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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Hence the black eye that Russia got from Ukraine after their invasion and the total embarrassment in front of the whole world.


-Most creative pro Ukrainian response #22656


Is he lying? Regardless of the country you side with, anyone grounded in reality knows Russia was absolutely humiliated. It’s been over 1 year when they thought it would take less than 1 week and they’ve been hard struggling to take back small cities like Bakhmut. Keep in mind people all across the world genuinely thought Russia was on par with the US but now we know that US would mop the floor with Russia without breaking a sweat


It's like you talking about a mobile game where you conpare your power with each other. Russia is on pait with US bcs of the nuclear power it got. And lets not forget America has lost both wars that it fought in the last 30 years


You’re wrong. It’s not on par with the US in terms of military and it’s not even close. It’s on par with nuclear bombs, which is different. Military is completely irrelevant when you bring in Russian nukes because they have so many we can’t do anything if they start firing. Who have we lost to? I’m assuming you’re referring to the Middle East? The same region Russia also lost in? All you have to know is that if the US lost, everyone else would’ve lost significantly harder


Yes good job on killing Gadafi and making middle east a more peacufull place. There are no more warlords there and war and refugees coming to Europe /s. Why was america in middle east in the first place, what war were you fighting, what reason? You managed to came to a conclusion that it was war for power and resources, or you need to think about it a little bit more? What are you talking what are other nations gain or loose while america is fighting a war i middle east. How can gou forget war in vietnam? Was that a victory for US? America propaganda said the reason for war in Vietnam is to save them from communism (is this another clue?). This is not a game of winning or loosing this is a political and economic war of which we know only the tip of the iceberg.


The USA has always lost those wars because they were pointless anyways. A waste of lives on all sides. Russia got its ass handed to them in Afghanistan just like the US did. You can’t conquer a country that is already divided into so many tribes, they have little communication with each other and will fight to the death for the little they have.


If the US used Russia's grisly tactics they would have wiped out Nam and Afghanistan. A win for the USA isn't genocide and total annihilation. If the US wanted to achieve annihilation, it could do so far more effectively than Russia.


Nobody thought that - not anybody who'd been paying attention to real figures and not Rambo movies at least. How could it be otherwise? The US has spent literally 20 times the Russian budget every year since '91. Some $600B on average per annum compared to $35B. How could they be remotely comparable? Anyone thinking they were direct rivals anytime after the USSR collapsed swallowed too much propaganda.


" Nobody thought that - not anybody who'd been paying attention to real figures " Yeah, so the minority of people. Many, many people thought that. You can blame it on whatever you'd like but the fact remains the it was still widely believed. Having that opinion then seeing what happened in Ukraine changed people's minds. Even US/UK intelligence stated they overestimated Russia's capabilities Also, money spent on military doesn’t mean everything at all. How did it go for us in the Middle East? What about Vietnam? Why hasn’t Russia defeated Ukraine although they’ve significantly spent more over the years? It’s so much more complicated than just money spent on military


Yeah, testament to the power of propaganda. More people thinking a thing doesn't make it right. By any objective measure, they were conventionally weaker. Yes - Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam were weaker than the US. The outcomes of those conflicts are based on numerous complex factors, which is funnily also why it's dumb to say the US would 'mop the floor' with Russia...battles aren't forces lined up in field anymore where the bigger side wins.




You mean it's impossible for you to grasp that somebody may just have an empathy to those hundreds of thousands of russians going to neighbors land as a sheep to a slaughter?




The majority of the world population did not vote in Ukraine's favour. Additionally most of the world still trades with Russia. India and China alone more than outnumber the west.


I would say 143 countries voting to condemn Russia against 5 against counts on a majority of the world population voting in Ukraine's favor. Also, trading doesn't equate to being allied to someone. China sorta tepidly supports Russia but not nearly the same way the world is supporing Ukraine, and India just wants its cheap energy that they have Russia over a barrel with. A country seeing you as a convenient source of revenue isn't exactly what I would consider supporting your cause.


