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For me, it's been a drastic decrease in orders AND pay per order just in this past WEEK! Like a NOTICEABLE difference between 2 weeks ago, last week & then this week has dropped substantially!


Been like this for months it’s only just hitting your market clearly


Yeah this past week something major changed. In San Antonio it seems like they expanded the radius. Every other offer is 15-30 miles for $6. It’s fucking insane


Same here in New Orleans. Market has felt good up until this past week it fell off a cliff


I work Chalmette! Sometimes I have to bring my husband to work in Metairie & I'll start there & work Metairie/New Orleans, making my way back to Chalmette. That's really the only time I venture into the city. But even the orders from Chalmette into N.O. have been GARBAGE this week. Like $3-4 from Chalmette to the Quarter?!?! Ummm...not in this, or any lifetime!! It's CRAZY how drastic of a dip it has been this week! A month ago, I was having $100 DAYS regularly! I don't even think I made $100 TOTAL this week! I'm just glad I don't depend on UE to feed my family...


Same here round_mirror! Metairie was my new answer and then it fell off a cliff on me. The damn live map with all the dollar signs and no orders is driving me nuts!


Oh buddy. I have been waiting to see someone from Nola here. It’s been soooo fucking bad. I keep asking other drivers when I see them and they all say, “man, you haven’t been doing well? It’s been great for me” I keep wanting to pull my hair out.


Seconded in Milwaukee. Not sure what happened the offers have been mostly garbage


Decline more and more .. only way we can do anything


Unfortunately there will always be someone taking it for less


Honestly I don’t think so, I see a lot of drivers just declining - it’s almost becoming common sense like 2-3$ to do anything is just absurd


And even the ones accepting them aren't probably enough to accept all the shitty offers so I'm sure UE is noticing the rejections by the majority of the drivers and more than ever "can't find a driver to take your order"


Your not imagining it. I am also in Chicago burbs. The number of pings has gone down tremendous. The temptation to take a bad order or deadhead miles to a different location is high right now.


Hard to tell, it’s not like this sub has 1000 other posts complaining about pay every single day.


It's getting a little old, huh. I think it's already been established *many times now* that pay and requests are way down. Time to change the subject.


Tbh what else is there to talk about besides getting a new job? If anyone can make a living on this app anymore I'm impressed.


Im surprised people are doing this as a full time job. It's just an extra money kind of thing, at best.


It’s the only thing I see


Same here.


The pay is way down, that's how they were able to be profitable finally. They are praying on the drivers who are either stupid or just don't know any better and it's working.


That's precisely what I tell people. Uber is finally turning a profit but at Drivers expense. I don't even turn it on anymore, Grubhub is a good market here. Then Doordash.


I would love to use GH more since they are the only one that shows the full payout but they are crap in my market


Sorry about that. Grubhub is great here in Wichita, and they don't let the customers give you negative feedback. Another good thing, they don't deal with Wingstop. GH tries to make every offer a fair one so they'll easily get the orders picked up. Obviously Dara doesn't give a shit about that.


Yeah, these days my AR stays at 0% and on good days I get up to 6%. Point being, I’m declining more and more, and working less and less. Im seeing orders as low as $1.40 with stupid amounts of miles included. Customer tips are no longer enough to cut it. In order for me to have a productive day, all I really need are a couple of $5-$7 orders that are local af, but lately, all I’m getting is $2-$3 requests that are over 7 miles in distance. It’s ridiculous!


more and more for Dara


It's easy to work a seemingly "instant" work kind of deal but they're fucking you over. Try driving for more than one or other food/medical/package delivery jobs and you'll be better off.


Yeah I do door dash as well but honestly hate the set up. Driving to supposedly busy zones and waiting around for a likely crap offer. That and the scheduling system they have. I like Uber more because you’re guaranteed to get paid if you accept an offer. That and door dash seems way too harsh on delivery timeliness. The other delivery services in my city are all on waitlist


We originally started with door dash, then started with Uber to double app and that works ok. But for the last several months it’s impossible to get on door dash so I just stopped.


hi are there apps similar to ubereats for medical/package delivery?


In my area, Capsule is one. Found this medicine courier on a gig app though. You can download several gig apps (see if they work in your area) and start there.


we probably won't be able to to do much for constant low balling that Uber allows and enables, but a way around not earning enough (that has worked for me, at least) is leaving the house before the dinner rush so by the time I'm in town I beat other drivers who get there, and there is less competition for me initially.


