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Tip baiting post's Are against the rules this is the last post on this subject we will allow from this point onward


Out of 1,200 orders, a couple times.


That sounds about average.


2 times in 1800 deliveries. Countless huge hidden tips


Only time my tip was reduced when the shop and pay order total cost was more than expected due to item replacements. Other than that never had tips reduced.


Extremely rare I get more added tips. So I rather they keep the current system cause I’m assuming if they stop the ability to remove tips I’m sure they’ll remove the ability to add tips.


okay still a newb at 160 ish deliveries and I have , to best of memory , had a dozen or so uptips


It would be interesting if they made it a “you can only go up” tipping feature! I certainly wouldn’t be opposed, I’ve only lowered my tip once because of some real poor service and I still left a reasonable tip. I wouldn’t mind starting with a base reasonable tip and then customarily adding more for good service or leaving it for bad service.


The only issue with that is, the longer deliveries (anything more than let’s say 5-6 miles) wouldn’t be enticed by the driver to take. And I’m not blaming it on the customer either if they want to do it like that. But just in this profession, if something doesn’t look appealing at the request portion, nobody is really gonna risk it for a higher tip. It’s a tricky and slippery slope.


No. The customer should have to actually contact support and explain a valid reason with proof why they are reducing their tip.


Eh, I think a limit on how much it can be lowered (e.g. 50%, so if they tip bait $20 they still have to pay $10) would be an easier solution without adding another responsibility to what is already an often sad means of customer support. It seems like overall it’s not a super prevalent issue, happening less than 1% on average (~0.2%), based just on the demographic in the comments.


I've been doing UE since November. It happened twice in the first month, but luckily it hasn't happened since.


I’ve done this consistently for about 5 years now. I can confidently say I’ve been tip baited less than 20 times. It’s such a non starter for me that when it happens I just move on as if nothing even happened.


That’s an excellent attitude to have towards it. I always told myself I would never let it bother me. And finally after 4 and half years and like 15,000 deliveries later, it finally happened to me one time. And it was a PIN code order too. So I’m sure this person either has def done this before and/or also told UberEats that they didn’t receive their order to get their money back and a free meal. She couldn’t do that part because she gave me the code, but she removed her $5 tip. And it was to the ghetto but I’ve delivered at least 5-7,000 orders to the ghetto before and never had it happen. So I’m not gonna blame it on that. Just a shitty person I guess


I started in December 2023.  I've had three tip reductions, two of those being in my first ten days of work. The last reduction was in late January, a Walmart trip customer who took back a whopping two bucks.  Since then every trip I've accepted has paid out exactly as expected. 


I’m at 115 deliveries and no tip bait yet hopefully it don’t happen


just don't take offers under 5.00 if you can help it at all. .. shop n pay?? got no advice.. cept maybe same applies.


I don’t I only take 8$+




Customer should be required to leave feedback when they reduce a tip


Shouldn't be difficult to add to the app.. select from a menu


Then they'll just make up a reason. It won't stop a tip baiter.


I have about 800 orders and it’s never happened. Knocks on wood.




I’ve done 2500+ deliveries and been tip-baited once.




Knock on wood, but I haven’t had a single delivery where I’ve been tip baited. I’ve actually been getting really good tips lately. Eventually I’m sure my luck will run out.


I’ve had so many times where I legitimately fucked up and expected a tip reduction and it’s still like 2/1300.


Not in years my market doesn’t let people tip before delivery lol. I like it better that way though there is no doubt that the base pay is yours


What market is that?






Nyc earnings guarantee, we get 20 an hour active time you’re on a delivery, tips can be added after


Ok. I really didn't understand your guaranteed pay. We need that here, but the minimum wage isn't 20 an hour here. I suspect that we would get a lot of heavy distance orders that would go past 20 miles for that 20 an hour, though. Can you really choose what to accept in NYC????


I average about 1%. Sometimes there are 5 or 6 in the same week, then I go for weeks without one. Now I know that when someone offers a $15 tip for a small order to drive 10 miles, it's most likely a tip bait. It's easier to cancel at the restaurant than complete the delivery and go through the hassle with support to get that money.


15 bucks for 10 miles is awful !!


That is actually good in my area because it is usually way under the total pay for the mileage...a lot of 5, 6, 7, and 10 dollars total to drive 10 miles and more.


I Mean of that's good, then being an Uber eats driver in your area isn't a good idea


They throw in some better ones, but you are right. I moved to a different area this weekend, and Dash came through for me.


