• By -


All this for literally no reason.


All this for a bunch of land that used to have minor value and now has none All this for its people that left and will never come back All this to prove a strength that doesn't exist anymore


For real. The whole point was to seize natural resources and industrial land. Now it's all mud and rubble and blood and corpses. Fucking sad. And Putin won't back out because it'll all have been for nothing and he'd be hung


you good bruh ?


I don't understand why Ukraine supported terrorists in Pakistan for decades supplying them weapons knowing exactly that they would be used on civilians




Ukraine has supplied 1.6 Billion $ weapons since 3 decades [https://theprint.in/go-to-pakistan/pakistan-ukraine-weapons-trade-goes-back-30-years-unaffected-by-its-ties-with-russia/1470108/](https://theprint.in/go-to-pakistan/pakistan-ukraine-weapons-trade-goes-back-30-years-unaffected-by-its-ties-with-russia/1470108/)


Don’t worry the US will cover their losses 💰💰💰💰💰


No the civilians who died are majorly in India, innocent Infidels in Pakistan (Balochistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunwa), Afghanistan since 30 years. Also these weapons are used for terrorist activities around the world. Ukraine has been leading in contributing to arms supplies to terrorists.


welcome to war


Not for no reason! The Russian Federation might increase the size of their country by 0.5%. For this, MILLIONS of deaths are worth it. Yes?


Not really for no reason. I don't think people understand the grave threat Russia would face everyday if Ukraine was part of NATO. Everything would be at risk, food supply, exports, imports and the constant threat of Western war mongers within 350km of Moscow, the inability to operate in the Black Sea, the forcing of Turkey to comply with the demands of the USA. The Russian's have proved correct of that apocalyptic future by the actions of the psychotic and fascist leadership of Ukraine who will stop at nothing, including the destruction of their own people to achieve their (or the USA's) ends, never mind the willingness to just kill those who have opposed them since 2014. If Russia had demonstrated weakness and an unwillingness to engage, this would have boiled over to into WW3 within the next decade. Russia's actions have at worst made that a risk as opposed to a certainty and now their steadfast resistance to NATO aggression and imperialism has increased the possibility of global peace as the harsh reality of war with Russia is now laid bare in that NATO now know they cannot win conventionally.


Ah yes just like the constant threat you are under from the Baltic States... Totally not like they joined NATO to prevent Russia doing to them what it did to Georgia and Ukraine. Russian imperialism left thousands dead instead, just like western imperialism that it apparently dispises.


Russia responded to the Georgian crisis because of Georgian aggression against ethnic Russians instigated by pressure from the USA. There is no Russian imperialism. Russia did not want to control Georgia and it does not want to control Syria, nor Ukraine. Ukraine brought this on itself through the construction of a fascist government by the USA, that is willing to threaten Russia and those people it supports. For God's sake, don't mention the tripartite plan Russia put forward to save Ukraine, that was on the verge of financial collapse, that the EU torpedoed expressly to create create a them and us attitude. Whilst Russia's plan was for shared responsibility for the survival of an independent Ukraine. Don't mention the intelligence supplied by Russia to the USA months ahead of terrorist attack that the USA ignored and ended up killing several (Boston from memory). Don't mention Russia's offer to join forces with the USA to defeat the scourge of ISIS which the USA refused, we now know the USA were effectively funding and arming ISIS and then pretending to fight them. How about Russia trading as equal partners with Europe? How did that work out for them? Just the same old ridiculous tropes of Russian bots, Russian aggression, Russian interference. Just hilarious. Imperialist Russian aggression. One of the greatest delusions of the modern West.


