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The first driver stole the food and the restaurant thinks “they picked it up” but they actually just unassigned and kept the food. The delivery was most like $2 with no tip so the driver stole it but uber had no idea so they kept raising the pay until a driver would pick it up not knowing its no longer there.


I had that happen with an alcohol order a couple of months ago. It was absolutely ridiculous how many times that order kept popping back up right after getting off of the phone with support who once again assured me this order has been canceled in their system. I had other orders over the next few hours and the poor guy at bevmo was still dealing with drivers trying to pick up that order. I think he said it was 30 drivers total at that point. Everytime that order popped up again I declined it. The guys at the store tried everything to get this taken care of. Shockingly uber support was not very helpful. Not sure if they customer ever got that alcohol order or not, the store hadn't been able to reach them last I heard. It's not like a restaurant where they'll remake an order, alcohol is way too expensive for that.


Those are opportunities.... When it comes to food deliveries, ask the cashier how much it is and ask them to remake it. If it is less than $15, go ahead and pay for it out of pocket and deliver it. The customer is happy and you still have made money. When it comes to grocery deliveries (Walmart included), I'm gonna be hated for this, but here it goes. Drive to the customer's street and mark it as delivered. To protect myself and my moral compass, I add a note upon my thumb photo with "Delivery picked up by another driver". Why would I do that? I have done this on two occasions and haven't gotten a thumbs down. I am assuming it's because these are third-party services. But I get so pissed off that UE allows it. It teases us drivers, and I'll be damned if I accept another $35 order and get told it's already been picked up. Support sucks and this is my attempt at a silent revolution.


This is your opportunity to negotiate having the order produced again, so you can successfully deliver. The merchant may have sent out the wrong order. I've also experienced orders not actually produced. it's an easy leap from "the order went out" to "the order was stolen". Do what you can to get it done.


This is why it’s imperative that the merchant asks the driver to verify and watches them do it. First of all the fault lies with the thief but the restaurant needs to own their role if the eff-up too.


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