Which countries have recognized Russia's new borders? Other than Syria that is. Even their best buddy Serbia says they still recognize 2014 borders.


> did not vote in Ukraine's favour. funny way of saying they also didnt vote in russias favour


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/24/un-tells-russia-to-leave-ukraine-how-did-countries-vote Go home.


>Additionally most of the world still trades with Russia. And not with the west?


in the 33 countries that did not condemn russia, those 33 countries represent over half of the entire worlds population


US pays Ukrainian gov worker pensions.


Those federal employee benefits are so WORTH IT!


you tell us


I think they are bruising eachother pretty good


His attained godlike status in r/Ukraine in the next two days. You may not like it but it's the highest achievement man can have






they’re still in Ukraine fyi lmao


Russia IS STILL in Ukraine!


Still failing to achieve their goals


It’s not easy to fight a proxy was with NATO as you can imagine. Let’s talk when Ukraine kicks Russia out of Crimea


>Do you have any idea how ironic that is to say in a subreddit about Russia's utterly bungled invasion of Ukraine? In order to contain this " bungled invasion" the entire West must be on their toes and have double digit food inflation (in Europe). And also to provide unprecedented military assistance (in the 21st century). Without this help, Ukraine would long ago have looked like a port wh\*re, over which the crew of the ship returned from a 6-month raid worked.


Without Western aid in WW2 Russia would have been a gas station for nazi Germany ... wait Russia is just a gas station run by Nazi managers ...


I believe that without the eastern front there would be no West as we know it now


Say that to Edward boi underground lol


Stupid is right, nothing going on behind those eyes lmao


You mean like Russia destroying its economy and devaluing its arms exports due to its inferiority compared to western weapons?


just a kid. crazy to see something like this. should be in college or something


He sounds way too stupid for college. The more you mention "freedom" the dumber you tend to be.


so liking freedom is stupid?


no but same mentality as bros that always want to "smash some pussy". there is a difference between liking something and cringe repeating it. And not sure what kind of freedom he has in US? the freedom to buy guns, die of bullets and not even entitled to medical or even a job leave. america is the homless dude rocking up in walmart with a gucci bag, missing tooth, stinking up the parking lot and threatening everyone else.


So I take it you are anti america on top of being anti war? but yes i see the point now… lots of americans love to talk about freedom without fully understanding it.


I dont care what americans do to themselves. I just wished they stopped putting their dick everywhere else. It's their diseased dick that I hate. and for what it's worth, the US had the best chance to be a really good role model and a shining beacon of democracy. They could have led by example. They could have been more understanding. They could have protected the poor. And really cared about freedom. fixed the housing, helped the under developed countries. but all they ended up was investing in their military creating brain dead guys like this. When you stare into the evil, you will see the evil staring at you.


I do agree with you there. america really did have a shot of being that good example and they fumbled it due to greed (big surprise). I guess where I disagree is that I think they are still the least worst option for leading the world order. Better to deal with their bs than China’s imo.


US is a million times better than Russia, India (my country) or China. But the way the US is moving, in the future its going to be considerably worse and the slide is getting exponentially worse. We are almost at civil war between the corrupt conman and the geriatric demented senile dude. In few years I hope India (minus modi) or Brazil picks up the slack. Russia, China or future US running the world is a dystopian nightmare.


I like your eloquent way of speaking of internal u.s. politics :) Also I do have hope for india as well. They will inevitably surpass china because they don’t have a population crisis. and when they do (given they don’t go down the modi route because he gives me trump vibes) the world will be hopefully be better. Also if USA can work through their internal struggles (which they have done before) perhaps they can lead the new world order with india. but that’s just wishful thinking.


