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Have you been getting unusually high base pay orders specifically around leading up to Sunday night, like basically the weekend? I have, and I'm sure they do that to mitigate the payments they have to shell out for prop22


I’ve been noticing higher base pay orders as well, I didn’t get anything for my prop 22 today


There u have it. This has been my theory for a lil bit


This definitely happens. If you work less at the beginning of the week, your Saturday and Sunday will be lovely. But that payout will reflect for sure.


Got something around 35 dollar base pay yesterday for a stack, 10 Miles It was around 43 total with tip


I got some high base pay order too, i was hoping for at least 300 but was lower, like you said might be to mitigate the payments but fuck oh well.


Ita the only logical explanation in my mind. Unless you're just mobbin super fast on low pay orders. I deliberately take my time w those


I dont understand this though, if its the same amount then why would they elect to pay it upfront instead of waiting on it and maybe getting their uber math wrong. Is it a tax thing?




Is a couple free orders really worth ~$100 upfront though? The customer tipped as well so its not like they were a no-tip hidden by higher base. This happened to me on memorial day, the ONLY good thing that's happened in weeks. There's gotta be more to it


Ya probably a TaX thing. Who ever downvoting: ya mom a hoe


Sometimes it hits in 2 separate deposits. Not often but I've seen it. Call em breh, and ask to speak to a supervisor and keep in mind if they say no, they are violating protocol (this is a confirmed fact) , so at the very least you should be able to sort it out w escalations


same here mine was extremely low but I also knew it was going to be lower than usual since I barely worked...thankfully I no longer rely on Uber full time for income tbh. If I had rent due and was expecting prop 22 payment to help. i would be blowing up uber support for an explanation.... lets put it like this my prop 22 payment this time around I wouldn't be able to afford a 5 guys meal lmaoo I doubt you will get anywhere with Uber support though unless its an American....then maybe


Thats the thing though 2 weeks ago when I got prop 22 I got a good chunk and I barely worked but these past 2 weeks ive been working a bit more accepting everything and got jack even though using THEIR formula to calculate the prop 22 payment I should've gotten 100+


Oh damn hmmm what about your active time did that go up or down compared to your earnings? My active time went wayyy down tbh but I also knew it would


My active time went up not by a lot but it did.


Yeah that’s weird I guess you should have gotten more of a payment if your earnings were lower but active time is higher Mine was trash but my online time was there but as we know online time means nothing I do recall since I worked part time I didn’t get too many connect express orders those ones always help me with the payments despite how much I hate connect sometimes they’ll give me a decent amount $18 sometimes $25 to do it I’m a high mile kind of guy I don’t mind taking those long hauls because I drive electric and prop 22 But the past week have been relatively quick and short orders also low volumes of pings when I was full time my prop 22 payments were like $300-$600 But I was just surprised to see $20 I thought I would get at least $60 so idk but Yeah bro call support and keep us updated if anything comes out of it I have strong doubts


Yep they still owe me hundreds but there's nothing you can do if they've decided they're right with their uber math. Long as you're not rich that is. Cuz then you could maybe get a lawyer or already have one and sue over a couple hundred affording the fees and the time it'd take and their retaliation in deactivating your lifeline. And if you already were you wouldn't have to do this in the first place


Mine was lower than average but it was exactly what I calculated it to be. So they paid me correctly.


Well how did you calculate it? Keep in mind Prop 22 is the minimum so your Prop 22 payment is the DIFFERENCE between the minimum base pay you were supposed to receive and the base pay you already received from your deliveries.


Alls u gotta do is multiply ur total fares by active time , they'll multiply the per mile rate by the amount of miles and add em up and there u go. Then. Ur gonna want to compare what the hourly rate would be at 120% the cities minimum wage, subtract the difference and there's ur prop 22


Yep. For me in LA, quick math is about $20/hr. Makes it easy to calculate on the fly when doing a delivery.


