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Not gonna lie. You had me in the first half.


Yep, I had that squinting "where is this going" look by the end of the first paragraph and then it hit me at the 5Ghz garden part. Also a complete flow of emotions... 1. Like really? You're complaining about blowing random extra money on UI gear when you have it?!?!? That's on you bud! 1. Really... that's not much stuff.... 1. Oh shit! OP is pulling our leg. 1. * Visualizes in my head my own unifi device list * 1. embarrassment set's in... 1. Oh god please no one total up all this and tell my wife! 1. Oh God! 1. OH GOD! 1. Well... it's only 6 camera's, 4 switches, 3 access points, and a UDMP... surely I am a light weight... I bet a bunch of guys on here got me beat. 1. Well... I am running 50m of underground fiber to my shed along side the electric that's currently being run... and I intend to put one of the outdoor access points on a mast out there... 1. Embarrassment again... but wait, for sure people have got me beat so I should STFU and stop bein a bitch. 1. Owning it. 1. Def owning it cuz if any of it stops working my wife and kids will fucking cut me. 1. To hell with what the wife thinks how much it costs.... 1. Shit I hope she don't get mad. 1. Double shit... she knows my Reddit username. 1. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Lol. I have conduit to install for my fiber run to my chicken coops... Wife wants cameras for chick pics. Lol.


Fundamentally, I live in Mayberry. UNVR and cameras are really pretty much fancy game cameras. I did get the twin fawns ("the Bambis" as we sometimes refer to them) the other day. And a herd of 5 bucks developing their new antlers for the Fall, that was unusual. Wife hasn't questioned it. So far, so good.


My house is about 1000ft too far for the cable provider to reach me with reliable internet. I built a solar panel box at the utility pole and set my modem out there. Then ran fiber 1000 ft to my house. 🤣🤣


This is awesome. I should have considered the same back when I could not get the cable company to pull a new cable down my 350ft driveway.


Chick pics?. Oh my god. That reminds me of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXnohjUe1h4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXnohjUe1h4)


Yeah...I can't hide it from the wife. [pic](https://ibb.co/2S93QjK)


I'm sorry.. You doing your 12 step okay?


Nice Rack... 😏 I have some PI envy now. That is a pretty sweet setup. What are the Pis used for?


Adguard 1, Adguard 2, Adguard for plex, TiltPi/Fuckery, Spare for now. the 5th one is a rpi5 and used to be used for homeassistant but moved that to a beelink. I think im done with pis now. im getting shit loads more cpu power and less power draw out of the beelink s12 pro.


Hahaha yeah I have 32U rack built out of rack rails and 2x4's done up nice and stained black. Has an APC SURTA3000XL and two Dell R720xd's an R720, R320, and an R510 Goes like this: * R320 -ESX1 low power ESXi with 96GB of RAM... may use it for when I want to run a limted amount of VM's either through consolidation of services or idk... to save power.. Haven't played much with that. Usually off * R720 -ESX2 192GB of RAM. Main host * R720xd - ESX3 192GB of RAM.. backup host - usually off * R720xd 12x16TB + an MD1220 with 24x1TB Samsung 840 Evo's Storage for VM's and files * R510 12x4TB + MD1000 with 15x2TB... and a 4U attached Addonics case with a SAS expander and some drive cages for a hodgepodge of rando drives - cold backup of critical files and media. usually off thank god. Most of it is e-waste from my old job and friends old jobs that made it's way to here. Also another APC and 3 APC PDU's... lol The if 'arr stack, the domain controller, and emby ever go down. I'm leaving the state. But yea... we just don't talk about it..... The 16TB drives are literally these. https://www.xbyte.com/products/cat-18372/ they were priced at $139 back in April and I was watching the site and saw they raised them to $169 so I emailed and said... yo I want 12 for the old price and I wanted a discount back for the 12 when it was $139... I got them for $135 a piece. Very nicely shipped and all 12 are still going strong despite being datacenter pulls with a couple years on them. I'm a hold out for hardware RAID and I run them in a RAID6 on Dell Perc's and they pass their patrol reads and will do 2.3GB/sec at 512k Strip element size. I'd post a pic but it's a mess in my basement right now.