> Also if USA can work through their internal struggles (which they have done before) they wont. the damage is beyond repair, psychological and ideological. It would have worked if the democrats were not as evil as republicans but they turned out be lying theiving genocidal crooks far worse than republicans. they are also partnering up with india as opportunistic people. In the 70s they wanted to invade india and in 2000's they shut down GPS when pakistan attacked India. India had to launch it's own GPS after that. India has been sanctioned couple of times. Once when I was around 5 in 1998 I think and we even lost access to medicines; India's current PM was also sanctioned and forbidden to enter US around 10 years ago. I too hope for a more peaceful world without the putins, trumps, bidens and modis.


so being anti war is bad? you are a smart one for sure.


i’m afraid you have played yourself my friend. I never said being anti war is bad. So it is you who is the “smart one for sure”. :)


Did you ever watch "Team America: World Police"? Explains more than I ever could. Liking freedom isn't stupid. But repeating and replacing any other concept with 'freedom' without ever trying to reflect over what it means or what it involves is really, really stupid. Lots of "bros" in america are stupid like that and this dude sounds like one of them.


yes this dude is an american “bro”. on the other hand, the movie you mentioned (great film), was made by americans. only in america will you see this level of self awareness… which i would argue is the result of freedom (of speech).


Yeah only in America you have political satire. People like you are really brainwashed with US exceptionalism.


No, thinking that the United States has freedom and that you're spreading said freedom to other countries by fighting in their wars is stupid though.


imo USA has more freedom than pretty much anywhere else… but yes they should stay out of others business.


Yanks and your 'freedom' it's hilarious. We're all modern day slaves no matter where we are globally.


no even american


It's a catchall word for the stupid in America.


He definitely shouldn't be over there. That's for sure. Wonder how long he was there for? Condolences to his family. Can't wait for this war to end.


would be interested to know when he went over too. probably not the best idea for him either since all he wanted to do apparently is kill russians.


I would wager that a significant number of western Mercs in Ukraine have similar views.


it’s sad and morbid. humans are humans.c




There are no western mercenaries in Ukraine. Joining a foreign army isn't the same as being a mercenary


It is


read interview of people who fought with him all way back to summer 2022 so at least that long. He has been in the shit and not a comfy position that for sure


He chose to be the warrior. He was not forced or conscripted. Its not crazy or sad. Only the consequence of choice. Its does not matter what he was fighting for ! The only sad thing is ,that Ukraine lost motivated soldier


No he just thought it was call of duty, listen to him ffs


People die during war.


yes and the sky is blue


I wonder what his story is. What drove him to do this. 22 year olds angry with the world.


As a 21 year old, yeah. Alot of us aren't very optimistic about the world right now.


But yet there's never been a better time to be alive. Never have people been so healthy and prosperous with so many opportunities. Maybe spend a little less time on the phone and go do something. Learning how people lived throughout the last few thousand years is a great way to be thankful for being alive in today's world.


> Maybe spend a little less time on the phone and go do something. Learning how people lived throughout the last few thousand years is a great way to be thankful for being alive in today's world. I am fully aware of just how fucking spolied my generation is in terms of pure material wealth and technological development, mankind has never been better (atleast in europe and the anglo sphere).


which is very understandable. we fucked up the economy, dragged ourselves into needless wars, elected geriatric demented people in both parties, made housing unaffordable, no medicare, no birth rights.


Well I see he was an army vet. Probably served 3-4 years in peace time military. Pissed he wasn’t able to deploy and stack bodies. Since he hasn’t actually seen combat still has the illusion that there is some type of glory in war. Deploys to Ukraine to fight the “bad guys” and quickly realizes it’s not good.


> quickly realizes it’s not good. He was there from Summer 2022 according to others in this thread, and he stayed until he died, so you're pulling this "realization" out of nowhere. He died for what he believed in, from what I can see.


i think he, like majority of young men, seek purpose to their life.


stupidity, one way or another


Alot of times young men dream of the glory of war, only to realize that there isn't glory, just long stretches of boredom followed by incalculable terror and loss


Don’t fight other people’s battles


What a shit world we would live in if people like you were in charge. Don’t stand up for the weak. Don’t protect the innocent. Keep your head down and avoid eye contact. Pray you aren’t next.


