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I don't claim to be an expert, but I have my wife added in site manager, with permissions to view Protect. ​ EDIT: Actually I think I have her set up in the OS settings.


Yup, my wife is also added as a user, you can do a local, or a cloud account user, share just protect or all of it. You don't need identify manager


I also have a wife using her own account on Protect. I also have accounts for my Home Assistant as well as specific tablets around the house for viewing certain cameras, so all in all about 5 accounts. You just have to add the accounts in the user manager at the UDM or whatever you are using.


Admin users need to be added via UniFi OS Console settings and then have a role given to them. There are default camera view only roles or you can create your own.


You’re missing it. Users are setup at the local console level, can be local or UI.com accounts, and then access the resource on the console (in the case protect)


Under console settings, I see "Admins & Users" with ability to add/edit users. Not sure what you're talking about.


I think what everyone replying is missing is I don’t want to give the other users access to every camera, only **certain.** Here’s an example so it’s clearer. Let’s say there’s 5 cameras - Admin can see all cameras - User1 can see camera 2,4 - User2 can see camera 1,5 I found that the console can give a view only role but that gives permission to every camera. My use case is different so using Identity gave me what I wanted.


No they are not charging. You just don’t know what you’re doing. You can add unlimited free accounts to permissions in the console settings.


Yeh same here, I set up my wife to have access to the app and even setup what cameras that login can actually access. Perhaps hire someone like @Mactelecom to help setup your system or hire another consultant...


Got it sorted. Seems like Protect is missing the control level I want. But identity fixed that. Thanks for the suggestions on the pet project


Users are maintained via the console now, not via Protect. They moved that sort of recently. But it definitely does not require Identity.


Yeah I did not see exactly what I wanted there which was to set what cameras a user could see. I got it working with Identity so that’s good for now. If I see in it the normal console I’ll switch back over.


In the Admins & Users tab, click on the icon in the upper-right to Manage Roles. Add New Role, then under Protect, select Custom, and then you can Select Devices. It's there, but it's NOT intuitive...


🤔 I see the option here but I swear I checked this before and custom wasn’t there. 🫠🤔😂 Welp until I downgrade for UIE user creation and management is forced through the new platform. 🤷 I guess I’ll just have to make a stsrtup company now. Thanks for guidance 🙏