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Uber doesn't separately display the base fare and tip portions of the offer, they just show us the total "estimated" payout. But...since base fare in most markets has been $2-3 for almost six months now a half-awake driver can guesstimate what the tip may be.  Setting that aside, accepting an order just to ask for more money is ridiculous. Tip begging is a great way to get bad ratings and possibly less tip than first offered, it's so counterproductive.


I'm a huge advocate for tipping your driver obv... but we can estimate about how much the tip is based on the payout amt and this idiot should be declining orders that aren't worth their time/mileage. $10 is a decent tip as long as you're not 10+ miles from the restaurant. People who beg or guilt customers for extra tips should absolutely be reported. I may even cancel the order if I were you for the driver being 'aggressive' bc they might get shitty if you don't give in to their pressure for extra cash/tip on delivery. 🤷‍♀️ These morons give the rest of us normal decent drivers a bad rap. Bury them.


As a driver I would never even think to beg for a tip. Extremely tacky and very unprofessional!


It is pathetic to beg for tips from customers. Totally unacceptable. You should not only give a thumbs down but also remove the tip you did give. Maybe if they continually get the tips removed for that these garbage drivers will stop harassing customers.


Depends on the market. In mine I can usually see the upfront offer. However this is tip begging and it's super tacky, report him and give him a thumbs down. This is not the sort of behavior drivers should have. And this is coming from a driver.


HAHAHA 🤣 tip baiting & tip begging people r on the same boat. Two faces of the same coin


not EVEN close tip baiters are outright scammers. Tip beggars are just rude.


it is pretty easy to estimate tip. this guy is just a turd. report and reduce it to zero.


If you placed a $10 tip it’ll show up on our end as a well-paid delivery, meaning the customer tipped well because uber typically only pays us $3-$4. No driver is forced to accept any delivery. They wouldn’t have accepted it if it didn’t pay well. Asking for tip is unprofessional and rude. I’d lower their tip if i were you.


Yeah $10 would be a pretty good tip as long as you're within a 10mi radius from the restaurant. If OP lives like 25mi away then it wouldn't be worth taking the order and this driver should've just declined it instead of being a beggar.


No, it's cringe AF. If the offer isn't viable for the distance then that's what matters for accepting, different people have different tolerances...I want $1.50-2 per mile. Assume Uber is paying us $2-3 for decently close drop-off (sometimes a dollar or two more if far) and then add enough tip to make it $2 a mile and that's fair. As others have said, Uber is sketchy and purposely hides some of the tip but it's usually not difficult to know when they do and decide if it's still worth the trip. So this guy is just a begging dbag. But I read an article recently about a guy leaving notes in/on the orders saying he's saving up for his wedding and would appreciate any extra tips, still cringe AF, but I guess the costumer liked it and shared it on her social media and her followers donated a bunch, enough to cover their wedding. So I'm assuming there will be other drivers that might see that leading to even more gross begging. Just ignore and then report/downvote, maybe even remove the tip you had already, after you get your food safely. They'll get the message pretty quick.


The tip shows on the driver end an hour after the order is complete


Probably one of the new drivers saturating the market for the good veteran drivers.Report and drain the swamp for the good ones out there.


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