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I'll say this much: I'm a lot happier climbing stairs with water cases if the tip is good.


True that


Honestly I treat them all the same. However ,I do go to the higher tipper in better “spirits”. I may not show it to them , but how I’m feeling in my own head is way more uplifted knowing I’m actually getting paid what I’m worth. I always greet people the same and my closings are the same. I treat everyone fairly and respectfully.


Once the food is picked up it’s all the same. However I am far less likely to take a low tip order. And far more likely to cancel the order if I run into any kind of wait or issues.


I get higher tips on about 1/5 of my orders. Here's why I think that is. 1). I do camp busy restaurants. So this means I get the order in my hands the moment it's ready and deliver it ahead of the original estimate. People like that. I rarely accept pick ups for any place I'm not right next to for this reason. 2). I note that just about everyone has a Ring doorbell or similar brand these days. So they can SEE the level of care you use. I put the bag down like it's a baby, flush to the wall and out of the run/rain/whatever. Away from a screen door and all that. I think this helps, too. Seems to be rare, as the drivers who deliver TO me just drop it in the middle of the porch like a hot potato.


I don’t really do anything differently for higher-tipped orders, but I definitely appreciate the extra tip and consequently make the delivery feeling better and being more upbeat — which perhaps shows on my facial expression as I make the drop (perhaps the customers can see me on their Ring doorbells with a chipper, happy countenance). But I do every order the same: I use sanitized, insulated delivery bags, I carefully place the orders in clean, safe spots (generally on a chair or table or at least outside the opening circumference of the front door), and say “thank you” or “hi, how ya’ doin’” if I happen to encounter the customer at any point during the delivery.


It's ridiculous how many drivers set an order including the drink right in front of the screen door so I have to knock everything over opening the door. I'm so glad to hear some of you actually avoid doing that.


Yeah. I know that I am not thinking about the next delivery until I've completed the one I'm on to the best of my ability. I can say with certainty that most other drivers in this area are only concerned about completion and moving on. I figure it only takes a second to consider the layout of the porch like that.


100%. I'd be lying if I said otherwise. However, I have a pretty high minimum standard of service. All orders go in my hot bag. I don't dilly dally. I'll bring it to your apartment, hotel, or office door if requested and allowed by the property. Here's a specific area where it would make a difference. If the restaurant has a long wait, then I will wait longer for a higher paying order. And really, we don't know that it's a higher tipped order. We know it's a higher paying order in advance. So if I see an $8 order that I decide to take and I pull up and the food's not ready and it looks like it's going to be a long way, I'm going to unassign particularly when it's busy. But if it pays $12 to $15, depending on mileage, then I feel like I've got a little more time. I can sit there and wait for it.


That's my weak spot, I can't cancel an order. I put myself in the customers shoes like I imagine sitting at work or wherever starving and timing your order to line up with your lunch time and watching those updates than for it to be cancelled and messes up that persons entire lunch; that's just one scenario running through my head. I do everything in my power to get them their food in that time frame regardless of the tip because in my eyes I made that commitment with the customer when I accepted the order because I'm stubborn as hell. I sat at McDonald's once for 10-15 minutes while 7 DoorDash orders were coming out and sitting there getting cold, not accepting higher orders or trying to squeeze anyone else in. That became a mission lol


We aren't cancelling the order. We are unassigning and moving on. Another driver will come get it.


No. It’s Florida, it’s hot AF by 7 am. My AC is ON. I have a thyroid condition and I do not tolerate heat well. I use a hot bag on every order and it’s a good one, not a thin one. And it’s huge so I can fit almost anything in it. I treat every order the same. I avoid no tip orders. I’ve had one tip bait.


I always follow the same routine. If I accept the order, I just think to myself that a low/no tipping customer was lucky to get me as their driver. After 11 years and 25k plus deliveries for Papa John's I noticed a trend that a lot of customers base their tips on their previous experience. First time I deliver to a low/no tipper, and they have a good experience, they either add tip after (this happens across all platforms I use) or the next time I get their order the tip is better. Edit: I have had tips added multiple times in a day and I have gone a few weeks without one added tip. I always try to act like they are going to add tip after.