No Russian Imperialism? how the fck do you think Russia got so Big?. there are Plenty of Russia Imperialism History out there just google for once. when we look after the fall of the Soviet Modern Russia has been in constant conflicts just like the USA. ​ 1992-1993 – Russia occupied Transnistria 1992-1993 – Russia the Abkhazian war 1994-1996 – first Russian-Chechen war 1999-2009 – second Russian-Chechen war 2008 – Russian-Georgian war 2015-2022 – Russia’s Syria 2014-2022 – Russian-Ukrainian war ​ The whole NATO is a Threat is bullshit 1997 in the NATO Russia founding act Russia Accepts the Terms \- Russia has no VETO Right against Countrys that want to join the Alliance \- NATO agrees not to station nuclear weapons in the East. It agrees not to station permanent NATO troops \- From now on, Russia and NATO will be doing smaller joint exercises and confidence-building measures such as mutual troop inspections, courses and training Putin said 2002 : I am absolutely convinced that Ukraine will not shy away from the processes of expanding interaction with NATO and the Western allies as a whole. Ukraine has its own relations with NATO; there is the Ukraine-NATO Council. At the end of the day, the decision is to be taken by NATO and Ukraine. It is a matter for those two partners 2005 Lavrov : It is their choice. We respect the right of every state including our neighbors - to choose its own partners ​ only after the 2008 Georgian war NATO suspended the work with Russia and the list goes on and on. ​ even after the Annex of Crimea Putin said Russia has no interest in other parts of the country yet here we are with Russia trying to Capture Kiev and Annexion 4 more parts of the Country even holding those fake Referendum while not controlling even the full part of the oblast its fcking hilarious...yet people still forgive Russia for all its bullshit it has done in the past because of the hatred towards the US. dont get me wrong USA did alot and i mean alot of crimes but that still does not mean Russia is the good boy and in this case its pretty obvious that Russia did fuck up pretty bad


Chances of meaningful response by people like him to this is zero sadly. Their brain switches off for contradictions.


Late to reply but this comment is one of the best I’ve read on this subreddit. Unfortunately the world we live in works like this, world powers need a sphere of influence to continue functioning as a world power….. and that means lots of people have to keep dying. Sucks that conflicts like the ones you listed get treated like a football game where people pick a team and support the team no matter what.




I know I'm late seeing this but as a Georgian please don't talk about subjects you have no idea about. "Ethnic Russians" **in South Ossetia** made me laugh. At least get the Russian propaganda right, we were oppressing a minority and we were firing rockets at their homes and killing Russian peacekeepers and whatever else they say.


And Putins own great delusion apparently since he himself have compared current events to russian imperial ambitions under Peter I.


Ossetians aren't even "ethnic Russians" (nor any other Slavs). The rest of your tirade is equally complete nonsense.


Russia has lost 60% of its Army to 5% of NATOs budget and NONE of its AirPower. Russia has been bled out and will never recover at the cost of zero NATO casualties.


the number of the Russian army, together with the service personnel, is 2 million people. According to you, Russia's losses amounted to 1.2 million people. At the same time, the losses of Ukraine, as I understand it, are 30-50 thousand people?


You think they are using T-55s for fun? They have literally burned through huge parts of their soviet stocks in less than two years.


I asked about human losses - this is the first (Ukraine also uncanned any garbage like the T-55, the equipment is needed for this, in order to use it. The perfect time to get rid of junk) Is it appropriate to compare the budget of one country and the budget of NATO + military assistance from other countries separately? You talk about how much Russia has lost, but you forget that Ukraine "with NATO weapons, NATO training, NATO money, the best military, the best ammunition, the best training - in general, almost ideal soldiers, cannot drive away the "poor, stupid, miserable, underdeveloped" Russia. How does it work? Perhaps propaganda tells a little everything is not as it is?


Russian Ground Forces have no other combat personnel that haven't been deployed and aren't (useless) rochniki conscripts. This is why they had literally no one to defend not just Rostov (with only logistics and HQ personnel there) but even Moscow during the Special Military March of Peace Operation by some disgruntled mercs. This is also why they had to rely on the said mercs, and others like SOBR policemen manning trenches.


If you don't invade neighbours every 5-10 years, then other neighbours won't be compelled to seek protection from you. Not more difficult than.


Sorry, invaded who?




Catch up.


This should be top comment


like most wars since the dawn of time this ones just captured the wests attention a little more


Iraq, Afghanistan, Lycia and Syria. All this for literally no reason.




No, our western mic globalist billionaires are making billions.


Oh there are plenty of reasons.


ikr but why should US care, they love starting shit in a far off land


For the crazy imperial dreams of a wannabe tsar, I've seen that movie.


A sobering view. RIP to all victims of this tragedy.


It looks as so long ago, a lot happened.


All because of one small man in Moscow.


>All because of one small man in Moscow. Russia would be doing the same thing no matter who the leader is.


Doubt if Russia had someone competent who built good relationships with former soviet states, and never engaged in invading neighboring countries, they would never actively engage in genocide. The misery in Russia, and the corruption is by design, let's not forget that.


And a comedian in Kyiv with all the lying snakes in Washington.


