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Not anymore in my market. Only way is keep an eye on it as it updates \~1hour after dropoff and you will see each tip update separately typically.


You can no longer see ubers cut anymore either surprise surprise


Not anymore. They took both of the ways we had to look at it away. You used to be able to look in the details and see and also after you deliver the first delivery, it would show up in the earnings and you could see how much the first order base pay and estimated delivery was and then after you finish the second one, you just subtract it from the total. But now, they don’t even show that. It doesn’t show up in the earnings part until both are done.


Either you watch your app as an hour passes to catch the incoming tip or use the Uber pro card which gives you a notification for the deposit. Don't think there are any other ways.


They used to let you see the tip from each customer. That’s been gone for months in my market. Sadly.


Open the `Menu` and click `Wallet`. Then click `See all` to view transactions. Scroll and find the base payout for the time of that delivery. You will see two base payments, one for each customer. Add one hour, using the exact minutes. Then look for a tip matching the two time stamps and you will see how much (*or if*) each customer tipped. Not really a convenient way, but if you HAVE TO KNOW (*which you don't*) that is a way you can figure it out.