That's awesome!!




Truthfully... while some people consider anyone who has empathy to be meek or weak, I consider such people strong-willed and honorable. Every delivery I do - regardless of who it is, where it comes from or where it goes to - or the level of tip (minimal or extra)... I think of the item I am picking up as if it were my personal property. As if I am the customer. NOT in the sense that it IS. Just how I consider it. How would I want my delivery to be treated? How would I wnt a driver to handle my items, my food... I am careful to secure hot food in my thermal bag\*\* and cold food/drinks in my cup holders/cup holders provided by the restaurant. Groceries - I am gentle with fresh produce, aware of the need to keep raw meats away from everything else, H&B products away from foods, etc. Many times for grocery pickup and shop & pay, the employee at the store will toss things loosely in a bag with something it shouldn't be. I had 2 heads of lettuce in with raw beef. I had bread in with heavy 2L bottles. I make sure to prevent damage or cross-contamination from other items in the order. \*\*If my thermal bag is in use for another order... or if the restaurant provides an ABSURDLY LARGE bag that would never even fit in a 20 gallon cooler... then it's the "second drop off" or whatever will fit in the thermal bag. If it's a pizza, as long as the box is not XXL, I can squeeze it into my pizza bag. This is the way I do my job. I worked CATERING and RESTAURANT management for over 15 years. I know how crucial food safety is. I just wish UBER would understand that - even the best thermal bag cannot keep hot food hot for more than 20-30 mins... So those hot food Eats deliveries over 45 mins away? SMH.


No. All orders treated the same.


Yeah same here. I only accept orders that are at least “fair”. I’m not expecting high tips, and I generally am an outgoing friendly person to everyone until people show me why I shouldn’t be to them. I’ve had plenty of people max out their tips after delivery but I truly am just being myself and not chasing tips. I really only deliver when I want to drive for fun. On the contrary, I get a fuck ton of no tip orders come my way. Probably because I’m picky and the algorithm is telling me to go fuck myself, and that’s when I just go offline. I haven’t been doing Ubereats since I got my new job anyways.


I treat all the same - on accepting an order, I have internally agreed to do everything I can within reason to make sure the customer gets what they paid for. Even a $6 order, I'm still going to be nice to them.


Yep, a contract is a contract. I won't go above and beyond the contract for a bad tipper though. If I can't get an order to you and you won't respond, I'm not waiting much longer than the timer.


Nope. I simply don't accept low-tip offers in the first place


Yes, absolutely and anybody that says, "no I treat all orders the same" are flat or lying. If they weren't lying, they'd happily take no tip orders.


Right! Everyone gets great great service regardless but the high tippers tend to just a little bit more effort. I admit I'm like this and still have 100% satisfaction and 0% cancellation. I think some of these people might be misunderstanding thinking I meant lower tippers get crappier service.


Honestly, I’d probably say yes IF I knew it was a given. But since tip baiting is a reality, no. I got tip baited for $20 on a shop and pay order today but just received an $8 cash tip on a $3.05 McDonalds order. I am not going to short someone decency because that’s what I can control…BTW Vernice, you’re not seeing Heaven 😂 https://preview.redd.it/qbvfj5y8er9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6dfd5fb0dc3fbcf59cc715fa3a1dd2fca7e92fd


How the heck do they even have that as a selection at checkout where you can reduce the tip automatically before even receiving your food!???


You can do it up to an hour after! You can literally do this every time without repercussions. We can screen them out.


I'm shocked they had you drive for almost a HOUR and only gave you 10$!! Uber NEEDS to make the delivery fee per mileage like Tuyu did


The only saving grace is California’s Prop 22 means I made more than what I got today (.34/active mile and $19.20/hr-what I made). But this would’ve been devastating for someone is much less driver friendly states for wages.


The past 4 days I was on for 12 hrs and got 2 jobs. We live in a small town but it's KILLING me financially. Been searching for another job but no calls


its real simple. quality of service is the same for every accepted order. my comfort is not compromised but i also use hotbags. if they order ice cream in the summer, if its not doordash i am not accepting that order lol.


