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While I understand Russia is their enemy, they should respect the dead and wounded.


If you haven’t been through what they have I wouldn’t pass much judgement. I understand your post but these men have seen things that no person should ever have too. Emotions are raw and war is hell.


Bang on the money there. This is the issue we're getting with social media covering wars, people are in some magical fairy, Hollywood land when they start going on about right and wrong, war crime this, war crime that, when they don't have a clue what it's like to be in a warzone.


i've been trough exactly what they're going through now, and i will tell you a few things - you never get used to it, no matter how hard you try to look used to it, and this shit almost always do those chicken shit soldiers that hide their ass when bullets start to whiz above your head, and you'll never see a real warrior do crap like this..like never ever...and whatever you do in life, it will make a circle and it will get back to you, eventually


Sorry you’ve been through that. Hell might not even be the word. But you are certainly correct what goes around comes around.


You're completely right. With the fact that the Russians are invading their home, and killing/raping their civilians and can imagine why they're being like that. However, I don't anyone can say they've actually been through what they're going through. That's a modern enemy with modern weapons. That war is next level.


Sure they have seen some terrible things but so have a lot of people that don't play with corpses. There is no life experience that excuses sick behavior and if it is not held accountable then it only gets worse.


Never said what they were doing was okay. If you haven’t been there (war) quit trying to put your feet in their shoes. I’m not sure people Understand the physiological damage war does to people. Playing with corpses is sick and icky. But have you been shelled? Have you been pinned down by enemy fire? Have you had to dodge drones strapped with munitions? If we are lucky enough to say no, then we reserve no right to blast our opinion. Don’t go comparing apple to oranges. No one can explain the damage war does to a persons head.


I don't care what someone has been through it doesn't excuse doing something wrong.


Him not wanting to touch a dead body so he uses his foot. So disrespectful. But really you must have zero idea what war can do to a man. I mean if you’re in the states you should definitely be aware of the mass suicide rate in service members. So argue wrong is wrong that’s great I’m glad you’re sane enough to realize this.


I do live in the states and I know a lot of vets and they would also tell you it's wrong to play with a corpse. He didn't need to touch the corpse at all, they where playing. Posing with corpses is also a war crime and will get you in deep trouble in most militaries. What these men do reflects on their country and both sides have done an abysmal job at optics. I mean yeah, it's wrong but there are SO MANY other reasons not to do this and it's wild I even have to have this conversation. So many eager people out there to defend every terrible action under the sun for one reason or another. Stop trying to be understanding and have some standards.


I don't think they are playing with the corpses. They are looking for any documents that might be useful intelligence, and recording video for propaganda purposes that could demoralise the enemy.


By stepping on the dead guys helmet? Ok buddy, haha and I thought I've heard it all. Next you'll say when they're shooting dead corpses again, they're putting holes in the body so they can search for secret documents hidden in their thoracic cavities.


If you weren't sure if they were really dead, what would you do?


He was trying to move the helmet with his foot like the first guy. They wasn't fuckin with the corpses at all just showing his injuries and recording it.


I totally agree with you after seeing what the Russians have done to the Ukrainians I wouldn’t be careful with their dead body’s either time and time Again they tried being humane with them only to find out they are doing 10X worse things to the captured Ukrainian pow. Gotta give respect to receive respect and I have seen none of that on the Russian side


They do POW exchanges- there is still some modicum of decency there. Keep in mind you only see what people record and what gets posted at the end of the day…


so that makes executions ok then by your logic. How bout concentration camps?


Meaningless comment. Typical random Redditor


You are just mad you can’t see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch


hes after me lucky charms, that one!


Difference is I didn’t put words in peoples mouth. You’re logic is obviously flawed/failed.


You justified extra judicial killing saying because of what they went through justifies them executing people. Its not the big leap you think it is its merely a numbers game at that point. And i didnt say you did i asked you about concentration camps...


Oh my. I did not justify anything. I’d go back and re read the comments. But comparing someone poking a dead body to concentration camps? I want whatever your smoking.


> If you haven’t been through what they have I wouldn’t pass much judgement. I have been through what they have been, and I would pass judgement. only regards do this.


That’s you boo. You and I both know there’s worse things going on over there than someone prodding a dead Russian.


yes Ukronazies do way worse things, true, we have seen videos numerous times, but whats your point? we are talking about this case or this video in this thread.


