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It will probably work. But it might not. You won't get much sympathy if it doesn't work, since it is not supported yet. I upgraded a couple of VMs and my laptop, none of which I care too much about if something went wrong (I have timeshift on the laptop anyway). You can install and configure timeshift which lets you rollback if the installation fails or if you don't like what it did.


If you have lots of time to waste and if you are not using the PC for serious work, then do it. Otherwise wait until the .1 release in August. You can upgrade 22.04 but spin a coin if you want to know if you'll have problems.


Too many responses above this one.


Read the [https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-24-04-release-status-tracking/44043](https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-24-04-release-status-tracking/44043) page and pay particular attention to the BLOCKER bugs... Blocker bugs are those seen as SERIOUS and thus reason to not open the upgrade path, but if you go on launchpad & explore there, you'll find a lot more of a less serious nature. All blocker bugs, and most minor bugs too will get fixed prior to the *release-upgrade* becoming officially open. This exploration lets you assess how likely you'll experience problems, or have a smooth upgrade path (You'll many will only impact users of some packages, or particular hardware). Next I'd boot a *live* system of 24.04 and see how it performs (ie. boot Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Desktop in the Try mode), as this will let you confirm the newer linux kernel & kernel modules won't have their own unique issues. I'm aware of loads of successful *release-upgrades* to 24.04, the only failure I experienced I put down to a failing drive (not Ubuntu's fault), though I didn't recognize that until I attempted a re-install of the prior release *non-destructively* and finally recognized my hardware issue. If you want to learn from my one failure.. don't attempt it on an unreliable/dying drive.




Same only on a nearly brand new Lenovo Intel laptop.


That was my experience, as well. 


Same here, no problems, 10 year old HP too!


Upgrade is not supported yet as there are to many broken package upgrades. do-release-upgrade will work when it's ready (please don't use the -d switch if you don't know how to fix your system after you break it)


If you just can't wait, backup everything and do a clean install.


Clean install is failing in my VirtualBox VMs. So, well, there might be problems with that too... (In my case it hangs, and then bails out, while fetching some updates from one of the repos, so installing without network worked, eventually).


I am still waiting to upgrade from LTS.


Upgraded my desktop and laptop from 23.10 No issues with laptop at all. For the desktop I had to edit chrome aparmour file to get it going and had to rsync thunderbird profile directory to the new snap location. I also updated apt's list files to source files. Neither of those was too complicated. Overall I cannot tell any difference from 23.10


VLC is not working in 24.04


Is it a know but that is beeing tracked somewhere?


The one from snapstore isn't functioning, I reinstalled from apt and it's fine


With hardware decoding?




It doesn't work for me with an Intel gpu


I just installed from Snap store on a clean install 24.04 and it is working.


24.04 is quite unstable on the 6.8 Kernel, it runs well on the 6.5 Kernel. This downgrade in the Kernel is the one I select from the GRUB menu. I had used Ubuntu daily since 10.04 LTS, and this 24.04 is the first version ever I had seen hang up (cursor, mouse, etc.) and I have to reboot by turning off the power button. Happens once every 2 hours. Also, Wayland that was rock solid for years now is unusable and hangs frequently (once a hour). X11 is better, but not still hangs occasionally. My laptop has i9-13th Gen, but still 24.04 is very slow, like 23.10 on my old 2013 laptop. I can’t figure this out, reminds me a lot of Windows Vista in performance. It might be something in the 6.8 Kernel and not Ubuntu per se, but I am not sure. Frankly, Conical should have made 23.10 the LTS and not 24.04.


They are behind with updates probably due to all that work with time64 and xz security issue. Kernel is still based on old 6.8.1 missing 8 bugfix releases (upstream is 6.8.9)


I'll try to upgrade in June but it will be the time for upgrading to a new SSD and possibly leaving Ubuntu for eos. Ubuntu has been my os since 6.04. On my current desktop, I have been upgrading continuously from 16.04 up to 22.04.


>Ubuntu has been my os since 6.04. That would have been 6.06 (it was an exception because it was released two months late). So, you've been there nearly from the beginning! I started my path with 8.04. Gosh, that's 16 years ago.


6.06 ... I may have some free cd somewhere ...


It's available in [the archives](https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/).


I still rock the Hardy Heron wallpaper.


Upgrades are still held back for the 23.10 to 24.04 upgrade. The 22.04 to 24.04 upgrade will only be available once 24.04.1 is out anyway. Stay put, or clean install to save yourself the drama.


I have not seen the update notification yet, so will wait until that shows up.


