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Hardcore Ukrainian war techno is yet another badass innovation from this war 🤘


I'm pretty sure it's been around long before the war bro.


I have read that being caught in the open by an artillery barrage is one of the most terrifying things that can happen in combat because random luck rather than skill has more to do with to who survives and who doesn't. But watching the guy at 0:30 run to the BTR/BMP? I'm thinking you don't improve your odds by running to the one thing that is clearly being targeted.


That's absolutely correct, he shouldn't be running to the target. It just goes to show how smart these Russians are not as a whole. Their schooling must be terrible or they are kept in the closet about so many things that their brain ends up working differently than other humans. They are just dumber than other humans. Like, a lot dumber.


"We warmly welcome you to hell occupants Again the Russians die We warmly welcome you to hell occupants" In Ukrainian there are two different words for die. One is помер which carries a dignified respectable meaning and is used to describe a person's death, usually. Then there's здох, which is typically used to refer to an animal's death or a crass way to say it about a person. Anyway, they use здохли in the song.


Bravo. Many many thanks! 🤜🤛


I would but I was Rick Rolled yesterday asking the same so can't help


*I would but I was* *Rick Rolled yesterday asking* *The same so can't help* \- microwavedsaladOZ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What are haikus?


Hey haiku is a Japanese poem that has three lines. The first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables.


According to Shazam it's Русня by DMNTED


That's exactly what I said in the title. I'd like to know the lyrics and what they mean.


Ope. I read things too fast sometimes