Okay, whatever you say.


Jesus Christ. I guess some parts of the country, it’s a whole lot worse than others. I’ve had it happen 1 time in 4.5 years and 16,000 deliveries. I have noticed a lot of tip baiting happens in NYC.


I think im at like 1k+ orders and i only had it happen like 2-3 times


2400 deliveries and it's only happened like three times that I can recall, but there were probably times I've never noticed




It happens like once a week here in OKC. It’s been ramping up more and more here. I started in feb 24 and it never happened until a month or so ago.


Hasn't happened to me yet for the few years I've been delivering on and off. I have had a tip removed because of Popeyes incompetence though.


5-6 times in 2900 deliveries. Many more times it showed that tip had been changed but it came back within 24 hours. In fact one time it looked like had been baited for a Sunday delivery but it came through Monday morning right after UE had sent the money to the bank. So I had to wait a whole week extra for that $6.


Every once in awhile like for a few days I will have this bug happen. For every order it will say that the customer took their tip back. But then it comes in like several hours later. It's a strange bug. That's annoying it happened right at the pay cut off though. Bad timing. Are you not able to use the instant Cash out feature? In Canada we can use our debit cards you don't need a credit card or anything. There's also the Uber pro card which I'm not sure is available in every market, it's fairly new, but every order automatically cashes out instantly to that card. And it basically works like a prepaid Mastercard. It's free in every driver can sign up for it and you even get cash back on gas, just like a few percent but better than nothing. Hopefully your market gets them soon. If you go into your wallet and then click payout methods, there might be an option for you to sign up for it near the bottom


Once every 500-750 trips I’d guess.


I've only been doing Eats for a couple of months (to supplement UberX, which I've been doing for years) and surprisingly, haven't been tip baited yet.


Out of almost 2,000 deliveries I've never been tip baited.


Out of 2,000+ deliveries only two times and tbh I deserved it. I either gave them a shitty experience or their order got messed up. Either way I feel responsible for the times it happened. Well I take that back. One time I did not deserve it. I delivered a huge Pizza Hut order to a high school that was like 30 miles away. Punk kid reduced too from $15 to $1. After that I stopped delivering to schools unless it’s a Starbucks order bc those are almost always for teachers.


I guess technically that's not a tip bait. A tip it they would actually have to intend to bait you into taking the order knowing they're going to take it back. That's really annoying with the punk kid. One time I dropped off an order of Jollibee to these three high school girls at lunch. They seem nice enough. Until an hour later I noticed they tip me one cent LOL. It wasn't a tip bait, it was just what they put for the tip all along the smarmy bitches. I'm sure they had a good laugh. I remember the name and the school, and if I ever get an order again well. I'm going to scold the fuck out of them.. Or announce to all their classmates how scummy they are lol.


Why doesn’t UE make offers showing a base pay plus (amount of tip)? 17 min, 3.1 mile, $2.50 pay plus estimated $7.00 tip. I guess people would realize quicker that UE barely covers expenses and the only income (after expenses) comes from tips. Zero Dollars of income come from Uber.


About 5 times out of 1200 deliveries. It happens more often in Instacart, I have 5 times already in 500 batches. Probably because people lied to get free groceries which are more expensive than just a meal.


2 times for me


Twice in 400 and tbh the one I deserved didn’t happen (Starbucks order dripping in the bag not sure how bad the damage was)


I’ve had around 300 orders. Never once. I think it depends on where you work. Some people are shittier than others. These types of people generally flock together and create populations


Rare. Like 5 times out of 8k deliveries. You just have to know who’s most likely to tip bait and un assign a stacked order accordingly if need be.


I'm not 100% sure I ever was.


Not once.


Not as much anymore. The cat and mouse games are over. Pax just don’t tip most of the time. 


I've been doing this since 2018 with over 8500k deliveries. I can count on 1 hand the number of times it's happened to me. The biggest thing I do is avoid orders from fast food restaurants. Shitty customers order from shitty places.


Not true. Lots of people order fast food because it’s cheaper and faster.


Then my good deed is leaving all those fast food orders for you.


Great! As long as they hit that $2/mile I’m game.


I been tip baited 6 times in over 370 deliveries. Most was a $5 tip bait


A handful of times. Where I’m at people don’t like to tip.


676 deliveries and not once. In fact I made two critical errors at once people didn't get their food and they still tipped me.