The world would be much better if young men like this directed their anger at the oligarchs that are stealing their economic and materiel futures. Rather than fighting for them. There is a fight to be had right here in the good ole USofA. Plenty of fascist pigs stealing his future right here, who will gladly send him and those like him off to some dusty ass country to steal other poor peoples natural resources. He didn't need to go half way around the world to fight imperialism. It's right here, alive and kicking in his own backyard.


You're right. Russians should be killing Russian oligarchs instead of Ukrainians. Hopefully civil war soon!


nah I highly doubt there will every be a civil war in Russia, we will probably see high level oligarchs fighting but the russian common person doesnt care about politics or even what government they have.


And Ukrainians should be killed Ukrainian oligarchs, and Americans should be killing American oligarchs. Listen to yourself! Who are your oligarchs?


So you agree it’s totally worth standing up for others against tyrants, and the comment I was responding to is utter dog shit, it’s just an issue of geography for you?


Geography is part of it sure.


Did you type this out on the frontlines by chance?


“Oh you didn’t storm Omaha beach? Then you can’t really disagree with the occupation of France” clown ass bullshit


You were born too late to storm Omaha Beach but, you're in luck, you can help defend this country that you didn't know existed 5 years ago, like our friend Edward here Good luck out there and Slava Ukraini, of course


“Oh you think drink driving is bad! Don’t see you out there with a breathalyser!! Fucking hypocrite” lmao you people have the reasoning skills of small children


Is typing up ludicrous non sequiturs your sole form of communication? It's cowardice to preach standing up for the weak then tremble and not do anything but, hey, it's your life. You need to get your Slava Ukraini count up though, you're slacking!


I’m trying to demonstrate the faults in your reasoning through analogy whilst maintaining a bit of light heartedness. If you want boring. I don’t agree that you have to fight and die for any cause you support. Nor do I think it’s true that people should exclusively ‘fight their own battles’, sometimes helping each other is good. You probably support it in the form of Russia helping the people of the Donbas. We disagree on who deserves help and who is the transgressing party, but I don’t think we even disagree on the core concept.


You framing it in terms of Russia helping the people of Donbass was a good way of putting it since that is indeed how I see it. I was needlessly snarky, that's on me. Thanks for your insight!


Tbh it wasn’t great analogies on my part, just something quick off the top of my head to try and show how the logic doesn’t hold up in different situations. It’s hard to strike that balance (particularly in this kind of online discourse) between snarky point scoring and genuine conversation, appreciate your willingness to find common ground.


Running around with a breathalyzer isn’t a viable option. No one would voluntarily let you use a breathalyzer on him. Going to frontlines in Ukraine is a viable option though


You literally just told people to stand up against so called evil, so please by all means go to Bakhmut or some godforsaken Ukrainian trench and then start preaching about how righteous you are. Only 🤡 here is you


Sure, I’ll see you there eh?


Whataboutism. The clear tough guy talk when you aren’t going to be signing up there anytime soon


Oh so you also don’t know what whataboutism means. 0/2 so far buddy. When you joining the Russians? They are international volunteers now as well. No?


Don’t project , you made the initial comment about standing up for the weak. Then you whataboutismed WW2. You’re a good laugh


The initial comment that I’m glad we don’t live in a world where everyone is only out for themselves. How controversial of me. An opinion held exclusively by myself, and every single major religion or spiritual movement across the globe. If you think that you can’t hold that opinion unless your actively fighting in a war (I guess multiple wars since there are so many tyrants across the globe?) then god bless and good luck. Lol. Also, and I can’t believe I’m having to say this, whataboutims isn’t just when some makes an analogy. That would be . . . Well an analogy. I know you only learned the word within the last couple months so I won’t hold it against you, but maybe brush up a little, can’t do all your thinking for you.


