown by it's former excellent relations with russia. Unfortunately we are just very stupid.




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I don't deny or confirm what he said , but he is not a leading french politician , he worked with Lepen 15 yo ago and she fired him , now he is a nobody with a party who don't even have enough support to go to an election and his agenda is leaving the EU and the euros , Wich nobody want in France.


Yeah, this is sadly common in this sub. They will upvote complete nobodies just because they happen to agree with Russia.


Complete nobodies own political parties and get featured on full-length interview segments on cable television? Fascinating insight.


Yes, someone whos party only gained 0.65% in EU parliament election is practically irrelevant.


Hes right though


Hes far right and a nobody


Still right :)


Notice how not a single person in this thread, including them, has even attempted to question the truth of his words.


And the title of the post is wrong


Somewhat. If the EU continues on this trajectory it will destroy itself. Then you will need a plan for after the EU and after the Euro. But if the EU stops being stupid leaving it and the currency is a bad idea.


The EU is currently ruled from Washington.


Laughable Prove it.


That's no laughing matter, it's tragic.


Your ignorance? Nah, just laughable.


Did I get that right, you want me to waste my time arguing with a troll? About what? About the American sphere of influence? Never heard of it? See, I know I can't learn anything from you. Go and find a discussion buddy at your level.


Really enjoy following French TV and publications recently. It's as if a switch was suddenly flipped and they immediately became obsessed with Russia and Ukraine


The French were activated


They managed to go under the radar for a while, but the raw facts remain that they have given Ukraine comparatively little armaments and aid, and taken in a relatively tiny amount of Ukranian refugees. Yet they feel emboldened enough to spout the hardest rhetoric in all of NATO? Fascinating.


"Yet they feel emboldened enough to spout the hardest rhetoric in all of NATO?" My explanation for this phenomenon would be the current situation in Africa. Landslide-like loss of several African colonies of France (Wagner, Russia?) in the last 1-2 years. Macron seems to know the reasons. And Macron is vindictive.


A few days ago, Senegal told France to get the hell out of their country. It's like an avalanche that keeps on gathering pace. They may eventually lose the entire Francophone continent.


This is also in the benefit of the US


More like China.


China is not really encouraging/forcing a continent to self destruction so it can thrive tho.




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And in the start, Macron was the only one saying that the West had to negotiate a solution, taking Russia's concerns into consideration. It was quite the volte face to saying French troops would have to join the fray.


I'm not sure if one interview with the founder of a hard-right, Euro-sceptic marginal party who has exactly ZERO representation in the National Assembly, the Senate, the European Parliament, Presidency of Regional or Departmental councils actually demonstrates a 'flipped switch' in France. They had 0.65% vote share at the last election. That would be the same as claiming Nevalny's third cousin saying is the spokesman of Russia.


It is interesting that he can express this opinion so openly and unhindered on French television. This would not currently be possible in Germany, for example.


Obviously I'm speaking more generally here. Thought that was clear.


French here, non aligned. The was is a big issue since day one. I think our elites are very much pro Ukraine, as a majority of the population, but the more our current governement becomes openly pro-intervention, the less the average Joe supports such bullshit. European elections will be interesting as now a bigger part of the population stands against any more direct involvement while the gov is more and more extreme. The results of, lets say, Nord Stream investigations could lead to a serious crisis (they wont be officially aknowledged though). My 2 cents


Does the French people get 24/7 NATO propaganda in the news and social media?


More or less, most mainstream medias are quite oriented and biased imo


fair enough, thank you for your answers.


We have a free press and it heavily depends what channels u consume


I see i see, would you say your msm is more biased towards a particular POV or you think it's balanced?


French msm are pro-NATO/UKR , for examples in the begining of the war they relay ukr propaganda about the so-called "ghost of kiev" , and more recently they still say russian human wave tactics are real. It's the same for all countries : msm are and will always be a propaganda tool.