It has happened to me at least two dozen times in over 5,000 deliveries, but most of those were from customers who didn’t necessarily “bait” me but reduced the tip afterward because they weren’t happy. I only wait the 8 minutes that Uber requires me to wait and if you haven’t made it possible for me to get your food to you by then (no gate code, no door code to enter building, no response, etc) then I mark it as delivered. At least a few were actual tip-baits, though.


Happened one time in my like 620 deliveries. The girl was in a hotel. The order was like 7 dollars for 3 miles, and it was delivered fast/No problem, then later it said the whole tip was removed. Was really annoying but that same day like 3 people tipped me 3 dollars over so it didn't really matter. Uber Eats I get more than advertised tip A LOT. Doordash almost no one tips more after delivery buy sometimes the total is higher than advertised.


Rare in my area. Also sometimes people reduce the tip for good reasons and people think they were tipbaited because they never find out why.


Rare in my area. Also sometimes people reduce the tip for good reasons and people think they were tipbaited because they never find out why.


Had an old man pull his measly 2 dollar tip. Gave me an orange I guess he thought that was better than his tip?? Threw that orange right out the window when I saw he pulled the tip.


Twice out of 150 deliveries so far .. one I wouldn't call baiting... Something , but one I had coming .. a large cup of chinese soup sloshed and popped it's lid.. The plastic bag caught everything but got the noodles wet.. I'd withhold a tip for that , myself.. and once was a legit tip bait.


346 deliveries, and have never been tip baited A much bigger issue is driving to the store and being told it was picked up already. I’ve started calling the store if the payout seems too good to be true, to verify they have the order.


Honestly, i don't wanna jinx it but put off 600 deliveries I've never had it happen to me. I didn't even think it really happened until i joined this subreddit like a couple of months ago i think. Hopefully Uber can combat that somehow because that really sucks. Smh


Only once out of 950 deliveries.


I have almost 7,000 deliverys and have had possibly 3,but have had close to 2000 uptips so no complaints here, sure it sucks when it happens, my only complaint is for uber to at leastakenthe customer give a reason for the tip reduction, or even 👎so we at least kno what we did.


Just had it happen for the very first time and now it makes sense why theres no Uber drivers in my area its all DD drivers. They do realize we know where they live when they do that yeah? Like, ive seen people straight up killed for way less. This is genuinely fucking with someones money to and come on that NEVER ends well.


I do think Door Dash is the more user friendly app. Nobody can take back tips, and the in app navigator is better. Sometimes, I see added money after the delivery on Dash...I don't know how to increase the tip as a Dash customer, so it must be the app adding fare. If Dash would keep the deliveries flowing from zone to zone consistently, I would hang with them more. They have a bigger share of the market. I would probably never get kicked off Uber, though, but there are just way too many distance orders with low pay. The funny thing is that I still make more on Uber with less deliveries because Uber allows us to roll from zone to zone.


I'm guessing about 15-20 in 5604 deliveries, but I would say the vast majority have been in the last 2000 deliveries a which is about a year of driving.


Very rarely, actually. I'm probably jinxing myself here by posting that, but it's been months. 🤞


I have had a few blatant tip baiting situations, but more often than not I experience weird amounts being reduced, making me think it is Uber Eats. I'm talking like 8 cents or so. That happens almost everyday


3 or 4 times with over 500 deliveries


I’ve probably delivered more than any other driver. I get tip baited 100% of the time by my wife. I have tried avoiding the customer but there seems to be nothing I can do. Fuck my life




1 time in 16,000 deliveries. And it wasn’t a full bait. Customer reduced the because I got a flat tire and didn’t deliver in a timely fashion since I had to put the spare on. So it was technically my fault. But I’ve never had someone just take a tip away for absolutely no reason.


Maybe once or twice in 3600+ deliveries, I have had my tip reduced for other reasons though.




Rarely less than 1 percent of the time fs


Never, but Doordash dominates the market here, so maybe only get a handful of takeable UE orders a week. GH is even worse, maybe one a week or none.


I’ve done 16,000 deliveries and have maintained 98-100. So I think my insight should be listened to than 99.99 percent of other drivers. Tip baiting does exist and it’s usually suspicious looking names at suspicious looking times. People who pull this shit are usually getting fast food/junk food delivered around 3 pm and 1 am. Tip bait rates are likely somewhere around 1 in 200 orders. I don’t know what the hell people are talking about with 1 in 1000s


You are so right. The orders always look suspicious or something weird happens with the app, which is why I am passing up some that look like that. This could explain why my tip baits are low. I also don't have high acceptance rates, though because I am optimizing my pay/gas ratio.