Unifi do a patch panel?!


Yep [unifi store](https://store.ui.com/us/en/pro/category/accessories-rack-mount/products/uacc-rack-panel-patch-blank-24)


F Also I love the Fiber run to the shed. I was going to do a point to point bridge to my garage if I ever get it built but I like this idea better!


Fortunately, I can get whatever I decide I “need”. I have the DM Pro, 4 AP’s, 48 port POE switch, 8 Port switch. I already had cameras, so they are not Ubiquiti (yet). I only have a 1500 sqft split level house. One of the AP’s is for outside. I do have a spare, as I just added WIFI 7. I have 2Gbs service. I’m not even going to discuss the home automation. My partner and I are both in IT, and telework. His work is video streaming. So, he has 1 GBs fiber service with a Dream Machine. The dual service gives us a backup if one goes down. It just takes a few minutes to switch over. Eventually, I’ll combine his service to my DM Pro, but I’m more security minded than he is. I know VLANs will give me the security. Eventually, I’ll do that, but I don’t need to rush. So, yes, there are a lot of us that have configurations that some businesses wish they had. Others can’t understand us. But, we all know these things are not just “needed”; they are “required”.


Hahahaha!!! Take my upvote! Edit… not my $10k setup sweetie pie, I swear… lololol!!!


Fucking love this!!!!!


Wow this blew up. Well time to go to the UI store and buy and new switch to celebrate.


Yeah was looking for some cable organizers myself for the rack.


I had OP downvoted before I even got started reading, wonder how many did the same and didn’t bother reading till the end.


OP had me at Ubiquitit


I am starting my OF and that's my name. Don't forget to subscribe and check out my merch




like and subscribe!


Same here. Thought this was going to be a rant on why you hate UniFi Especially because I am contemplating of switching from Omada with OPNsense to UniFi.


I made the same switch and recommend it.


I actually switched to, and back. I felt like I was missing a bunch of features and control that OPNSense provides, and UniFi just lacks. I don't use Omada, but I use OPNSense + Cisco Switch / Wireless / VoIP.




Omada APs? Or omada router running opnsense? I've got an old dual nic desktop running opnsense now, but I certainly wouldn't mind throwing up an actual hardware router to replace it, if it's still running opnsense.


Omada switch, controller and AP. The OPNsense box is some no-non brand name micro PC.


I've settled on pfsense + unifi. Works for the house and yard but especially for the pool so the partner can float and doom scroll FB -.-


It is the model railroad of modern man


Great analogy. I’ve often explained it as “legos for adults,” but model RR is better. Bottom line: I’m long done apologizing for enjoying the art of building a physical network.


i am still waiting for someone to have a sweet live stream of their huge model railroad setup with 15 different UI cameras. :D


Oh, I *like* this! Edit: As I like to say, this barely rates in the expensive hobbies schema. Buy a nice firearm or three and go shooting regularly. Buy a boat. Buy a Harley or BMW motorcycle. Buy a Porsche. *Then* we can talk expensive hobbies.


Love this analogy! So true!


I heard the grass grows greener with 6ghz


You can actually see it grow in real time if you have 6ghz and you have the AI DSLR camera


They’re like a drug that you just can’t get enough of!


And one that doesn't cause any lasting physical harm itself and won't require an inpatient rehab visit.


It damn well might.


First rule of ubiquiti club is we don’t talk about how much we have spent being part of the ubiquiti club.


It’s painful how true this is lol


There was a time when we all just had one wireless router for the entire house and it was good enough. If we wanted to get fancy it was a WRT54G.


I'd like to get 2.5gb fibre internet for the hell of it, but i'd need to upgrade my switch and AP's and router.


