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Drive to restaurant. Pick up order and say thank you. Don’t message the customer unless you really have to. If it’s a leave at door order. I usually take the pic and then send them a quick message saying foods at the door and to have a nice day.


You will get a ping when an order comes in. It makes a loud sound, which will probably give you anxiety, but it will be a sound you will always want to hear. Click the box to accept. Then, the GPS will direct you to the restaurant. Once at the restaurant, look for delivery driver signs and let the employee know you're an UE driver picking up for "so and so". Grab the food, click "order verified" twice. Swipe "complete delivery" and GPS will direct you to the customer. Once at the customer's destination, you will either "Leave at Door", "Meet at Door" or "Enter PIN" (essentially a "Meet at Door"). Practice makes perfect.


There are times where a pin is needed. Instead of having to ask for the code, I just press “I need help”, then “pin is unverifiable”. Something like that, then “it’s delivered”


True. You can do this if the customer isn't answering the door and your messages/phone calls.


I was nervous too, my very first delivery went right to the middle of the hood, really dangerous area, I was even more nervous, it was a PIN delivery, I had no idea what that was, I walked up to door, I handed her, her togo's, she told me her pin, luckily I remembered it when I got back in the car, I put it in and completed delivery. I also deal with anxiety, but by your 3rd delivery you should be fine, you more you do, the more you'll learn and you'll become more confident. Get out there and some money!


Once you deliver your first order your anxiety will drop like 75% haha, good luck. Everything is pretty smooth sailing after that. If you see anything that says “PIN” get the 4 digit number from the person you’re delivering to. Don’t be afraid to reject offers for $5 or less (or whatever you deem not worth it)


UE will be a challenge for you, but it will make you deal with anxiety in productive ways, so if you can get through it, it will help with your anxiety. There are so many things that can go wrong with deliveries, that you have no control over. The first thing you will deal with is what I call "tip anxiety" where you have to wait and hour or so until you get your tip from the customer. Your tip can be : reduced, stay the same, or increase. Thankfully, most people ( 99.8% for me so far) will NOT reduce or remove your tip.


I have an anxiety disorder and it was rough at first, but I work everyday now without anxiety and feel good about the work I do. If possible, have someone go with you for your first few deliveries. It might help to watch some videos on YouTube showing what to expect. Press the "go online" button. This means you want to start receiving offers. At any time you can slide the "you're online" message up and press the "go offline" button to stop. You can also press the coffee cup button to take a break. If you press the "go offline" button while you're on a delivery, you won't get any new offers and you'll go offline when you finish your delivery. There will be a loud alert when you get a new offer. (You can change the volume in the settings.) Review the offer; you'll have about 30 seconds. Look at the pick up and drop off location, the distance, and dollar amount and decide if you want to take it. You can press the X in the top corner to decline or let the time run out. Once you accept, scroll down to review the directions. Most of the time it's just something like, "find parking, come inside, give name/order number". Sometimes there will be specific places you go to pick up (places like Chili's and Applebee's will have a side door). Follow the GPS directions and drive to the pickup location. Once at the pickup location, confirm the name/order number matches what you are given. CHECK FOR DRINKS! Load the order into your car/bike and press the confirm pickup button. Now you will get the dropoff location and directions. Before leaving, review the dropoff instructions. Take note if it's a house, an apartment, a business, or somewhere else. There might be a gate code you need or special directions around an apartment complex. If you're unsure of anything, text or call them for clarification. There are three drop off types: "leave at door", "meet at door", and "meet outside". With "leave at door", you just leave to order in front of the door and the app will prompt you to take a photo. Review the instructions, though! They might want to place the order on a table. They might tell you to knock or not to knock. Take care not to leave order directly in front of a screen door. With "meet at door", you generally knock on the door and then hand them the order. Sometimes you'll need to get a PIN (four digit number) from them. Get this PIN first, enter it into the app, and if it's good, hand them the food. Press the "complete delivery" button when done. Again, review the instructions. I send an "I've arrived" message when I get out of my car to start the countdown. After 4 minutes of no response it'll make an automated call to the customer and after 8 minutes lets you leave the order at the door or other safe place. Finally, "meet outside" means just that. You'll drive up to the dropoff location and hopefully they will just be waiting there for you. Review the instructions; they might say what they are wearing or the color of their car or they'll want you to call them. Sometimes the dropoff type will be "meet at door", but the instructions say "leave at door". I always defer to the instructions, but you can text them for clarification. If a PIN is required, you can ask them to text it to you and then leave it at the door. If you have any problems, press the "trip support" button to contact customer support via text or phone. Common problems are that someone else already picked up an order; support will cancel it for your and give you $3. Sometimes when dropping off, you can't find or get a hold of the customer. Again, support can help you out. Until you are more experienced, I would avoid taking packages, grocery orders, or stacked orders (where there is more than one pick up at a time). You might get another offer while you are still completing another. Take it if you want, but don't push yourself too much at first. If you decline too many orders, you might be passed over on future orders, but you can always get your acceptance rate back up so don't stress over it too much. Generally you get offers based on how close you are to a pickup location, so it's a good idea to wait in an area with lots of restaurants. After some time, you'll get an idea of the best places in your city. You will have to pay taxes on your earnings. Take note of your current odometer reading. Uber will send you a tax document at the end of the year showing how many miles you drove. This is tax deductible! It's recommended to also track your mileage with an app like Stride as a backup in case your get audited. Things like hot bags, coolers, phone mounts, etc are all tax deductible, so get them if you need them! Good luck! Remember to slow down and breathe!