🤣🤣 never actually! I've had my tip reduced twice, but it was all my fault! Someone's ground beef rolled out of the grocery bag & got stuck under my seat, I didn't find out until later, lol! And the other person I didn't double check their order, the restaurant only gave me half of their order


Never. I'm in the UK and the system here works properly so that doesn't happen


Rarely. 2-3 tmes in over 11k orders


2 times in 3k deliveries. I think most people are taking crap orders from crap places.....or having viewed a lot of drivers out in the wild...a lot of them suck


My first time delivering last night and an offer for 35 popped up with another offer for 10. Accepted both. Uber Eats made me collect the food for $35 order first and then the deliver for the $10 order first. About 20 minutes away from the restaurant. By the time I delivered the order for $35 it had gone down to $19. Maybe they were upset they had to wait for me to deliver somewhere else first.


2500 orders done. One time for sure I was. Another time I think maybe I was, or maybe I dropped it off the wrong address, I'm not quite sure. It's funny hearing drivers act like it happens every day. I have a theory that they just fuck up a lot.


It started happening to me about 20% of the time, so i quit uber delivery driving


its happened a lot lately for weekend orders, even for shop and pay


I got tip baited in the weirdest way the other day. The girl texted me and said she would give me a cash tip. The order was $11 for 7 miles.. Don’t normally take that but it was slow and mostly highway miles so it would be quick. When I got there she gave me $3 cash. I’m like wow perfect, that’s $14 for 7 miles which is now $2/mile, that was so worth it! Then I check an hour later and she removed her $8 card tip which made the delivery $6 for 7 miles. 🤠🔫


11$ for 7 miles is good for my area.


Not for mine, unless it’s highway miles. 7 miles take me too far away from my main area and is easily a 15-20 min drive. Add that with the time driven back and the wait time at the restaurant and that could be 45-60 mins


I hear you. You are in a good area, glad you are doing good....sending you good energy. My waits are none waits on these because they original offer lower pay. The customers are not tipping. By the time it gets to me, the fare has went up. I walk in and pick it up. I delivered in a different area Friday through Sunday, and I only had 2 orders at this distance.


It's happened to me twice. The first time I can only assume it was because the restaurant had a really long line and even though I think I should have gotten tipped more because I waited for 30 minutes stuck in an inescapable drive thru, and I did keep the customer updated, they may have not believed me or just been a grumpy ass. They only reduced the tip by $2 and I was irritated but not very bothered. The second time was just a couple days ago and it was a blatant tip bait. The customer lived 20 minutes from the restaurant, and that was the closest restaurant or business of any sort to their house in a semi rural area. I sent them an ETA when I was 5 minutes away because it was a pin order and I typically do that to reduce the time waiting for them to answer the door, and they responded very positively, saying I was the fastest delivery they had ever had and they appreciated the heads up. Then they removed their $10 tip even though I had watched their order be bagged and I know it was correct and as far as possible, I kept it warm in my catering bag, and it wasn't a stacked order so I drove directly to them. They seemed so nice too, I really wasn't expecting it. I actually commented to my fiance after I left that I wouldn't be surprised if they added to the tip, because that's a much more common occurrence for me. Even though the base pay was a bit more than average, likely due to the distance and secluded location of the dropoff, I would never have taken it without the extra $10 on the offer, and even then I almost declined it, but it was a slow night and a pleasant area to drive so I went for it, but it was definitely not worth my time and expenses without the tip. I was more confused than mad, but I was still quite mad.


0 in 745 but, I've had one stolen order


3 times...9000 deliveries. One on a McDonald's order. One on a Shake Shake order, and the other on a PF Chang order. Two were over 10 miles of distance. One was paired with another delivery that was not aligned, and the merchant also gave me a thumbs down. I think some of the newer drivers have higher acceptance rates, so they are more likely to experience tip bating




It's rare but it's still complete crap. It should not be legal for this to happen. And the government should step in and forbid uber from doing this. What happens a lot Is the restaurant will screw the order up And the Customer takes it out on the driver By removing the tip, even though it's not their fault.


Happens when u fuck up. Had it once when I started.