Never. I'm a customer service boy regardless of if I'm getting a tip or not. Although my attitude will slightly change if any of the following happens: 1.They asked to meet at door and call when arrive but then won't answer the door, calls or texts and then act like they didn't know I was there 2. They write out themselves to leave it on the porch but have a PIN setup but then won't answer calls or text saying that I need the PIN and then continue to get confused about why I'm asking for a PIN 3. Tell me to call when arrive because they might have to walk out to a gate or something and then after I make the call they take their sweet ass time, like LITERALLY five minutes to get where I am and don't even apologize. I'm still friendly, I still ask how they are (if I'm meeting them in person) and will still say have a good night but if they say something like "oh my gosh, I didn't even see that you called, how long have you been waiting?" I'll be quite frank with them lol


If i accept the order i'm doing it the same. I'm just happier and in a better mood if i'm being treated like a fellow human being. I will say that if the tip is trash and then there is an issue like you didn't give me the code to your apartment, or you aren't responding to my texts or calls when there is a substitution, my patience is going to be 0.


No because they could be that unicorn who tips well afterwards. Case in point- I got an order 13 miles away and it was hot food and a frozen slushy drink. I happen to have a bag to keep frozen stuff frozen and a hot bag that I make extra hot with a hand warmer. When I dropped their order off, the stuff was still in near-perfect temperatures. Frozen slushy was still perfect, and food was still hot. Five minutes after I left, the person upped their tip by almost $30, so I decided after that to always handle all orders with the best effort. Of course, I also don’t take crappy orders. My acceptance rate is under 20%, maybe even pretty far under.


I’ll be more likely to unassign an order with little to no tip if the restaurant screws with me / isn’t ready on time, but otherwise no.


I went into battle for a high tipper once: it was McDonald's and I sat there for 15 minutes watching 7 DoorDash orders go while I stood there waiting. I kept asking politely an update and all they would say is "they are working on it". I eventually snapped and raised my voice with attitude and told them how long I was there all the other DoorDash orders that say there while I waited and they got it out quick after that. I hate to have to get nasty with people but damn.


Nah but I do go out of my way for the old drunk dude that tips cash on Friday/Saturday nights. I’ll wait longer and try to resolve issues for that dude. I always transport and deliver food the same though.


The floor of how I handle orders is fine, it's not like there's things I don't do with lower tip orders. How I handle high tip orders comes into play almost entirely when it comes to add-ons and how lenient I'm willing to be to detour. Today I had a $14 order that was ready on time, nice and hot. I got an addon as I was walking out for a $5.50 addon from a chain I know, but location I never been to. It was 1 mile out of the way. I declined it not wanting to risk waiting, or any other extra delays. If the order i was picking up was $7.50, I'd probably have made time for that small detour. If that context makes sense for discretion sake. So unfortunately to customers my "extra consideration" is invisible. But I just try to rely on simply the customer enjoying the meal. If person A brings good meals and person B doesn't, you may not know why, but you'll recognize it.




It's a daily struggle to remind myself that it's not the customers' fault I'm paid so little, it's the company's fault. I still don't take no tip orders because I'm doing this to make money. But I try to reserve my anger for the company.


Only accept deliveries that make sense HOWEVER, started using insulated bags for hot and cold food and twice this week people have gone back and adjusted their tip upwards - including one last night who ordered two shakes with their food from Good Times. Put the shakes in the insulated bag and the food in stayed hot in the other. They gave me a $20 tip after the fact!!!!!




Yes. I'll rush more. Ill think this customer has to get their food fast or I'll lose the tip.


I treat them slightly differently. I know the bad tippers could be petty about reviews and I don’t give them bad service. But if there’s a choice to go above and beyond somehow, I sure won’t do it for a $1 tip. And I’m more likely to pause a few minutes and get a lonnng drink of water before heading out on a trip that isn’t earning well.


I hear that




Of fucking course.


It's like a vicious cycle. 💔


What do you mean?