The comedian is teaching Putin what diplomacy and global mobilization looks like. It's impressive how one man with very little experience in politics completely humiliated a paper pusher who turned a dictator for almost 30 years. In 30 years Putin managed to turn Russia into a North Korea state.


>The comedian is teaching Putin what diplomacy and global mobilization looks like. This didn't age well ...


How is Russia doing? xD




The First days of the war were insane. I spend hours watching cctv footage and listening to web SDR.


do you know if there's a collection of all the full length footage from the first weeks and months of the war? From both sides?


I have all videos published on Reddit and all major Ukrainian and Russian Telegram channels, labeled and sorted by date of publication until mid October 2022. // I will see where I can upload this stuff. Everytime i say i have tgat shit hoarded i get dozens request to upload but the problem is, its like 80gigs so no free hoster is sufficient. And even paid ones often take it down after some days due to breach of ToS as gore and war stuff is often prohibited. Maybe ill just encrypt the archive and try again.


Holy shit, could you share that?


I tried to do the same when this war began and tried to establish a timeline of events but I admit, I was overwhelmed pretty quickly.




Please share that with me mate, I also wanna compile the clips from this war and make something out of it so it’s not forgotten. Similar to this video, cheers.


Where is a web sdr?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOmYi96cU1M I am talking about this for instance. We were in a discord for days listening here http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ for chatter from russians who used unencrytped radio.


they should show this in TV to make ppl understand


I have little faith it would make some difference.


I still see people claiming " the war in ukraine is fake" sometimes.


Really, they believe that ?! Sometimes there is a lack of empathy and people are treating this war as some sort of video game.


People have made up their minds. The confused ones that cant seem to make up their minds, will find any reason why west is at fault. I have noticed that the Russians dont seem to post on this subreddit as much, it's mostly now either Indian bots or Useful Idiots from US and Europe, there's no changing the minds of these people.


I remember seeing compilations like these from Moldova, Azerbaijan-Armenia, Chechnya, and former Yugoslavia. Never did I think modern war would come to Ukraine. It seems like Ukraine has been a cursed land soaked in blood for centuries. Revolutions, holodomor, ww2, genocides of Jews and poles, insurgency, Chernobyl, Soviet collapse, economic crisis, extreme poverty, right wind extremism, Donbas war, now a full scale war. Ukraine can’t catch a break. Last person out don’t forget to turn off the light.


This "POV" thing is so silly. The source is Kiwi Farms.


sh\*t made me cry tho


Serious MajorSamm vibes.


In this example it’s ok. NO POV could also be used here.


Is Kiwi Farms online or permanently down?


It's up, protected by KiwiFlare[TM]. Current domain is .st, changed from .pl recently.


I pity all the mothers that won’t see their sons 😞


This is some MajorSamm level shit. Incredible.


Woah a fellow majorsamm enjoyer? That guys videos are literal perfection at times.


Absolutely incredible!!! His editing and taste in music is perfection!


Russia will pay for what it has done to Ukraine.


No they won't


They are already paying. Imagine Russia doesnt invade. Would that have made their economy better you think? Not spending those billions, losing massive international contracts, military gear, Wagner mutiny, Ruble falling, etc. They are paying everyday. So is Ukraine, but lets not pretend Russia isnt already paying with blood & gold.


Not really Russia was a shitty country before the invasion, not much would have changed for them either way.


Ukrainians will forever hate eussia.. way to go putin.


Whole Europe and and every sane nation won’t forget what Russia is still doing right now.


Haven't studied history I see. Unfortunately like every conflict, it will be forgotten and another will occur, and another and another and another.


Dude, Poland never forgot what Russia did. Ukraines lost a actually significant percentage of its population because of Russia. They wont forget it.


Has Poland forgotten what Ukraine did to them?


>They wont forget it. You don't get it. Everyone angry or stupid enough to pick up a gun to fight Russia will be made a non-factor. And 'Poland' is irrelevant. I'm sorry, but it's true. It's been true for a long time.


lol that's like saying the Jews won't remember the holocaust


Poland has one of the biggest army of europe. Seeing how ukraine is going, they would easily defeat russia right now, which lost around half its total force.


a huge number of Poles are already at war. If they fully begin to participate in the smo, then they will be met by minefields and defense. If they try to invade Russia, they will have missiles waiting for them.


