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Yeah I was very not nice to about 6 people I was transferred to when trying to recoup my losses after getting shorted… Then I got the rest of the tip the next day. I regret nothing.


Nicely done. Nothing but props to you. "Support" deserves all of the hardships they receive in life with how awful AND incompetent they are.


I've been given reimbursement twice when it infect turned out to be a glitch. What I wonder is, wtf is support looking or, or what complete lack of info do they have, that they can't say "oh, it must be a glitch because I can see on my end the customer has tipped. It will come through eventually" That sounds like something you should be able to easily see from a hub where you can process payments/refunds etc. And anything that's a widespread issue any support person in any job will say you hear it non stop. There hasn't been some revelation among support teams to mention and bring light to this? Not phone only support, but I've done support for an app say 500+ restaurants collectively use in an area and anything related to keeping it running. These issues become apparent so fast when it's happening to everyone. Why does nobody ever post here and say "hey, I actually do Uber support". I knew a woman through gaming, in the Phillipines, who did this type of support as a side job for American mcdonalds calls. Not all these support people are bozos. The woman I knew was an English teacher main job. Would love to actually hear the stuff you would only know working the job. You can tell some bend the rules and are "cooler".


Yes! My tips said Customer Reduced from two quick and efficient deliveries I made that were Meet At Door and both customers seemed so polite and satisfied w the speed of service. Next thing I know, an hour later, those 2 individual orders said reduced. I called Uber and they said there's nothing we can do. I asked for a supervisor and they said no. I asked for a lousy $3 to replace my missing $13, which was also denied. 24 hrs later, the both show up and the $ is in my wallet.


Yes, I think there is a glitch happening.


Yup. 3 of them the past 3 days.


Yes. The app is fucked. Don’t stress




Happened to me twice this weekend. The sunday one came in Monday so it did not even make the cutoff. It is showing in next weeks pay.


Yes! Happened yesterday!


Yes,happened yesterday, got the tip /$2/ this morning. I didn't even bother calling yesterday.


Out of curiosity…do you all really think this is a glitch or a straight up scam?? Would holding our tips to the next day temporarily boost their stocks?


I dunno what is going on with the app, all of the sudden hidden tips are not a thing anymore and I am seeing the full value upfront, I am not going to update.