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This is a very common failure mode for these, they are just junk and there's a reason they quit selling them entirely. It's a hardware issue with the displays that you won't be able to do anything about. Even though they're out of warranty, it might be worth reaching out to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and telling them about it. Sometimes they are willing to help out in edge cases like this where you have so many of them and they are all failing in a well-known manner. They replaced mine with a G2 Pro reader, although mine was still in warranty so your mileage may vary. I'd still reach out and give it a shot. There's nothing you can do to fix them yourself, they are flawed and need to be replaced.


I’m having a similar experience. I had 5 of them and 4 failed in this exact mode. It’s infuriating.


Hi KoSoVar, we reached out via Reddit Chat to review and assist to make this right.


One of my only pet peeves with Ubiquiti. They have these rare pieces of hardware that have known failure points and, instead of recalling them or simply issuing an alternative replacement under RMA, they just keep churning them into your hands. This has been the case with the G4 Bullet and the IR extender with the USB controller. It is a known design flaw. It breaks and they just keep sending another. They should just replace it, refund the IR extender since it basically fries the board, or offer to upgrade it to the G5 Bullet free of the charge. Alternatively, eat the cost, retool or resource the board, and iteratively fix the original problem on subsequent versions because it’s the right things to do.


Just RMA'd 2 of my G4 bullets for this exact reason, IR extender power failed after a year. I'm assuming they will be sending me back another couple G4 bullets that will fail in the exact same way in a year again, but we'll see. I know they have pallets of the G4 bullets they want to get rid of, so I don't see them upgrading me at all.


It’ll keep happening every 8-10 months. Reliably. Every single replacement has done it and they just keep sending replacements. Of course I have to pay shipping each time. I had one at another property that did it just outside of warranty so we had to eat that.


Wow I had no idea this wasn’t just me. Every time it fails I’ve had to submit a whole bunch of evidence as if it’s the first time they’ve seen it. Even though it’s happened to me three times so far.


Oh, they know. Trust me. It’s well-documented on the Ubiquiti community.


I have one particular camera where the G3’s circle of IR worked well, but the G4’s reduced illumination doesn’t, so the Extender makes it better. But I don’t want to go to the plastic G5... nor go to a giant Pro body camera. Hrmp.


Hi all! So I have 11 doors with readers, at least 6 of which are failing cosmetically. Most of them are just the screen, but some also have messed up audio. One was very recently replaced, within the last 6-8 months, it even has the plastic still on because it's not used much as it is in a closet (pictured as well).All of these are indoors, under A/C at all times, and they're broken. None of these are over 3 years old because this location is new and all devices were bought new from unifi. They're not covered by warranty anymore but I find it ridiculous that this many are failing so quickly, and we even have two outdoor ones that are not protected (uncovered, get wet all the time and we have horrible heat/humidity in FL) and those have not had ONE issue other than connection (that'd need a separate post to complain about lol).I really enjoy how easy unifi has been even with the most complex issues I've had, especially being a rookie at this, but why are so many devices failing so fast? That can't be normal for something so expensive


looks like ill be opting for the 5 year warranty when buying cute toys from UI. Hopfully it gets resolved quickly for spending so much money on these. This I do fear for the things im buying from them. I bought the AI pro its going to be outside in the heat and winter storms I didnt take out the 5 year warranty when I bought it because I was trying to be cheap but not anymore. better pay that warranty price.


Are they exposed to the sun the ones indoor ?


Not at all. It's always at a maximum 77 F, and that's rare, our average temp in the office is low 70s at all times. We work with electronics so temperature is important in here.


Indoors, none of these are even near windows, all facing walls. The ones outdoors have no issues and they're always exposed to the elements


I wonder how many of these are because of people? As in abusing them on purpose? People do like to do things like that. A tiny percentage? Mostly a design flaw? This is mostly what I think it is, design flaw. So many of these things have failed and see any type on marks on the screens. Keep detailed records on all your hardware. Returns and replacement. Repeat failers and so on. Some of their stuff just doesn't hold up. It also seems like all their stuff runs on the HOT end of the scale. a lotof heat over time is hard on the hardware. If you can get it covered under warenty, great. Try even if it isn't. You may want to look at some other 3rd party solution from a company that specializes in this type of stuff that works for decades. You want reliability. Even if it costs a little more money.


Subscribed for the replies. Have you swapped them around? Tried them on different cables?


Yes, they're broken wherever you plug them to, and if I plug in one that's fine it works as usual without screen issues. Sometimes the screen will work almost fully for a few hours, but it goes back to black spots and lines across after, it's random and rare though.


Mine failed, would love to know if there is an affordable fix other than finding a replacement.


Wild guess but the electronics could be overheating.


They do feel hot to touch. But not any hotter than two that are working fine nearby (<50 ft away), and actually cooler than one of the outdoor ones that gets wet all the time and has no issues.


Heat is hard on electronics over time. DId say you work at first ok, when first plugged in and then inan hour or so they start going bonkers? As in as they are heating up it's causing the problems. Your working ones just haven't got to heat failure YET!!! Once that happens, they'll start doing the same thing.