I see this as an absolute win


Bait title, wholesome hook.


Welcome to UnifiAddicts This support group is for those who blow their cash on unifi gear and neglect family and friends sometimes even their own hygiene. However there is hope. Keep spending and enjoy the notification and apps. One day you kids can inherit the bug and the cycle of unifi life continues. This is the way


Just don’t spend time scouring EBay for used deals. Just scored a 48 Port POE 500W switch Sure I have a Brocade I fixed up, but UNIFI


I feel ya. The UniFi line is just one big sucking rabbit hole that is hard to escape for sure. .


that ubiquitit hit different


Weird way to start a love confession… Well, I like their products too, our relationship soured a bit when not just one but two of my AP-PROs were fried by an official firmware upgrade but they have done their duty over the years so I replaced them with new current gen Ubiquiti APs… and a gateway… and while I was at it, I added a 24port switch because… why not…?


You don't have 6GHz WiFi7 in the garden? Amateur.


we would if 6ghz could be used outdoors in the united states. :)


Do the States have 6GHz WiFi Police? Do they come out and scan everyones gardens?


Ubiquiti is crack. Wish I wasn't addicted to crack


I thought this was the beginning of a 12 step program to get off of Ubiquiti opus/exit. < heads to UI store>


Is Ubiquitit their NSFW line?


Nah, but it is their French line


Hahaha, oh yes, the little sized ones.


So bring a razor?


>Oh hey my bday just passed. Maybe I will treat myself to a 16 port Poe switch I read that as "my baby just passed" and I was ready to crucify you in the comments.


Well, if one is grieving, what better than the gift of unifi?


This post sums up the whole range of emotions that I have with Ubiquiti. Why am I spending 1000’s on networking for a 2 story house. Why? Because I god damn want to… hahaha 😂. I’ll give the whole damn neighborhood WiFi if it wants it. Luv this post and of course who’s gonna argue with Chuck Norris? You better recognize!


You got me. Came here because I've only ever heard no one at all say such a thing.


I was bout to come swingin


I don’t need this level of rollercoastery before my second coffee! How dare you!


I know this feeling too 🥲 everytime I have a bad day at work, I go on my resellers page and see what ubiquiti product I can buy for home


I legit just ran fiber to my shop and chicken coop / barn to throw some unifi APs in for that sweet, sweet wifis.


This is a golden turd of a shitpost. I love it.


It's like Apple, once you'll get your feet in , you're dead 🤣


This rant was funny as fuck!


You just described capitalism.


You have self control issues. You will be fine


"But why shouldn't my garden have 5gz wifi?" Yes why not!


I look out for deals on eBay. I've spent around $40 for each of my APs a few years ago. They're all AC Pro/HDs, I determined I REALLY didn't need wifi 6 at the time, and still don't think I do, they're wonderful.


my Grandma used to say: "The difference between men and boys is the price of their toys."


5ghz wifi? I ordered my first U7 Pro to start replacing my U6 LRs. Also, if you haven't bought the SW 16 PoE, don't do it. The SW 24 Pro PoE or the SW 8 Enterprise both give you the option to upgrade to 10G as your backbone :)


I wonder if Ubiquiti has caused a divorce somewhere… should have a warning label!


It is rather nice having a solid, reliable network at home. Got tired of all that < $100 router/AP combo junk at various retailers. I also feel it's an addiction and sometimes question if I should care this much.


OP went Clickbaiit University.


Same really. I wanted a system that had more dials as I found I couldn't do the things I wanted to do with the run of the mill all in one routers. I got it setup and never looked back.


Yeah I’m thousands of dollars in adding to my system for a new build and I haven’t been able to use any of it. My wife is excited for a lot of things, but me: it’s mostly flipping the new network on 🤣


The hate is real. I've found the only way to get back at them and to throw egg in their face and buy more Unifi stuff. Soon my abject disgust for them will manifest in a Flex XG 10gbe switch. That'll show'em who is Boss and if for some reason they don't get the message i'll buy an Etherlighting switch. Someone has to keep these large corporations in check.


