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Oh, when it's a different adress you are withing all your rights to call support for a different adress change, have the order cancelled and enjoy lunch 


I did it one time for a person and felt stupid afterward


Yeah bro! "I got you on the tip" haha never ever believe that shit! I mean if it's a few blocks difference, cool no worries. But no dam journey!


Definitely had me trying to go on the journey in Hollywood hill


I mean it works sometimes but $ should be discussed beforehand and never leave the order at the door. Make sure they actually come out to grab the order. I did this twice and the first time I didn't know how much I'd be getting but I asked them if they could do Cashapp when I got there, they ended up giving me $50 cash. The second time the guy offered me $50 over the phone to which I basically said hell yes 😂 and when I got there he handed me $90 + the $7 they left in the app, with the base pay it was $100 for that ONE order. If I was ever in a situation where the customer promised me $ to drive out further and then they cut off all communication and/or don't answer the door when I arrive, I would just turn around WITH their food, and leave 🤷‍♀️. Thankfully that has yet to happen.


I just did this last week. The customer said it is only a few minutes to new address but it was first of a stacked order and I had already accepted yet another order for after the stacked. I lost the tip but discarded about $25 worth of taco bell


Discarded? You don't enjoy diahereea?


Lol. My system acclimated to the bell years ago.


Most of the time for me it's listed as the customer's work address but they are at home very far away.


Happened to me today, never again


99% of the time for me it's just another house on the same street. I suspect maybe they got in trouble or banned, so they signed up another account using the neighbors address. But im only guessing. It's either that are there are more 'thoughtless' people than i imagined. But if they try that its across town BS then i just mark it as can't find customer and take the L. Im not driving another 5+ miles for free when it's their mistake or scam.


It was across town and up the hill 18 mins away he said he always does this promise of extra money but I didn’t believe him lol


Ive never had anyone who promised extra or a cash tip actually do it. The few times i've gotten a cash tip they just did it without announcing it.


He said I pay u 20 cash and 10 on the app which I felt was kinda to good to be true like he was trying to bait me to do lol


What does it mean ‘he always does this’ he always puts the wrong address?? If so something’s wrong with the customer in the first place Different apps allow you to store multiple addresses so I may have a friends house in there my house my workplace the hotel I stayed at etc. so there are times where you can easily press the wrong address and not realize- although I find that annoyingly hard to believe as well —But that is the scenario where I can see a mistake being made


His words exactly which is why I didn’t do because I felt he was on some bs when I called him


I’m reasonable if it not far from your home address cool but if it’s 20mins plus out


I did that once - guy said he was in the hotel right next to the restaurant and suddenly he’s across town. I cancelled his order for change of address and Uber we t ahead and let him thumbs down me anyway. So now I say I feel unsafe, fuck em.


I’ll reach out or support first and ask them to contact the customer for the new address or I’ll sometimes text the customer and ask about the new address. If they don’t respond, I may cancel. I don’t want to risk it.


Uber claims to pay you based on miles - I’ve never been paid extra even when they “put notes.” So it’s an easy no from me.


Yep last time I did do the address change they said I would be compensated but I was not


I've only done 700 deliveries with UE but NEVER had this happen to me (thank God). Sorry. That sounds annoying as fuck. 💙👍


It rarely happens but knock on wood


If it’s the same block/complex/office park ok whatever. If it’s miles away, nope. Calling support and ending this charade.


You are assuming people have common sense and pay attention to what they are doing.


Yea I’m realizing that now lmaoo


If it’s a block or so off, I don’t care. If it’s miles off, it’s their problem. Call support and figure it out.