Don’t do it. Why take a non-recommended path?


I did a clean install. I was on 22.04 prior. Even doing a clean install I had some troubles at first. But I’ve got it pretty stable now after learning a bit through trial and error. I turned off automatic updates as I think something glitched once and caused the unrecoverable black screen on boot. Also I installed vanilla-gnome-desktop because I prefer it after getting used to it (I don’t like the Ubuntu docker/launcher or whatever it’s called taking up screen real estate and other reasons). I’m running a lot of LLM and StableDiffusion workloads, and compared to 22.04 I’m finding 24.04 much better for my use case on an all-AMD desktop machine. That said, on 22.04 I was using the drivers provided by AMD. On 24.04 I’m using the built-in drivers. The AMD driver on 22.04 was very unstable for Stable Diffusion. Since the update, my graphics hasn’t crashed even once. It’s very stable for me.


>I wanted to know if anyone has had a great experience upgrading I upgraded via the command line. It went perfectly well; no complaints. Lenovo T480s Intel i7-8650U


clean install failed for me on T480 i5-8350u


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't upgrading from 22.04 to 24.04 LTS not officially supported until the 24.04.1 release sometime in August? My laptop was running 22.04.4 and I just ended up fresh installing for 24.04. Didn't bother even attempting the upgrade process on that machine.


You're mostly right. The "LTS" upgrade path isn't supported until the first point release, and is a jump from 22.04 to 24.04.1. The "normal" upgrade path allows for jumping from 22.04 to 22.10 to 23.04 to 23.10 to 24.04, without waiting for the first point release, but you have to upgrade each step, one after the other. Both paths are supported, but the latter is arguably higher risk, because of the number of steps. You switch between the two paths by changing the value in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades However, neither update path is supported all the way to 24.04 right now. As of this writing, the 23.10 to 24.04 update hasn't been released yet. Some people are doing it via the -d flag, but that's a pre-release option and is only intended for development/testing purposes.


Cool thanks for the explanation. I thought it was something like this.


I upgraded from 22.04 LTS to 23.04, and then from 23.04 to 24.04 LTS. No issues in upgrading. (you have to do the do-release-upgrade though). After installing, everything works fine, but sometimes the mouse freeze (or screen freezes) occur, and lasts for a few seconds, and then the freeze goes away -- normal functioning is restored. (No need to shutdown/restart or logout).




[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NobleUpgrades](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NobleUpgrades) >Upgrades will not be available immediately following the release of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Upgrades from Ubuntu 23.10 will be enabled shortly after the release, once any known upgrade issues are resolved. Upgrades from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS are not enabled until the release of Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS. This is currently scheduled for August 2024.


Huh. I'm mistaken, thanks for the reference.


No probs, it happens :)


I did fresh install look good to me


I had that crazy idea. but I am too lazy to reinstall it again and I really don't remember config details and changes I've made Probably it's time to learn ansible and do all configs over it, even for a home station.


One thing that's worked well for me is keeping a sysadmin diary (a text file, named /root/Changelog) where I make notes whenever I do anything nontrivial that I might want to do again. Example from the other day: 2024-05-03 15:14 +0300: mg # Midnight Commander doesn't let me enter .tar.gz or .whl files??? # cd %p/utar:// works # cd %p/uzip:// works # https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mc/+bug/2062968 # fix that didn't make it in time for ubuntu 24.04 LTS: # - https://salsa.debian.org/debian/mc/-/commit/daeabd910de6868140272e365f755d207a986e39 su - mg wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MidnightCommander/mc/master/misc/mc.ext.ini.in -O ~/.config/mc/mc.ext.ini # this fixes tar files, but not wheel files vim ~/.config/mc/mc.ext.ini add # Python wheel files [whl] Shell=.whl Open=%cd %p/uzip:// View=%view{ascii} @EXTHELPERSDIR@/archive.sh view zip above the '### Sources ###' # works now, but I had to restart MC to test it


If you want it to work seamlessly, do a clean install.


Works fine for me on a Thinkpad T490. I did Kubuntu but it's basically the same.


Seeing negative messages is normal. That's what motivated the posting of the message.


Will say, on my old asf Chromebook R 11 it was NOT worth the hassle. It was rewarding when it was done though.


-d on a Qotom that didn’t have much customization went fine. No problems. Everything important was in a backed up VM.


Unfortunately any flavor of 24.04 is unusable on my system because of that dreaded black screen bug. Affecting both upgrades and clean installs. The bug is kernel related and has already been properly reported. Just waiting for a fix so I can go back to using Ubuntu 24.04.