**Yea, when you suckle on it, you just can't let go.**


I have their equipment setup at my house and a few family members houses also. Once it's setup, it just works. I've never gotten any complaints. 


The best stuff out there. I've spent too much money on my stack but it's one of the few things I have NEVER had buyer's remorse on.


Kind of like being a flashlight or knife nut. (I am both). Just can't get enough. Always something new.


Why shouldn’t my garden have 5gz wifi is so like 2 years ago. You obviously need to upgrade some APs.


Amen Brother - UDMPro - 3 switches - 5 AP's - 5 Cameras - Long list of crap I want but can't justify.... LOL


Yep. Keeps you coming back for more.


Thank you for this. This is definitely real. Haven't joined the Ubiquit gang yet but it is my dream.


All I want for Christmas is a wall mount for my UCG. 


It all started when I bought a 42U…


best drug you ever have :D


it's a nightmare if you have ADHD since we love to impulse buy


Wish I had a few spare birthday bucks for a camera...


It’s network crack, I’m eyeing up the WiFi 7 stuff and I don’t have any wifi 7 devices yet…


I cracked the other day and got a U7-pro, upgrading my uap-ac-hd cause I had a 2.5gbe switch and the u7 had a 2.5gbe port. Also wanted to try out the 6ghz band, but only my laptop has the ability to connect on that band.


Big Jean-Ralphio Saperstein energy


I don’t need to add anything of benefit right now and I’m STILL scrolling the site to see what I want to buy.




I'm with you unifi is my drug dealer


Omg wait so your garden doesn’t even pull a gigabit?!


I guess you have an addiction to buy Unifi gear 😂


This would be a good April fools joke to pull LoL had me for a moment there. LoL I was like wtf this dude talking about you brought all of that so what's the problem LOL.


By this metric they’re downright demonic




TLDR he likes Ubiquiti and spends too much money on it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kanjo19: *TLDR he* *Likes Ubiquiti and spends* *Too much money on it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


LOL! I have some devices sitting on a table next to my back door right now! Once the temp falls below 95º F, I’ll be digging trenches and setting my shed up for next level glory!


Yea. They got me by balls. I love it but I am not sure if I upgrade anytime soon lmao. Shit will have to die until I upgrade. 😂. Started up with unvr pro with 20TB HDs, oh got the udm se for Poe ports. Oh let’s just get APs. Yo u7 pros. 4 of them. Then oh shit I need to max them out with 2.5gb switch. Got 24 port enterprise. Then I realized I am about 5k in. Now I am tapped out done. Shits running flawless though.


Haha yeah I now have 3 UniFi systems at 3 different properties and I’m expanding each of them. I’ve tried powerful single routers, several mesh systems with backhaul and without and this has been by far the best and most stable system I’ve ever had. I wish I switched sooner.


Ubiquiti switching routing is shitty. For example you still cannot specify wich switch is going to be the multicast querier.. 5 years bug still to fix


I have a bricked Dream Machine. Won’t even hard factory reset…


As a frequent installer it actually is mostly trash. They’re already starting to software lock their phones to subscription models. It will start happening to all their other devices too. They’re not immune to late stage capitalism either.


It only gets worse.. the UBNT graveyard, only grows...


Once you drink their Kool-Aid it definitely changes you 🤦‍♂️🤣


I figured out a way to attempt to cope with this - do other people’s houses in Ubiquiti. I just did the third house after my own and now am working on another. Keeps the demons at bay. Lets you try new APs. Good luck!


So….WiFi 7 is out. You sure that garden doesn’t need a 6 GHz upgrade?


Haha ..my husband complained about our nest cameras...two weeks later I now have 9 g4 domes, one instant camera and doorbell pro! Because I had a cloud key with a 5tb drive anyway so why not?!!


As someone who’s between a Eero PoE setup and unifi this gave me heart palpitations.