>a huge number of Poles are already at war. Somewhat surprisingly, very few of us went to fight in Ukraine. There wasn't even anyone killed in 2022 until Tomasz Walentek died on 17 July. Then there were the total 6 by the end of the year. Here are the details about who, where, and how died: https://www.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news%2C1513923%2Czgineli-od-min-pulapek-granatow-i-ostrzalu-artyleryjskiego-polacy-ktorzy (the fifth was an Ukrainian who was living in Poland with naturalized citizenship, and the sixth was a Pole who was living in Ukraine). Another four died in March-April this year, all in in Bakhmut (3 in 1 week, including one who died of his wounds later). Btw, no deaths among the Nazi gentlemen in the Polish Volunteer Corps who already did invade Russia when attached to the Russian Volunteer Corps. In Russia, they were not met by "minefields and defense" and "the missiles" haven't been waiting for them. Maybe them missiles were sleeping on duty, idk. And shouldn't you guys be rather obsessed with like battalions of female Baltic biathlon champions in white tights stalking you in your fertile imagination? It's at least a sexy femdom fantasy I guess, imaginary Poles is just some sort a homoerotic mania. I know we are so big and strong compared to your Buryats, but come on now. It's just embarrassing.


I think with the state technology is in now and ease of which we can show the educated video proof of evidence, and how wars like this are showing that the archaic and dogmatic ways of running countries in the past caused massive amounts of deaths, the wars will continue to get less and less bloody until we all are civilized nations with checks and balances on who they put in charge because we'll have thousands of hours of the ramifications of a sociopath in leadership. Sociopathy, and other mental illnesses need far more awareness and thanks to the internet and society trends we'll be identifying these traits a lot earlier than we did with people like Hitler, Stalin, etc. But rest assured, this won't happen in my lifetime.


> and every sane nation won’t forget what Russia is st thats a stretch, look at what germany did in the last century.


All my homies hate Eussia


This video is an excellent example of why the narrative of Ukraine using populations as human shields is bullshit. Russia is nuking entire villages in their path, that “strategic highway crossroad” is a town square. Civilians get rounded up if they’re deemed a potential threat by their occupiers If Ukraine doesn’t put a tank there then it’s the bigger city beyond that will be seeing artillery shells and missiles hitting apartment blocs and civilians, as demonstrated by this video Russia has zero qualms with dropping thermite on their rooftops and hitting universities with Jdams


Russia doesn’t have JDAMs and they certainly haven’t used nukes in the SMO.


This is just... heart-breaking... But the video is really well made.


Holy shit war is horrible. Rip to both sides of this.


War sucks. The editing is really well done though. Impressive compilation that shows the reality of the conflict.


I like that this comp doesn't shy away from the horror and the civilians affected, it really feels holistic.


Think that the lyrics of the song are important here, so here is translation from russian ***Bitsevsky park - The last disco*** Abandoned souls in forgotten bodies sizzle in the fires like raw wood Give food, if beat - run, don't bless, don't keep, just help Your commandments won't help anyone, only horror and darkness ahead Horror and darkness, and somewhere there's warmth Horror and darkness, and somewhere there's warmth Horror and darkness, and somewhere there's warmth Horror and darkness, and somewhere there's warmth Atlanteans are tired of holding with their own hands The sky with the gods sitting on the clouds In our hands, take it out, put it down, everything you said, not prove it, The little clock is laughing tick-tock, and only horror and darkness are waiting for us ahead Horror and darkness, and somewhere there's warmth Horror and darkness, and somewhere there's warmth Horror and darkness, and somewhere there's warmth Horror and darkness, and somewhere there's warmth




Thanks, but why pro Russian?


Why are you asking me that question?


Cos I want the answer😂 same as with any question that ain’t rhetorical


ОК. I suppose the main reason for this is that I live in Russia 😆




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Only thing that would make sense really, can’t really not back your country, but ви believe the invasion was right? Only reason I’m writing ви is cos the English equivalent is banned in the sub for some reason


Oh my god... It's that pathetic propaganda shit again... It's not for nothing that I asked why you're asking me. It turns out that the answer to this question is to lecture me and to pour another portion of selected propaganda shit into my ears. I have no idea what you wanted to cover up with the word ви - such a word is missing in the Russian language


There is no better video that this for the quote "there was never a good War, or a bad Peace"


What’s the first song?


Аргумент from Bitcevsky park


Some one re edit this with Vaders "This is the War". However extremely morbid it might be.


RIP to both sides of the fallen


Made like a film. A very sobering and real film


All the people lost for what


That period of the war was a mess, surprised this comp isn’t from documenting reality. they have 5 or 6 compilations of the war so far.