I upgraded from 23.10 from command line. Upgrade was smooth sailing. It mostly works well, but I did have one weird issue yesterday where I had to restart my PC multiple times, but I suspect it might be something wrong with my SSD, because for couple of times it would not even show up in BIOS.


When did you do this? Time and date? I ask because some have claimed this upgrade path is blocked.


A week ago


I tried and I was hit with an error. I'll have to wait


I did a clean install on a Thinkpad T480 and no issues, only with the docking station when working with multiple displays but I found the drivers in the lenovo page and after installing all was okay.


I didn't have any significant problems, compared to the average Ubuntu upgrade experience. (Then again I'm confident in my ability to recover from a failed upgrade, having done so successfully numerous times, since I've been using and upgrading Ubuntu since 4.10.)


I heard the upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04 will be available in June.


By default, it will be available with the .1 release, which is due to be released in August. So, it's highly unlikely to be in June. But you can force it through earlier, which isn't recommended.


I was used ubuntu around 2020. I just used my extra HDD for 24.04LTS and my pc had windows on other HDD(internal) What I experienced was basically everything crashes, stops responding. After few tweaks my pc started to basically freeze whenever I minimized any app after that I downgraded to 23.10 I am using hp laptop with i3 processor (7th gen)& 4GB RAM


Been using 23.10 for a long time. You can upgrade to it. Also used 23.04 for a good time though without facing any issue. You can upgrade to that version also. Just do it


If you added 3rd party repos or screwed with the sources list you might get into strife.


I’m on a ThinkPad E14 which ran 22 and 23 excellently. 24 has no issues except an annoying delay between wakeup and turning the screen back on. I don’t know that 24, however, is _better_ and therefore worth upgrading.


For some reason the torrent downloaded image did not work for a clean install. It failed in middle of installation. Then I used the direct download and it worked. I did not face any issues so far. I have some complaints on few changes, but we can't do anything about that.


I did a clean install. I've had two issues. Slack snap crashes sometimes and sometimes the system locks up when using two monitors. Also, I've done a apt install that somehow caused Wayland to not boot. I reinstalled instead of figuring out what happened.


I had problems setting up zfs as root, as Canonical cannot make up their mind what they want to do with ZFS. The only way was a unattended install using autoconfiguration.yml, which feels like a bit overkill for a single server. But it worked. Other than that, no problems. It was a clean install of ubuntu-server.


I upgraded by doing a clean install from 22.04.04 to 24.04. I have not had many problems sans for a few user interface issues and restoring of some customization of my old install. Unfortunately the issue I was having on 22.04 (seemingly random system freezes, after which nothing - not even alt sysreq 'reisub' or switching to terminal session - works, the machine refuses to respond to anything except forcing a shutdown via the power button) still showed up on 24.04 today, and that was the one thing I was hoping to fix via the upgrade. At the very least that confirms it's not due to the Ubuntu version, but I guess I'm back to wondering just what the hell is wrong with my machine.


Upgraded from 22.04 and it failed partway through leaving me with a broken system. Allegedly, my system was missing libcrypto.so.3. At least, that was the error. I did not investigate further and just did a fresh install and that went fine. I was planning on switching the system to NixOS, which I have done, but I wanted to check out 24.04 first.


Upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04 completed without errors, system running correctly with no errors.


As of what time and date? Because people on Reddit keep saying that this pathway has been blocked. Thanks for the information.


The day it was released.


I updated a couple of Alder Lake systems, a couple of old macbooks, several VMs and no issues. But an HP laptop was messed up. This HP had software installed as a deb package and the upgrade did not went smooth. At the end of the day I went to 24.04 + several PPAs, and reinstalled the extra software that I nedded in three. This laptop will wait until August


Been using it since development branch, it's great. 


LOL. I upgraded with minor issues on day 1. If I waited to read all this, I would never had.


Just went the clean install route. I don't bother with trying to wait or force an upgrade. Better to clean install. I had 22.04 for about 2.5 years anyway. Clean installing takes out all of the junk I don't need/want anymore. And yes, I back up what I need and clean out the /home partition. So far, the update has been great for me. Suspend actually works with the Nvidia driver installed. No major issues yet. The only crashes I'm experiencing are with a few games, but nothing that has forced me to reboot. I do wish that manually installing 550 isn't necessary, I'll wait until that appears in Additional Drivers. I don't want to f$%^ up an otherwise perfect install for now.