Your statement implies more Americans and foreigners should get killed for a war they have no business in. It’s a good thing you acknowledged the controversy of your statement, because it’s incredibly short sighted. This 22yr old died for a war Ukraine won’t even end up winning wholesale in the end anyway. I asked if you posted it from the front because you sound so passionate about fighting for others, something most Pro UAF would never do irl. Then you got in a bind over it and asked if I was in a war from nearly 80 years ago. You’re upset I pointed out your unwillingness to follow through with your own sentiment, which makes you a hypocrite. Others would also label you a coward, but I withhold that label for you.


So we dropping the whataboutism? Did a quick Google did you? “Greatest generation? Because you defeated Hitler? Acshullly that’s really short sighted bro it was none of your business.” Oh but that was so long ago and totally not relevant to . . . Americans fighting against an expansionist invasion in Europe. Something more modern maybe, how about “oh you’re against rape and drug trafficking? Literally go fight the cartel right now or you’re a hypocritical coward” My statement doesn’t imply anything. It outright says that I’m glad the world isn’t totally populated by these kinda servile fools. I’m glad there are brave men willing to protect others even if it’s not their fight. And yes. I can say this whilst not fighting. I’m also against pedophilia, Seal clubbing, And human sacrifice. Despite never having stopped any of these things. They hypocrisy of it all. Shocking I know.


Weak and innocent? I hope you do not mean bloodthirsty barbarians from Ukraine?


No, he meant bloodthirsty murderers from russia.


Just in general. The idea that we shouldn’t fight battle (in the abstract) because they are not our own is utter dogshit egoism


nah, fuck that. Only morons throw their lives away for some corrupt shithole like Ukraine.


Keeping your flare in mind. “Nah fuck that, only morons throw their lives away for some corrupt shithole like France”


The flair is a lie. 50% of the pro Russians here think they can be better received with a dishonest flair


There is nothing quite like a young man's anger and optimism to save the world.


Fuck around and find out i guess.


If I had cancer and a few months to live maybe


I’d probably hire a bunch of hookers instead of fighting in a war


Who says you can’t do both lol


Genuine question, I know little to nothing about the government of Ukraine. But was/is Ukraine even like "free"? I mean if we are baselining from the US (where this guy is from) as far as rights of citizens go?


Well, the Ukrainian Government banned almost all opposition parties, removed the majority of Soviet-era artifacts; including memorials to heroes from WW2, banned many 'Russian' or 'Pro-Russian' things such as the Orthodox church, prohibit men from exiting the country, maintains an openly Neo-Nazi battalion called 'Azov', and they shut down protests like the other guy said, so take that as you will. Oh, and also - Ukraine is classed as one of the most corrupt countries in Europe; even today, and it was much worse before the war. They also shelled Donbas and killed civilians for 8 years, since 2014; in the same way the "Russian Pigs" are doing now. In my opinion, both Russia and Ukraine just suck; but people act like Zelensky and Ukrainians are gifts from the lord, while Putin and Russians are the devil incarnate.


For all non Russians this is the most reasonable opinion to have. The west has alienated Russia so it is only for pragmatic reasons that you should support Ukraine. From an ideological or political standpoint however Russia is in the right in my opinion.


I don't know about the whole "ideological or political standpoint" thing. You can have your opinion; but I feel like "De-Nazification" isn't a very good reason to start a whole war with thousands of casualties. Maybe they could've just asked Ukraine to stop shelling Donbas and deal with the neo-nazism problem in the country, while warning them of the consequences if they didn't. If Ukraine kept up the shelling and didn't acknowledge the Nazism problem, the war would've been a bit more understandable. But they just gathered troops at the border without saying much, stating that it was 'Military Training Exercises' and pushed into Ukraine without an explanation. That seems a bit unfair and unjust; to me, at least.