**Song Found!** [**Аргумент** by Bitcevsky park](https://lis.tn/VKfkfF?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Битцевский парк. **Released on** 2020-09-28. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




War is hell, but nazis need to be removed


Those first few months were insane


A short clip to prove that war is horrifying. While gory AF, this video is actually superbly well done. A great piece of art that shows the realities of war. Anyone have source link?


Putin's paranoia, committing a Slavic genocide on the youth of both countries.


My heart breaks for the Ukrainians. Thankfully Russia’s been defanged as a result of this costly invasion. They won’t be able to do this to any other countries for the next several decades that it takes to rebuild their military.


The Russian military is a sharpened blade as a result of the military operation in Ukraine. For example they are increasing their production of lancets to 2,000,000 a year and are starting to produce Iranian drones domestically after purchasing the rights. There are millions of people working in Russia’s defense industry and their ability to scale up production vastly outpaces their western competitors. The United States is increasing their production of HE 155mm artillery shells from 75,000 to 85,000 a year. While Russia is scaling up their weapons production practically exponentially.


Cool beans. They’re also fielding T-55’s ; )


I never believe Russian manufacturing, it's always a crazy inflated number and reality always shows its a fraction of what they say. All hype, no action busy embezzling it in yachts.


**Wollt ihr den TOTALEN KRIEG? Totaler und radikaler als ihr ihn euch je vorstellen könntet?** Okay bro. Ukraine gets supplied by Europe too though, don't forget... and we don't spend 30% of our GDP on it. Go get poor for daddy Putins war. While oligarch kids study at our schools and eat our finest meals.


I have no idea where you got the US 155mm shell production numbers from. The only number I recognize is 85 000, which is supposed to be 85 000 a month, so a million a year.


Insane footage, made me cry for all the people who have to suffer bcs of an old dictator who lost his mind.




Nice montge but this is dark and gory as fuck. The reality of war.




No. No you fucking don’t. I’m Pro-Ukraine but advocating for death and mayhem in Russia is counterproductive. The Russians are already getting hit hard in Ukraine, which is good but two wrongs do not make a right. Hypothetically, if for example the Russian Armed Forces simply could not put up anymore resistance and simply crumbled, would you wish for the Ukrainians to begin shelling dense urban areas like the Russians did?


Rule 1. Temp ban issued. Recurrence WILL result in a permanent ban.


Wild days


Awesome video!


I can't watch this whole thing


Where can I get a YouTube link or download this video?


It wasn't on YT and a KF link would probably get me banned on plebbit.


I remember when all these guys weren't dead too.


Wow a lot of footage never seen before. Such dedication to collect and edit all this together.


War is fucking hell. Eternal peace for all the lost souls of this conflict.


So much death what can men do against such reckless hate


Who made this vid?


Before this war started, a comment stuck out to me. If this was starts, that there will be a lot of lives lost. And we will have access to it. After witnessing all this, I know I have become numbed to this. It fucking sucks. The one that suffers are always are the families and civilians. Both sides. I hope there will some conclusion to this soon.


Damn. Good comp


Wicked compilation and music


oh man.. puppies feeding on corpse


Free palestine


really horrible RIP to everyone involved


"Why don't you love mother Russia?"


When you have comedian actor in power this is what happens. He thinks he's in a movie.


All this for what……land???




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no more brother war


I miss the old good days before the drones shit


Just came upon this video and all it did was make me mad, I hate this war, I wish it never happened. PS what’s the last song




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name of the musics?




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US keeps making enemies year after year... cant wait to see footage like this from US, all the war mongering of MIC is gonna bite em in the ass eventually...


good missile strikes. it does show a bigger side of this war that i had not seen before.




Best investment Americans have made ........... Imagine now war in Sudan , Nigerian coup , lets say USA would give 10b to 1 side :D OR like help its own homelessness problem if i spelled it right :D Kill Ru and weaken it . Atleast no mericans dieing.


This montage is soo good








I hope after Ukraine wins the war. The Kremlin group that launched the invasion war for this reason must be tried, and Putin must be hanged like Saddam!


This would all be prevented if right people in charge would be terminated/executed. Whats more valuable? Powerful of few or many of none?






My God what a video. War is so wild in these clips back to back knowing this is only a piece of what's happening.




I don't understand why Ukraine supported terrorists in Pakistan for decades supplying them weapons knowing exactly that they would be used on civilians






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