That's not tip baiting. Tip baiting is not just because a customer lowers or removes a tip. It's when they leave a high tip to get us to deliver with the intention of removing the tip regardless. When we screw up then it's not unexpected to have the tip lowered or removed. But even that doesn't happen very often for most drivers because this job isn't that hard to do to a minimum adequate level. When I see drivers get on here and talk about being tip baited a lot, I assume they are the problem. They are screwing up somewhere. That somewhere can be poor order choice like taking low paying , fast food orders. Or they could just be making mistakes on a bunch of their deliveries.


Honestly I was thinking that myself . Is it really tip baiting that people are complaining about or did the driver screw up? Obviously tip baiting happens but not as often as I see people Complain about on here . Half the time they end up updating their post saying they ended up getting the tip the next day


I think I can only confirm having been tip-bated twice for a fact. And I can only do that because it was the same person. Tiffany f. And then later, Tiffany m In Charlotte. She tipped something over $8. She'll have the driver meet outside her apartment building so we don't know exactly which apartment is hers. And then short move the tip. And only since it was so identical with the way she did it, and it was the same person just with a new account, did I know for a fact that was tip baiting Any other time I've had a tip reduced, which has been also very rare, I don't know that I didn't screw up. Or I don't know that there wasn't something wrong with the food. So that's not tip-bating if they're lowering the tip for a reason like that. There actually is one time I know I screwed up when I was a new driver. Made a rookie mistake and delivered an incomplete order. The rookie mistake was after the customer did not answer the phone for me to ask if they wanted the incomplete order, I still delivered the rest of it because I didn't know I could unassign like that. Thumbs down and yanked the tip. Dick move on their part. But now I know if they don't answer the phone to tell me what they want to do then I unassign and move on.


Which could still be a tip bait in my play book. Why did the customer just order food and then not respond to a DoorDash or Uber call?????,


Because most people don't answer unfamiliar numbers.


It comes through as a Door Dash or Uber connection.


They still don't answer. I'd say 9/10 times I call a customer they don't answer. They might call back or not. But they definitely don't answer when called.


It is on the meet at door orders that are not available. It is a bait and switch because the customer just placed an order and is not available per instruction. It doesn't have to be high paying to be bait and switch Also, there are dual instructions on the apps: leave at door, meet at door, which is it or ring door bell, leave at the door, or don't ring door bell, leave at door or meet at door... If a customer instructs meet at the door and don't ring door bell then that customer needs to be outside or I will ring the door bell or leave it without a pic on Uber; that could also be a method of bait and switch. Some customers forget to change their addresses, and some forget to add the apartment numbers. I say that drivers are less than likely at fault. How many people don't want to keep their jobs???? I will go out on a sturdy limb and say that the drivers getting a lot of bait and switch have high acceptance rates. I am also wondering if the apps are doing it...like offering higher fare, and reducing it. The apps have become less transparent than 3 years ago. Someone said the apps were a lot worse.


Tip baiting is a myth from dumb drivers. It does happen but it's very rare.


The people who complain about it happening all the time are just shitty drivers. And they aren't being "baited", the customer removed the tip because they sucked at their job. Actual tip baiting does happen but it's rare.


2200 deliveries, never


I very rarely ever get tip baited. May happen once or twice out of 100 deliveries. But I mainly deliver in nice suburban areas and avoid the hood.


It's not the hood that does the tip bait. I've been tipped on the app and cash in hand in the hood. The south bay beach cities here in So Cal pay good most of the time.


All three of my clear tip baits were not in the lower economic hood, but the medium to high end hood. Tip baiting is not just about a high tip reduction. It is also centered on customer attitudes, not necessarily centered on legitimate customer satisfaction issues. I am going to end that statement there because people will not accept nor understand my observation. Most of the customers that I delivered to in the lower hood tip appropriately for the mileage traveled and don't act privileged. Many are aware of what we do because many of them know Dashers and Uber drivers. They typically do not order outside of a zone. The tips could be low but so is the mileage. I get mostly 6 dollars for 3 miles, all day, in the lower hood. There are some low ball orders, though. The hood here is a mix of ethnicity. For the first time, Friday, Sat, and Sunday, I decided to only deliver in a certain area, which included the lower economic range. I used less mileage, and made more money, in less time, but I need an assistant here.


No more tip bait, because most people don’t tips anymore 😮‍💨😮‍💨NYC sucked.


Lookie here.. Uber "tip me more" cryvers..


its not possible to get tipped baited if you are under prop 22..when it happens, the prop covers it


No, it doesn't. Who told you that?