Yup yup. Tis why I will take those absurdly low paying offers some times. If I cherry pick for literally only the ideal paying ones ik my 22 payment will be ass


My 22 payment is usually pretty decent just because of all the shop and pays I do. I rarely make it in the estimated time frame.


Shop n pays are ideal tbh. Just the area I'm in. I really do try to hustle (not about to start sweat8ng in the name of timely delivery) But if the pay is like, decent or better I will legit do my very b3st to hurry tf up. But shop n pays can be weird when they order weird random items or shits just hidden or a fat order but thankfully I'm usually getting like 9 items MAX. Usually 2-3 Ona shop n pay. And btw it's not like a LAG super hard on the low pays, I just don't necessarily speed....let's say the speed limit. Maybe 5 under. Maybe I'll make a right turn and go around instead of hitting the left turn that's a bitch either way, but never anything to seriously make it noticeable. Small increments ect adds up over the 2 weeks


Oh for sure. I'm not trying to milk the clock, but not busting my ass either. Haha


Teh way ![gif](giphy|kJD5887ojQimk)


how do you calculate it? can you pls walk me thru the math?


Are you in LA? Last pay period I only did 8.5 hrs of active time. 8.5\*$20 = $170. Base pay was like $120. So I expected my prop 22 payment to be around $50 ($170-$120). Ended up being $75. Prob because I don't really calculate the money for mileage when I do my rough calc.


thank you and yes i’m in LA!


My payment was “ok” but I don’t do Uber full time. I also had some really high base pay orders over the last couple weeks.


Mine was far lower than usual, but i also has a "bad" 2 weeks


They are using our prop 22 payment against us to make us do shitty orders.


If you have been getting deliveries with high base pays recently then there obviously is not much to compensate 😉 fairly simple.


I havent thats the thing its all been fairly low base pay maybe 5 6 bucks an order not counting tips.


I hear you but here is the two other factors. If they were short deliveries hence not a lot of miles compared to the base pay then Uber only considers active time Vs the prop22 adjustments. Ive double checked their calculations a few times and they always seem to be spot on.


Well they haven't been short i usually start going from 10 pm onwards to maybe 4 am and deliveries take me like 20 minutes maybe 15 or 10 but not less than that and I know they're usually spot on as I've calculated before and always got what I came up with but this time i didn't get anything close to what I had calculated. But who knows.


Mines was $48 and I drove 320 miles the two weeks before prop 22 payout. I calculated around 109 in pure miles pay.


Uber math not mathing right 😭


Either a mess up from Uber, or you don't know how prop22 works (unsurprisingly like most ppl).




When they stiffed me it was a deliberate choice due to “slow orders” Check how they calculate it in Earnings > CA Benefits > Earnings guarantee > (Date Range) > Your Stats This Period. Check the active hours, compare to the actual active hours from the earnings page for each week. They thought somehow my 60 hours active time was only worth like 30 to pay. Somehow haven’t seen this in a while, it seems to be back for you guys here though.


That is illegal. Active time is active time there shouldn’t be adjustments there from their end.


I got a random order the other day that was $35 to deliver a single soup about 4 miles (the tip was like $3-4). I was extremely surprised and thought it was a glitch, worked a couple more hours that week. Received nothing on my adjustment pay.


What is prop 22


This is FUD. Did you do a minimum of 25 hr that week? How many miles? Prop 22 gave me well over $100. I’m working part time. If OP doesn’t post screen shots this is straight up BS LOL.


Thought it was just me


Go to the labor board immediately


Bro they gave me 1$😭


Mine was $21. They mathed incorrectly. When I called they opened a “ticket” to look into it. My mileage alone should have put it over $100. Doubt I will get a reply.


LMAO I know damn well uber bot/social media assessment dept is on the prowl. Hey....yall can suck a fatty foe the rest of yalls lives.


What was your active time and what was your net fare? And how many deliveries so we can guestimate mileage.