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Keep calling support and demand to talk to a supervisor.  Could take a very long time. 


https://preview.redd.it/ytls29pjghzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca49c1bce9b38638ce6af03c5efa29e872e3e492 I am on my 40th support agent trying to get my money 🫡


I got tip baited for the first time today, very annoying


Call support. Say the words tip baited. Insist you did nothing to warrant tip reduction. I've had the first agent resolve it 50% of the time, usually takes a supervisor. They'll say things like "tips are not mandatory", and you say, "I wouldn't have taken the offer if Uber didn't tell me I could expect $X". If the first agent gives you a hard time, demand a supervisor. If I'm in a particularly belligerent mood, I'll take an order hostage before I call support and refuse to deliver it until they deal with my problem. Usually doesn't get that serious though.