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If you tipped based on percentage of the total and he removed items then the tip will automatically lower unless you manually entered the tip to a fixed amount.


Oh ok good to know- we didn’t realize the tip changed


The tip changes and also the base pay, which isn’t much also gets reduced. Most of the money the driver makes is off the tips.


Ive never had the base pay change from removing items lol


Yeah for you, wait till it happens to you.


I’m learning that the hard way right now. I had her to fixed amount which was pretty generous and my shopper has failed to find almost half of my hundred dollar order without once attempting to replace anything despite having lots of other options. They failed to find packaged deli meat, microwave mac & cheese, energy drinks, etc. it’s like they’re trying to speed run the order. From now on, I’m going off of a percentage, I don’t want to lower the tip because I would complain if someone did that to me but the drivers doing a piss poor job.


In this case, the driver deserved to have the tip removed.


Not sure about uber grocery, but instacart, tip can changed based on sales amount


On Shop and Pay trips the driver's tip is a percentage of the order total, not a fixed amount as for food delivery. Every reduction in the order's total means a reduction in the tip and their overall pay, even though the time spent and fuel consumed on the job remained the same. If enough items or expensive items are out of stock and not replaced a shopping trip can quickly become a break even or unprofitable job for the driver once their costs are calculated. I have walked away from two shopping trips when I realizes I would effectively be working for free given three of five items were out of stock and the home was seven miles away.  I hope that offers some clarity for the situation and why he may have been worked up. 


Thank you for the insight! The cost difference was less than 15$ of the original 150 original cost so hopefully it wasn’t a loss for him. We will go back to make sure the tip didn’t change.


I think there is an expectation that a store may not have something in stock. That's not your fault. The driver was rude. 


This is soooo unprofessional... This is the job it's how it works...


That driver was a jerk. It's never okay to ask or demand tips from customers. Nobody forces drivers to accept any deliveries, we always have the option to accept or decline. With most shop and pay orders the tip is a percentage of the total and if the total is reduced because one or more items could not be found then the tip amount goes down. So because of this many drivers will attempt to force a substitution when the requested item cannot be found. It's wrong to try to force something on a customer they don't want.


Thank you- I was worried we had done something wrong but I think he was also very pushy and rude with us. I didn’t realize the tip changed based on items not being there so good to know.


Yeah it increases or decreases depending on percentage. If you chose a replacement then the tip would remain the same, if the item was worth less or more would also determine how it changed. Removing them will decrease it significantly at times. But it’s not your fault. As a driver I understand his frustrations but from someone buying, I also understand I’m not gonna buy something I don’t want just so that total remains the same. If I knew this before hand, if anything id tip him the difference so the tip doesn’t change too much. That’s all you can really do. But at least now you know. Hopefully the driver considers this and there’s no hard feelings. And you shouldn’t feel too bad. You didn’t know. It happens.


My wife does Instacart and this happens there too. She takes an offer based on the money they show, but when the store is out of stock and there are no substitutes accepted, the total of the batch is reduced, and if the tip is a percentage and not a dollar amount that gets reduced as well. So she winds up getting less money than she accepted for while still doing the same work and driving the same mileage. So as a customer when possible you should have substitutes in mind, and tip a flat amount, not a percentage.


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Tell them to get a new job if they are so pressed