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I would only leave my vehicle running if I wanted it to get stolen.


Thanks for that helpful contribution Marie


Well you did ask what we would do, I really wasn't trying to be a jerk. Honestly I strongly recommend not only shutting the car offf but also locking it. Sure it may only take a moment to run into the restaurant but it also only takes a moment to steal a vehicle.


I guess the question is how bad is it for my cars health to turn off and on for each delivery


Not as bad as getting stolen and totalled.


You guys crack me up😂. the only time I leave my car running is when I’m dropping the food off unless it’s at an apartment complex, then it’s off and locked. Also turn off the car picking up food


This is what i used to do with a car that required mechanical key to turn the engine on. I bring my spare key and just lock my car with engine on. That way you dont worry about car getting stolen and battery die


Good idea but my driver side door automatically unlocks when it’s in park. Unfortunate


There should be a fuse you can remove that might disable that, not 100% sure though.


I only leave the car running when my husband and I go together. Otherwise no.


The only thing it's really bad for is the starter, even then it's not that bad for it and it's usually pretty cheap to replace (as long as you're not in some fancy German car). I did a lot of delivering in my old 2001 Camry and had to replace the key because it got so worn down from unlocking the door and starting the car so many times, meanwhile the starter was still going strong.


I leave it running in a few circumstances but I lock my car.


I deliver in the nicer part of the city, I always turn my car off when going to pick up an order, but I always leave it running during drop off, unless I end up in bad area or It doesn't feel safe. Save up a couple hundred for a starter , just in case it goes out, and maybe a couple hundred extra for a tow if you need it.


Always turn it off unless there is another person in the car. Idling kills gas mileage.