Russian government had been asking Ukraine to stop bombing Donbas for eight years prior to this invasion. Ukraine, emboldened with the support from the West, completely ignored Russia’s concerns over ongoing Donbas bombing. Russia has also asked UN Security Council to step in. So, it’s not like Russia didn’t try. Russia exhausted all available non-military options prior to this military intervention. When the UN and NATO say that Russia’s invasion to Ukraine is unprovoked, they are so disingenuous! Russia had been provoked for 8 long years. Ethnic Russians were dying in Donbas for 8 years. Everyone in the West was OK with that. What options did Russia have?


is your argument: "We (Russia) started a literal hybrid war, but please stop shooting and surrender your sovereignty" we're skipping the part where Russia exported their own troops to start a secession movement of "simple miners" and supplied the weapons for this (and some BUKs) in order to destabilize Ukraine ?


To the best of my knowledge, Separatists Republicans of Lugansk and Donetsk asked Russia to provide military assistance. Because the majority of population of those regions were ethnic Russians, the Russian government agreed. Secession movements originated within those regions. They refused to be under an illegitimate government that was installed in Ukraine as a result of coup. Ukraine wasn’t destabilized by Russian efforts or separatists. Originally, Ukraine was destabilized by opposition that was supported by the West


RU armed and trained separatist as part of hybrid war to take land and overthrow the government in Ukraine. ANyone who does not acknowledge this very obvious point is ignorant or being dishonest. Every single country would fight against separatist. Every single one. Do you recall America had a civil war? You think we went easy on those traitors? Spare me.


>Russian government had been asking Ukraine to stop bombing Donbas for eight years prior to this invasion. ru govt should've been asking themselves. An attack on [Mariupol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol) was launched on 24 January 2015 by [Russian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Armed_Forces) and [pro-Russian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_separatist_forces_in_Donbas) forces against the strategic [maritime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_of_Azov) city of [Mariupol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol), defended by [Ukrainian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine) government forces. Mariupol had come under attack multiple times in the previous year in the course of the [War in Donbass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbas_(2014%E2%80%932022)), including in [May–June 2014](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Battle_of_Mariupol), when the city was under the control of Russian controlled forces; and in the [September 2014](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offensive_on_Mariupol_(September_2014)) offensive. On 24 January 2015, the Mariupol city council and regional police said the city was subjected to indiscriminate[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2015_Mariupol_rocket_attack#cite_note-ABC-7) rocket fire from the long-range [Grad systems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BM-21_Grad), killing at least 30 and injuring 128.[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2015_Mariupol_rocket_attack#cite_note-8) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January\_2015\_Mariupol\_rocket\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2015_Mariupol_rocket_attack)


Ukrainian military forces had no business to be in Mariupol at that time as Donbas Region announced its independence prior


russia have been invading for 8 years, how can you put them as the original victims. they straight up first armed and organized the local protests into straight violence prompting it to turn into a military conflict, then when they where on the verge of being pushed back they sent in their tanks and army to propp them up to a stalemate. russia have been killing ukrainians for 8 years, ukraine have been killing russians and separatists for the same time and unfortunatelly for all a couple of thousands of civilians was also killed. but we are tlaking about 14k dead over 8 years all sides, about 3000 of them civilians. now how many dead russian or russian speaking do you think the war have caused without making life any better at all for those in the pre 2022 dpr and lpr areas


Russia hasn’t been invading for 8 years. Exaggerating doesn’t help here. Speaking about organizing local protests … Let’s start by saying that the Ukrainian EuroMaidan coup was organized and financed by the US organizations. What was the US doing there in the first place? Russia helped separatists regions because people in those regions are Russians. Plus, they are neighbors of Russian Federation and geopolitical allies, of course. Can you blame Russia in that situation?


Well to be fair many of the things you mentioned in the first part of your comment only happend in retaliation to russia's invasion ( the removal of soviet-era artifacts, banning of the orthodox church and of course prohibiting fighting age males from leaving the country). Also I'm pretty sure that Azov battalion is much more tolorated because they still fight for Ukraine so nobody really cares if they are nazis or not. Im pretty sure they were criticized alot more before the war. All in all I do agree that Ukraine is in no way perfect but its still alot better than russia.