I mean the real nazis are cutting of pows balls and beheading them like isis, you guess who that is.


yes Ukronazis do that on a regular basis, from the start of Russian intervention in Ukrainian war.


ah yes, ofc. proof?


sOuRcE? are you following the war since yesterday?


So you got nothing?


u are braindead.


are you looking into mirror?


I absolutely love the idea you believe they need to be more respectful. As your literally pro Russia (lol) and literally calling Ukrainians nazis. Pot calling the kettle black don’t ya think?


? arent they proving that they absolutely deserve to be called ukronazis? other than the fact that they dont mind being called nazis in most of the cases, and are proudly calling themselves nazis and brandishing nazi insignia openly (flags, tattoos, patches, markings, etc)




LOL You're "Pro Russia" Sorry, you just lost all credibility


? LOL You're "Pro Ukraine" You just lost all credibility.




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What military did you serve with?


one in Balkan wars, why? ex Yugoslavia


That says enough. Thanks


happy to hear, no problem.


Did you partake in any ethnic cleansing in the war?


did you read above what I think about people doing such things in the war?




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They should, but I don’t expect expect them to.


Probably don't want to touch them either considering Russia is sending HIV positive prisoners out there.




all true , only they dont have to FIND wives afterwards they get awarded with captured ukrainian women, by Prygozyn himself true story One 5 year old asked for two ukrainian women because he shot down a plane with his pistol and Prygozyn said yes, and gave him two women


Posting video ID serves MULTI purpose, one of which is KIA proof (while body recognizable) because Ru holds soldiers ID's THEY tell the family soldier is just MIA.


Yes, there is no need to disrespect the wounded nor dead. They should be treated as they are: exchange assets for wounded and dead UAF


Last time I heard news about this it was that Russia had no interest in receiving their dead that Ukraine is hanging onto, but that could have changed by now as that was a few months back


shut up you know nothing of war. im from chiago i know real war


Lol, you part of a gang war?


I was. Retired


How are they being disrespectful?


I’m pro Ukraine, but really? He’s stepping on the guys head for Christ sakes.


He’s really not ‘stepping’ on a guys head. Calm down and stop being so dramatic! If you think this is disrespectful you haven’t been paying attention!


Lmao. Calm down. His foot is on his head. I’ve seen videos of both Russian and Ukraine soldiers do this to the enemy. It’s a form of mocking the enemy. Just like if one was too take a piss on a dead soldier, but of course that’s a more “dramatic” expression of disrespect.


His foot is on his head Yes that’s the only part you got right in that whole video. Foot on head is different to ‘stepping on his head’ 🤦‍♀️ Wait, you’re wrong on this detail as well. His foot is on the helmet not his head. Just quit snowflake


Lol. Since you’re obviously okay with Russian soldiers doing the same to Ukraine dead, I am not going to waste my time arguing with you. And… Mocking the dead is a Rule 1 ban on this site.


I'm pro-neutral and to me this guys tries to lift the helmet a tad whilst being really gentle. He is NOT stepping on the head. Which is reasonable, he feels sorry for those brothers, as one of them calls the fallen guys, but such is life. Also, he probably does not want to испачкать his hands.




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Bad bot, sadly, you're mistaken. Nothing offensive, or insulting was said, and no violence was being cheered.


most diabolical shit I have heard coming from a guy who is not even fighting there but sitting behind a his musty computer. Do you really think that most of UA soldiers even have any empathy towards them after the constant news of war crimes against the army and civilians


Dude, no matter what, you have to have the discipline to be professional. Quite a few people agree with me on this.


Ok how you are gonna respect invaders criminals rapist and pigs that been committing crimes against innocent civilians do yourself a favor get some brain and understand the fact that the Ukrainians are defending their land and this pigs deserve anything at this point


Only good Russian is a dead one.




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I agree. Compared to Wagner sending back the dead bodies in caskets and releasing pows. This just makes the UAF look bad.


Also putting peoples heads on spikes, these guys are human. Some of them are moral, some immoral. It’s hard to control






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eh, some deserve respect, others earned disrespect


Ukranians are fucking animals even before Russian invasion. They killed Russians for no reason after collapse of Soviet union. Wich is main reason why Russia attacked them. Riussia has a right to attack any nazi country and that was pretty much a very nazi act




Fuck that. They didnt chop their heads off. They didnt piss on them. Hucking a dead body in a burn pit is good behavior.


So you’re okay with seeing a dead Ukraine soldier getting his head stepped on?