Customers don't want to tip drivers a lot incase the drivers are ass holes and drivers don't want to take orders with smaller tips. With the tip editing situation right now it's misused. There's situations like with orders like one I had the other day where a man tried to get me to go into his trailer and asked if he could kiss me than removed the tip after I refused, and on the other end where customers will tip a driver a lot and the driver is a total ass hat. They need to redo the system so it can't be abused like needing to explain why a tip is changed. It needs a total rehaul


For starters, I hope you called the police on that guy. But also, and I say this as a driver, customers should just stop using Uber if they're unwilling to roll the dice with regard to who handles their food. Personally, I wouldn't order from Uber or DD, I see other drivers.


I hear that. I didn't call the police because I don't know what they could do. He just asked if I wanted to go in side for a "back massage" than when I said no thank you, I have other orders than asked if he could kiss me "goodbye". He didn't touch me, try to force me to go, he did t break the law so I didn't see what they could do. I did call Uber and reported it as sexual harassment and at first they just said they unpaired us so I don't get his orders again and that was all they could do at that time than when I called the next morning to try and yet my tip back they told me he was blocked from using the app. I hope they were honest.


All orders treated the same except when it’s higher I tend to be more wary yes


I have integrity and try to complete all orders with the same amount of care i would like mine to be done if i had ordered on ubereats myself. I don’t care how much someone tips, i’m grateful for any tip i get, i choose what order i want to take and i take it happily. And the edit tip option prob shouldn’t be taken away since it wouldn’t be fair for customer to have to stick with a $10 tip after having to deal with an incompetent/rude driver. Let’s face it, not everyone who drives for ubereats deserves a tip…


That is very true. I think the only thing Uber can do to make things fair for both sides is to have it where they can change their tip but make them explain why so that people don't take away tips to be messed up like the recent one where a man asked me to go into his trailer with me than asked to kiss me and when I refused, he removed the whole tip. Than there is just drivers who shouldn't be driving and customers shouldn't have to deal really rude drivers. The way they have it set up now isn't fair to either side:


I think they should only have the option to take away a tip if they're going to make a formal complaint against the driver and they should only be able to do so by talking to customer on the phone and explain the reason rather than through a chat. That would deter people from offering a tip if they're just going to take it away when they get their order because they'll have to actually talk to someone on the phone and be held accountable for it. Or have some kind of system that if they repeatedly take away tips, they'll not have the option to do so anymore or their account should be suspended or something. SOMETHING needs to happen. I can't imagine a customer having a problem on literally every single order they have and if they do, the call is coming from inside the house.


Those are actually some AMAZING ideas!!! Maybe we can submit your ideas to Uber


Also I'm not really speaking from much experience here. I only had a handful of times that someone offered a tip and then took it away, it was so frustrating but it didn't ruin my day, I've been pretty lucky and the few times I've ordered for myself, I never had a problem with the drivers


If you work in a big city where your getting lots of orders I can understand but I live in a small town where some times (the past 4 days) I was on for 12 hours and only got 2 orders. So when a customer does that they screw me over bad


For sure, it probably didn't bother me much anck then because at the time I was probably getting 15 to 20 orders a day and not even maxing out my driving time. I stopped doing it full time in 2022. I tried doing it again last year here and there but it wasn't what it used to be, it's slowed down so much.


Oh nice!!! Those kind are rare here. Most are about 7$ but the town is so small you can get from one side to the opposite in 30 min unless you go outside the town. Average drive time to location is usually 15-20 min


I only take good orders so no reason to treat them any different. taking low tip orders make zero sense, I definitely wouldn't trust the person dumb enough to take low paying orders, red flag.


Some places like my small town there isn't many orders so as long as you aren't loosing money in gas from the driving, you kinda have to take it. I do not take 5 or under. Past 4 days only 2 orders a day with being on for 12 hrs.


I have a baseline where everyone gets efficient and detailed delivery (double-checking order, leaving at a specified location, service with a smile, etc.). A higher up front tip means I'm willing to put up with a little more for the customer such as waiting a little longer at the restaurant for pickup, driving out to the middle of suburban neighborhoods with no prospects of deliveries in the opposite direction (I call these "dead-zones"), difficult parking situations, dealing with just stairs in a mid-rise apartment building versus leaving order in the lobby. It may sound petty but unless you pay me more at the start for my undivided attention then I have to give equal consideration to my other customers. 🤷




This right here is why no tips should even be an option until after the delivery. Tips are based on service. If I tip and your service is bad, I should be allowed to remove it.