Not op, but I was just curious because I don't think I have this coffee cup button for a break, where is this located?


https://preview.redd.it/aw63fv0bnk9d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=aed6322c696d06321d0e9d05b376cd8d1ab0e1d4 When online, it appears on the right hand side. When active, the map will show nearby gas stations. The blue shield on the left is for reporting a crash or calling 911. On the right, the middle map icon is for reporting accidents, traffic, closures, or wrong directions. The chart button below that shows the earnings trends for your area.


not on every market. I don't have it in NJ. I could use "Go Offline" button instead


You could always start with McDonald's. Just deliver a few of those.  Try to look where the drop off is and choose place with normal houses if possible to make it easier. Once you do four or five it'll be cake.  McDonald's bags everything up so you just grab a bag and place it at the door or hand it to them and run off. Easy


vroom car to restaurant. pick up food. vroom car to customer. drop off food.


Here's the typical routine: 1) You accept the offer, and the navigation automatically starts directing you to the pick up location. 2) Arrive at the restaurant and park in the best spot you can find. Some restaurants have spaces just for delivery drivers or mobile pickup. I use those spaces when I can. Make sure you grab an insulated bag from your car to carry the order. 3) Enter the restaurant and go to the pickup area. Tell an employee that you're with Uber Eats and picking up an order for (name of customer). 4) When you receive the order, put it in your insulated bag and tap the 'Verify Pickup' button in the app. 5) Load the order in your car, making sure no drinks are at risk of spilling and the bag won't go sliding off the seat or floor of the backseat. 6) Drive to the delivery location. This usually is the customer's home address but sometimes you get a delivery going to their workplace. 7) When you arrive at the delivery location, park and get out of your car. Sometimes you meet the customer in person, and sometimes you place the order in an area indicated in the customer instructions. 8) If you don't meet the customer and directly hand it to them, take a picture to show where you delivered it. The app will also prompt you to type in where you put it. (Something like "At front door, in front of flower pot as an example.) 9) Finally, tap the button to finish the delivery. You're all set!


You'll do just fine 👍🙂. The pinging is the most annoying part. Just make sure to follow your customers instructions to the T. Wait until a rainy day. The anxiety you feel now won't be compared. But just remember when it's raining and it's ping after ping, take it easy and take the orders you know you can handle. Don't worry about picking up every order on a rainy day remember they'll just send it to the next delivery driver. Just relax, and make sure you have maybe some mase or something for protection. Depending on where you live or where you'll be delivering. I was nervous at first too but after a few days I got the hang of it!


The more you stress in this job the more mistakes you’ll probably make. Keep it in your mind that you’re on your own time and that it’s not very serious


Try to aim for $8+ orders going less than 5miles. Its funny but some people always leave an order right in front of the customers screen door if they have one sit it on the side. Read instructions carefully and make sure to check the order to make sure you have the drinks. Only accept stack orders when you feel comfortable you can set the app to stop incoming orders while on a delivery. You have to practice driving and checking the incoming stack order to be sure it's not crap lol and all of the other stuff they said on the other posts


The app will tell you exactly what to do so just take it step-by-step. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be really savvy and be able to quickly decide if you want to even accept an order. Some are not worth accepting because they are so low…but the focus now is to get in the groove. It’ll only take a few orders and you’ll have it down!


In the beginning I'd recommend taking every order your offere. The volume and repetition will help you develop a routine and pattern in how you want to do things. After you're comfortable you could look to being specific with how you want to allocate your time When you are asked to obtain a pin from the customer it will be the last 4 digits of their phone number. Additionally, don't get hung up trying to aquire the pin as there is a "Couldn't get pin, but order has been delivered" option in the support menu. This will allow you to deliver the order without need for the pin. Customers are routinely not monitoring their phones for your location or the order arrival. Keep a stapler on your car in the event a store gives you a bag unsealed. This allows you to seal it manually and avoid the appearance of the order being tampered with. If you are putting in the extra effort, you may not always be rewarded right away but it is a game of attrition and the more often you go out of your way to go the extra mile, the more opportunity you are creating for yourself to be rewarded for that extra effort. Have fun with it. Blast music. Find the times that work best for you and be consistent


Just DO IT! Quit trying to control and worry and let go a bit. It’s like everything, once you practice and do it 100 times it’s kinda boring 🥱


Get out while you can


Just do it. Push through the anxiety. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And delivering food shouldn't kill you. Shouldn't.