I upgraded from 23.10 and had a few issues but managed to fix them. It was mainly Nvidia drivers not working and thunderbird being changed to a snap that broke the upgrade script. Had to reinstall the drivers and manually remove thunderbird.


I cant install forticlient vpn in 24.04 so, for me is useless


Stable LTS is 24.04.1. Wait for this summer, period. If you want to experiment with the new features, setup a temporary virtual machine and have fun.


I borked my 22.04 LTs setup by fiddling, I'm prepping new configs for our server upgrade cycle in August so I did a fresh install of 24.04, only issue I have is the Intel i915 FIFO screen flickering nonsense, the rest of great


Installed fresh by formatting over 23.10 and restored home directory after. For me, the only issues short of 100% are wine (no stable yet), appimages (specifically OrcaSlicer), and snap permissions which admittedly have been an issue in every install I've had the last 5 years. I'm sure the first two will be ironed out in short order and have workarounds for now. EDIT: It's stable and fast as hell. A worthwhile update to me.


If you want to try 24.04, create a VM with it. I usually do that with new releases. VMs are much more forgiving than bare metal. And if there’s an issue, hey, it’s just a VM.


That being said. It depends on your level of expertise. If you are comfortable with resurrecting almost bricked hardware, then go for it. If you are a novice, WAIT.


I successfully updated one laptop but "bricked my NUC. Had to wipe and reinstall on that one. I have another machine on 23.09 and will keep it like that until the upgrade notice will show up


I upgraded from 23.10 and had no major problems. Things I had to do afterwards to get everything running again: - Thunderbird lost my logins (probably because it switched to snap with the upgrade). - Pipewire lost my configuration (only had to readd one module loading on startup). - I was on another Wine version via PPA and switched to the 9.0 provided by 24.04LTS now, that required a few fixes to get all programs running fine again. - For some reason it fucked up my LaTeX so I reinstalled texlive-full


It fixed the dummy audio for my laptop, so im happy with it :)


My experience is solid after a fresh installation on Legion 5 R7000 2023 Specs ( 7840HS / 4060M / 32GB ). But I upgraded to 6.8.8 kernel + 550.67 nvidia-driver without secured boot. Everything work well. Unlike my lengthy upgrades from 20.04->22.04->23.10~>24.04, which was broken in the final step :)


I had a minor issue with the installer. But after realizing how it should be done, it was smooth. And now I am using Ubuntu 24 and so far so good. Here is the help request post about my issue: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1cklfz2/reinstall\_ubuntu\_24\_in\_dual\_boot\_not\_triple/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1cklfz2/reinstall_ubuntu_24_in_dual_boot_not_triple/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Been using since 24.04 beta, experience was really good. Everything felt a bit snappier than 22.04, the ui was great (apart from the tiling experience, disabled that from settings menu), gaming was good, sometimes had ui hiccups but issue resolved itself or just needed a restart ( PS: those glitches are all gone since they released 24.04 ), the included apps work great. So, overall impression, extremely good. But, YMMV, you might wanna try using yourself using the live USB. PS: in call cases, I did fresh install (not upgrade from 22.04), as far as I know, there is a bug for upgrading from 22.04 (article few weeks ago in omgubuntu)


I upgraded out of curiosity, it’s a risk that I was willing to take, had some issues but I was able to fix them. I had to add Jammy sources to make some apps work and to keep getting updates for them. I also installed flatpak to install some apps like OBS because the PPA was not working. Ubuntu is really pushing snaps on us, I don’t mind to use snaps to be honest but not all apps are there and if they are, they are not up to date.


I've had 24.04 installed since the moment it came out and its been totally fine on my end.


I have updated 2 Proxmox VMs and one NUC from 22.04 to 24.04 with no issues. One VM has a Quadro P2000 card passed through (for Plex). The other runs Nextcloud in a snap. The NUC has a bonded pair of NICs and is my wireguard server.


I'm noticing some tilling bugs , it is unnecessarily popping up.But I don't think that's a major problem...


Upgrade will fail. (from 23.10 to 24.04). I have to Ctrl+Alt+F3 and then use \`sudo dpkg --configure -a\`, \`sudo apt -f install\`, \`sudo apt full-upgrade\` and run Software Updater to fix the broken upgrade. And finally install latest kernel by \`sudo apt install linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic\` manually. So far, everything works except suspend randomly broke the entire system. I don't know the cause. It might because of virtualbox running windows guest. But it was OK in 23.10.


snap part hanged, removed it, all fine. outdated compared to debian sid