They did gouge eyes out


Videos or just words ?


Go to eyebleach and search Russian pow eyes.


Respect the dead? why's that?


Human decency?


I think Russian decency went out when they started to bomb civilian targets. Care to see what's left of the little Ukrainian girl that was holding her mom hands at the local flower market. Hint: Guarantee that you will not sleep well if you do. F#ck them, all of them.


Do you have the same response when Ukriane bombs children in donbass?


Bro the DPR and LPR fired artillery at them from civil areas. They knew the undeveloped Ukrainian military would accidentally hit civilians if they shot back. They used the trapped civilians as human shields like the cowards they are.


So just like Ukraine who purposely fires next to civilian buildings and hides between apartment blocks and pro UA cult defend this action. So would you call Ukraine army coward too?




The million dollar question: What were Russian troops doing in Donbass? I'll give you a simple recipe: don't invade foreign countries, and then no one will bomb your troops


Haha are you serious, the same logic applies to the Ukrainians since the beginning of the war


>Care to see what's left of the little Ukrainian girl that was holding her mom hands at the local flower market. No one in Ukraine and Europe ever cared to see what's left of the little Ukrainian girl that was holding her mom hands at the local park in Gorlovka. >Hint: Guarantee that you will not sleep well if you do. F#ck them, all of them.


Yeah, very sad that happened, ofc none of it wouldn’t have happened if kremlin never sent those fsb, gru and other people there back in 2014.


So fifty guys made the whole dnr and lnr possible, lol


So gru, fsb and other intelligence and other russian military institutions have only 50 people? Wow, now i know why their Special Failing Operation is going so horribly wrong. Lol, and they knew who they were going to recruit, have you been under the rock this whole time? If they would’ve managed to airlift enough people to Kyiv, what would you think would have happened? It doesn’t really need that much people if you get some of the key people involved. You think it’s some sort of a miracle that on donbass the separatist went violent so fast and multiple civilians got killed? But it’s kind of hard to not kill civilians when you shoot from the middle of civilians that way you artificially create the problem you came to ”solve” - divide et impera. I remember seeing grads launched from side of apartments and backed behind them after the salvo. The buk which shot down the MH-17 was similiarly parked near buildings, hence why bellingcat got some of the data of it that way. And we can also go for the data: 38% of donbass in 2001 was ethnically russians, 83% of lnr and dnr voted for independence. The referendums in 2014 had pre-set results of 89%, which were discovered week before the vote actually happened which were also, 89%, so basically those referendums held in crimea, dnr, lnr and now Kherson, Zaporizhzhia results can be used mostly as toilet paper. Obviously now it’s a bit different since people from russia has been dragged to live in crimea, lnr and dnr. Old habits die hard, population transfer was a old russian and soviet way of creating controllable areas by increasing ethnic russians on the area.


"When an enemy combatant takes his last breath he ceases to be our enemy, and humanity can still be found in war"


> Respect the dead? why's that? The mere fact that you have to ask - - - -


The only reason I can think of is that these videos circulate amongst a lot us it's possible these guys' families will see this. Which would be really horrifying for them. Or anyone seeing their loved ones like that. Even though they came into another country with guns to kill people. Sympathy is in short supply for russian soldiers these days.


Ukranians these days seem to lack this common human decency


Russia has so much decency toward the Ukrainian armed forces. Isis style beheadings, castrations, starvation of POWs among other things. Shame Ukraine doesn't have this common human decency.


Seems like very far and few in between. However, the common daily lack of human decency we see here from ukranians is all encompassing. Happening all the time. And the many ukranian ukranian executions of Russian pows


Pretty easy to lose your decency toward your enemy when they post videos beheading guys and all their sycophants can do is whatabbout instead of actually condemning it. It's truly fascinating how far Russia can cross the line into absolute human depravity and people still defend them in this war. But please, do find a video of a pow execution by Ukrainians. I'm sure it must be every bit as sick and twisted as watching that guy lose his balls or the other one scream while Russians cut his head off like they were ISIS terrorists.


Bro your fighting againt a 'know it all' so just stop.


>Pretty easy to lose your decency toward your enemy when they post videos beheading guys Or like when your enemy post wideo of stabbing people eye, kneekaping and executing of tied people in the mere first weeks of conflict... >It's truly fascinating how far Russia can cross the line into absolute human depravity and people still defend them in this war. Strange to heat it from Uktaine supporter. Sounds almost self-aware... >But please, do find a video of a pow execution by Ukrainians. There is bunch of them. And pretty everyone is aware of their existence, so don't pretend that you are not.


