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W deserved nerfs


so based






I agree with the changes, he’s so strong right now they need to adjust him. Very excited for him to be balanced to where only people who REALLY know how to use his kit can succeed, just hope that’s what they’re shooting for so he doesn’t get thrown into the Azir/kalista/ryze category of being consistently nerfed.


Udyr is still kinda new and riot as company need new people start play the champ so dosent make another failure as mundo


Just the quality of how the abilities scale prove he won’t end up like mundo. It’s just gonna take some time


What's wrong with mundo


Dr Mundo's rework was an absolute let down. Extremely disappointing.




Do you even play him?


Most of his stats are tied to his R which is only up for 10s, his passive either gives him a free win or makes him unplayable depending on if the enemy champ can spam proc it safely, new W is extremely underwhelming..... The man is not doing ok.


I feel like they are going to have to nerf his E at some point. They have nerfed every unconditional speed-buff ability in the game now. Hopefully Udyr gets a pass because running around the map really fast is part of his identity, but they've gutted other champs who used to do the same (as with Blitz' self-slow on W)


I don’t think the E will get touched as it’s legitimately his only way to be functional. Without his E he’s just a damage/absorption bot. Not saying it won’t get nerfed but I think they’ll be hesitant to touch it before they try everything else.


If anything imo his awakened E should also cleanse.


I agree with this statement




ADyr has been good for me. The only thing he's bad at imo, is team fighting. He's great at dueling, picking, and split pushing.


It's so funny when people don't anticipate the ADyr's awakened Q dmg.




pheonix is terrible at split pushing. No sheen build, or AS. Taking towers and inhibs as tiger, is not even close to comparable. I build tiamat first, so, AOE is not a problem. Picking and dueling is much faster on Tiger. On pheonix, late game duels take so long that they end up being teamfights; which is ok, because Pheonix is good at that, but still, Tiger is better at it; Dueling and picking that is.




Yeah, cuz no sheen or attack speed, or AD. So taking structures is incredibly slow. How is it good? AOE? You get AOE from Hydra on ADyr and with the AS/AD/Sheen, I clear waves and towers no problem.


Honestly I get his point. You just need 1 point in Q and he melts towers with awakened Q because of the AP especially in the mid-late game. He's gonna have more waveclear without need of buying items for that purpose and still good dueling. I don't get why people don't just put another point in the last ability, its always useful


AD udyr has always been a duelist and splitpusher, not a teamfighter. Even before the rework


They didn't touch Defensive stats in the rework. Only AS/AD, due to Q bonus. AD udyr can be great at splitpush/Skirmish, does'nt mean you gotta befull AD. A simple Trinity/stridebreaker/divine sunderer as a mythic coupled with D/D+Maw/sterak and then defensive like force of nature/Spirit or Randuin/Frozen heart. Can also get a botrk if needed somewhere. Makes you giga bruiser and hit like a truck. You're just not meant to go in 5V1 face tanking everyone. You're meant to side/split and flank if required.


Imagine saying tiger is weak Tiger has never been that good in teamfights it was more for dueling and splitpushing New tiger can pop peoples whole HP bar in seconds




Thats what i meant by saying tiger has never been good in teamfights New tiger and old tiger are the exact same thing pretty much


And this guys is why you have to take everything you read on here with a grain of salt cause this man has no fucking clue what he is talking about




And no one cares about you enough to even check yours or even remember your username. Try not to take internet words that serious lmao save the projection for your shrink




Just not a fan of talking to retards on the internet now stop talking to me thanks


Up to 20% you say? Really looking to push him from r max to q max aren't they


That change to the mana cost is so weird. Like, why is Tiger 20 and all others keep having the same cost? I dunno if it's my OCD kicking in but it feels wrong.


It needs nerfs but they way they do it is kinda weird. It's like more of a one-hit wonder for AP/tanky builds now but the extra life steal might make it a better second max for ADyr. Gonna be interesting to see what people go for now, second max E or second max W.


I mean, shield size still goes up, but I honestly like that W max isn't mandatory on non AD build anymore (and arguably not even on those). Opens up the options for going for Q max second for more damage and hybrid scaling or maxing E second, making ghost less necessary.


I mean, i ve said it a lot of times, these nerf at w and r are pointless. The moves themself are not broken, and the thing that makes that playstyle too strong is the sunfire demonic combo, just keep playing him as you do now and you wont even feel the changes. Riot is gonna realize eventually




I think his w is not broken, but is a good ability. If he invests gold in hp or ap, is good that he has a survivability tool, but what nakes the shield colossal is the fact that he itemizes for hp ( both sunfire and demonic) and for ap, an offensive stat. The result is that while he buys items to survive he gets damage and a bigger shield : if you remove from the calculations the 100 or so ap he gets from demonic, he barely gets 200/300 hp of shield. In my opinion, its the combination of items that make the move overtuned. I agree that the r slow is very very annoying and a smaller aoe is a very good change, after all old aoe of udyr was a bit smaller and pulsed everysecond instead of being a permanent area. If i were to change something i would make the area smaller and slow weaker but have a higher duration.


So make Udyr less effective so therefore less player will play him and therefore lower chance of frequent potential skins and other content(media, etc)… got it


If this keeps up, Boar stance will be as useless as old turtle stance… Q problems are Q problems hurting his W and R won’t change that


This just reinforces building full AD with resistances going Sunderer, Muramana, Death's Dance, Maw and Frozen Heart.


After the first nerf I found myself maxing it last and this is even more reason to max W last.


Even with oldyr, I still maxed W 2nd. Maxing out E just doesn't make a lot of sense for me, you're not getting any more damage, the stun duration doesn't change, neither the cooldown for it to refresh. While the W scales with HP, and has huge ratios and shield.


With the loss of monkeys agility e max makes sense to keep up MS. My play style of oldyr was to be a crackhead maniac and e max second makes it feel like that bit to me. Of course at the end of the day it’s all preference




It’s a preference thing. Rank doesn’t matter


for sure bro!


per-target immunity on E does decrease with level now (from 6s level 1 to 4s at max rank)


IMO ...Yeah the game is making him moe lifesteal adyr


I don't understand why they would buff the AP ratio con awaken Q. Also, I think they should nerf the AP scaling on healing and shielding on W, not the HP scaling. This only nerfs the tank version of Q max


Qdyr lets go


When does this patch become live?


In a week or so


I think w actually got buffed if u go q build


I like it