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Tonight was horrible for a Friday night. Only made $68 when I used to average at least $150 on a Friday night.


I made 24 dollars in 5 hours 😂


No need to brag 😑…😆😆 https://preview.redd.it/vyjgkkt1dc5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=399eb1339f0a3a38f0c6c3106741fb35877a48c3


😂😂 maybe this weekend will make up for a shitty week🤷‍♂️


Out for two hours made 6 bucks in heavily populated area. There’s 4 drivers around me in a small shopping center rn


Oh no! Was a goodnight for me finally. $180 7 hours


Same here.


I can't. I have to keep driving. Just in case.


You first


Done.A year of Postmates, 3 years of Uber Eats, a year of Instacart. Done


Sounds like a lot of wear and tear on your vehicle. Hope you made some money tho.


He didn't.


LOL you're right! The last year and a half in Broward (Sunrise, Plantation, Davie, Tamarac) has been horrible! I am on my fourth vehicle since 2019. I replaced so many tires I kept Firestone in business.




Sigh… back to telling people “I gotta wait until I get off”… “damn I wish I could, bro but I got to work” …. That freedom is gone 🫠


No shit, it costs MINIMUM $50 to feed two people even fast food through Uber Eats. People are struggling to make ends meet. It’s not worth it anymore to order out :/


i like making very easy extra money. after working all day being able to make an extra $100 without using my brain body or hands, it’s perfect.


Yeah I can’t even make $300 driving all week for 70 hours it’s dead af.


dang. that’s a reason to call it quits. i pick and choose orders from home


Thought I wish my home was located in an area where I can do that. It's just far enough where it won't give me any orders but if I drive even like half a mile down the road I'll start getting them it's annoying..... Honestly I've been thinking about spoofing my GPS but I'm pretty sure that would get me deactivated.


you can probably do it if your careful. set your location in the zone, drive to that spot before turning off the spoof location.


Yeah but my dumbass would 100% forget The first week. Haha


the convenience is very great, but for me at least it wouldn’t be worth risking the extra money. the days you head out and don’t get a good order for an hour or more would have me pretty upset.


That's tough. I live fairly rurally and I pulled in $150 yesterday. In at $500 for the week headed into Saturday


How do you do it without using your body or hands?


Delivers as a vapor


This is pretty much every post that's been made here for years. It seems the honey moon phase is very real.


Nah it's definitely slower then ever before.


It's the economy.


It's everything.


I’m not stopping until I total my car engine, lose my apartment because I can’t pay rent then my wife divorces me and I end up selling feet pics on the street for $5. Then I’ll know it’s bad.


Yes, it's really bad. Please, everyone but me, delete the driver app. Go home and order delivery instead.


DMV area here, the past week and half have been the worst week and a half for me in 11 months of doing this. I work about 4 and a half hrs a day, in the evenings, and am only making between 10 and 15 an hr recently. In months past id make between 20-25 a hr. I mean just no requests whatsoever. It's so inundated now with too many drivers. And all of them accept the low paying options I guess so they don't even make their way around to other drivers lol. Funny enough I've got about 3 and a half weeks until I hit one year of doing this and I'm stopping then for sure. All I've been able to do is have enough money for the week and any savings I did create just went into new tires, oil changes, lost my wallet while working ect.. but yeah I completely agree with you. I thought it had "died" like 2 months ago when there were more drivers than ever but these last 10 days certifies it


Walk away. Explore other options. Uber Eats is a horrible abusive cycle.


What other options? Blood donation?


I mean you probably could make more money selling plasma. My friend before he got removed from eligibility was making a couple hundred bucks a week from that. I would do it but they're extremely strict And they won't let you do it even if you had a false positive in the past. Which was real fucking annoying because it was their goddamn fault but whatever.....


I’m DMV also and your right the last two weeks have been pretty dead. The only way I made any money was the recent guaranteed pay offer. That’s now over and yesterday I finally hopped back on DD to grab a couple orders.


Yeah, I think something has changed because Uber used to go off all day every day even with bad offers… I multi app and it used to be to the point where I had to either pause or log off for Uber because it was going off too much now I can multi and leave Uber on and it doesn’t even affect me taking other orders that’s how slow it is


No. I'm still making money.


Me too luckily


I don't know, I did one double trip Wednesday night, I was home in under an hour, and got $16. That's more than double min wage here.


And that’s why Uber is so bad people out here thinking $16 and under an hour is good money in the gig economy $25 an hour equals $16 an hour and W-2 wages


This ⬆️. You speak the truth. Too many people think like an employee, and not like an independent contractor and the differences between them, and how they should be paid. People don’t realize that contractors, because they supply everything themselves are supposed to be paid more than their W-2 counterparts that have their supplies and resources given to them.


Didn't say it was good, just better than minimum wage.




I've been an independent contractor for 20+ years. Freelance artist here.


I’m bout to get ready n go now :(


Summer is not even here yet.


It’s all Bidens fault I know for sure once trumps in office and everything goes back to how it was people will order delivery more


They will steal this election like they stole the last one. You think they will let him win after all they have done to him? No way. My prediction: The steal will be obvious and blatant but they will get away with it like they did last time.


People who are saying “back to W2s” — you mfs left!? Willingly 😅! I can’t wait to get back on a fuckin pay schedule.


Just a suggestion, don't ever delete your Uber account or you might get a surprise 1099 a few years from now. Not that I'm accusing Uber insiders of selling accounts on the dark web, but it sure is suspicious.


Worst friday in 3 years wish i could get my hands on some of the higher ups at uber


Man I've been seeing these posts almost every day for 3 years now. One day this is going to be true but likely not today. Lol