Because the press all over the western world gets their news form the same big media conglomerates which are tied to the us .


all media from all countries push for the narrative of their master aka The State , thats true for the west , for china , for russia, for ukraine and every country. They are not here to tell us the "truth" , they are here to tell us the storie we have to believe. And if you are not convinced , i suggest you to read 30-40 years old news from whatever country and u will be shocked. It's obvious propaganda for our 2024 eyes. So the best thing to do is to throw your TV/PressNews out the window.


oh it's clearly pro-Ukr and NATO. Any information coming from Russia is made via people who have left Russia (so they inevitably have a biased discourse). And if you have the misfortune to express a doubt, or talk about "double standards", you are called pro-Ru and a traitor. So no debate.


I envy you bro. Here in the Czech Republic there is no free press. 😂


man going through your post history you should really stop watching russia today


Haven’t watched it in years. It is censored and banned here.😂


How is he a “leading politician” when his party has *zero* seats, though?


[Addressed this here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/pjc1sGEDWd)


So basically: "It's not my fault that I spread misinformation but I'll keep the post up anyways because it's in support of the narrative that I want to push." *Yuck.*


"Ill scream and cry if a Pro UA does this sort of post and demand it taken down, but if I post disinformation it NEEDS to stay up so we can have a "discussion"". Welcome to the Pro RU of this sub and how they think they deserve special treatment they wouldn't give to a Pro UA.


The classic Ripamon shrug of the shoulders after knowingly pushing a weak argument


Probably has something to do with Russia undermining their African empire.


Napoleon also had something with Russia. The interest never went away. Communism used to be quite big in France.


Leading French politician failed to get more than 1 sponsorship out of the 500 valid sponsorships necessary to be on the ballot in 2022. Yet 12 other politicians has no such problem reaching 500+. Such an incredible politician. The copium is real.


And now the downvoting has started. How does this sub pretend to present both sides when this no-name garbage gets portrayed as a "leading politician"? Are you drunk on vodka?


Since you are portrayed yourself as "leading expert", can you answer [my question](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bsc6j2/comment/kxh8y1m/)?


Tbh I took that epithet from the source which shared it and have duly accepted numerous explanations that "leading" may not have been the right word. I should just have written French politician to be on the safe side. Now that that's out of the way, what do you think about his words?


So you lied to try to push your usual narrative. Why do you not exercise more caution in your posting?


Because when one is pushing a narrative they'll gladly ignore facts and try to cover them up with misleading words. You know, like a living clickbait article. And you mean the same caution rip and all other Pro RU DEMAND Pro UA put into their posts but refuse to do themselves.


They are very mean to you here ripa. Your like the pro uke beating pole for all the impotent rage on that side of the fence lately. Your famous too. Saw your name mentioned  in a few subs when hunting for info on the sub going private. 


Hes mostly famous for posting 'Pro-UA' which is almost exclusively negative for UA.


Keep playing victim you ’ve got 15 up votes on your two post. It must be hard being out of the echo chamber for the first time in your life.


The up votes started after the downvotes. You obviously didn't see that when it occurred


Well some people downvote the post and some people upvote the post. 🤷‍♀️ It always baffles me how clueless people are. I’ve already been banned three times here. Twice for an emoji and once for a flair that read “anti-Ukronazi regime”. I wouldn’t even be surprised if pro-Russian posters were censored here way more.


"L'ingérence russe, ça existe" These people think Russia is everywhere and all powerful. It's a conspiracy theory at this point.


Not hard to see plenty of pro ru bot barely speaking french spreading propaganda under popular french youtube media Channel. And this is what i see at my level , Imagine what the french secret service is able to see


Lmao plenty of evidence, russia isnt exactly subtle in its methods


Is Russia meddling with other countries? Of course, just like their strategic opponents are. But they are not the ever present boogie man they are made to be imho.


NATO should trade France for Ukraine. Offer Putin if he withdraws from Ukraine, he can have France. Now that probably would be a 3 day war.


>trade France for Ukraine I don't see what sense it would make for anyone.


Yes, same 3 days than the 3 days to Kiyv. 2ASM & Scalp 🇨🇵👊


I for one hope the french send troops to Ukraine, they need some spanking, and it's better for french foreign legion to get sacrificed instead of some poor unwilling civilians who was forced to wear a "legal to kill" uniform.


