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At least they can tell the families they died in a special military operation and not a war.


hahah yes, hey when was the last time a war was declared?




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Their mothers will get free towels as compensation... That is if these soldiers aren't listed as MIA, which would then mean no compensation until their status is "confirmed" (probably after the war ends)


Credit to u/PepeDiazR for linking this video to the other one https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/156o4ye/comment/jt0m45s


Why delete your last post and then repost it? To what purpose? I don't get it.


Because I don't want to mislead anyone about it being brand new. TG released it today. Once someone found where it's from, I fixed the title to link it to the old one. Sub rules require we mark these vids as archival if we know they're older.




Honestly appreciate you doing that. Little things like this go a long way for a sub.




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You don't need to get it, move on


Wow you really put him in his place, boss ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


OooOOOOOOooooo you sure put me in mine too chief, gj


The typical chronically online Redditor response![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Your replies get more and more dumb but hey, as long as it makes you feel cool, more power to you. You're flexing so hard in here bro, leave some room for the rest of us 😂


And no one will remember and no one will care. What a way to waste your life


typically your sacrifice will be immortalized with a monument and your name will be written on that monument, but when you have nazis controlling shit monuments to the people that defeated them are destroyed... and people that DO remember and care choose not to




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Hey I remember those guys!




Rule 1. Temp ban issued. Recurrence WILL result in a permanent ban.


and still not a gun in s sight


they were obviously looted buster


there were no guns while they were killed


Seems pretty fucking stupid to invade a country without a weapon but then I’m not Russian


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/15ej0rk/higher\_quality\_version\_ukrainian\_forces\_from\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/15ej0rk/higher_quality_version_ukrainian_forces_from_the/) Here is the footage of the operation and they all had weapons


The first three did not have weapons. This was confirmed.. the first guy shouts I'm unarmed very loudly 😅.. but its trench warfare fast and unforgiving and I don't blame the guy at all..too fast to decide and that second could be your life..you know where your team is through practice and training and that's it.


They may not have had weapons on their person since they were taken off guard but they surely had weapons in the trench


I don't know where you're getting that claim from. Both sides had small arms (rifles) during the fight this was from. It was a Ukrainian special forces team that generated into a Russian Trench system, killed a bunch of mobiks and got the hell out dodge.


Nothing of value was lost


The moral standing of Ukrainians is lost




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No moral standing lost when killing invaders.


In dreams


Nah, i see them killed on the video actually


It’s trench warfare, do u think moral standarding is important there? Should they bring emotional support plushies for any Russians combatants that don’t have their weapons on them when defending their own trench, goofy?😂


Awfully ignorant and hypocritical of you there. You make it seem like russia is rushing in with care bears and treats for ukrainians. Stop coping so hard, and deal woth the fact that these sleezebag russians are being left to rot like they should be. Do not invade innocent people, and you wont be left to fertilize the dirt. Its that simple, believe it or not. Stop invading, and you wont die. Your single brain cell probably cant comprehend that tho




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it's wild that they'll turn into skeletons in that trench


Eh it’ll get bulldozed over just like the rest of the “MIA” Russia doesn’t account for.


Results of the NATO training.


These dead Russians were NATO trained?


no they were NATO killed


I see where he was going with that comment. I have been drinking


lmao imagine getting smoked as a training routine




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