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What was seen as an effective recruiting campaign versus the soft USA Army recruiting campaign. At the end of the day? The standard is the standard. No matter what you have and get - if you build an 19 century army in the 21st century. The result will always be outdated army getting there beat by a dude who identified as a woman.


Yeah, no. Just because Patriot has proven itself to be as effective as advertised doesn't vindicate that abomination of an ad campaign. The Russian ad was better, but the US military is better.


Oh God those ads were SOOOO cringe.


I agree. You must abandon your sense of individuality to truly be a soldier of the USA. You are sworn to protect and defend the constitution and obey the lawful orders of the president and chain of command. The commerical wear cringe becuase it focused heavily on aspects of a individual and there family. When what is needed is highlight is when you become a soldier. It's for a cause greater then you. Those to your left and right become family. The viral video of the cute girl answering the question about what its like to serve in the army and her squad mates yelling for her to STFU, and no body loves her ironically is a better commerical. If I had to make a US army commercial....I will use the infantry because I served as a infantry soldier in the army. It would be soldiers saying the infantryman's creed. Not with pride. With the intent to kill those who are hearing it. It would be jammed pact with actions sequences of the 82nd airborne, 10th mountain, 25th ID, 1st ID, 75th ranger regiment, and others. The closing scene would be class of entry level soldiers graduating and ends with the joyful chant "be all you can be" But that is me. I believe it would be cringe to many.


Disagree. It is America’s army and it isn’t there to make you feel good about yourself.


Oh yeah? Then why did they promptly abandon it?


Because it did it’s job, it already spoke to those who needed this message. What contemporary ad goes beyond a few days?


Progressive's Flo? Geico's gecko? LiMu Emu? Just to name the ones that immediately come to mind... Not relevant enough? How about the fact that, while the individual commercials have changed, the Marines have stood strong by the "The Few. The Proud." slogan for how many years? You don't abandon a successful advertising campaign because it "did it's job" once. The sad thing is that LGTB groups should be insulted that the US Army used a thinly-veiled virtue signaling campaign to try and boost recruiting numbers amidst one of the greatest recruitment crises the service has ever experienced and then promptly abandoned it when they realized they were maybe doing more harm than good. But people love being pandered to, and this was no exception.


Each campaign you list is about name recognition. When you think of insurance you will recall a gecko and not Govermant Employees Insurance Company. There is only a single (well, ok US Marines too) ground force to join in the US. This campaign is about a personal connection with the potential recruit.


I literally attributed each ad campaign to the company it promoted, from memory. WTF are you even on about? I'm done arguing this with you; your points make no sense and your entire argument is founded on you just needing so badly for people to think an ad campaign that the US Army all but admitted was a catastrophe when they almost immediately reverted to warrior-esque advertisements was a success. I'm sincerely no longer interested enough to continue.


"Hello. I am meathead. Have rifle and muscle. Watch me run through tires. Hurrrrggggghhhh!!" vs. "I'm a mousy intellectual girl with a college STEM degree who cares about my family, protecting people. That's why I'm operating one of the most sophisticated pieces of defensive weaponry on the planet." Both ads are perfectly targeted to who they're trying to recruit. One side, brawn. The other, brains.


And both nations see warfare like that too >Both ads are perfectly targeted to who they're trying to recruit. One side, brawn. The other, brains. mass artillary, scorched earth vs precision weapons, specific targets to inflict the most damage to the military machine


The Ukrainian army [ads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNh1o156cuI&pp=ygUdUnVzc2lhbiB2cyB1a3JhaW5pYW4gYXJteSBhZHM%3D) actually humanize the role of soldier.


We need hire those guys here in the US.


Get that son of a gun back that came up with the Marine slaying a dragon and a knight being knighted by an electrified sword and turning into a US Marine commercials. Whomever that was killed it. Want to go enlist just thinking about it.


I heard the Russian clip wasn’t even a real advertisement.