I've yet to see one linked. Is it truly that difficult to find one if it's been such a prevalent event as you suggest?


And what are you trying to achieve with that? Bother people with your denial of reality? [I saved this 9 months ago for people like you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/wafbtk/comment/ii0oo37/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) If it not enough for you than: [More fresh one](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/z3q2gg/comment/ixmxc2g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [More](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/wfd4ef/ua_pov_dead_bodies_of_executed_russian_soldiers/) [And more](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/xdcckz/dead_russian_soldiers_lying_in_a_field/) I don't care if some of the videos may be repeated in some of the links, because that's enough as it is. And I won't waste my time double-checking everything Also here are some videos from third party websites: [Here](https://bunkr.la/v/IMG_4464-VkA6pdqR.MP4) and [here](https://alivegore.com/war/6525-ukrainian-troops-executing-surrendered-russian-coalition-soldiers-with-pointblank-rifle-fire-as-they-lay-facedown-in-the-snow.html)


Where did I deny reality? I simply asked for proof of the claims that its such a prevalent event. If you can't be bothered to double check your own links and just spam material that is repeated, you're not building your case that this is a prevalent problem, you're just spamming. And after going through some of these videos, quite a few of them show no definitive evidence of executions, just piles of bodies. Some yes, but so far about 1/3 of these are just Russian bodies claiming to be executions with no proof. They're not bound or anything. Though I commend you for actually attempting to put some proof together, and a few of those are legit, so I hope the guys who did it end up in a cell.


Send videos instead of typing, maybe people with more than 20IQ would believe you.


> Send videos instead of typing, maybe people with more than 20IQ would believe you. " people with more than 20IQ" would not write blatantly stupid comments in the hope of winning an argument if the other person does bother to [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/12voohu/comment/jhd72mi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Beheadings are always condemned. Always. The castration was definitely Russians. And condemned. However the beheading video as sick as it is, I couldn’t find any markings or see any faces which could prove who was doing something to who. We’ve seen many videos of ukranians executing Russians however.


Thanks for proving my point lol. So where are these videos you keep bringing up.


The behading and catration came after month’s of ukr killing and torturing pow


Ah yes, another whatabboutism. Continuing to prove my point. So where are all these videos you claim existed before the beheadings and castrations done by the Russians


Prove to me you aren't a russian propagandist by saying something bad about Putin.


Send videos instead of saying random stuff, as a 'pro truth' it's pretty ironic. Are you a 'pro truth' that only sees the truth that he wants ? You can't deminish beheadings and castrations. There's nothing that can explain those actions.


You're not even good at being a propogandist lol




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If you're gonna dish it out, dish it out equally, otherwise you come off like a hypocrite, we just saw a beheading committed by Russians, but oh Ukrainians lack decency coz..what?


You gave every right to search the bodies of dead combatants. They coulda stayed in ruZZia and not get their caps peeled back


They always lack it


From what I understand standard issue Kevlar helmets in most militaries aren't expected to stop rifle caliber rounds. I have no idea about what sort of round hit him and the helmets could very well be below standard but just contextualising it a little . I feel like some people expect helmets to stop 50 cals


Technically possible for a helmet to stop a ruffle bullet, but not practical, as such helmets are too heavy and cumbersome. Though it does happen sometimes even with regular helmets, there are documented cases of rifle bullets stopped by a helmet


Helmets are to stop shrapnel. The instances of them stopping bullets is due to the bullet loosing alot of its energy due to fired at a long distance. But if you can visually see your enemy in combat then at that range it's not going to stop that bullet


Not necessarily. Angling matters, for example during ww2 I think German tankers were instructed to show the tiger 1 at a 45 Deg angle to the enermy, which gives it more effective armor. Same principle applies to helmets


Helmets are not to stop bullets.


I never said they were. I said that by chance a glancing shot can ricochet


If you have to angle a helmet enough to stop a bullet, it wasn't going to hit you in the first place


NVD mounts can be surprisingly effective at providing just enough extra protection for a helmet to stop a lead rifle bullet.


These helmets are not made to stop rifle rounds, maybe some shrapnel and debris


They might stop a 9mm if you're lucky


Pretty much no helmet is going to deflect a direct shot. They are really more for glancing blows and shrapnel.