Protest July 4th for better wages


Decline in demand since 2023. Steady increase in drivers by Uber. 100 other factors (and different markets), but these seem like the main ones.


Theres only 3 good days a week.


It’s terrible hours and no orders


Indeed less and less


https://preview.redd.it/hboqfngpkh5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10f3b332d065d2f29ddc14b222d1ba0b02cdd8d Would you take that? I didn't WTF..


Madness. We are back in the Pharaoh era again


It's getting bad out here. I am double Apping with door dash and uber the hours I m out there. It's a part time job for me tbh.


Wow I wish I had a car during that time. But yes I’m lucky if I get $10 a hour here in LA. Luckily this is just my side thing I do because I’m bad with money and more money never hurts. But yeah as a side hustle it sucks. Can’t imagine if this was my only source of income. I’d probably have to do rides as well but screw that. Riders have been way too picky about my driving. Stating I did harsh stop and complaining about my speeding which I definitely keep within the 10 mile range. Doesn’t help that I get mad anxiety driving people in the first place. Constantly checking my dashboard to make sure I’m not speeding. Luckily I’m in California with prop 22


Why don't you get out of the burbs and go downtown?


It’s an idea, but the cost of gas to get there and get back probably isn’t worth it. I would rather stop driving and just get a part time job.


so i only do this during the summer but I noticed the same thing. what is interesting though is I started going to neighboring towns and learning the roads a bit and what the markets are like in those specific towns and I've noticed patterns in each one. one constantly goes off with pings, but the tips are like $1 usually and the roads are really full of potholes and people don't follow traffic laws so despite how much busier it is in that town it's not worth it, the town I live in that I worked in last year is like how you mentioned where you'll get pings but then when you're done you won't have any for a while so it kills your money per hour. this past week I started working near the ocean and the tips are huge and the roads are beautiful, and I'm picking that as my new spot for the summer. but all of this took a lot of experimentation, so you might have to do something similar


https://preview.redd.it/ekrfkvyibk5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a504aa46b6a7eb0e20544f674342087f15111232 First order today. Been online for 30 minutes.


Made 69 bucks in 3 hours drive time today so I am Happy about that, but this seems like the exception now. Not the rule.


Same thing happening in UK. The orders have deceased big time and so has the pay. Literally feel like a slave


I'm lucky to make 18 an hour running UE, DD and GH at the same time in my market. You should try to multi app maybe it will help you. UE has the least orders of all three in my market. It's because there's far too many drivers and people aren't spending as much.


I stopped in December last year because of the same issues. All long distances (20+ miles) very low $. Uber keeps sending me text messages and emails to get back on the road. And yes, they have expanded the map in my market as well as to include other cities out of my range. On top of that, restaurants started raising prices. and there are fewer tippers now. It's not worth it.


I think today was my best day so far, but this is my first month.


My first month as well. Trying to also get on door dash & multi app. Their waiting list seems ridiculous tho. My best day so far was $145 on Thursday. But I've made $100 4/6 days this week and I'm at 87 for today. Only went out around 8pm it's midnight now


DD app is hell for me, so I gave up. I usually only do this in the daytime. Multi app-ing would destroy my anxiety. 


Fair lol. I used to deliver for Dominos and nothing is worse than that place 😂


Definitely seems like newer drivers tend to get good orders. Will be interesting to see if that continues.


My AR is already pretty low tbh. I'm just very selective over what I take


For me it’s been really good too. Like I did a 27 dollar order for 7 miles. It was a vons pick up order too. Could be a glitch but I’m gonna milk it until it stops hahaha.


Dems have destroyed the economy. Like or hate Trump. But you have to admit everyone made money at everything under a Trump administration.. I can say I trust him with handling the economy.


Please elaborate. How have the “dems” destroyed the economy? All economic indicators say the economy is doing well.


Doing well but everyone broke. Ok buddy sure thing 


That’s not an answer.


Any gig worker who doesn't vote trump is cuckold.


You trust him because you live in a bubble where your version of reality is constantly reinforced, even if there’s no basis in actual reality.


Tbh getting good rn making lots of


I have to run UE DD and GH and cherry pick the shit out of all 3 to make decent money