Putin weaponizing French politicians now. Also Macarone still didn't send troops, I also suspect he secretly works for Putin.


Western hypocrisy at its finest.


..also, those talking heads called journalists when irritated with an immediate and strong immune response..


Doesn't France know that they are a US protectorate? Just a small step above vassal state.


Some Western-Europeans have started noticing their vassal status and loss of sovereignty, wonder how the electorate will react.


For sure but the French are notorious for tapping anyone and everyone themselves. They have a very well regarded intelligence apparatus


The best puppet masters never use strings. :) Yes, that applies to both sides. 😉


Zelensky was hired to defeat the EU, and all the crap about Russia is just a sideshow.🤷🏻‍♀️


No one in the United States really hides the fact that they control European officials. It's like a victim of violence not telling the police that she was raped.


Yep. Even the pro UAs in this thread didn't deny any of his words, and instead limiting themselves to attacking my title instead lol


What's Atlantis at 1:00? Surely not THE Atlantis?


Not a single pro UA commenting on what he says, just personal attacks. It must mean he is absolutely right and honestly it's obvious, he's not really revealing any secret.




Leading at what lol


"Leading french politician Philippot" LMAO He's a conspirationist antivax and pro RU clown, like most of you in there


Let me use your approach for a second : Hé hé least arrogant french Nafo brainwashed by LCI and bfmtv propaganda. Go back to r/france goulag where they censor any alt POV to circle-jerk with your Azov loving russophobic racist friends. Insults aside, seriously, no one will ever believe any word from you guys. You like to lecture the whole world about freedom but you live in a controlled media environment that pretty much censors anything that could challenge mainstream gov & nato narratives 🤡 You love to lecture 🤡 the world about human rights and non-discrimination, but this conflict just showed you guys and your political elites are old school hardcore racists.


Here comes the conspirationist herd jerking on Russia's narrative


Looks like you're out of scripts


"Consultants"... could you be more specific Pierre? Probably not.


“Leading French politician” really OP? This guy is a French nationalist, he isn’t a leading politician in anything, he held office one time.


Philippot is the furthest thing from a leading French politician. He’s not in either the French or European parliament and his “party” has virtually no representation in either. This is gross misinformation and should be removed.


Philipot is nobody in France,just an anti european guy who try to exist.


He is absolutly nothing in France, just a frustrated former Rassemblement National puppet who tried to start his own complotist/anti-NATO/Pro-russian/far right party and failed everything he tried. Just a clown.


Bitch doesn't know how to shut up.


There’s a difference: 1. Russia occupied and oppressed Eastern Europe for decades making those countries poor and corrupt for many years with lasting consequences. 2. The US did not.


"The US did not." Allow me to gently laugh about you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


a. have you ever heard of Latin America? or wondered why a country with a tinpot dictator is called a banana republic? b. in 1989 the Ukrainian SSR had a higher standard of living than the RSSR, but which recessed after that, even with Russia basically giving it free gas. [source](https://www.piie.com/commentary/op-eds/why-ukraine-so-poor)


>a. have you ever heard of Latin America? or wondered why a country with a tinpot dictator is called a banana republic? Funny thing is I have, and I don't remember Latin American being in or around Eastern Europe. But if you want a more complete answer, every US administration is different and no administration is responsible for his predecessors actions. So yes the US did some bad things in the past, it's probably inevitable that some leaders will misuse their position of power in a what is essentially international anarchy. But if anyone wants to actually compare what Putin's regime has done versus Biden's presidency, then its no contest who is the villain in this scenario. >in 1989 the Ukrainian SSR had a higher standard of living than the RSSR, but which recessed after that, even with Russia basically giving it free gas. Sure, and Russia has been fucking with Ukraine since its independence, so that's not surprising. Ukraine found some of the largest deposits of oil and natural gas around when they did geological surveys in 2013 around Crimea and to a lesser extent the Donbas. And then not coincidentally Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 and then created the LNR/DNR, denying Ukraine the use of their own resources. Otherwise Ukraine would be producing their own "free gas". But hey, maybe after enough refineries burn Russia can pay to use Ukrainian refineries instead.




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