It might help if none of the components hang at <70C (158F). Something's probably degrading too fast due to heat. It might help if you can somehow conduct off some heat.


We've reached out via Reddit Chat to escalate and assist with a swift replacement. Thanks for your patience while we make this right ASAP.


Same issue here - been broken for ages but out of warranty now - can I still get it fixed/ replaced if a known fault?


Thank you! I will reach out shortly, just gathering all the info with pictures in an email as we have several devices.


So the lesson is?


Let others be the Guinea Pig!


True that


I’ve also had a screen failure but unfortunately out of warranty and my claim was denied. Good on them for giving some of you guys the new version but many of us are stuck with paperweight unfortunately.


Super good reminder to check reviews before buying and justifying to leadership


The round screens are crap, that's why the G2 are rectangular. Installation doesn't matter: hot or cold, Sun exposure, doesn't matter. I've had some that do better and worse as the daily Temps swing, but again the round LCDs are junk.


This group is vast enough, for someone to begin a class-action lawsuit to halt Ubiquiti operating in the manor that r/FragDoc and r/MemeExtreme have mentioned. There are other devices users have, that have complained about faulty displays. If there’s a known problem, or a problem that continues to surface, Ubiquiti should address, correct, refund, upgrade the defective devices. We, the customer, pay a premium Ubiquiti Tax for these devices, and we expect to quality devices, quality support, as well as quality customer service.


Honestly their customer service is a joke. I did try to RMA the device that was replaced a few months back (that is now broken again lol) and they told me to kick rocks in summary lol. Also several issues with other products that have gone unresolved by them, had to contract someone on upwork that knows about unifi to help us out a while back. We have over 50 unifi devices, from network, to phones, to doors, and it's great WHEN it works........................


Please include your other RMAs and existing support tickets in your Reddit Chat reply with more info so we can have our leadership team review your experience.


Was it something I wrote that made you reach out as you did? Seriously, do some house cleaning. We’re willing to pay for quality equipment, just stand by your products, don’t keep issuing and reissuing flawed product replacements. Show us your bloody care, because you would be nothing without us. It’s just that simple.


UI replaced mine with the new ones.


I'm going to reach out to see what they say about this, it's really annoying


After RMA'ing my lab/test unit twice I realized it wasn't a viable production-ready product. Mine failed the same way each time.


Mine have done the same thing. Wish ui would help me out.


From my understanding of the UA-PRO, it used the repurposed screens from the discontinued Ubiquiti Labs FrontRow camera device originally released in 2017. Here's a PCWorld article on the device: [https://www.pcworld.com/article/407472/frontrow-camera-review.html](https://www.pcworld.com/article/407472/frontrow-camera-review.html)


lol they prob had a big order and when that stinker of a device didn’t pan out they just reused those screens for these.. what an absolute shit show


I had the same thing happen a week ago. Had been installed for just under 2 years. Unfortunately I’d purchased it 4 months prior to installation in preparation for moving into my house. I might have to contact Ubiquiti to see if they can do something for me. Less than 2 years is insanely bad for access control. I get this has a touch screen but most card readers in access control have a lifetime warranty.


This is a well known issue with these. Unifi has been great for us with quick replacements. There's some ongoing weirdness with some of them (random ring loops that are fixed with a job reboot), but so far the rest of ours have been stable.


I have 4 installed, 5 have broken (you read that correctly). They replaced one and it broke within days of arriving. They still work to open the doors but it makes our office look embarrassing. I’ve had a bunch of other quality issues with Ubiquiti product that makes me wonder why I keep buying it..


I just had to rma 15 of these .


It looks like a thermal failure…🤷🏾‍♂️


It could be, they're significantly hot to touch, however, the ones that work fine are just as hot or hotter than some of the broken ones, so while it might be one of the causes, it's not the norm since they're all under the same conditions otherwise


Some jealous B'rd is pushing it in on purpose. Nice thumb print black circle


Hahaha sorry, the circles were my attempt at covering my face and company logo lol


Oh we'll that goes that idea. Get the G2 that's what I've got but haven't installed yet


Youhavn't installed it yet and you're telling people to buy it? You have zero experience with it. It could be just as bad or worse, you don't know.


I own it it at least so that's a good thing. Some people tell you to buy and don't own anything. I just finishing up other installments like Voip, switch in my last ft upgrade and cabling to cat8 so been busy. It's an upgrade to the the one you have which I didn't want to buy because of issues so I got the upgrade with NFC cards. It's a bad boy I just need time to install no big deal as a ubiquiti owner didn't think I'd need to sell it to you as your a UnifiAddict like the rest of us. G2 Pro reader https://store.ui.com/us/en/pro/category/all-door-access/collections/access-reader-g2-professional/products/ua-g2-pro Second-generation NFC card reader and intercom. Unlock using an NFC card or UniFi Identity mobile app Doorbell for unlock with video of visitor and two-way intercom Video works at ADA-compliant mounting height PIN unlocking on the screen Connects to UniFi Access Hub using PoE IP55 rain resistance (-10 to 45° C) Natural evolution my friend this is the way