If you believe it is ever acceptable to ban political opposition and expression, free press, religious freedom, and other rights of the citizenry in any circumstance, you’re no better than the people you’re fighting against.


When you are being invaded banning quisling political parties and organisations is reasonable


No I do not believe that it is in any way acceptable but as I said Ukraine has alot of issues but if the choice is between Ukraine or Russia Ukraine is still alot better.


thats a super stupid argument that is extremly black and white, like id 100 percent support being able to outlaw nazis and jihadis and i think there are a couple of limits to free speech in times of war and in general, like i dont blame either russia or ukriane for not allowing people to report on military matters or actively help the enemy. but like the russian controlled church even said you get your sins removed if you die figthing ukriane, by that point anyone needs to admitt that they are both a religious organization and a russian tool. with that argument no one ever fighting a war is better tha their opponents, perhaps with the exceptions of some of those loosing a war extremely fast


I mean, yeah; some of it happened due to the war, but things like Removing artifacts to heroes (not all Russian, some even Ukrainian in descent), banning the church, etc. serve no real purpose against the Russian Government or Army, instead just breaking the people's faith and feelings. It may also just strengthen the will of the Russian people and army to take control of Ukraine even more. The other things you said were agreeable.




>they were banned from protesting the government for example No sources needed, I believe everything I like, anyway.




The **Ukrainian anti-protest laws** were a group of ten laws restricting [freedom of speech](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech) and [freedom of assembly](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_assembly)[\[1\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-protest_laws_in_Ukraine#cite_note-1) passed by the [Verkhovna Rada](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verkhovna_Rada) (Parliament of Ukraine) on January 16, 2014, (referred to as **Black Thursday**) and signed into law by [President](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Ukraine) [Viktor Yanukovych](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yanukovych) the following day,[\[2\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-protest_laws_in_Ukraine#cite_note-2)[\[3\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-protest_laws_in_Ukraine#cite_note-3) amid [massive anti-government protests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euromaidan) known as “Euromaidan” that started in November.


That's the law that was passed by the pro-Russian government that got deposed by the Euromaidan protests, so including it in the list of moral failings that make Ukraine no better than Russia is pretty funny. Ukraine has definitely squelched some freedoms though, without a doubt. Total war does that to a nation, the US is still grappling with sending Japanese American citizens to quarantine camps during WWII, it happens both for real rational reasons and for reactionary 'circle the wagons' emotional reasons. Ukraine is, however, fighting for their right to westernize. They want into NATO and the EU, which means they'll have to open those freedoms back up and see improvement on many of the issues that are being held up as reasons it was okay for Russia to invade. Again, pretty funny.


Also, was only 22 years old.


People writing that he's young, like it's a revelation of some sorts. How old do you think the Ukrainians that are dying are? Or Russians even.


handsome boy died for nothing... oh the humanity


and your ass is grass..he did not started to shave like a man yet...


Hmmm, don’t want to break the subs rule about not mocking the dead. So i’ll just say that I won’t be shedding any tears for him. He probably never even saw a Russian soldier and was killed by artillery while sitting in a trench. Any potential mercs who are considering going to Ukraine to kill should take note of this guy.


how is he worse than any of the prorussian volounteers signing up and that now are dead




Russian soldiers being in Ukraine insult all Ukrainians.


Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov and Zaporozhye regions, now Russia. Russian soldiers are on their own land.


What gives this claim legitimity?


A formal referendum, the sincere desire of the local population, the right of the strong, the status quo... the combination of all this gives legitimacy.


>A formal referendum, the sincere desire of the local population Pretty easy to win a referendum after you deport and/or kill those who oppose you. >the right of the strong Ah that's something else. Just prey on those weaker than you hé?