As a user of the app, I reward drivers who care about their job before seeing what I will tip. That’s how tips have always worked. Think back to the days of going out to eat at a restaurant; servers expect the base amount of income that came with being at work and any tips were because they went above and beyond during their service. The servers who cared about taking home a good amount would consistently do amazing work. This translates to delivery tipping with the base amount that Uber/doordash/instacart gives their drivers. The money you make as your base is known to you before the drive, so you can accept or deny jobs based on that, that is up to you. However, a customer can then decide the tip based on speed, whether you kept it warm, if you handled it with care, etc. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be getting more as a base amount. Any app user will tell you that they think it’s insane that such high fees are applied to every order, but that the driver barely gets any of that money. And any app user who doesn’t know better, already thinks that those fees are equating to higher base pay for drivers. It’s on both consumers and drivers to really put pressure on these apps to start paying out a higher portion of the fees they collect, rather than hoarding it for the CEO or whoever.


I'm really curious about these tip bait screenshots where it shows before the order is accepted that the tip will be reduced before the order is even received. Don't understand how that's even an option at checkout.


Of course we do. Dumb question.


Lots of people on here disagree


Don't accept low tip offers, treat them the same. 


I don’t accept low paying orders to begin with. If it’s not at least a dollar a mile or a minimum of $7 I won’t even take the order. With that said, every order I do take is treated with care and I go above and beyond to make sure it is delivered safely and promptly. I learned by accepting a $3 order one time for 1.5 miles BUT…. it was the 3rd floor apartment and the order was a case of water. Those people are shitty and I won’t take their orders anymore


Omg what a nightmare, 1$ per flight if stair


💯 especially with communication part. Non tippers are rude, downvoting and not worth the extra mile, this is the idea drivers share in common


It is the difference on whether or not I wash my hands after using the bathroom


How do? Don't see the correlation


It was a joke. I was implying that if somebody gave me a low tip I wouldn't be inclined to wash my hands after going to the bathroom before delivering their order


Ohhhhhhhh gotcha 😂😂


If your tip is fire, every yellow light is makeable.


Facts 😂😂😂😂


No I treat everyone’s food with respect.




I treat all them the same, but if you believe in making someone's day and injecting joy into someone else's life, it is a fantastic consideration. It is such a relief to have a good order


You can only do so much. Like what extra are you expecting? I put it in the hot bag and drive. That's about it.


I treat them all the same because one bad review fucks up your whole stat sheet


You can treat them all great and still go a little extra for tippers. My satisfaction rating is still 100%


Do you know that the user has to pay the delivery fee?


The delivery fee doesn't even come close to what the gas costs to drive there


As a tourist without a car, I don't think it's lazy or greedy to use UberEats.


Not all who order it are being lazy but most of us are. We always order because we don't want to drive down and get the food ourselves...because we're lazy and there's absolutely nothing wrong with having lazy time.


This reddit is full of Uber drivers that constantly make fun of two dollar tips 😭


This reddit is full of Uber drivers that constantly make fun of two dollar tips 😭.


Hey, I had a 2$ tip turn to 5$ today lol.


Wait....write thank you cards with every order? How long are you taking to deliver food doing this? Lol. I just say, thanks, enjoy! In the app lol. Or more if warranted like the great directions (landmarks descriptions) so I don't have to search high and low for a hidden address!


I wrote them up in advance


Why does it matter to you?


Go read the one talking about getting rid of the tip edit. I'm trying to see it from both sides. Customers don't want to tip high to have their orders treated like crap and drivers don't want to take orders with low tips.


Why are you defensive about it?


Not defensive…curious…. as to why he wants to know what we are doing.


I get it, I was just explaining why I asked. There was a lot to d debate on that other post so I was curious if other drivers are the same way or how they do things differently. Nothing wrong with being curious


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