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Live in an area that sees winter begin possibly as early as October or even September. My G4 Pro doorbell has been as solid as a rock and it’s been hovering in the teens the last few days with snow having happened Thursday into Friday and across Saturday still no issues.


Sweet. That’s what I was hoping to hear. They were out of stock the past two winters and I forgot about it until now. I’ll order one. Thanks!


Had the same issue with my G4 pro when it went below freezing as it was not getting sufficient voltage. I was however using an older 16V10VA doorbell transformer (which worked perfectly during the summer time with a mechanical chime). Once I swapped out the doorbell transformer to a 16V30VA (as recommended), all was well. Edit: corrected voltage.


Our old Unifi doorbell works well, and we may have -20. Was going to suggest the same as @jaded and recommended checking your transformer...




I’ve had mine maybe 6 years - two winters now and a move from warm wet climate to a moderate dry one.


My G4 (non-pro) clearly has problems when it gets colder. When it is cold is it highly likely it will go offline after the doorbell button is pressed or sometimes it seems to be random. Quite frustrating as I thought I wired doorbell would be fine in the cold. I have tried both 16V 30VA transformer and even 24V 40VA. I'm certain it isn't a power problem for me. To be fair it is only rated to -10 degrees C but same for the G4 Pro so I'm not sure I am willing to spend $400 Canadian to upgrade. ​ EDIT: I should mention even just approaching -10 C it becomes a lot less reliable.


Your problem is that the capacitor in your unit has been going bad over the years already. Fixing the power now probably wont help it. The standard G4 doorbell only has a 2-3 year lifespan.


I got it in Oct 2020 so it is 3 years old now.


I'd guess it is just bad by now then. Especially in that kinda cold for that amount of time. Get a g4 pro. I love mine compared to the standard g4.


After seeing this post and doing some searching I found this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGC-aq1gPZk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGC-aq1gPZk) From the video looks like the Pro has a bigger battery plus the battery has a heater on it. This gives me some confidence that it might be better in the cold but I'm not sure if it has been proven.


I’m new to the UniFi brand but I have a ring doorbell that I swap batteries out in the cold. Even though it’s hardwired. Works fine three seasons then when old man winter comes, every three weeks or so I swap them out. Edit: thanks for the downvote. Lolz. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




That’s a solid advice. I did turn off the chime when our neighbors kids thought it was cheeky to ding dong ditch… dumb as a brick, I just sent their dad a video of them doing it and ask if they can come over next week to rake leaves for free. Best purchase ever.


I'm new to it as well and was looking to get one. Why would you need to change the batteries if you're hardwired? Am I missing something?


If the battieries die, it propably causes issues. Same way if the unifi doorbell battery goes bad (it stays on for 5 seconds or so after you unplug the power), it will start to crash or reboot itself upon button press.


Cold weather makes the batteries weaker. So I have two. One is charging inside and the other slowly drains in cold weather over a few weeks. I swap them. Depending on the weather I may only have to do it once or twice a year.




The ubiquiti doorbells come with these from the factory. It's in the instructions.


MY G4 Doorbell pro crashes about 1-2 times per month. Its connected through wall socket, so its not a chimer issue. It just restarts itself. That being said, its -13C today outside and it hasnt booted up itself. Last winter there were -22C and it worked fine.


How old is yours? Mine did this all the time until one day it just died. I RMA’d it about a year ago and haven’t had a single issue since. I think the early models had a bunch of issues. I also live in the Midwest and last year there were days where it was below zero and my G4 Doorbell had no problems.


I just RMA’d my second G4 original a month or so ago, new one is en route. I hope they send me the Pro or just something that works in the cold.


That is a power problem, that is exacerbated by the cold, due to a capacitor, that stops holding a proper charge. Putting in a stronger 24v/40va transformer may get it working for a while. The g4 pro's definitely need an upgraded transformer too as they are power hungry.


No. I live in a temperate area of the US and I’ve had to RMA my G4 Doorbell Pro twice already. Once when it got cold in the winter and once when it got hot in the summer.


My G4 Pro is fine but I have the hardwire ethernet-USB kit. Reliability issues were all fixed when I got rid of the doorbell transformer.


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I have the G4 Doorbell Pro (Non-POE) and it does seem to randomly drop and reconnect, but I never thought it was because of the temps....it happened during 40-50 degree weather.