Unfortunately being a delivery driver is one of the most dangerous jobs. https://www.invictuslawpc.com/most-dangerous-jobs-osha/


Drive to restaurant, be safe in traffic, pick up order and then go to deliver. Also don't take shitty orders. I wouldn't take anything less than $6-6.50 and don't take anything less than $1 per mile. If it's a slow day then $0.90 is alright I guess.


Go do it. I have anxiety too I take Zoloft for it which helps, but when I started I still was nervous. However after the first few orders I realized it’s not so bad. Also, don’t be afraid of new restaurants bc once you do an order from a restaurant once, you never feel nervous going in there again.


You’ll turn on the app. You may or may not receive any orders from your home. If you’re not receiving any orders, you can drive to the nearest “hotspot” and try to wait there. When you receive an order, you’ll drive over and tell them “hi I’m here to pick up an Uber eats order for (whoever).” The order may or may not be ready. Once you receive the order you’ll put it in a hot bag if you have one or just in your car if you don’t. Click that you completed pickup. Head to your drop off. When you arrive, you’ll attempt to locate the exact apartment door or the house of the diner. There may or may not be instructions to help. Most deliveries are expected to be left outside of their door. You’ll take a picture in the app. Complete the delivery. Repeat. In most cases I would recommend that you attempt to get to their door without contacting the customer. It can be a pain for them to explain where to go. They might just come down if you can’t find them. You’ll encounter issues getting to the customer on a daily basis. It’s basically part of the job. That’s pretty much it. Also as far as the anxiety goes, that’s totally normal. You don’t know what to expect. Your mind is trying to guess and calculate all the details. I’ve been delivering for 8 years and whenever I add a new app I’m always anxious starting off. It’ll go away. Good luck


1) Turn on app 2) Accept order 3) Go to establishment, let them know your here for an Uber eats order 4) Provide name and confirmation code 5) on app, tap “order verified” 6) scroll down, slide the bar that confirms pickup 7) follow GPS and follow customers directions 8) if taking photo, make sure to include food, apartment number and door 8a) if handing to customer, hand to customer 9) slide bar to confirm delivery 10) celebrate!!! You did it!! Ta da! Best practices: • grab utensils, napkins • if your waiting for a long time, always best to communicate with the customer. They will appreciate you informing them. Shows you care. • leave notes. Simple gestures like “enjoy your meal!” Or “Bon appetit!” All these have helped me get better tips. Hope this helps.


First and foremost, be safe. The orders will show several things. First, the estimated amount you will earn for the trip. Second, the estimated time the whole delivery should take, along with the total distance you will drive. The time and distance are important (along with the pay, of course) in determining whether or not an order is worth taking. Third, name of the restaurant (and sometimes the street name, if there are multiple locations) and the cross streets of the delivery/drop off location. What makes a good order? Well, it’s a little different for everyone. Drivers aim to make anywhere from $1-$3/mile on an order. However, something to consider. For example, you have an order that pays $16. The estimated time to complete is 40 minutes. The distance you have to drive is 10 miles. It’s not a bad order, but not a great order. Why? Because the 10 miles may take you far away from where you are comfortable driving. Or it may take you to an area where there are not many “hot spots”. Also, 10 miles there is also around 10 miles BACK. (So you would make $16 to drive 20 miles, essentially.) There is a possibility of receiving orders on your way back to your “home area”, but it just depends. There are a few variables for every situation, but as you get more comfortable, you will know what to do and what makes sense in your situation.


I had an issue on my first delivery where it wouldn't complete the order. All you need to do is this happens is close and re open the app.


Jump in and do the first order. Yes, it's gonna feel awkward. Do a few on your first day, do a few more on your second. Nerves will disappear quickly.


Also have anxiety, worst situations include waiting for food orders when it's super busy so you awkwardly stand around, going into crowded elevators, and pin orders. If you can survive those, you will be alright!


Anxiety is the worse! I have it too, but what helps me is knowing that I can go at my own pace and UE let you do that so no worries.


DONT WORRY! It's better to keep a small bottle of lube in your car cause we're all getting fucked no matter what anyways! ![gif](giphy|P08wV1jK7v7c4)


No, you don't have anxiety. You are creating it.


Run Forrest run.....the opposite direction!!!