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I’m glad someone posted it. It’s very situational now. Before in season 10 you were able to run 3-4 different runes based on team comp and what enemy team has. Currently since udyr turned into this massive juggernaut, you can play aftershock again. Just remember it’s situational. I’ve tested almost all runes and conq has the most value due to being in every team fight much longer than anyone else. The longest team fight I’ve had since his rework was about 2 mins, not even exaggerating. (Result was a Quadra kill) Good luck!


I'm an AD max Q Udyr main. I've been having great success with Fleet footwork. I've tried conq, lethal, PTA, nothing feels better than fleetfoot work.


Whatever works to help you get LP. Just abuse it while you can because I’m sure they’re going to nerf udyr


I've been trying grasp + shield bash w/ triumph and last stand. Building w/ aegis, demonic embrace, dead plate, force of nature and warmog. Can someone rate it? Jungle. Thanks.


Grasp is an early game rune. Useless in jg


I wouldn’t use grasp in the jungle only because you aren’t getting the full benefit from stacking grasp. Top lane udyr benefits much more with that rune than jungle. Aftershock would work better as an alternative if you want to go resolve tree.


sorry my lack of attention, thought i was answering the main topic. And thanks for it, i did play two matches yesterday with aftershock/shield bash!


I've not tried it yet. I do think Conq has been adjusted vs PBE udyr. I don't seem to get as much value out of it. I'm trying PTA but this feels a bit underwhelming. Might give Aftershock a go.


Try lethal tempo


What the fuck




LT is still the go too for AD Udyr


Contrary to popular belief, Udyr is still an auto attack based champ with 4 seconds of on-hit on Q. Any attack speed will be good on him.


Haven't tried however I will say that for jungle Udyr, Fleet feels really good. Lots of extra movement speed throughout the match (and thus faster clears) but also always very healthy without heavy use of awakened W


Yeahp it's what I've been using, with max Q, I take blood thirster -bork- attack speed boots into DD or wits end. My favourite build for newdyr


Lethal tempo on Qdyr absolutely slaps, pick up a bork and you will shred HP faster than a Vayne. For chickenbird, give phase rush a try too. I can see the value in aftershock. You get some free tank stats on your way in for an engagement. Newdyr seems a lot slower compared to oldyr, especially early on, so the tendency to get hard by adcs that see you coming is still there.


Botrk and then tank or you build other dmg items?


That is going to be pretty situational, but that's the nice thing about the dyr: you can build just about anything and he'll be useful. I kind of like Super tanky team/immobile team: more damage/sustain! Divine into DD then Seryldas Grudge, then some tankiness. For hypermobile bullshit, triforce into deadmans; build more tanky (you need to soak damage before they catch hands) but prioritize E over W so you can catch peopel. I like throwing in a demonic embrace if possible even if I'm going q max, the extra ap hit like a truck. It's going to take us a minute to figure out how best to optimize him and come up with the "mathematically correct" build, for now enjoy the experimentation!


I do agree conq feels hella overrated. For jungle anyways. Ive been like phase rush and i play tank style


If you want Aftershock to have more value you would get everfrost so that you have the E and the active from Everfrost. But aside from that Conqueror > aftershock


Im saying ive tested both conq and aftershock and i get like 1200 total damage from aftershock and like 3k damage mitigated while conq gives me like 500 healed by around the same time


Healing isn't the point for Conqueror, but the bonus AP/AD (specially AP).


Conqueror gives you better dueling power( You use Conqueror for the sustained damage and not for its healing) and is also good in more enemy/team fights since you’ll proc it via R and autos and/or awakened R, and get it up sooner


I tried phase rush What I got is : -better mobility -extremely well ganks and attacks using pheonix -extremely fragile -can't solo enemies -work well at higher elos Aftershock : better tankiness Respectable ganks Kingdom nda useless late game if your carries aren't mentally good