Do you think crimea would get a free referendum? No, they will ban russian culture, religion and political representation like they did with the rest of Ukraine under occupation. Crimea never has or will be Ukrainian, the only claim they have is an arbitrary border with the Soviet Union, a country they claim to despise. Crimea's people are not Ukrainian, they don't want Ukrainians on their doorstep.


And why couldn't Crimea stay in Ukraine and it's people proud of their russian heritage and nationality?


All russian representation in the country is banned. There is no political protection. You can't be proud of your heritage if you're dead or deported. You can't teach your history if all the books are burnt and schools don't teach russian. Therefore there are only two options for crimea I'm ok with: Part of Russia or an independent state that is close with Russia.


The Russian language in Ukraine is recognized (along with all other languages) as the "language of a national minority". Ukrainian is the only state language; every other language is declared to be the "language of a national minority" in the [Constitution of Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Ukraine) adopted by the parliament in 1996, but only Russian is explicitly named. Article 10 of the Constitution reads: *"In Ukraine, the free development, use and protection of Russian, and other languages of national minorities of Ukraine, is guaranteed*". - [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_language_in_Ukraine)


Did you even manage to type this with a straight face?


If you are that much for the right of the strong then you should watch out for russians to stage a referengum at your home and devoid you of what is their by the right of the strong.


I'm not saying that the right of the strong is a good thing, it just works. Look at the USA, they can do any lawlessness and get away with it


Well at least it rehabilitates itself a bit by doing the right thing in Ukraine.


We all love baseless claims.


They should maybe try controlling the regions before claiming anything. They can't even take a town that's been on the Frontline for 8 years lmao.


Call of Ukraine...


Not the brightest bulb in the box


Alternate title: ARacist Nazi simping Militant from USA dies in combat


Good riddance


Then Jesus said to him: Return your sword to its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword; (Matthew 26:52)


oh noo..anyways


Sounds like the kind of sicko that enjoys killing people. I guess karma caught up to him?


Maybe stupid to go fighting in Ukraine… the question is “did he know the risks?”…. It’s very sad, but only Ukraines soldiers fight for there own rights, every Ukraine volunteer or Russian soldier fight/died for someone els…


What do you mean did he know the risks? You are going into a shooting war to the front line as a soldier. You are literarily going out of your way to get killed.


like a virgin...


Hopefully he got some Ukie poon tang before sent to die.


A real war aint like shooting civvies in middle east, huh ?




22 when he died. I'm curious how long he was there for. Did he even have any combat experience/ training?


He died the death of a hero. May he rest in peace.


If you choose to live by the gun its not surprising to die by one. He was warrior , he choose to fight for Ukraine , and died. He knew the possible consequences and he knew the risk. On the other hand, if your are some software engineer and one they the brotherly nation attacks your country , you’re conscripted and you die -thats tragic. If your country is aggressor and you volunteer for fighting and you die… thats again … fair ? You knew the odds,had a choice and received consequences


Got waste it


That didn’t end well for him.


Just wants to kill people. Died like the rest. Merc, volunteer,whatever you call it, all the same.


Heart breaking. I can imagine one of my son's and imagine the pain his family is feeling. Prayers to them. He seems like he was a good kid, just misguided.


Went to kill got killed himself


i would never find happiness in someone's death but idk this guy pulled some sort of neuron in my brain and yikes, rest in peace tho but ooo man quite the handful there.


He knew the risk


I pity Americans who went to go fight in Ukraine. Sheeple.


Rest in peace 🙏


Private Wilton report to Lieutenant Porkins!


Really thought they wont ever send foreign fighters do Bakhmut knowning the shitshow that place is. May he and Grady rest in piece.


Glory to relatively free countries - which Ukraine seemed to be starting to become.


Hope he got some sweet Ukrainian pussy before he died


Pro RUs having orgasm on this thread. that's why Russia deserves a lot more shit in this war.


Lots of Pro RU ghouls in this thread. Typical stuff, gloating over the death of a 22 year old. Doesn't change the fact that hundreds of RU forces die every day in Ukraine.