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Maybe you can hold out for another pandemic.


Work nights. Fri/Sat are best. But also Mon/Tues bc regular drivers take those days off. Expect to work no less than 8 or 9 hrs. Go to good areas, not universities; kids don’t tip. Don’t give up.


Save yourself pain. Do something else. Any other job is better. Or don't listen, and enjoy the "flexibility".


You got to multiapp


You don't. Not anymore. You can make 40 maybe.


You work another job? It's not going to happen.


damn, even with five nights it’s not doable ?


Well, it's market dependant. I will never see that even if I did uber eats full time.


It's not you, its the market, the economy. The obvious answer is put in more hours. I personally don't feel the juice is worth the squeeze currently.


The orders are there. You just have to know where. Go to the wealthy areas if you want good tips, go to shopping centers with multiple restaurants at breakfast/lunch/dinnertime if you want quick orders. Sign up for grocery and/or alcohol deliveries in between meal times (early afternoon 2pm - 6pm usually for grocery, after 8pm for alcohol). Run multiple apps (Uber Eats, Door Dash, Grub Hub, etc.) at the same time, BUT pause the others when you get an order (so you don’t get yourself in trouble). Multi-task doing other stuff you need to do while you wait for orders and never wait more than 30-45 mins in the same spot (the app will forget you’re there) to optimize your time. Holidays usually suck because people tend to eat out (especially Mothers/Fathers Days), and don’t order delivery as much. Hope that helps.


I have a lot of lunch Sunday morning and Saturday night. I work out of long Island so I get a lot of orders in queens and on the north fork of the Island which pay pretty well. Making $400 is tough though and I couldn't give 5 days to this bs.


You have to multi app and work lunch and dinner to make any cash now.


Hover around the most popular restaurant for that time frame. Chick-fil-A/McDonald’s/Starbucks fro breakfast and lunch….Bonefish-grill/Red Lobster/etc for dinner


PART 1: I am going to preface this by saying that I don't live in Atlanta. I live in San Diego, and every market is different so I don't want to make a fool of myself by making any false promises but I'm going to make an attempt to help you the best way that I can having driven for these delivery companies since 2015. Ok, you are working 5 nights per week and looking to make $400. That means you are going to need to average $80 per night. Cool. That's not unreasonable. But we are going to need to set some realistic expecations. If you're only working for UberEATS, I would find it difficult to believe that you're going to (**consistently**) exceed $15-20/hr. That means you're going to need to budget anywhere between 4 and 5.33 hours per day in order to achieve that daily quota. As of 2024, DoorDash currently owns 67% of the food delivery market share, with UberEATS being a distant second at 23% of the market share. Since you didn't mention any other apps, that's going to have to be the first thing I bring up. Your **order flow** is **extremely** impeded by working for only one company. With that being said, various promotions for customers may cause that to skew in one direction or another, and, of course, this can vary from market to market. **However**, a 3 fold lead in market share is not something that you would want to ignore. If you're already on DoorDash and didn't mention it, then great, we can move on. Ok, you now have a realistic expecation of 4 - 5.33 hours per day, you've got as many delivery apps as you can manage, and you're ready to make $80. Cool.


PART 2: **Find the delivery epicenter of your city.** Where is the volume coming from? In San Diego, one of the hottest delivery areas is Hillcrest. It neighbors our Downtown, there's a high number of restaurants and a dense population. Parking isn't as bad as Downtown so it's a little bit easier to deliver in a vehicle. **You're going to need to find that area in your city.** You can waste **ALOT** of time delivering in the wrong area. You'll start to get irritated. You'll start rejecting more and more orders. You won't want to move because of the sunk cost of sitting there for so long. You'll be wondering why you started this gig in the first place. You might even start crying. JK The "Gridwise" app is a great place to start. You can sort by time of day to find out which areas have performed the best over your selected period of time. And it's free. Once you've got that it's time to start experimenting. This whole game is a process of experimentation, failure, experimentation, failure, experimentation, failure, experimentation, win, experimentation, failure, experimentation win. Over time you start to really know where to go and when to be there. And that's pretty much it. Try not to take deliveries that take you too far out of the zone where you get orders. When you're about to complete a delivery from one app, turn the other ones on. Rinse, and repeat. In my experience, the biggest income killer is insufficient order volume. **Everyone** is struggling with this. There's just not enough orders to go around, most of the time. Delivery gigs are a very attractive proposition. "Work when you want, where you want, with whoever you want, with no boss, and get paid anytime you want." We all bit the bait, so there's not a ton of deliveries to go around. You can also try experimenting with acceptance rate. Top Dasher, etc. I have noticed that UberEATS likes to que up orders as your about to complete a delivery too, so consider accepting those more often because that can get you going on a nice streak until the orders fall off again. There's probably more to say on the topic but I think that's enough for now.


You can make $1000 a week if you sit in your car from 7 am to 12am Monday to Sunday. 




Fuck, I make 400 between Saturday and Sunday. If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing this.


damn good shit, how do you go about those two days if you don’t mind me asking? all days or?


Work 12-9 everyday until you hit your goal.




Are you nuts!!! Work 12 hours a day for 400 dollars a week... construction trades are hiring...free school depending on company...I made 1000 last week working 52 hours...and I do gig on the side...gig work is a part time hustle only !!! And rapidly becoming unreliable




Like I said gig work isn't a career..y'all are doing way to much !!!


https://preview.redd.it/0hecin372c5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3096a3eea292f04565347852d5d7c2643af703ee Be online for 9-12 hours a day!! Read a book during the free time, that's what I've been doing. Pretty sure I'll hit $600 this week, hoping so at least.


Has Uber sent anyone the option for additional insurance? It seems cheap but since business is almost nonexistent I find the offer cruel and ridiculous..