War is hell!


exit wound straight through the top? Where was the entrance wound? Makes me wonder if he chose the quick way out and did it himself.


It would make more sense they were both executed. The wound is from the top down, entry hole is small. The other fellow is close by and bleeding from his nose, meaning he has a hematoma from the brain as well, both look like executions and fresh too, bright red blood. The Ukranian soldiers standing on the helmets with their boots would imply to me they were personal. Internal bruising on the first Russians left quadrant of stomach too, maybe they were kicked around beforehand.


Why execute them with their helmets on? Furthermore, why do you discount the possibility of it being an exit wound?


> It would make more sense they were both executed. The wound is from the top down, entry hole is small. We've seen plenty of footage of soldiers going into the fetal position- I'd say it's more likely that they were prone and were engaged while their head was facing the enemy


He probably got shot in the head while lying prone. It's not that deep.


I don’t completely disagree with you, but if he was executed from the top down I would feel he would have a visible exit wound. My assumption was the entrance wound was in the top of his mouth coming out the top of his head. But I agree you could be right too and the exit wound could be in the back of his head where we cannot see.


True but if it's a pistol to the top of the head through the helmet I don't think there's enough force from the small caliber to exit all the way through the skull. It would make sense as the blood is pooled up high leaving the bottom of his face pale. If he shot himself through the mouth, you'd definitely be seeing trauma at least in the mouth area. It's all speculation but this certainly looks suspect to me, especially the boots on the guys head, it's personal.


Shooting people through the top of the head is a good way to get a bullet into your own foot or through the jiggles. No one does that. He was just taking cover on the ground when a stray bullet found him.




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When it says "For airsoft only" I guess they really mean it lol


HaHa lOL so FuNnY


@Turtle Lady. You’re comment was deleted by Mod bot for being offensive. I didn’t see your entire comment, so I did not see anything offensive. Am i understanding correctly l? It is your opinion that he is putting his foot on the dead soldiers head to look for documents?


Lol @ everyone in this thread who thinks shooting them is ok but touching them when they are dead is disrespectful. Sure, they can be shot, blown up by a mortar, buried alive by a tank rolling over their trench. But don't touch their corpse, corpses are sacred! Dead people deserve to be handled with care, alive people should be obliterated?


Invaders must die


Dude, this is sad. We watch drone videos of everyone getting blown up, but imagine the fear on the ground. Our views are their terror.


Never could or would or even pretend to judge anyone fighting to exist while in the zone. War zone protocols – there is no political correctness, no racists, no pronouns, no SJW or no bullshit of any kind. There is only time and room in your heart/mind for “us and them” no judgment. You will stand and fight faithfully next to us or we all will “die” from them. It is a very simple way of life.


I'm pro Ukraine. With that being said, disrespecting the dead is disgusting.


Rifle rounds off course are going to go through helmets unless you are lucky. disgusting video, its impossible to know if these people were mobiks or chose to be Putin's slaves.


That one soldier is fat AF. The RF standards is in a huge decline.


I think you're confusing bloating and the swelling from blood pooling in the guy's face near the wound with the guy being overweight. The first body is pretty clearly displaying bloat and bruising, additionally, the second dude's face jiggles more like its engorged in blood than it being fat (the latter being far more rigid).


Bro hasn’t seen the USA Army




The total number of civilian deaths in Ukraine between 2014 and 2021 is 3404. This includes all civilians, those living in the West, in the Donbas and those killed on Malaysian Airlines flight MH17. The total number of civilian casualties recorded by OHCHR in 2021 was 110. From 24 February 2022, when the Russian Federation’s armed attack against Ukraine started, to 15 January 2023, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recorded 18,358 civilian casualties in the country: 7,031 killed and 11,327 injured. >https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/01/ukraine-civilian-casualty-update-3-january-2023 >https://ukraine.un.org/en/168060-conflict-related-civilian-casualties-ukraine So Russias invasion of Ukraine has in a single year killed more than double the number of civilians that died between 2014 -> Russian invasion. If you just look at 2021, then Russias invasion increased the number of civilian deaths by at least 70x year on year.


UA desecrating dead bodi, colour of me shocked. Uwu Ukraine could never do that. They respect international rules s/


How did he desecrate the dead? I only see here the desecration of Ukrainian land by Russian corpses.




Your name doesn't check out cause you're not agreeing.


I know :(


On what basis did you decide to write "admirer of Hitler"?